Discusses Library Shows Famous I
A m er can .By PHILIP SHERMAN In each picture, there is a castle
An exhibition of facsimiles of of some type, showing the cen-
thefamous Grimani Breviary, an trality of manorial life in the Mid-
nS s 111illustrated abridgement of the dle Ages.
nustt g prayers and devotions of the me- Represent Saints' Actions
dievil Catholic Church is currently Also prominently displayed are
Teaching in America today can on display at the General Library. paintings representing important
nt becsideedapfess The Grimani Breviary, one of. actions in the lives of the saints.
no e consiered a profsn. the most famous of its kind, was A picture of Saint George slaying
Prof. Arthur J. Lohwater of the written in Flanders in the late the dragon is included. It is similar
mathematics department said at a fifteenth and early sixteenth cen- to other pictures of the time, de-
recent meeting of the Central turies. The original copy is in the picting the same event.
Association of Science and Mathe- Library of St. Mark's in Venice, Another painting shows Saint
matics Teachers. Italy, Christopher, the patron of travel-
Unlike law and medicine, he The most extensive in existence, ers, walking staff in hand, carrying
pointed out, there are no compe- this breviary contains over 800 a child traveler across a flooded
tency examinations for teaching, pages, of which 49 are full page stream.
"Teachers only have to take a cer- miniatures. Forty-two facsimiles Reflecting the Christian empha-
Prayer Book
Students' Discuss Variations in Immigration Policy
sen. '60, added that people corn-
tain number of required hours-
hours without much direction to
enter their field."
"Teaching ought to be one of
the most respected of the pro-
fessions," Prof. Lohwater said,
"because it deals with a com-
modity more valuable than any
other profession-the minds of
our youth."
There should be a greater liaison
between the academic community
and the teachers of children, he
said, with academicians taking a
greater part in setting up a pro-
gram for certification of teachers.
Having visited Russia twice,1
Prof. Lohwater said he had been
impressed by the interest displayed
by the academic community in the
school children of the country.
of these hand drawn illustrations
are on exhibit at the library, as
are several copies of pages from
the actual text.
Show Calendar Plates
One of the most interesting parts
of the display is a group of plates,
copied from the calendar con-
tained in the original. For each
season, there is a full page illus-
tration portraying a particular as-
pect of time accompanying the
regular calendar of dates.
The illustration portraying
spring is a picture of plowing.
Summer is represented by a group
of farmers cutting green hay.
Characteristic of autumn is a pic-
ture of peasants picking grapes,
while winter is symbolized by a
nobleman enjoying a feast in frontj
of a roaring fire.
sis on the Bible, there are numer-
ous scenes from both the Old
and New Testaments in the exhi-
Included in the selections from
the Old Testament are scenes
showing the blessing of Jacob by
his father, Abraham, described in
the Book of Genesis, and the
famous meeting between King
Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.
Depict Tower of Babel
There is a rather detailed sketch
of the construction of the Tower
of Babel, reminiscent of photo-
graphs recording the erection of a
large modern skyscraper.
In the selection from the New
Testament is a picture of the birth
of Christ, complete with adoring
shepherds and multitudes of an-
gels, singing praises to the new-
born Child.
As is the case with most other
nativity scenes, the Virgin and the
Child, radiant, with halos above
their heads, occupy the center of
the piece.I
Other New Testament scenes are
. . symbolic representation
United States immigration prac- ing into the country are assisting
tices and policy was the topic for
discussion at Sunday's Student the economy because they are con-
Government Council seminar. sumers.
Co-sponsored by the Interna- Izzat Saffouri, '62, pointed out,
tional Students Association and the difference between the ideo-
the Political Issues Club, the dis- logical and practical views of im-
cussion began when Ahmed Belk-;
hadja, Grad., pointed out the main migration policy and the differing
objectives of United States immi- viewpoints of America and other
gration laws as giving asylum to nations.
everyone who comes here and "We can't simply take a hu-
making the country a cosmopoli- manitarian point of view," he said,
tan whole.
Barbara Ann Miller, '61. ex- T LIG H"FUL
plained that under the McCarran-
Walter Act approved by President
Dwight D. Eisenhower, immigra-
tion was based on a quota system,
which included a very minute
quota for Oriental countries.
Country Is Shifting
According to another participant
in the discussion, the country is
shifting from a "melting pot" to a
"unity of diversities with little
cultural islands."
There is a tendency to stay at /
the status quo in immigration pol- y
icy, Arthur Rosenbaum, '60, said,
since any influx of immigrants
presents a challenge to the coun- Dear Impatience:
"The first generation remain All right, all right ...I'll buy Nai?
foreigners - the revolution comes Glace Kits for all your teachersi
with the second generation." he You know, that smart Juliette
wait s d rMarglen makes them in three
said, assortments: one's called PASTEL
Miss Miller urged a realistic ad- (this is for you)... four yummy pinks
justment in our present immigra- and corals, plus Cellini Gold and
tion policy to include a provision Cellini Silver; one's MODERN (my
for refugees, since two-thirds of choice) with six of those marvelous
our present quota system is "going high-fashion colours like Degas
to waste." Mauve, Lautrec Orange, Ceilini
"We have to consider the reaction ! The topic for the next semi
of the population here." will be "The Effect of Techni
Aid to Underdeveloped Countri(
'Inner Feeling of Freedom' The next discussion will be h
Explaining that the various cul- at 3 p.m. Jan. 11 in the Univer,
tures add to the total American Club Dining Room in the ba
culture pattern, Robert Krohn, ment of the Union.
'60E, said America means "an in- The weekly discussions are o1
ner feeling of freedom, not what to the public, according to Be
language you speak." hadja.
Winter Ke-ds
are proof against tile elements
in vorduroy or heavy sailcloth,
deep pile linings.
... a medieval view
$ 795
Sizes 5 to 10
taken from the Easter story, in-
cluding a realistic depiction of
the Crucifixion, and the lives of
Show Theological Art
Three other pictures are repre-
sentative of the symbolic theologi-
cal art of the Middle Ages, which
attempted to portray to the gen-
erally uneducated mass of believ-
ers, complex theological truths.
There is a picture of the Trinity,
showing two identical men, one
a large cross. A dove flies between
a large cross.
The men represent respectively
God the Father and God the Son.
The dove represents the Holy
Spirit, as mentioned in the Gospel
of John.
Represent Heaven Scene
Another picture depicts a scene
in Heaven, in which the Trinity
is shown, surrounded by worship-
ping angels. The last in the series
illustrates the "Ascension of the
Souls of the Righteous," the goal
of all of the faithful of the
One last medieval ideal is evi-
denced by a series of pictures on
the life of the Virgin Mary. In-
cluded among the six pictures are
scenes of the Annunciation and
the Adoration of the Magi.
Displayed with the pictures, the
text contains the actual devotional
guides, hymns and stories which
were necessary for the liturgy of
the medieval church.
Have Ornate Lettering
The manuscripts, written in
Latin, have very ornate lettering l
in the fashion of the monkish
copyist of the day. The illuminated
manuscript contains a profusion of
gold leaf along with other rather
intricate inked designs.
The decoration usually has no
purpose other than to beautify the
text, although in a few case, there
are cameo sized pictures of the
The exhibition is to remain on
public display until the end of the
month when it will be replaced by
a collection of early maps.
Health Grop
Picks Leaders
Officers and members of the
Board of Trustees of the Michigan
Health Council were elected at the!
organization's recent annual meet-
ing which was held in East Lans-
Accepts Presidency
Elected president was Dr. Otto
K. Engelke, Director of the Wash-
tenaw County Health Department-
University Vice-President and
Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Nie-
huss was chosen President-elect
of the Health Council.
Dr. Engelke, in accepting the
presidency, said that one of the
main activities of the Council
during 1959 will be to launch a!
health careers program in Michi-
Non-Profit Organization
One of their most important
functions is the placement of doc-
tors, dentists and veterinarians in
Michigan communities where they
are needed.
The Michigan Health Council is
a non-profit, voluntary health edu-
cation organization engaged in
many state-wide health projects.
Eight Juniors
Win Contests
Must Limit Influx
In answer to Rosenbaum's state-
ment that immigration has to be
limited so the economy can sup-
port the newcomers, Barbara Niel-
m m...
Bronze; the other's CLASSIC (this
just can't miss) ... four basic reds
and roses plus Juliette Marglen's
wonderful JewelBase and Jewel-
Seal. Just let me know which to
send whom.
For this personalized service
above and beyond the call of even
maternal duty, we'll expect you to
save at least one evening for "just
us folks."
Speaking of us folks, you'll be
amazed at the change in Jimmy
since you went away-I think he's
finally, if reluctantly, been con-
vinced that there's hope for you. I
overheard him telling friend Rocky
about his beautiful red-haired sis-
ter who "smells like sunshine." I
didn't have the heart to tell him
it's your Faberge Flambeau per-
fume from Paris...
Flambeau reminds me that we're
dining by candlelight tonight. To
take your father's mind off the fact
that he can't see what he's eating
will be a new luxury-model ME in
the gold brocade robe he gave me
last Christmas... and Cellini Gold
fingertips, courtesy Juliette Mar-
glen. Think you're the only red-
headed siren in the family? En
garde! And love,
Come i and see
complete selection
of Faberge Perfumes
Face the elements with Keds' wonder-
fully warm winter boots!
They are
waterproofed against snow and rain,
have deep pile linings, and give you
the new "booted look" with casual
clothes. Scrubbable inside and out, in
black, red, beige or gray.
surprise her with
Ererynady on your list will love
you for the sheer flattery anid
famous cling of Mojud stockings
...plus exclusive "magic motion"
that gives when she moves,
springs back when she stops. In
fashion's newest hues, propor
tioned lengths.
from $1.15
Collins Shop
state £& Liberty
Eight juniors in the Law SchoolI
were announced as winners in the
preliminary Campbell Competition
contests held last night.
Don Hines, George Kersten,
David Weisman and Kent Whit-
taker will participate in the semi-
finals of the competition to be
held next semester. Gerry Borden,
Bafbour Burger, John Bure and
Don Goldman will also take part.
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Daily- a.m. to 9 p.m.
Sunday-10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
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