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September 15, 1958 - Image 69

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-09-15

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independents and Affiliates Honored by Societi


Alpha, was one of four to found
the national organization in 1918.
The number has since grown to
95 chapters in the United States
with close to 30,000 members, in-
cluding alumnae.
Mortarboard's primary purpose
is to honor senior women and to
serve the college campus. Past ac-
tivities have included sponsoring
a Career Conference, serving as
orientation counselors, hostessing
at President Hatcher's open houses
and sponsoring a Cinema Guild
Scroll .
Scroll is a local honorary for
affiliated junior women with mem-
bership based on leadership, char-
acter and service.
When tapping prospective initi-
ates, members go from house to
house after hours singing, "Out
of the night comes a sound of
voices, Scroll% now is tapping its
loyal crew."
Scroll annually offers a $100
scholarship to a junior affiliated
woman, based on personal charac-
ter as well as need. The honorary
also promotes cooperation between
alumnae and college students and
works to further interest in cam-
Pus activities.
Senior Society . -
Scroll's counterpart for inde-
pendent women is Senior Society,
which taps junior women with a
high scholastic average, leader-
ship ability and participation in
campus activities.
Every spring members parade
through dormitory halls singing,
"In and out the halls we wander,
singing as we go; of the girls we're
going to favor with our pin of
black and gold."
Wyvern * **
Wyvern, also a local honorary,
taps women at the end of their
sophomore year on the basis of
participation in activities, charac-
ter and scholarship.
Wearing yellow slickers, its
,members tap during dinner time,
chanting the traditional "Damn,
damn, damn to Michigamua, to
hell with Sphinx and Vulcans, too,;
to the Druids and the rest, for we,
know we are the best. We are
Wyvern's daughters tried andi
Wyvern originated in the years'

when there were only a few women
on campus. Its purposes include
looking after incoming freshmen,
serving as guides and. answering
Its name is taken from an old
Welsh word meaning "protecting,
dragon." The symbol for member-
ship is a gold pin in the form of
dragon curled around the letter
Coeds are not notified that they1
are being tapped for honoraries.
The ritual is kept a surprise to
all but roommates or housemoth-
ers, who are notified beforehand to
make sure the prospective mem-
bers are available for tapping.
Michigamua . .
Superior leadership in activities'
and athletics characterize junior
men who are tapped for Michi-
gamua, founded in 1902.{
Initiates are coated with brick
dust to tint their skin and are
dressed like Indians. They are
then harnessed to a hawser for
the traditional Rope Day duckwalk
to the top of the Union.
The tribal initiation ceremony
is staged around the sacred Tap-
pan Oak near the Graduate Li-
brary where all new members are
given Indian names along with
their own.
Prospective members must with-
stand hours of exercise and cold
water baths before they are con-
sidered worthy to "Speak-um In-
dian talk and speak-um wisely.
Speak-um slower and think-um of
what you say-um."
Druids . .
Founded in 1910, Druids tap
junior men enrolled in all the
undergraduate units of the Uni-
versity except the engineering col-
lege. Initiates are recognized for
outstanding leadership in activities
or varsity athletics.
New members are dressed to re-
semble young trees. Their initia-
tion ceremony, characterized by
the watering of the young "sap-
lings," trAnsforms them until they
grow into mighty trees.
Joyce Kilmer's poem, ."Trees,"
is recited during the ceremony
and new members are given names
which typify their personalities,
such as Crudely-Crowing Crab-
tree Christopher, Joint-Jolting
Jack Pine Johnson and Topling
Tamarack Turner.

The initial ritual is followed by
a solemn ceremony in Druid Cave,
located at the top of the Union.
Old members participate in the
initiation regally robed to corre-
spond to their high status of
staunch and mighty oaks.
Vulcans . .
Mighty Vulcan, holding court on
Mt. Aetna, yearly calls into his
society campus leaders and out-
standing athletes who are juniors
in the engineering college.
Since its conception in 1904,
Vulcans has initiated its members
by greasing their bodies a gleam-
ing black and having them carry
flaming torches which light the
symbolic anvil near the Engineer-
ing Arch.
Members then assume mytho-
logical names with their own, such
as Charles "Adois" Clarkson, Dave
"Eros" Cole and Eugene "Hera-
cles" Sisinyak.
Triangles . .
Junior athletes and leaders in
the engineering school are eligible
for membership in Triangles. Ini-
tiates "sail" across the Diagonal
on a roller skate, wearing a white
dunce cap.
Part of the soapy initiation
ceremony includes scrubbing the
floor of the "sacred" Engineering
Sphinx . .
Junior men enrolled in all col-
leges except engineering are hon-
ored by Sphinx for excelling in
sports and extra-curricular activi-
ties. Neophytes, covered with brick
dust, march across the campus on
initiation day, carrying a ladder
and chanting, "Looking for the
River Nile."
The ceremony is climaxed by a
swim in the "River Nile," which
in this case, is the the fountain
in front of the Women's League.
Egyptian names are then con-
ferred upon the slaves of the
Pharaoh, who have been tapped
since Sphinx was founded in 1905.
Scabbard, Blade * *
Scabbard and Blade is the all-
campus honorary' for men in
either of the three ROTC pro-
grams. Its purpose is not only to
honor outstanding ROTC members




Whether it is at a banquet or a
sweat 'session,- the University's
honoraries annually initiate men
and women who are outstanding in
scholarship, leadership and service.
Ranging from nationally estab-
lished Greek letter societies to
local organizations' honoraries are
found in many of the University's
schools and colleges and extra-
curricular activities.
Circle, Mortarboard, Scroll, Sen-
ior Society and Wyvern honor out-
standing women. Michigamua,
Druids, Vulcans, Triangles, Sphinx,
Galens, Hectorians and Scabbard
and Blade are among the organi-
zations that compose their mem-
bership from prominent "Michi-
gan, Men."
Circle . .
Circle, newly formed residence
hall honorary sponsored by Assem-
bly Association, tapped for the
first time in the spring of 195744
The twofold purpose of Circle is
to recognize women who have

given extra service to their dormi-
tories, and also to stimulate and
promote interest within these
The first initiates of this hon-
orary, organized to recognize
women who have excelled in lead-
ership, citizenship and service in
the residence halls, were selected
through recommendations by
house directors and house coun-
cils. The final selection was made
by a committee of representatives
from every residence hall..
Mortarboard,. .
Each spring members of Mor-
tarboard tap second semester
junior women who have main-
tained a 3.2 scholastic average and
who have shown outstanding serv-
ice and leadership while on cam-
Attired in black academic robes,.
wearing mortarboards and carry-
ing flashlights, members of the
society march through the dormi-
tories and sorority houses singing
"Thy Ideals,"
The Michigan chapter, Pi Sigma

but also to disseminate military
service career information through
speeches by its members.
Prospective members are tapped
for squireship in both the spring
and fall. Initiation includes guard-
ing the scabbard and blade in
front of the flagpole on campus,
and roaring for the otherwise
silent lions in front of the Natural.
History Museum.
Hectorians . .
Founded in 1953, Hectorians
honors junior fraternity members
who are outstanding leaders in
their own chapters or in Inter-
fraternity Council activities. Its
counterpart for independent men
livings in residence halls is Quad-
Several Greek letter socities also
have chapters on campus. Alpha
Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma,
freshman honorary societies for
women and men, respectively,
honor freshmen who have made
a 3.5 scholastic average during
their first semester.

Senior Honoraries
Among the other societies that
honor outstanding students are:
Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Kappa
Phi, scholastic honor societies; Pi
Kappa Lambda, music honor
society; Phi Sigma, biological hon-
orary fraternity; Rho Chi, phar-
maceutical honorary fraternity;
Eta Kappa Nu, electrical engineer-
ing honor society and Sigma Xi,
scientific honor society.
Others are Beta Gamma Sigma,
commerce honor society; Chi
Epsilon, civil engineering honor
society; Pi Sigma Alpha, political
science honor society; Kappa Tau
Alpha, journalistic honorary fra-
ternity; Alpha Pi Mu, industrial
engineering honorary; Tau Beta
Pi, engineering honor society; Pi
Tau Sigma, mechanical engineer-
ing honor society; Alpha Omega
Alpha, national medical honor
society; Tau Beta Sigma, honorary
band sorority; Delta Phi Alpha,
German honorary fraternity and
Sigma Delta Pi, Spanish honor

... tinted skin


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