THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. THE MICHIGAN DAILY ThURSDAY1, Nw- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) All students who expect education and training allowance under Public Law 550 (Korea G. I. Bill) or Public Law 634 (Orphans' Bill) must get in- structors' signatures no earlier than Dec. 17, 18 or 19 on Dean's Monthly Certification form and turn the com- pleted form in to Dean's Office by 5 p.m. Fri., Dec. 19. The Monthly Certi- fication for the Veterans Administra- tion, which is completed in the Office of Veterans' Affairs, 142 Admin. Bldg., may not be filled in until Jan. 5, 6, or 7. International Center Tea: Thurs., Dec. 18, 4:30-6:00 p.m. at the International Center. Library Hours for Christmas Vacation: The General Library and its branches with the exception of the Medical Li- brary will be open on regularly sched- uled hours until noon on Sat., Dec. 20, when the Christmas recess officially begins. The Medical Library will re- main open until 6 p.m. Sat., Dec. 20 and will also be open Fri., Dec. 26, Sat., Jan. 3, and Sun., Dec. 21 and Jan. 4. The Medical Library will be closed only on Thurs., Dec. 25 and Jan. 1, Sat. and Sun., Dec. 27 and 28. The General Library will observe the; following schedule during the holidayl period: Open: Sat., Dec. 20-9:00 a.m.-12 noon.' Mon., Dec. 22 through Wed., Dec. 24;l Mon., Dec. 29 through Wed., Dec. 31;1 Fri., Jan. 2-9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Closed: Sat., Dec. 20 after 12 noon through Sun., Dec. 21. Thurs. and Fri., Dec. 25 and 26; Sat. and Sun., Dec. 27I and 28; Thurs., Jan. 1; Sat. and Sun.,C Jan. 3 and 4.1 The Undergraduate Library will beC closed during the Christmas recess. Beginning Mon., Dec. 22, the other divisional libraries will be open on1 vacation schedules. Hours of opening' will be posted on the door of each li- brary. Information as to hours of open- ing may be obtained by calling Uni- versity ext. 3184. "Effective Jan. 1, 1959, the Sociall Security tax for both staff members and the University will be increasedC from 2%1 to 27%. In addition, the amount of salary subject to Social Security taxes will be increased from2 $4200 to $4800 a year. The tax increase will be imposed on all salaries and wages paid after Jan. 1, 1959." Academic NoticesE Applied Mathematics Seminar: Prof.r Ernest F. Masur, Dept. of Eng. Mech.,1 will speak on Thurs., Dec. 18, 4:00 p.m., room 246 W. Eng. Bldg. His topic will be,( "On Elastic Stability." Refreshmentst will be served at 3:30 p.m. in room 274 W. Eng. Bldg. Doctors. Examination for James Ralph Barclay, Education; thesis: "Franz Brentano and Sigmund Freud: A Comparative Study in the Evolution of Psychological Thought," Thurs., Dec. 18, 4014 Univ. H. S., 3:30 p.m. Chair- man, G. M. Wingo. Doctoral Examination for Morton Covell Bartlett, Bacteriology; thesis: "Continuous Antibiotic Fermentation Theory, Design of a Single-State Pilot Plant, and Trials with Two Contrasting Processes," Thurs., Dec. 18, 1564 E. Med. Bldg., 3:15 p.m. Chairman, Philipp Gerhardt. Doctoral Examination for Frederick Joseph McCarty, Pharmaceutical Chem- istry; thesis: "A Study of the Man- nich Reaction," Thurs., Dec. 18, 2525 Chem. Bldg., 1:30 p.m. Chairman, F. F. Blicke. Doctoral Examination for Luis Soto- Ruiz, Romance Languages & Litera- tures: Spanish; thesis: "El Tema Del Pirata en La Novela Historica His- panoamericana," Thurs., Dec. 18, 2083 Frieze Bldg., 4:00 p.m. Chairman, E. Anderson-Imbert. Doctoral Examination for Walter W. Stevens, Speech; thesis: "A Study of Lewis Cass and His United States Sen- ate Speeches on Popular Sovereignty," Thurs., Dec. 18, E. Council Rm., Rack- ham Bldg., at 1:15 p.m. Chairman, W. M. Sattler. Doctoral Examination for Edward C. Stoever, Jr., Geology; thesis: "Geology' of the Pass Creek Area, Huerfino and Costilla Counties, Colorado," Thurs.,. Dec. 18, 4065 Nat. Sci. Bldg., 3:00 p.m. Chairman, E. N. Goddard. Doctoral Examination for John Ro- land Thompson, Anatomy; thesis: "Cytology of the Hypophysis in the1 Normal and Adrenalectomized Golden1 Hamster (Mesocricetus Auratus)," Thurs., Dec. 18, 3502 E. Med. Bldg., 10:00 a.m. Chairman, B. L. Baker. ° Doctoral Examination for BartonI Lovewell Griffith, Speech; thesis: "A Comparison of Predicted and Actual Audience Reaction to Four Educationals Television Programs," Mon., Dec. 22,1 2520 Frieze Bldg., 4:00 p.m. Chairman, E. E. Willis. Placement Notices The following schools have listed teaching vacancies with the Bureau oft Appointments for Feb., 1959 and im- mediately. They will not be here to interview.f Farmington, Mich. - Kindergartenc (now); Speech Correction (now); Men-1 tally Handicapped (Feb.),. Midland, Mich, - lementary (Feb.); Art (Feb.). Saginaw, Mich. - H.S. English (Feb.). St. Clair Shores, Mich. - Homebound iFeb.). Warren, Mich. - Elementary - 4th grade (Feb,); Mentally Handicapped. For any additional information con- tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin, Bldg., Normandy 3-1511, Ext. 489. Waukegan, III.-The Public Schools (High School and Elementary of Wau- kegan, Ill. will hold "Open House" on! December 23 and 30. Prospective teach- ers. may also arrange for an appoint- ment any other day during Christmas vacation. The following vacancies for Sept., 1959: HS Language Arts: Math; Science; Social Studies; Industrial Arts; Physical Education; Elementary (all levels), For any additional information con- tactthe Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Normandy 3-1511, Ext. 489. NOTICE: The general division of the bureau of appointments will be closed Fri. afternoon, Dec. 19, the entire office will be closed Mon., Dec. 22, and will reopen on Tues., Dec. 23, The general division only is moving to the fourth floor of the Admin. Bldg., Room 4001. SUMMER PLACEMENT: Kingswood-Cranbrook Summer Day Camp, located in Bloomfield Hills, Mich., has positions for 3 to 5 swim instructors Kingswood School Cranbrook has po- sitions for teachers for their summer school program. Courses taught are Creative Writing, Current Events, Reading, French and German conversa- tion, typing, and Science. Ann Arbor Y.M.C.A. is looking for a man with Red Cross Instructor Certifi- cate to teach swimming. This is a part- time job. Also, a man to teache basket- ball and judo and a girl to teach fenc- ing. For further information on sum- mer placement, contact Ward D. Peter- son, Director of Summer Placement. Mr. Petrson has a list of camps, re- sorts, and business and industrial firms who would like to have students inter- view during the Christmas holidays. Job applications are in many states. Come in before you leave for vacation. Sum- mer Placement Office is open Tues. & Thurs. from 1:00 to 5:00 and Fri. morn- ing from 8:30 to 12 at the SAB. Rm. D- 528. The summer placement office will be open during Christmas vacation. PERSONNEL REQUESTS: The following companies are inter- ested in interviewing students over the Christmas vacation. Bamberger's, N. J., is making plans for a Career Open House. This is to ac- quaint college seniors with career op- portunities in New Jersey's largest and fastest growing dept. store. Open House is planned for Dec. 29 and 30, begin-. ning at 10:30 a.m. Interviews will be ar- ranged after complete tour of store. Housing & Home Finance Agency, Wash., D.C., is interested in applicants for their Housing Intern Program. Now interviewing grads with majors in Bus & Pub Admin.. Civil & Constr. Engrg., Law. City Planning, Finance, Econ., Soc., etc. Central Soya Co., Inc., Fort Wayne, Ind., is inviting students to attend the 1959 Opportunity Conference on Dec. 29. Copies of program on file at the Bureau of Appointments. Courtesy Associates, Washington, D.C., are interested in interviewing female liberal arts graduates over Christmas vacation. Exp. not essential. Abraham & Straus, Brooklyn, N.Y., is interested in interviewing students for members oftheir Executive Train- ing Squad. This is an unique post- graduate course in bus, ad. Lasts from 6 mo. to 1 yr. A & S is America's fourth largest department store. The Engineering Depts. of the City of Detroit are holding an Open House reception in the offices of the City En- gineer, Fifth Floor City-County Build- ing on Mon., Dec. 29, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. All engineering students wel- come. Personnel Requests: Armour Research Foundation, Chi- cago, Ill., announces the following cur- rent personnel needs: Electrical Engi- neers, Physicists, Chemists, Chemical Engrs., Bacteriologists, Meteorologists, Mechanical Engrs., Metallurgists, and Administrative Personnel. University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Okla., is interested in a graduate Landscape Ar- chitect who wants to acquire a land- scaping and garden center business of his own. State of Minnesota, St. Paul. Minn., has a position open for a Regional Fish- ereis Manager. Offers professional op- portunity in an expanding conservation program. Dunn Paper Co., Port Huron, Mich., is looking for a Graduate Engineer,a preferably Mech., who would act as a plant engineer of two machine paper mills. Prefer a grad with paper mill exp. City of Philadelphia, Pa., is in need of persons who are qualified to staff an Integrated (or Electronic) Data Process- ing Unit in the Department of Finance. Major in Accounting, Statistics, Bus, Ad., Math., or Engrg. Southern Illinois University. Alton. Ill., is lookin for a Supervisory Ac- nt Should be strong in systems and procedures. BA with major work in Accounting. Three yrs. esp., in ac-, counting, one yr. of which must have been in a university or college account-I ting dept. Arabian American Oil Co., New York, N.Y., is looking for a graduate econ- omist. MA degree or better in Econ- omics. U.S. or Saudi Arab citizens only. Space Technology Labs., Inc., Los An- geles, Calif., is interested in a man for Computer Programming. B.S. in Math, Physics, or Elec. Engrg. To k ait in th. formulation of computational aspects of problems arising in the'field of iia- sile and space vehicle engrg. Karmazin Corp., Wyandotte, Mich., interested in 2 Engineers. Mech. or Ind. Engr. Age: 32-33 Maximum. Prefer men with 2 yrs, exp. Michigan Bell Telephone Co., Detroit Mich, needs 190 men to fulfill con- tract obligations. These men will work for the Defense Projects Division of the Western Electric Company. Veterans Admin. Hospital, Battle Creek. Mich., announces examination for Practical Nurse and Libqry As- sistant. Open until further notice. U.S. Civil Service Comm., has on file with the Bureau of Appointments a current list of open examinations for employment primarily in the states of Illinois. Michigan and Wisconsin. State of Michigan, announces exam- inations for the following: Mercantile Inspector, Research Analyst, Bldg. Maintenance Superintendent, Psychi- atric Social Worker, and Right of Way Appraiser. All above exam applications must be filed or mailed before Dec. 31, 1958. For further information concenang the above positions, contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin., Ext. 3371. MUSIC CENTER 300 S. Thayer NO 2-2500 FIN LSJanuary 10th R dancing .0 entertainment Lnbig club atmosphere I - Johnny rarberd 9-12-$1.50 per couple I oI Con loisse irs a C 0i H' . .. HENRY'S CHUCK WAGON LUNCH and DINNERS Fine Salads & Sandwiches FAMOUS FOR ROAST BEEF SUNDAY MORNING - SPECIAL PANCAKE BREAKFAST - $1.00 and All the Coffee You Can Drink Serving your favorite BEER, WINES and CHAMPAGNE - Pizza Pie Served After 8 P.M. - Open From 11 A.M. to 11 P.M.. 2045 PACK D NO2-1661 Catering at Your Home or Hall Henry Turner, Prop. .k FAMILY STYLE DINNERS iarMnCp oar 5400 PLYMOUTH RD. - Dixboro, Mich. N. Main right on U.S. 12 Phone NO 8-9387 Saturday and Sunday open 11 A.M.-1 0 P.M. CLOSED MONDAY ITALIAN SPAGHETTI * CHiCKEN-IN-THE-BASKET ... to tak. out... * THREE DECKER SANDWICHES * HOME-MADE PIES ANGELO'S RESTAURANT 1100 E. Catherine . . . OPEN IA.M,-8 P.M. . . . 7 days wek d STUDENTS: For Ann Arbor's Finest Meals- THE 'MICHIGAN UNION MAIN DINING ROOM -*-NEWLY REDECORATED -- Hours: Luncheon: 11:45.-1:30 oc t.o4Z o4E>O=>or~cOO:>0C Do o> 4 :OOC2>o> 0 oThe Best in Oriental Cuisine "SEASON'S GREETINGS o 'TO ALL STUDENTS AND FACULTY" 1 ~'You will be served the finest in > Cantonese and American Food Will close Monday, Dec. 22 Will reopen Friday, Dec. 26 LEO PING Closed Monday 118 WEST LIBERTY NO 2-5624 oc=>oc=>oc=>0o :oe=:>o e=ooc o The GOLDEN APPLES Restaurant .. . features fo, your enjoyment 4 CHICKEN. STEAK. SEAFOOD SMORGASBORD also BUFFET LUNCHEONS 11 A.M. -2 P.M. ALL YOU CAN EAT for $1.00 TOWER HOTEL NO 2-4531 300 South Thayer Ceinner: 5:45 - 7:45 (later on Football Saturdays) i s THE FINEST IN DINING! . , , i I I o PRIME STEAKS o TURKEY & CHICKEN * SEA FOOD GON DOLA YPSILANTI'S FINEST RESTAURANT and COCKTAIL LOUNGE Serving Sunday 12:30-9:00 P.M. SMORGASBORD I RAIIflT N IJAI venVAel Ac If 11 il I6 3 " 1 It 41