t &fy £id$igan BaiIs Sixt y-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MicH. * Phone No 2-3241 hen Opinions Are Free Truth Wtil Prevall" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the indii ideal opinions of staf writers or the editors. This mzst be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS TURNER Conservative Party Politically Unrealistic A RE-ALIGNMENT of present political par- recent election. While a political constituency ties into liberal and conservative parties was may be in favor of less government spending asked Saturday by Clarence Kelland, a former in the abstract, the conservative may often Republican national committeeman from Ari- find that in taking the necessary steps - as zona. perhaps voting against "pork-barrel" bills or Kelland would have the Republican party federal subsidies to education - he seals his and the Southern Democrats join forces to pro- political doom at home. , duce a new conservative party. This would A conservative may often agree with more probably mean the transfer of "liberal" Re- liberal elements on the end to be achieved, but publicans to the liberal party if they came to may disagree, for example, about the rate. Even feel that the Republican party was no longer if the conservative makes clear that he is ac- the place to fulfill their objectives, but Kelland tually in favor of integration, or what ever seems to feel this transfer would be worth it. the general principal happens to be, the "too little and too late" tag can still be applied to The idea of a conservative party would cer- his actions, with often politically fatal results. tainly be enticing to many conservatives. At The conservative position on many issues re- last they would have a'banner to rally around quhescdistinctiostat areayth es e and a party to fight for, instead of choosing quires distinctions that are at the same time between Republican Tweedeldura and Demo- subtle and important, and which will not come betweedRepulca Twacross in a national election. cratic Tweedledee. And with a civil rights battle very possible (ONSERVATIVE interests will best be served at the next Democratic convention, the time [Aby maintaining the situation as it presently could be ripe for such a move, especially if the exists, with conservatives from stable districts ground is well prepared before hand, in control of many important posts, both in Congress and in the parties themselves. Here BUT THE CONSERVATIVE position as a they can exercise influence out of proportion distinct political party would lie for the to their numbers, but not, conservatives would most part an untenable one. Presumably, for maintain, out of proportion to their ability. example, any conservative party would be in A liberal tide is running, and conservatives favor of right-to-work laws, against the growth must adopt themselves to it as well as they of Federal spending, and for a program of in- can. A new, unprotected, conservative party tegration in the South that proceeds more would only be sweptaway by thistide. Kel- slowly, land's idea is emotionally attractive for con- Yet right-to-work laws have led good con- servatives, but politically unrealistic. servatives into political massacre during the -LANE VANDERSLICE No Cards or Respect "le Asked, 'How About a Free Country?"' GCAEMAN( cfS CiE fE A T THIRD PARTY? Labor Movement due for Change By NORMAN WALKER Associated Press Labor Writer IlkSHINGTON-Suppose labor unions formed their own third political party and the country came under control of a labor government. Union leaders then would carry a dual responsibility - running the government and running their labor organizations. This woUld be bound to lead to conflicts between government and labor aims, particularly'in the economic field. As politicians, the leaders would be voted out of office should they lean too much toward labor. As union leaders they'd become unpopular with workers should they fail to flavor labor. American union chiefs r 1I TECHNICAL TRAINING: Engineers Face Growing Dilemma firmly believe this. They feel a living example is what has hap- pened in Great Britain. Labor there constitutes one of the two major political parties, yet unions have fared none too well in achiev- ing wage gains, at least as com- pared to what has happened in America, with labor unfettered by governmental responsibility. * * * AFL-CIO PRESIDENT George Meany said in a recent speech that if labor is unable to achieve its aims under the two party system in this country, it reluctantly will form its own party. It's reasonable to believe Meany was voicing more of a warning than a promise. Union leaders feel they had a lot, to do with electing the big Democratic majorities in the new Congress and the legisla- tors should now give unions some of their long-sought objectives. They suspect the victorious Demo- crats, feeling sure of labor's vote in 1960, will turn consecutive to try to win the non-labor vote as well. Here are some quotes from Meany's speech: "If labor has to go further than it can through its committee on political education to make Amer- ica a better place. to work and live, to make America the leader of the democracies of the world, we will take the, next step if it is forced upon us. . "I have always said we do -iot want our own political party, but if we have to do that to lick the people who want to drag us back to the past, we will start our own political party and do a good job of it." WHEN THESE remarks were quoted on front pages, nobody was more surprised than Meany, who had said the same thing a couple of dozens of times in the last several years. But his words made news this time because, since the Nov. 4 Democratic election gains in which labor was credited with playing a big part, there's been a public re- appraisal of the nation's political setup. Republican and Democratic sen- ators quickly criticized the idea of a separate labor party. Like Walter Reuther, an AFL-CIO vice-presi- dent and head of the Auto Workers Union, who is credited with being perhaps the most politically power- ful single American labor leader, they said that formation of a special-interest party would be un- desirable and wrong. * * . LABOR THUS looks upon the third party idea negatively frotn two standpoints. One is that being a majority or minority political party would tend to cripple rather than enhance its powers to achieve partisan aims. The other is a be- lief that the nation is better guided by a distillation of popular will rather than a labor attempt to grab political initiative. On the other hand, Meany also said this: "Labor is going to be just as political as it has to be to win its objectives." This reflects a growing assuredness within organ- ized labor. After all, labor unions have come to prominence as a national factor only in the last quarter century: the movemnent is like a just-grown- up pimply boy, unsure of what the future will bring. Nobody can be too sure labor won't eventually form its own party. There are two things about labor politics of which the country can be fairly sure in the next few years. One is that it will expand whether in a two or three-party system. This seems to be obvious from what has happened already. * * * ALSO, it is unlikely that Con- gress will do much to curb union political powers. Sen. Barry M. Goldwater (R-Ariz.), frequent critic of union political activities and an advocate of restricting leg- islation, said just the -ther day that he has now abandoned the idea of passing such laws. Goldwater said he agreed with Secretary of Labor JamesP. Mit- chell, chief labor policy adviser to President Eisennower, that en- acting such legislation is- practi- cally impossible without running afoul of the constitutional free- doms. D1AILY OFFICIAL/ BULLETiN The Daily Official Bulletin Is A official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which Th@ Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to RIoom 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1958 VOL. LXIX, NO. 75 General Notices International Center Tea: Thurs., Dec. 18, 4,30-6:00 p.m. at the International Center..,) (Continued on Page 3) MOST BEGINNING political science students realize that a representative government can't function efficiently without the respect of its constituency. This quality of respect is especially important to a body representing college students because of its lack, of any type of police power to enforce action. The student government of a University has only as much influence as it has respect from the group it represents. It is their influence that makes any significant action possible. Student Government Council has often been criticized for its lack of significant action in areas affecting the entire student body. Many students, usually judging from reports of dis- cussions of Wednesday night meetings or third- hand rumors from fraternity brothers of SGC committee members, are free with accusations of "Mickey Mouse" action. Those who think Student Government Coun- cil doesn't do anything more significant than Of Monkeys... THE ANIMALTARIANS have launched on another one of their tirades. Protesting the encasement of a diminutive monkey in the nose cone of a Jupiter missile, the President of the Anti-Cruelty Association announced: "It's perfectly outrageous; men are afraid to go up so they send a defenseless monkey." Animals are notorious for their docility and obedience. Scientists have justifiably exploit- ed that fact. For no apparent reason, inen are \too sophisticated to be the subjects of experi- nients. At any rate, numerous creatures are enjoying the warmth and comfort of the lab- oratory instead of facing the hostile elements in a wild 'state. The self-styled crusaders against this benign use of animals are totally oblivious of this matter. The Gordo's and Laikas are as dedicated to their causes as the scientists are to theirs. Could animal ethics and ideals dictate a bet- ter waY of gaining prestige and distinction than by aiding the pursuit of science? May the tradition of laboratory carts, rats, fruitflys continue, unhampered by "righteous" issue irregularly-published newsletters with ghoulish pictures on the front, are the first to dismiss the Council with a shrug of the shoul- ders and an "I don't give a hoot." T IS EXACTLY this attitude that is destroy- ing any effectiveness SGC might have for promoting student interest. If students don't have any interest to be promoted, the Council can't be expected to make any earth-shaking decisions or to have any great voice in affecting administrative policy. One of the most overwhelming examples of a lack of respect in SGC was demonstrated by a letter that was sent out early in the fall to more than 100 University housing units. It asked the groups to indicate on an enclosed postcard if they would be willing to have an SGC member of their choice speak before their house at a time of their choice on' a, topic of their choice. The results didn't flood the mail. Less than 20 of the groups contacted even bothered to respond. Of these, half indicated that they would definitely not consent to a speaker. HOPING THAT the lack of enthusiasm was due to the early date of the letter, lack of dormitory organization or other latent factors, the Council tried another such request Decem- ber 1. To increase interest in the project, theI letter lists topics "intended to serve as a guide," although it explains that the group is free to choose any pertinent topic it wishes or may leave the choice up to the speaker. The subjects listed in the request are really quite provocative. It seems that some housing units of the University would have a passing Interest in such areas as deferred rushinL SOGC's role in national and international af- fairs, the traffic and bicycle problem or the student counseling program. Yet, the results have been discouraging so far. Only a few cards have been sent back. The rest of the houses probably don't care enough even to. bother dropping the postcard in the mailbox. If this is any indication, SGC no longer has the respect of the majority of the students it represents. --JEAN HARTWIG By BARTON HUTHWAITE Daily Staff Writer ENGINEERING educators are in a dilemma. Faced on one side by the rising challenge of Soviet science, they are strongly urging the inclusion of more technical subjects in the engineering student's a 1 r e a d y crowded curriculum. On the other side is the steadily mounting belief that today's en- gineer lacks an adequate base in the liberal arts. Recent reports from the Soviet Union say the Kremlin plans a 90 per cent increase in its annual output of engineering graduates. Russia's science plans are all the more ominous in light of a recent report on the number of engineer- ing studeits in the United States today. Freshmen engineering enroll- mcnts in accredited United States colleges and universities have dropped 7.6 per cent since last year. According to the latest avail- able statistics taken in 1955, some 59,000 engineering students grad- uated from Soviet universities while only 22,589 completedtheir education in the United States. Viewing the Russians' latest science drive, the gap between the two is probably even greater now. * * * BUT WHILE the Soviets' sci- ence challenge has given impetus to moremand better scientific courses, many engineers claim it has at the same time forced edu- cators to exclude broad educa- tional courses in the humanities and social sciences. Of all the professional schools here at the University, the engi- neering school is the only one that does not require at least two years of study in the literary col- lege beforeconcentrating on pro- fessional study. While the engi- neer here is required to elect six hours of non-technical subjects and 10 hours of engineering eng-a lish, few extend their education into the field of liberal arts. Murray D. Van Wagoner, ex-' governor of Michigan and one of the nation's outstanding civil en- gineers, said here recently the in- dustrious engineer has "won the confidence of his fellow citizens' for his technical proficiency . but has failed almost entirely to participate in the life of the com- munity."1 To a great extent, Van Wagon- / EDUCATORS SAY: er's description is commonly ac- cepted within as well as outside of the college community. After graduation, the engineer is usual- ly quickly absorbed into one of the large industrial firms and so bur- dened by his new profession he hasn't the time to widen his hori- zons in the literary fields. Once more, his interest in such sub- jects has probably been dulled by four and a half years of technical study. * * * ON CAMPUS, the traditional image of the narrow-minded en- gineer complete with slide rule and pencil case hanging from his side is deeply entrenched in the minds of students. The hard- working student is pictured as be- ing oblivious to the outside world, and concentrating solely on his weighty technical journals, grind- ing out equations far into the night. Probably only a small minority of the engineering students here would be willing to spend an ad- ditional year studying the human- ities and social sciences. An op- tional course of study where the student would divide his time be- tween literary college courses and engineering subjects has been of- fered as one solution for this mi- nority. Of course, the road 4is al- ways open to additional studies on the student's own initiative. But as one student recently said, "If the engineering college re- quired . . . only those courses the student desired, most engineers would graduate in less than two years." ANOTHER and more feasible so- lution would be a pre-engineering program. The freshman student would become acquainted with a few basic technical courses and at the same time acquire a groundwork in the liberal arts. It would probably also serve the pur- pose of weeding out the high per- centage of students who drop out of the engineering school during the first year. This would allow a greater number of serious and capable engineering students to be admitted to the regular engineer- ing school. But there is neither the time nor the money at the present time to put such plans into effect. The Soviet science threat combined with the demands of industry leave little room for a widening of the engineering curriculum. The dilemma will probably continue to be resolved in favor of more and better quality technical courses in the future. To The Editor Course Setup Changing GILBERT WINER INTERPRETING THE NEWS: 'Khrushchev Meets Trouble By THOMAS DYGARD Associated Press Writer PONTIAC, Mich. - A distin- guished group of educators and laymen meeting in a unique semi- nar recently forecast more free- dom from the classroom for the college student of the future. "The strict Monday-Wednesday- Friday classroom cycle is on the way out," said Sarah Gibson Blanding, President of Vassar Col- lege. "Students don't need to spend nearly as much time in class as they do." Instead of meeting a heavy schedule of classes, the students will put in more hours on their own initiative in the library and laboratory. The program of college courses as it exists today is dying, the educators said. In its place is coming a system in which the student concentrates on a subject that is his major in- terest. Many of the traditional liberal arts requirements-such as Latin and Greek, for example-may go by the wayside except as they ap- ply to the individual student's specific interest. "No one can pretend to be an educated man without some knowledge of the classical world, some knowledge of Greek and Latin," said Henry Luce, Editor- in-Chief of Time, Inc. "But," added Milton Eisenhower, President of Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, "all educated people don't have to be scholars in Latin and Greek." Other members of the panel with Miss Blanding, Eisenhower and Luce, were Henry Steele Com- mager, noted historian of Amherst College and Columbia University, and Ralph Winfred Tyler of Stan- ford University. Like the educators who answered the' question at the earlier semi- nars, the liberal arts experts said they would shoot for a loosening of the reins on brighter students. Fewer formal courses and classes, more time for self-starter projects, grgater freedom in the selection of major interests-these all would give the above-average student a better opportunity to move ahead at full speed, the educators said. In the situation today, they said, the exceptional students too often are held to the pace of the slower ones. Despite the swing toward em- phasis on science and engineering in this space age, the educators ssid they see no danger of liberal arts diminishing in importance. "Most educators are convinced we can't get engineers and scien- tiste at the creative level without improving the quality of every phase of education," Eisenhower said. "Liberal arts is the essence of understanding," he added, "and we can't solve even our national problems without a global under- standing of other peoples' hopes and aspirations." I1JVD *.* * To the Editor: SUNDAY EVENING many of us in the South and West Quad- rangles were treated to the sight of a street filled with police squad cars, administrators and resident advisors assembled to break up a rumored food riot. Word of this intended action was spread about on Sunday, reaching the higher- ups. and prompting them to take this action. I imagine that actually few of us objected to these pre- cautions and most of us realized that they were taken to protect the best interests of the univer- sity. What stunned me were the actions of a number of individuals in this particular house in the West Quad. Briefly, this is what happened: When word of the intended action reached the RA of the house, he recruited a number of the "re- spectable" house residents. -These "honorable" men were given two- fold instructions. Primarily, they were supposed to help break up the riot should it ever spread to the West Quadrangle. Perhaps "break up" is too strong a phrase. Let's say they were to discourage any would be rioters. Next, they were to take the names 'of any rioters. When I first heard of this, I had several feelings. I was angry be- cause these members did not be- long to the staff and were merely fellow students (a few were house officers but this is not a staff position). I was hurt since these were individuals who I knew and trusted and for whom I had the greatest respect. However, the thing that dis- turbed me the most was the fact that these people were fellow stu- Futility ... To the Editor: IN A RECENT editorial Mr. Mc- Eldowney deplored the smiles and jokes concerning the Civil De- fense exercise. He feels that we could save lives with a proper attitude and action. It is apparent ' that most people are way ahead of him for they realize that regard- less of any Civil Defense exercises and acts, the character of atomic, chemical and bacteriological weap- ons means that nearly all persons will be casualties. Neither the reassurances of atomic scientist Dr. Libby who re- cently showed a "Handy-Dandy Portable Geiger Counter" for measuring radioactivity (providing you survive the onslaught of the various weapons) nor all the dig- ging of shelters will protect the population. Imagine yourself in an H-bomb shelter to which you have gotten into in time after the bomb has fallen 40 miles away (as on Detroit for instance). You stay in your shelter because Dr. Libby's geiger counter tells you that radioactvity is high. In your comfy-cozy shelter you eat your emergency food ra- tions (one day's supply, one week's supply, on month's supply-how much do you expect to have?). Of ccurse, your shelter will also sup- ply non-radioactive, non-poisoned air for you to breathe, Assuming no further attack, will you replenish your food supply at the local supermarket, will you return to classes and editorial writing for The Daily, will all civil, military and other personnel connected with public well-being return to their posts unscathed by the attack, in short, will every- thing begin where it left off before the bomb exuloded? Obvinuslv not By THOMAS P. WHITNEY Associated Press Foreign News Analyst THE VIOLENCE of Nikita Khrushchev's at- tack in Moscow on the "antiparty group" indicates he still is encountering strong oppo- sition within the Communist Party. Khrushchev is not given to flogging dead horses. He is now sounding off with a more detailed indictment of the views and policies of Georgi Malenkov, V. M. Molotov, L. M. Ka- ganovich, Dmitri Shepilov and Nikolai Bul- ganin. He must have good reason, for they, in one degree or another share the dim views which Malenkov and the others took of the W1j 5g4i rl radical changes in the Soviet system which Khrushchev is making. Khrushchev defeated this group decisively in June 1957. He ousted them from leadership and either exiled them to the remote provinces or else expelled them from public life. In Moscow currently the Central Commit- tee of the Communist Party is meeting to pre- pare the way for a new Congress of the Party. This new Congress at the end of January, will elect a new Central Committee. Therefore this is a time for political jockey- ing - and this is what Khrushchev by his blast against the opposition is doing. He is at- tributing to its members all of the most un- popular agricultural policies of the last decade in the U.S.S.R. There is some measure of jus- tice in this since there is no doubt that some members of the "antiparty" group - in par- ticular Molotov and Kaganovich - have all along taken a thoroughly negative attitude to-mdar em anmaq in +e m.-_1951 vefpm < .. - _"4 41- d- . ., I ,*7' i' ; &' f ' 4iC2a 'ic'f ~ 'o/ 3ch '-S -