TIM ?KICR16.XN DAILY THURSDAY, DECEMBER TINE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, DEGEMBER. I WORLD-WIDE POLITICAL UNREST: Review Top News Stories o Year (Continued from Page 1) wmrnf strca - 4 fri &. i- sh Show Set To Orginate At Universit "Queen for a Day," a National Broadcasting Company television show, will originate from the Uni- versity campus on Jan. 5 and. 6 as a salute to the 1959 campaign for the March of Dimes. The program, with Jack Baily as master of ceremonies, will be televised from the Sports Build- ing. The Jan. 5 program will be for the general public while the Jan. 6 show will be for University students. Schedule Rally Also on schedule will be an out- door rally for the campaign on the diagonal, at 12 noon on Jan. 6. In addition, a radio broadcast or telecast is planned with Uni- versity talent featured along with Johnny Cash, a well-known re- cording and TV performer. Doors will open at 2 p.m. for the Jan. 5 program, and they.will close at 2:45, but plans are being made to have a later closing for University students the following day. The "Queen for a Day" prqgram. is scheduled to begin at 4 p~mand end at 4:30. To Use 'U' Talent The program will be shown lo- cally over WWJ-TV, Detroit. Al- though the telecast with Univer- sity talent is still on a tentative basis, arrangements are being dis- cussed with WWJ-TV to carry this program, also. Ticket requests for the Jan. 5 show may be sent to P. O. Box 1959, Ann Arbor. Tickets for the. Jan. 6 program will be distributed the day before on campus. Subscribe to " t'he Michigan Daily PREMIER'S PLEA-Gen. Charles de Gaulle asked Parisians in September to back his new constitution. Overwhelming acceptance led to the formation of the Fifth Republic. General de Gaulle now must face the task of holding the French government stable with the aid of the accepted constitution. GOI' WINNER-Nelson A. Rockefeller raised his arms in salute when returns indicated his election asNew York governor despite the nationwide Democratic landslide. Rockefeller's win may have made him the foremost candidate for the 1960 Republican presi- dential nomination. tervened kept diplomats cautious in their negotiations with Chiang. The United States, since 1955, has been publicly committed to aid in the defense of Formosa and the neighboring Pescvadores Islands. The Chinese Reds have since re- stricted their shelling to on-again, off-again schedule. tion for the Democratic Party this year. A liberal tide, under the direc- tion of the Democrats, surged across the nation, upsetting almost every Republican stronghold. The Republican's resounding defeat was the worst in years and cast some doubt on their success in the presidential election of 1960. Out of the GOP's nation-wide failure came a new political per- sonality. Governor-elect Nelson Rockefeller defeated New York's Gov. Averill Harriman for the state's highest office. Rockefeller's personality and his success in New York state may lead him to the Republican's nomination for presi- dent at their convention during the summer of 1960. t Even new Alaska jumped on the Democratic bandwagon later in the month and turned down all the Republicans running for major offices. Political observers foresee an end to deeply-entrenched poli- cies in both houses of the Congress when the Democratic majority as-! sumes control. Soviets Eye Berlin West Berlin, the thriving thorn in the Soviet's side, became the center of European attention last month when the Russians began another attempt to obtain com- plete control of the crucial Ger- man city. The early November edict by Soviet Premier Khrushchev an- nounced that the Russians would withdraw from the eastern sector and urged the West to do the same. The combined reply of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was a loud "no" issued from Paris this week. But while the West is united in its determination to keep their hands on West Berlin, they differ on the next step to be taken. Khrushchev, in the meantime, has hinted that he will push a June 1 deadline for the withdrawal of the United States, French and British garrisons. Behind the Soviet moves, experts forecast, is the desire to see Berlin in East German hands-a situa- tion which would force the West to deal directly with the puppet Communist government. Economy Recovers Recession-conscious Americans breathed- a sigh of relief late this fall as economists unofficially' closedtheir books on the 1957-58 economic downturn. But demands for sweeping tax cuts failed to convince the Admin- istration that the recession was that~ serious. Produ6ers first became alarmed* in August of 1957 when sales began to dip and storage houses began to become jammed. Layoffs and pay- cuts spurred demands for govern- mental action in order to bring a halt to the economic spiral. Administrative action came in the form of more military con- tracts and >a step up in. existing public works programs. The reces- sion hit bottom in April of this. year and the economy has since begun to slowly pick up. Economists predict the average American will be bette roff in 1959 but are not agreed on how much better. Labor disputes in several of the major automotive firms severe- ly curtailed personal incomes and temporarily blocked the upswing predicted for the recent months. .. _ . , i {Bythe Author of "Rally RoundOheFlag, oy!**mdO y "Barefoot Boy with Cheek.") i I Committees AnnouncedI Appointments to seven commit- tees were approved by Student Government Council. Barton Burkhalter, '60E, was appointed chairman of the Edu- cation and Student Welfare Com- mittee in place of Ron Gregg, '59, Council treasurer. Frances Shaman, '60, Arlene Wolinsky. '61, Linda Smith, '60, and Ruth Bers, '61, were appointed to the Human Relations Board. Appointments of Martha Kin- ley, '5914, of Assembly Association, Lynne Betts, '60, of the League, John Weicher, '59, of The Daily and Brian Higgins, '60, of SGC to the Student Activities Scholar- ship Board were also approved. r Robert Gunn, '60, was appointed manager of the Student Book Ex- change for the current year. The Council also approved four appointments to, the Early Regis- tration Pass Committee for next semester. The new members are Delene Domes, '60, chairman, Stephen Bailie, '60, Mark Owens, '60, and Steven Leighton, '61E. Harvey Yates, '60, was appointed advisor of the committee. Daniel Schlozman, '60, was ap- pointed chairman of the Cinema Guild Board. Others on the com- mittee are Howard Nack, '59BAd, Kathryn Kay, '62, and Maxine Apple, '61. Fred Merrill, '59, will replace former SGC member Dan Belin, '59, on the Rushing Study Com- mittee. Name Kohl ToPosition Prof. John C. Kohl of the civil engineering department, who has been a member of the faculty since 1946, has been appointed to the Transportation Research Ad- visory Committee of the United States Department of Agriculture. He looks on the position as an opportunity for him to serve a government agency which is vital- ly concerned with transportation, Shortly after Jan. 1 he will at- tend an annual conference in Washington, D.C. When this meet- ing is over he will be on call at the University for c o n s u 1 t a t i o n throughout the year. His present position as director of the University's Transportation Institute will in no way be altered by this appointment, Prof. Kohl indicated. The appointment, made by See- retary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson, is for a two-year term. The research committee counsels on all research programs of the department which are related to transportation and transportation marketing service. ADVENTURES IN SOCIAL SCIENCE: NO. 1 "The proper study of mankind is man," said Geoffrey Chaucer in his immortal Casey At the Bat, and I couldn't agree more. In these tangled times it is particularly proper to study man-how he lives and works. Accordingly, this column, normally devoted to slapdash waggery, will froni time to time turn a serious eye on the social sciences. In making these occasional departures, I have the hearty ap- proval of the makers of Philip Morris Cigarettes, whose interest is not only in providing young Americans with fine cigarettes, matchlessly blended of vintage tobaccos, grown with loving care and harvested with tender mercy, then cured with com- passionate patience and rolled into firm tasty cylinders and brought to you in long size or regular, in soft pack or flip-top box, at prices which wreak no havoc on the most stringent of budgets, but who are equally concerned with broadening the minds and extending the intellectual vistas of every college man and woman! I, for one, am not unmoved by this great-heartedness, and though I know it is considered chic these days to disparage one's employers, I shall not. Indeed, I shall cry "Huzzah!" for the makers of Philip Morris. I shall cry "Huzzah!" and "Viva!" and "0161" and "Ochichoonyal" But .I digress. For our first lesson in social science, let us turn to economics, often called the queen of the social sciences. (Sociology is the king of the social sciences. Advertising is the jack.) Economics breaks down into two broad general classifica- tions: 1) coins; 2) folding money. But before taking up these technical aspects, let us survey briefly the history of economics.. 01,, Economics was discovered by the Englishman, Adam Smith, He published his findings in 1786, but everybody giggled e hard that Smith, blushing hotly, gave up the whole thing and went into the cough drop business with his brother. For long years after that economics lay neglected while the world busied itself with other things,'like the birth of Victor Hugo, the last days of Pompeii, and the Bunny Hug. Then one day while flying a kite during a thunderstorm, the American, Henry George (also called Thorstein Veblen), dis-_ covered the law of diminishing returns, and then, boy, the fat was in the fire! Before you could say "knife" the Industrial Revolution was on! Mechanization and steam power resulted in prodigies of production. For example, before the Industrial Revluton-.q w rt.:. nnm - D nn aafv-r ii. .. , I NOW SHOWING Shows at 7 & 9 P.M. I DIAL NO 8-6416 "EXCITEMENT ONA SOPHISTICATED PLANE A point of exceptional merit is the picture's candid realism towards sex!" --Winetew, N. Y. Poet "A picture that must prove enchanting to many eyes!" -Bekley, Hrald Tribun, *,* *Exciting thriller!" -Wanda dale, Daily News "Stalks sex with a tvnical eontinental a.#,---, m % -Moms