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December 18, 1958 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-12-18

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By BARTON HUTHWAITE Gaulle's powerful supporters had a strong 189 vote plurality in the
legislative house.
Unexpected events crowded into the year of 2958 causing shifts of So far, the World War II hero has kept silent on his Algerian
power and the emergence of new figures on the world's political scene. policies. French Army officials have said they will not obey de Gaulle
The policies of tomorrow will, in large part, be determined by these if no other solution than integration with France is reached in Algeria.
events of the past year.f Meanwhile the Algerian Nationalist Movement, the FLN, continues to
harrass troops and demand complete independence.
Space Race Tightens . '..Alaska Becomes 49th State .. .
Missiles made news the entire year as the United States began to Alaskans widely celebrated June 30 as the Territory was voted in
show signs of outstripping the Russians in space developments. A 4ska ely celUnton.
Spurred on by public indignation over the Soviet's Sputnik I anda tsa eothns en d
II, Army, Navy and Air Force scientific teams sent six successful space tlaska's acceptance spelled an end to a battle begun in 1916 when
shots aloft. Explorer I, the United States' first answer to the Sputnik. th- first statehood bill w ias introduced to Congress. Purchased from
rocketed skyward Jan. 31 to a record breaking satellite height of 1,587 F assia in 1867 for only 7.2 million dollars, eSeward's Icebox" eagerly
miles. awaited their first opportunity to vote for representation in Congress.
_ 1-WiT liT . E iAn was elected sovernor in the first state-

Since then, three more satellites ha'1e been fired into orbit around
the earth; the Navy's Vanguard I an a the Army's Explorer III and IV.
After several failures, the United States finally launched the first
moon-probe Pioneer I to an unheard height of 71,300 miles earlier this
The Pioneer III failed in an attempt to orbit the sun but scientists}
termed the firing a "success" on the basis of data collected.
France Finds New Leader...
- Plagued by political unstability and the long-smoldering Algerian
civil war, France's Fourth Republic toppled dramatically last May.
Parachutist General Jacques Massu led Algerian rightist military
leaders in demanding the recall of Pierre Pflimlin as the country's 25th
postwar premier. In his place, the powerful army called for 68-year-old
ex-General Charles de Gaulle.
De Gaulle dissolved the faction-rid National Assembly, assumed
near-dictatorial powers and mapped out a new constitution for
France's Fifth Republic. The constitutional draft was unanimously
accepted later this year and the subsequent election revealed de

D.emnocraL" iiaii ,al\mipt1uLusv gv lvi.._-;
wide election. Congressional leaders foresee Alaska's success as a
F strong indication that Hawaii will become the 50th state in the Union I
in the near future.
Revolt in Iraq . .
Long celebrated as the West's strongest Arab bastion in the Middle
East, Iraq fell under the sweeping tide of Arab nationalism last July.
In a bloody but quiet coup, nationalist leader Major General Abdul
Kareem El-Kassim led a handful of military officers in overthrowing
the pro-Western regime of King Faisal.
Without firing a shot, the nationalists silently took over all
important government positions in Baghdad and assassinated King
Faisal and Crown Prince Abdul Illah. The revolution caused a rift
in the anti-Communist Baghdad Pact and the Arab Federation of
Jordan and Iraq.
El-Kassim proclaimed himself Premier as well as Minister of
Defense and the Interior. One of his first acts was to sign a treaty of
mutual defense with Nasser's United Arab Republic. The new govern-
I See REVIEW, page 2

FIRST SATELLITE-The Gantry moves away from Jupiter C
missile prior to the missile's January launching which carried the
first United States satellite into orbit from Cape Canaveral.



Sxy-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom..






House Committee
Asks Seat Refusal
GroupWants Alford To Stand Aside
Pending Full Election. Investigation
WASHINGTON (A) - A special House committee yesterday rec-
ommended that the House refuse to seat Dr. Dale Alford, segregation-
ist who defeated Rep. Brooks Hays (D-Ark).
The committee divided 3-2.
The majority report was submitted by Reps. Thomas O'Neill (D-
Mass.), Kenneth Keating (R-N.Y.) and David Dennison (R-Ohio).
Should Stand Aside
The majority report read to newsmen stated that Alford
should be "asked to stand aside and be not seated" pending a
'thorough investigation of the





nds State
'Would Necessitate


Bretton Says
Creal Against
Urban Plan
Prof. Henry Bretton of the po-
litical science department said
yesterday that the election of]
Cecil Creal as Ann Arbor's mayor
-would mean the end of urban re-
newal in Ann Arbor.
Creal "would preside over the
burial" of urban renewal if he is
elected, Prof. Bretton said.
Against Urban Renewal
Creal has privately opposed ur-
ban renewal in the past, he said.
"Whether Creal has changed his
personal attitude toward urban
renewal or not, many of his pres-
ent backers, including Mayor
Brown, certainly would want t6'
kill urban renewal with a venge-
ance," Prof. Bretton said.
Notwithstanding Creal's fine;
contributions to community life,
he could not divorce himself from
a basically negative social philos-
ophy if elected mayor, Prof. Bret-
ton said.
Lacks Incentive To Improve .
This would show up, Prof. Bret-
ton said, in the absence of an in-
centive to improve and modernize
municipal services. "To take a
specific example, the city's fire
department is in need of moderni-
zation. I doubt if Creal would do!
anything significant towards the
improvement of that service," he
. Creal, who has served 14 years
in City Council posts, will run
against Dr. Frederic B. House,
former board of education presi-
dent in the Feb. 16 Republican
Bretton said he was "positive"
that what he termed the "small'
but vociferous" group in the city
opposed to urban renewal would
be found in the Creal camp. "I
have grave doubts that Creal
would disown this group," Prof.
Bretton said.

Alford won the election as a
write-in candidates against Hays
who had called himself a moder-
ate on the school integration is-
The majority report said that
testimony presented by Little
Rock weekly newspaper publish-
er John F. Wells "established in
the opinion of a majority of the
-ommittee a prima facie case of
fraud and irregularity in the con-
:uct of the general election in
the fifth congressional district of
Arkansas directly affecting the
outcome of the election and the
right of either candidate to a
seat" in the House.
Committee Lacks Time
The majority report further
said that the committee which ex-
pires Jan. 3 lacks time for a full
investigation and said that its lim-
ited inquiry showed that the prob-
lems raised by Wells' complaint
could not be resolved by Jan. 3.
"The magnitude and gravity of
the charges and the supporting
evidence now before us require a
complete investigation," the ma-
jority said.
The recommendation suggested
the House should set a time limit
for investigation completion.
The minority members were
' Reps. Clifford Davis (D-Tenn.)
and Robert E. Jones (D-Ala,.).

Group Starts
New Engme
country's hope of being the first'
to rocket a man into space took
an upward turn yesterday - at
a prospective cost of about 200.
million dollars.
The National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA)
gave a California firm the job
of developing a huge engine de-
signed, NASA said, "to deliver far
more thrust than any other rocket
et now in existence."
NASA's head, Dr. T. Keith
Glennan, disclosed in a speech
last night that the effort to put
a man into space is called Opera-
tion Mercury.
"We shall be workingtvery
hard," Glennan said, "but at the
very earliest, success of this ven-
ture is several years away."
NASA selecvted Rocketdyne to
design and develop an engine with
up to 1,500,000 pounds of thrust.
"Performance flight rating tests
of the engine will be based on un-
manned vehicle applications," the
announcement said, "but it may
eventually propel manned satel-
lites and space craft."
Such an engine could launch
space payloads weighing several

SGC Fails To Pass FUL

A move to re-establish the Free
University of Berlin exchange
program failed to pass Student
NATO Plans

Government Council by one vote
last night.
With a vote of six for and six
against and two abstentions,
SGC's president, Maynard Gold-
man, '59, chose not to break the
tie And the -motion failed.
If passed, the program would
have sent two students to the
West Berlin university and
brought one German student to
the campus.


Pro osal--
11 Million Loan
the Junior year abroad program
than all this effort spent on the State Wayne
Free University of Berlin." Michigan State,



PARIS ('-) The North Atlan- The total program, Scott unrys-
tic Treaty Alliance voted formally ler, '59BAd., said would have cost
yesterday to beef up its defenses SGC about $700. He reported the
with more missiles, planes and di- first year's cost of the program,
visions, was about $1,400: The program
The alliance took the decision was discontinued last spring.
in a formal resolution to doits Ask Program Reports
best torbringtedefinseodorces The Council later passed a mo-
best t rin ih udefense forces tion by David Kessel, Grad., call-
clared necessary by Gen. Lauris nataional Committee to report to
Norstad, supeme allied com- the Council on the various ex-
mander i rope. change programs available to
But the goals for increased de- University students.
fensive might were listed in the The exchange program with
resolution as objectives. And the FUB is good and interesting, Barry
history of NATO is that objectives Shapiro, '59, said, but "we have
are usually ahead of achieve- already had it. It is time to look
ments. around for other programs."
The annual military review es- Various Council members ex-
timated there was no reduction in pressed interest in programs in
the extent of the Soviet war ma- the Near East and Southeast Asia
chine nor any reduction in its and in pushing a junior year
threat. The Soviets were pictured abroad program. Goldman said
as able to pour one million, troops one reason he did not vote is that
quickly into Central Europe in "I think the Council could better
any showdown. devote its time to something like

Gives Tentative Approval
SGC gave tentative approval to
a plan to bring an unspecified
number of state legislators to
campus to give them "first-hand
knowledge of the University and
what it is doing."
The plan now calls for the legis-
lators to arrive on the noon of
Jan. 12 and spend that day and
the next touring the campus and
attending classes with student
This all. depends, Barton Buck-
halter, '61, newly-appointed Edu-
cation and Student Welfare Com-
mittee chairman said, on whether
any legislators will come. The
legislative session begins Jan. 14.
Vote Against
Loyalty Oath
Student Government Council
last night adopted a resolution
against student loyalty oaths, spe-
cifically referring to the National
Defense Act of 1958.
Under the Act, student partici-
pating in national loan and fel-
lowship programs must swear to
"bear true faith and allegiance to
the United States" and to "sup-
port and defend the Constitution
against all enemies, foreign and
The Council did not approve a
resolution against written affi-
davits, after the statement against
oaths was passed by a divided
Resulting from a letter report-
ing similar action by the Swarth-
more Student Council last week,
the motion, presented to the
Council by Al Haber, '60, calls
"test oaths of this nature" an "in-
fringement on academic freedom."
It also states such oaths "exer-
cise a restraint on free inquiry,
and are ineffective either in fight-
ing subversion or encouraging
Sta ubach Sas

May Be'Affected b Action
State Controller James W. Miller recommended yesterday the state
suspend all payments to the three large state universities until March.
If carried out, the University would have to borrow almost $11
million to continue its operations until March, University President
Harlan Hatcher said in a statement yesterday.
Recommended to Governor
Miller, who does not have the power to stop such payments to
the University, Michigan State and Wayne State Universities, recom-
mended the action to Gov. G. Mennen Williams as the only way out of
the state's "cash crisis." The state currently owes the University two

'Caroling Urge Seizes Campus Groups

monthly payments of $2.6 mnillion4
each. Miller said the retention of
the $28 million normally due the
universities by March 1 offered
"the most reasonable answer" to
the state's financial crisis, in light
of a predicted state debt of $100
million by July.
President Hatcher's statement
termed such action "disastrous for
higher education in the state,"
adding, the University cannot meet
its December payroll without bor-
Doubt Borrowing Ability
'the statement continues: "In
addition to a substantial burden
of interest charges on whatever it
can borrow, there is serious fi-
nancial and legal doubt whether
the University could obtain the
almost $11 million necessary to
finance its operations into March."
The Regents authorized Uni-
versity borrowing to meet pay-
rolls at their meeting Dec. 12.
Miller, in his call to Gov. Wil-
liams, who is vacationing in Fort
Lauderdale, Fla., said, "when we
could resume supporting the uni-
versities would depend entirely on
how soon the legislature acted to
get new cash into the till."
Legislature Must Act
The legislature, which opens its
regular session Jan. 14, must act
or there will be no further pay-
ment at least until March, Miller
MSU President John A. Hannah
and President Hatcher "don't like
the situation," Miller said, "but
they were realistic about it and
recognized the conditions."
Miller said stopping payments4
to the universities will keep $28
million in the state treasury for
payrolls, welfare, and "other es-

World News
Roi dp

By The Associated Press
TOKYO - Mao Tze-Tung's re-
tirement as president of Red
China raised hopes amnog anti-
Communist Asians yesterday that
the Peiping regime is cracking.'
But most Western diplomats ex-
pected no change in Peiping pol-
The Chinese Communist Party
Central Committee, in a carefully
worded communique breaking the
news to the 600 million Chinese oi
the mainland, emphasized that
Mao is still the boss,
, * S
BOGOTA - Colombia mourned
for 82 victims of fire and panic
that turned a department store
into a death trap for Christmas
The fire and frenzied stampede
swept the Vida store im downtown
Bogota Tuesday night.
WASHINGTON - The personal
income of Americans climbed to
a record rate of 360 billion dol-
lars a year in November.
The Commerce Department, re-
porting this' yesterday called it a
2% billion dollar gain from Oc-
The substantial rise assured an
all-year income total of more
than 353 billion dollars. This
would be five billion more than


With the approach of the Christmas season, several groups on
campus have been seized by the urge to go caroling.
Among these groups was a combined chorus of Mary Markley's
Elliot House and South Quad's Reeves House, who spread Christmas,
cheer over a good part of the campus last night.
After a rousing, if rather chilly start at the house of University
President Harlan Hatcher, the group descended on the Law Quad,
where they were received with some rather annoyed comment from
several busy students. The carolers retaliated with a chorus of "Good
Night Ladies," and moved on. They were followed by a cry of "but
there is no Santa Claus" from a disgruntled law student.
On to West Quad
West Quad was the next recipient of tht carolers' unbounded
spirit. The group sang several carols which were received with less
I trac"e than at the TIan CviOu;4 Rut* ti,,, ,'ovrn,,,,,r.a i,,,'lirntpd.


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