(.r s'irhigattBa Thl Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDEN.T PBLICATIONS ST'UDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. " Phone w o 2-3 241 Opinin Are Free tb Will Prev&U" ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DAY, DECEMBER 16, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT JUNKER Report Needs Followup For Effectiveness "Some of These Democrats Seem To Have a Dangerous Belief in Democracy" 4)- j I6. IROGRESSIVE changes and continued eval- uations should mark any 'forward-looking ucational institution which aims to con- aptly improve the caliber and character of its idents. Two years ago, with that thought in mind, udent Government Council asked the Vice- esident for Student Affairs, James A. Lewis, conduct a "study-evaluation" of all phases the counseling services at the University. It is intended to critically examine the effect- mess of the academic, vocational, personal d financial counseling presently available, :ng with presenting recommendations for the iprovement of coordination between the vari- s areas. Last week Vice-President Lewis released this port which contained a bevy of suggestions make life more worthwhile for John Stu- nt. The key word was "coordinataion" but ifortunately many of the suggestions were : nebulous to effect any solid program. The port mentions that residence hall and aca- nmic counseling should be more unified; it so makes references to greater communica- n with the student body -- another general int. UT AT THE BEGINNING of the recommen- dations, it states that many of the points necessity are general while others can be ecific. Perhaps, the rationale behind this idea. is that the committee tried to compromise o often and that they tried to unify the views five representative areas along with the inions independent advisors from other stu- nt service areas when it may have been im- ssible. Over 25 people were connected in one way the other with the report. Some took d fairly tive Interest, others merely nodded over rec- amendations at the meetings. All of these COSI FAN TUTTE: Comedy Emerges After Brief Delay factors proved detrimental in some way to the' concrete content of the report. The disappointment of members of the ad- ministration could be traced to the inherent weaknesses in a large committee which is deal- ing with the almost limitless subject of coun- seling. HOWEVER, all is not lost. The two years of intermittent labor will not be wasted nor will the few feasible suggestions (information manual on counseling services due to be re- leased in February), if the report is used as a starting point for future activity. Student Government Council has been in the background of all this work. It has main- tained that if the report serves no other pur pose than to make the University aware of the weaknesses of the present system, the coun- seling study will be a "success." Plans call for SGC to publicize the study and make ,he entire campus aware of its merits and demerits. With a cross-section of student opinion, the Council hopes to push forward for action- ALL OF THE eloquently phrased recommen- dations, when broken down into laymen's terms and carried out by smaller and more efficient committees could be useful. Making the counseling services aware of the improve- ments that are needed is also a valuable aid tbo improving the student. But the report, although well-written, is full of nebulous suggestions and could serve no other purpose than pointing to the failure of an overloaded committee that tried to do too much with too many people. Student government initiated the idea - they now have the mandate to follow up this report with effective action. The report could then be worthwhile, but in its present form, it is worthless. --CHARLES KOZOLL L AST EVENING, the depart- ments of speech and music came up with a fairly spirited performance of Mozart's 1790 comic opera, Cosi Fan Tutte. Although this opera was com- posed shortly after Figaro and Don Giovanni, it could never quite compete with them, for neither the music nor the libretto are up to their standards. But Cosi does reappear now and then, and is well worth hearing because it does contain some fragments of Mo- zart's best music. Besides. new horizons are always worth explor- ing. The music and libretto of Cosi fit well together, except for an oc- casional twinge. Da Ponte' story is of two dashing young army of- ficers who are told by Don Alfonso, a cynical friend, that "all women are like that (i.e. fickle)". Anxious to put this remark to the test, they go off to the wars, but then secretly return in disguise. Each then courts the fiancee of the other, with some help from Des- pina, a most improper servant. This courtship is eventually suc- cessful and then the fat is really in the fire. Da Ponte' libretto is never quite clear about who finally marries whom, but in this version, Ferran- do does marry his original fiancee, Dorabella; and Guglielmo, Fior- diligi. (Don't try to pronounce these names unaided). S* * FIRST PRAISES must go to Josef Blatt's orchestra which was in fine fettle, even the strings. Blatt conducted from the con- tinuo, kept the pace fast and furi- ous, appropriately enough. The libretto tends to pair off the principals, and so does the music. So, at first glance, it is dif- ficult to distinguish.the personali- ties and talents of the singers. Eventually some differences do emerge so 'that, for instance, one can find the voice of Donald Rid- ley (Guglielmo) a measure more powerful and capable than the voice of Dan Pressley who plays Ferrando. Even so does the voice of Mari- lyn Kriml (Dorabella) emerge more flexible and brilliant than Miss Kunst's (Fiordiligi). On the other hand, Mr. Pressley turned out to be perhaps more of a singing actor than Mr. Ridley, during the first act. Second act found everyone less inclined to stiff posturing. and much more lively, so that by finale time, the comic element in this opera was accentuated. While Pressley and Ridley even- tually fell into the comic tradi- tion, Judith Woodall and Jerry Lawrence, in their roles as Des- pina and Don Alfonse, were there waiting. Miss Woodall sometimes had difficulty making herself heard, but her stagecraft is first rate. Vocally and dramatically, Lawrence is thoroughly at home in his part. STAGING OF Cosi is cleverly managed with the aid of a dual set of curtains, so that the switch from "garden path" (a favorite battlefield for comic opera heros) to "sitting-room" can be con- veniently done. This "garden path" is the scene of a finely co-ordinated ensemble ending Act I, which comes after an interval of somewhat slow pac- ing. The pacing of Act II is again satisfactory except when the sing- ers fail to appreciate the essence of burlesque implicit in the arias. This essence is eventually appre- ciated so that Act II ends on a definitely (and welcome) comic note, with a grand flourish of a grand finale. --David Kessel CAST Ferraudo............Dan Pressley iGugielmno,.......... Donald Ridley Don Alfonso.......Jerry Lawrence Flordiligi............Irene Kunst Dorabella.........Marilyn Krimm Despina..........Judith Wooda roMM/ irE R A poW& Qss AN .+S4 l~--ac 'oxc 'U' Bears Brunt of State Crisis FRIDAY the Regents authorized University borrowing to meet payrolls and other ex- enses if a check from the state is not soon eceived. The state, which is now $5.2 million ehind in payments to the University, has laid its bills to those groups such as public chools, mental hospitals and state employees ;ho cannot borrow funds. The University, along with Michigan State Jniversity, is under a constitutionally separate oard and can borrow money without special tate authorization. Thus the burden of the tate's current financial situation falls square- Y on the shoulders of the already budget-cut iniversities. Rep. Rollo G. Conlin (R-Tipton) chairman if the House taxation committee and head of he legislative study committee on Michigan's ax structure, has predicted the state will be' 100 million in debt by July 1. When he esti- mated the state would be "only" $65 million in lebt last month, this included increased sales ax receipts, which have failed to materialize. Thus the state, in the opinion of this ex- ert, will fall $35 million more in debt in the. text six months. This, of course, makes the teed for a new tax structure imperative, both o keep the debt from rising further and to at- empt to pay off the $100 million deficit. A more serious state deficit obviously means 'I Want A '1HEN WOMEN received the right to vote a whole new era of domesticity or lack there- , was ushered in. There has been a lament- ble falling-off of interest in the traits men ave foolishly believed form the nucleus of a oman's life. Women have .been allowed to pick up the vet gun, the wrench, the briefcase, and the arbon paper , , . in fact, everything but the b. They've invaded the inner sanctum of usiness and as one observer observed, "When ou treat 'em like men, they resent it, and hen you treat 'em like women, they beat you." The result of this about-face is' that males re now eating frozen beef pies and canned piz- a by the truckload. They're walking the streets I torn clothing, minus half their buttons. If it asn't for their undaunted courage to mend heir own clothes, American males woud prob- bly be walking the path of life clad in animal dns . . . the goal of women to wear certain nimal skins being irrelevant. The problem wouldn't be so serious if it were erely a matter of training. However, girls, ast don't have the desire to get acquainted ith pots, pans, kettles and other kitchen un- ientionables. 11jr £idgn Djaiil Editorial Staff RICHARD TAUB, Editor less money will be entering state coffers, which means the University, which may be forced to borrow money this month to meet payrolls, will have to borrow throughout next spring. A SITUATION where the state cannot meet its obligations and expects its universities to borirow at their own expense to meet the state's obligations is shameful and demands a new source of revenue. The state's tax structure ob- viously cannot support the needed services; change seems the obvious answer. The new tax proposal, drawn by a citizens committee, will increase state revenues by ap- proximately $140 million annually. Unfavor- able opinion to this plan has already been ex- pressed by some state legislators. Money, how- ever, is obviously needed in great amounts to pay the University and eight other schools. Rep. Conlin has done the new tax proposal a big favor by pointing -out the realities of the state financial situation. Any defeat of the new tax plan will have to be compensated by some other extra revenue sources, which legis- lators have not been able to find up to now. While the legislators quibble, the University might well lose a small fortune for interest on loans made necessary only because of the state's lack of foresight. -ROBERT JUNKER Girl ... A NEW disease has struck down American womanhood . .. Appliance Reliance, a serious threat to the peace, contentment, and welfare of American males. Proficiency in use of the automatic can opener, the automatic garbage disposal, the automatic dishwasher, the auto- matic oven, etc., etc., has replaced that standby of the so-called old-fashioned marriage-the automatic wife. "I want to make something of my life, too," is rapidly becoming the cry of women who want an independent status equal to that of men. Learning a trade and having independence is admirable, but not when it means neglect of domestic arts. "Oli, I'll get married and settle down after I've established myself," declares the cautious bachelor . . . and bachelorette. Most of the girls want to get married (it's better than work- ing for a living if worse comes to worse) but they don't want to fall into that degrading group who moan, "Oh, I don't do anything- I'm a housewife." Despite sociological claims college girls are probably not the best mates. They're often able to draw a pay check comparable to their hus- bands' and are well adapted socially, but while they march triumphantly through the business world, their male counterparts wallow in ab- dominal gas and peptic ulcers. W HAT'S IN the future? Perhaps a male revolution is in order. A new order of mar- riages . .. ho cook, no husband. Or, if the legislature can be aroused from their gastronomic distresses caused by their CAPITAL COMMENTARY: p P2. Operating I' -j By WILLI COUNTLESS minds of a steel- answer the telephones trap keenness on figures, end- Federal bureaucrats.. less cranial lobes bulging with No one inexperienc formidable fiscal lore, are worrying technique of getting a frantically about the government's fice on the telephone- budget, which is to be disclosed in his personal voice- next month in all its terrifying imagine what ,ava bulk. Washington telephon This correspondent has always has become. One ri leapt backward in horror from any department of so and implied obligation even to under- for John Jones, who stand, much less to Teport upon, important gent there. any kind of budget-Federal, state, The First Answerer county, city or personal. throaty whisper which All the same, it is conceivable not be in Greek or that even the most ignorant in What she is saying, in this field can occasionally stumble age, is that she will tra upon some idea that might be of "information." help to the sturdy characters who * * are trying so wistfully to reduce THERE IS a peculia: Federal spending. ing, half-ringing noise * * * and then a voices com SUCH A MODEST proposal is the young woman who here offered, and by unanimous of the information end consent it will hereafter be known phone. This is the Seco simply as Plan A. Plan A involves en. The Second Answer a policy of austerity so Spartan to give you Jones's exte that even the most conservative ber. She then rings ba economists might well quail from Answered to divulge th the enormous sacrifice involved. The First Answerer,i Plan A would sweep through the of having done her Federal bureaucracy at the cost against an interloper not simply of many heads but also reluctantly then rings at the less measurable but grevious tension. You have thef cost of the self-esteem of many that now you are abou other heads that would be left. of this thing. But thisi For Plan A would entail nothing van~ity. For when then' less than the cruel and immediate last actually a resp discharge of the thousands-some- Jones's very own ext times it seems it really must be are at best only half' millions - of young women who toilsome hill. of the male ced in the Federal of- -personallyt -can readily st industry e-answering. ngs up the so and asks is a fairly replies in a may or may Hindustani. any langu- nsfer you to r half-buzz- for a while nes on from is in charge of the tele- nd Answer- rer is willing ension num- ck the First is secret. with the air full duty to no avail, Jones's ex- good feeling t home free notion is all ,e is at long ponse from tension you way up the For the Third Answerer turns out to be some enigmatic young woman who is a, telephone recep- tionist by title but in fact is far more than this. She is the resolute guerdian of what is still only the perimeter to Jones's office. In her turn and taking her time as is her undoubted constitutional right (and after a good deal of earnestly confusing conversation as to whether' you are calling from "out- side" or "inside") at length she rings yet another telephone. THE YOUNG WOMAN who now responds is the Fourth Answerer. It is naturally difficult to engage her attention immediately to the matter at hand. But at last you. succeed in this, and you discover that she is in truth Jones's per- sonal secretary. "I'm so sorry," she says, with a perfectly revolting sweetness. "He mentioned that he wanted to talk to you' and that you were going to call up. But the fact is, he just left the office for the day." "How long ago?" you ask. "Just this minute," she replies., As you sadly drop the earpiece back on the hook you mentally compute the total elapsed time since first you put in your call. Fig- ure it as closely as you can, and it still comes to 11 minutes and 14 seconds. (Copyright 1958, by United Feature syndicate, Inc.) "0NCE UPON A Horse," the Universal International come- dy which quietly sauntered into the Michigan theater Sunday morning would do well to high- tail it out of town immediately, for this current attempt td satir- ize the western is one of the few screen comedies on record which can boast of possessing not one genuinely funny line. "Once Upon A Horse" is at least as flat as champagne served warm and al- lowed to stand uncorked for an hour or so. The reasons for the film's fail- ure to generate laughter are as ob- vious as they are many fold. In the first place this satire, written, directed and produced by Hal Kanter, is weighted down by a group of unforgivable puns strung loosely together which serve to completely suffocate any verve or originality the screenplay may possess. A prime example of this occurs when Dan Rown asks Dick Martin early in the film if he AT THE MICHIGAN: Hor Falters From the First ashington AM S. WHITE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Dorm Food, Discrimination Draw Comment DAILY OFFICIAL .BULLETI To the Editor: APROPOS the food strike at the Mosher House, Mr. Schaadt, residence hall business manager, was reported to have said that it "was sort of an immature method of getting publicity for Mosher Hall." To find the reasons as to why a group of students protesting against some grievances (legiti- mate in their opinions) should be accused of staging the protest for cheap publiicty, one has to delve deep into the intricate working of a complex human mind. It is. indeed, a subtle art of subtler diplomacy, well known to all astute practical problems (sometimes, called the "smart" ones) to pooh pooh any incident unfavorable to them and to make the cause thereof appear in some meaner and less noble light. Sil- houetted against the meaner and less noble light diffused by such an artful strategy, opposition spirits of a less sturdy and determined nature usually succumb-for so frail and vulnerable is the general human spirit to fight a cause that is sc artfully made to appear in a mean and unheroic garb. Such a collapse of the opposition is, in- deed, the much wanted object lurking in the innermost complex of the subtle politician's mind. Mr. Schaadt attempted exactly this strategy when he made that above referred statement attrib- new hospital buildings, Stadium, etc. I was "prouder" than ever that my school had continued to bq ont of the greatest on the face o' the earth! n order to become re-acquainted I ubscribe to The Michigan Daily ad have been an avid reader ever since. But frankly, my pride is being terribly hurt by the goings on of these past two years. I refer to the crucifixion of Sigma Kappa! Why pick on Sigma Kappa! Isn't this the same fine sorority that was on campus in the old days? Yes-but they had tough luck fi- nancially back in the 1930 depres- sion and went "off campus" and returned only a few years ago. So-- that technically put them out from under the protection given all other groups who were fortunate enough to weather the financial storms, and put them under the 1949 rule of the Regents! r Have the Regents taken over the properties of the fraternities and sororities? Or are the organifa- tions still owned and operated by private corporations with private capital? Do they still pay taxes? How about chapter meetings? Are they open to the public? Or do you still use that box with the white balls and the black balls? Let us not beg the issue. Any thinking person today must agree thatkdiscrimination is morally wrong. But that is not the issue here. As long as fraternities and srro'i tlei-p mrv 2in r.i cato n- A education-to achieve the liberal end. But at this point, let the Regents, sine die, eliminate the by-law! -Charles S. Kent Flattery * * * To the Editor: BY THE SOUND of his, letter, printed in the December 9 is- sue of The Daily, Jack Stevens has a violent objection to the "legal- ized lust" which is practiced in front of the women's residence halls. While I do believe that Mr. Stevens has exaggerated the situa- r tion out of proportion, I will not attempt to defend this tradition1 (which Life magazine thought'; wholesome enough to feature in an illustrated article). However, I do question Mr. Ste- vens' postulate that the practice of one kissing one's date in front, of the dorms will weaken the moral fiber of our entire nation. "The cream of the crop" or "lead- ers of the future," as he calls U. of M. students, should be flattered by Stevens' statement that their conduct before the dorms could permanently affect the fate of our country. --Roger Pascal, '62 Senim ore Says .. ~~ s of at 'k$10- ALI O -4 !~'. +F -5" °' ' ~ ( plans to wrestle cows in full dress and tails. Mr. Martin's retort to this question is "Why not? The cows have tails too." BESIDES an inane script, "Once Upon A Horse" is burdened by completely inadequate principal players as well. While the comedy duo of Rowan and Martin may prove occasionally diverting on television for five minutes or so, the effect of being exposed to them for longer periods is almost disastrous. In many ways this new comedy team resembles Martin and Lewis but, lacking the latters' polish and style, their brand of humor can become exceedingly annoying in a very short while. There is ont pleasing aspect to "Once Upon A Horse's and that is lovely Martha Hyer singing the charming Livingston-Evans title tune; unfortunately, that is all that is pleasant at the Michigan this week. -Mare Alan Zagores The Daily ofnetal Bulletin is as official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Dailyasssumes no edi- torial responsibililty. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preeding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 158 VOL. LXIX, NO. 74 General Notices Since Christmas and New Year's Day fall on Thursdays, the University will arrange its work schedules so that a skeleton work forc~e will operate, on the Fri. after Christmas with the re- mainder of the staff off. Those em- ployees who work on Dec. 28 will have Jan. 2, 1959 as their day off. All January graduating seniors plan- ning to attend graduation exercses, Jan. 24, 1959, go to Moe's Sport Shop, 711 North University. Immediately to be fitted for a cap and gown. All students who expect education and training allowance under Public Law 550 (Korea G. I. Bill) or Public Law 634 (Orphans' Bill) must get in- structors' signatures no earlier than Dec. 17, 18 or 19 on Dean's Monthly Certification form and turn the com- pleted form in to Dean's Office by 5 p.m. Fri., Dec. 19. The Monthly Certi- fication for the Veterans Administra- tion, which is completed in the Office of veterans' Affairs, 142 Admin. Bldg., may not be filled in until Jan. 5, 6, or 7. A meeting of Student Government Council will be held Dec. 16, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Rm. to discuss the con- cept and philosophy of student gov. ernment.