AdV24mm., i 8 SHOPPING DAYS1E 4u UNTIL CHRISTMAS Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom VO LXX, No. 74 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1958 FIVE CENTS SNOW, COLD EIGHT PAGES I U.S .-French conference Deadlocked PARIS (AP)-United States Sec- retary of State John Foster Dulles and French Premier Charles de Gaulle failed yesterday to swee away underlying differences be- tween France and the United States on the eve of important Atlantic Pact conferences. The two men, met for an hour and a half in de Gaulle's official residence. Agree on Berlin Guarded press statements after the meeting made it plain that while the meeting was cordial the two men saw eye-to-eye only on the Berlin crisis, the issue which is expected to overshadow all else at the NATO talks. On Berlin, both reaffirmed the Western position taken Sunday that Britain, France, and the United States would maintain their position and keep free access to ,the city despite threatening moves from Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev. Ministers To Meet Dulles and the foreign. ministers of all the North Atlantic Pact countries sit down today to con- sider the Berlin question and a Wide. range of defense problems, many of which involve France's position in the geographical heart of the alliance. Paul-Henry Spaak of Belgium, the secretary-general for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Council, told a news conference during the day the Berlin question undoubtedly would dominate the talks. But he said the conferees very likely would discuss the question of military disengagement in cen- tral Europe. Afterrtoday's Dulles-De Gaulle talks, informed sources suggested the French were mixing politics with the West's defense needs in a diplomatic maneuver to bolster 11rance's role in NATO. Rountree Hit BIraqi Mobe BAGHDAD M-A brief shower of mudballs and eggs and a sizable rock hurled from howling mobs of young Iraqis greeted Assistant Secretary of State William Roun- tree yesterday. None of the missiles hit him. "Go home, Rountree," the mobs chorused. He arrived by air in late after- noon on his fact-finding Mideast mission and landed in a tight screen of military security pro- vided by the Iraqi government. Hit Car The mudballs splattered the side of the embassy limousine on the ride in to the embassy from the airport, At one point Rountree's car was also hit by a rock. It cracked but did not break the left side wind- shield just in front of the driver's seat. At the airport and in front of the embassy crowds of young men kept up the chorused shouts, "Go home, Rountree!" Carry Banners They carried and waved banners with similar slogans in English. But nothing serious happened at the airfield arrival, mostly thanks to a deft maneuver by the Iraqi military guards. While the crowd surged forward to the main en- trance, Rountree's car was whisked away through a far-side gateway. (Iraq has been seething since a military group destroyed the monarch of King Faisal last July' 14 and set up a revolutionary re- public. Besides serious internal struggles mainly between right and left, external pressures have come from President G3amal Abdul Nas- ser's United Arab Republic, from the Soviet Communist leadership and satellites, and from the West in its apparently lost effort to keep Iraq in the Baghdad Pact. British influence in Iraq is wan- ing but it still prevails in the de- velopment of Iraq's oil export wealth for practical reasons.) Positions Oe11 On Joint, ,Jde Petitioning for five positions on Joint Judiciary Council will con- tinue until Friday. according toy Will Not Run, Mayor Declares Post Takes Time from Teaching, Eldersveld Announces to Council By THOMAS TURNER PAPERS: ITU Local Continues Legislative Spending I Plan May Up Its Strike There was no indication last night when the state's strike- bound Booth newspapers would re- sume publication. Arthur Gallagher editor of the By $80 Billion Ann Arbor's mayor, Prof. Samuel J. Eldersveld of the political Booth-owned Ann Arbor News, ex- science department, announced last night that he will not seek plained officials of the Interna- reelection. tional Ty o of heUnonad tionl Tpographical Union had ON BERLIN CRISIS: Reds Cell for Summit Conference Ike, Briefs Prof. Eldersveld explained he felt it "wiser for me, my family, my party and my community" to retire. He has been spending from 25 to 40 hours a week on city business, he continued, and feels this too great a sacrifice of the time he should give to his duties as an educator. Theory Fallacious "The theory of one person leadership is rather fallacious," Prof. .... ...,. ,,i..,a .. x... ... .. .........,. ........ Eldersveld added, and he feels A Teamsters Pay Bender For Work WASHINGTON (A3-Senate in- vestigators said yesterday the Teamsters Union paid former Sen- ator George H. Bender (R-Ohio) a total of $28,300.58 for about three and one-half m~onths work as chairman of a Teamsters-selected anti-racketeering commission. The two other members of the Bender group-F. Joseph Donohue, Washington, and Ira W. Jayne, Detroit--said they never received anything. jThey said the. panel agreed not to function because court-ap- pointed Teamsters monitors ques- tioned the function of the Bender group named by Teamsters boss James R. Hoffa. Confirms Report Bender confirmed receiving more than $20,000 from the Teamsters and questioned what all the fuss was about. "A fter all," he said, "this is union money, and not public money," In other. news developments af- fecting the Teamsters today. 1) It was disclosed in New "York that Thomas L. Hickcey, a critic of Hoff A, has been removed as general organizer for the union. Hickey was replaced by John O'Rourke, it Hoff a supporter who] heads the New York Joint Council of Teamsters. The action was taken by the., Union's executive board at Miami Beach, Fla., Satur- day. Subpoenas Records 2) Edward T. Cheyfitz, Wash- ington attorney regarded as one of Hoff a's closest advisors, confirmed that the Senate Rackets Investi- gating Committee has subpoenaed some of his financial records. Cheyfitz said that, on request, he submitted a list of waterfront unions he represents and the fees and expenses they paid him. He said the unions included the Teamsters. Chairman John L. McClellan (D-Ark) of the Senate committee computed the $28,300.58 total they, said Bender received from the Teamsters. knn Arbor's Democratic party can " easily provide new leadership. Prof. Eldersveld concluded that "per- haps some day I may even run again for office, perhaps for City Council." The mayor was elected in 1956, defeating Republican incumbent William Brown. Two Others Withdraw Last night's City Council meet- ing produced statements of non- candidacy from two other mem- bers. Prof. Charles W. Joiner of the Law School, third ward Republi- can, said he is "particularly proud" 4, called weekend votes of three locals to return to work "advisory votes" without official sanction. Booth would be happy to have whatever workers had approved its offer return to work, Gallagher declared. But he explained that the Union apparently felt having some papers begin publishing while others were still negotiating would create "dissention." Neither the Union nor the com- pany disclosed details of the con- tract upon which the recent votes were held. But at one stage in Lansing negotiations, a Booth spokesman said the union's de- mands were more than 15 cents an hour above the company's offer. Booth said at the time it offered the printers increases of nine cents and 10 cents hourly for a two-year contractewhich would raise the hourly rate to $3.31 in most cases, including that here. Gallagher reported that a me- diator for the discontinued Lan- sing negotiations had predicted the Booth papers would not publish before Christmas. Trade Plans Threatened PARIS QP) -- Britain served no- tice yesterday it may take econ- omic reprisals against the six- nation European common market if the members refuse to agree to a broader free trade area. The blunt British threat brought angry retorts~ from the common market nations. They ex- pressed determinataion to proceed with their plan to start the com- mon market area Jan. 1. The threat by Sir David Eccles, President of the British Board of Trade, came on the heels of his earlier proposal to match the trade liberalizatalon measures of the common market as a stopgap. The common market partners told Britain to put the offer in writ- ing and it would be studied. French Foreign Minister Maur- ice Couve de Murville said: "France will not negotiate in any way under threats." The angry exchange deepened fear. that the common market treaty might lead to a trade war among the non-Communist coun- tries of Western Europe. Comprise Common Market The French, Germans, Italians' BERLIN (A)-East Germany and Poland called yesterday for an East-West summit conference to avert the danger of war. SGC To Talk On Purp"oses. Of Council By JEAN HARTWIG Student Government Council will hold a special open meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the Student Activities Building to discuss the philosophy and concepts of stu- dent government, Mort Wise, '59, executive vice-president said yes- terday. The discussion will proceed "ap- proximately as the council mem- bers want," he said, explaining that each of the eighteen members will be allowed to speak for four minutes. A period for discussion of the concepts expressed will be held after the speeches. Audience Time Intended to solidify and clarify the members' ideas about student government, the meeting will probably also include a time for the audience to speak. Commenting on the purpose of the discussion, Dean of Women Deborah Bacon called the meet- ing "very valuable, indeed," add- ing that SGC is actually in the position of an administrator in most of its Wednesday meetings. "I know that it is practically a dirty word, but there are a certain number of administrative jobs and work that must be 'done. The work The two Communist nations, in a joint communique, urged chiefs of the great powers to renew nego- tiations on disarmament and crea- tion of a central European zone free of atomic weapons. "This will contribute to reducing the danger of armed conflict in Europe." the communique, signed by Walter Ulbricht and Wladys- law Gomulka, Communist party bosses of East Germany and Po- land said. Issued on Return The communique, published by the East German news agency ADN, was issued shortly after Ul- bricht returned to Berlin from a six-day visit to Poland. Gomulka joined with Ulbricht in demanding the ouster of Western troops from Berlin and acceptance of the Soviet proposal to turn the isolated metropolis into a free city. But the two Communist leaders, in sounding a call for a summit parley, did not indicate that Mos- cow was ready to place Berlin on the agenda. Urge Conference "The German Democratic Re- public and the People's Republic of Poland support fully and com- pletely the initiative of the Soviet Union for the calling of a summit conference to solve urgent and pressing international problems," the communique said. They apparently were referring to a Soviet proposal for a, confer- ence raised in a note to the At- C r P Coto la MAYOR ELDERSVELD . .. to retire of two Counci accomplishments during the years he has served: making the position of city admin- istrators executively responsible and bringing city services to the growing metropolitan area. He listed new methods of finance, intergovernmental reorganization in the Ann Arbor area, increased understanding of zoning, and greater cooperation with the Uni- versity as areas to be worked in by the new Council. Consider Insurance Fifth ward Republican Carl A. Brauer, Jr.,, then explained he "hadn't realized this was the night for swan-songs" but had an- nounced yesterday that he would not seek reelection. During last night's meeting, the Council voted to consider the city's group insurance plan at next week's working committee meeting of the whole Council. lantic Pact powers over the week- end. The communique offered no en- couragement to those Western statesmen who favor a top-level conference with the Russians on the whole German problem, in- cluding Berlin. Loaw Moral"e Makes Four LeaVe MSU Four former Michigan State University faculty members con- firmed reports that they resigned because of "low morale and dic- tatorial tactics," it was announced yesterday. "Since the reports have been made public, I believe the people of Michigan should know why such conditions must not be allowed to exist in education, Prof. James H. Platt said. Prof. Platt left MSU last August to take a position at Northeast Missouri State Teach- er's College. He had recently relayed com- plaints from his former colleagues to the American Association of University Professors (AAUP). Wrote Letter Prof. Platt's letter, which ac- companied reports on the en- gineering college and the depart- ment of communication skills, listed himself and three others who left "because of these condi- tions." The others, confirming the re- ports and offering to testify, are Prof. William Butt, now at Cen- tral Michigan College; Prof. Wil- bur Peterson, now at North Carolina, State College and Leo Jedynak, now teaching at Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology. Prof. Platt remarked that the criticism of the department of communication skills is very ob- jective and factual. "The students are the ones who suffer when such conditions exist," he said. Knew Conditions He maintained that both the MSU units of the AAUP and the American Federation of Teachers "had known about theconditions for some time and had done noth- ing." Prof. Butt, a graduate of MSU, said he was offered a promotion coupled with a higher salary at Central Michigan, but "these con- ditions alone wouldn't have in- duied me to leave." See FOUR, page 5 Court Directs Bis Ruling In Tennessee WASHINGTON (") - The Su- preme Court yesterday directed a lower court to rule on the validity of Tennessee's law requiring racial segregation on streetcars and buses. The court ruled unanimously that a three-judge district court in Memphis erred in dismissing, without reaching the merits, a Negro's suit for an injunction against enforcement of the law. No Controversy Republicans On Proposal President To Attempt To Balance Budget Through Congress WASHINGTON (m)- President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday sketched out a 1959 legislative program that may push federal spending up to 80 billion dollars. With President Eisenhower pre- siding, Republican Congressional leaders got a briefing on legislative and budget prospects at a White House conference which ran through the day. They came away figuring that spending in the new budget will go above the $79,200,000,000 esti- mated for the present financial year, which ends next June 30. Desire Balance But they said President Eisen- hower is determined to balance the budget if possible and may do so- and challenge heavy spenders in Congress to go along with a bal- ance. This evidently would rule out any tax cut as well as any big boost in defense spending. Many members of Congress consider de- fense allotments dangerously low. For the current year, the Ad- ministration has predicted that it will run more than 12 billion dollars in the red, because spend- ing went up and the business re- cession cut revenues. Since tlier, were no hints of a tax increase, the Administration obviously is pegging its hopes for a budget balance to a continued pickup in business. Leaders Attend Vice-President Richard M. Nixon and seven top Republicans from Senate and House sat in on the White House session. Cabinet members and heads of government agencies took turns going over Administration pro- grams in their particular fields., On the discussion schedule were such topics as civil rights and labor legislation, farm and hous- ing programs, social security, water resources development, postal rates, foreign aid and national defense. To Reach Congress These topics and legislative pro- posals touching on them will be laid before the new Congress in President Eisenhower's State of the Union message next month His budget message will spell out, the financing part. The whole picture of the pro- gram and its financing was drawn today in what House Republican leader Joseph W. Martin, Jr. (M am.) called broad strokes. All those present agreed that no fig- ures are final at this point, includ- ing the one for defense spending and the total for the budget. But Sen. Styles Bridges of New Hampshire, chairman of the Sen- ate Republican policy committee, and others, too, talked in terms of an 80 billion dollar budget. Jan. 24 Set For Mid-year Graduation M. Alicia Dwyer of the business and the Benelux nations of Bel- administration school, who intro- gium, Netherlands and Luxem- duced the plan, explained that she bourg make up the common mar- favored the current plan but felt ket area. employes concerned should be able These six plus 11 other Euro- to express opinions yeriodically, pean powers make up the larger and the city should be able to con- Organization for European Econ- sider the expense. omic Cooperation (OEEC), which may be very boring, but that is GENEVA (A)-The United States what government is," she said. yesterday handed Russia the first Should Ask Why detailed Western blueprint for a "Every once in a while you control system to police a nuclear should sit down and ask why- test ban. towards what end you are work- Russian spokesmen immediately ing. You should have a policy described the plan as unaccept- meeting considerably more often able. than every four years," she ex- This negative Russian reaction plained. underlined the fact that-despite Jo Hardee, '60, SGC administra- some progress on procedural mat- tive vice - president, commented ters-the three-nation talks have that it is always valuable when thus far achieved no common people discuss opinions, although ground on the fundamental issue we "certainly have no idea of of control. changing anybody's viewpoint." United States delegate James J. Roger Seasonwein, '61, called Wadsworth submitted four draft the meeting "healthy," adding articles for a, proposed treaty on "it's always valuable if people prohibition of nuclear weapons have been thinking all along, but tests. The drafts were not made not if they have to manufacture public but spelled out in precise something to say. Time will tell." detail how the control organiza- tion should function. The articles provided for fixed Y D'sTo Lleap" control posts, manned by an inter- nationalstaff. The posts would be atspread throughout the world to State jusice watch for secret nuclear tests in the atmosphere, underground or SToday Whenever the control posts re- port suspicious earth tremors Michigan Supreme Court Jus- which might be caused by under- tice George Edwards will speak ground tests, permanent inspection before the Young Democrats Club teams would,be entitled to make at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 3-C of an on-the-spot investigation. the Michigan Union. Although the Russians have ac- Justice Edwards, a Democrat, eepted the principle of a control will speak on "The Role of the system, their present ideas on how Courts in Maintaining Freedom." such a system would work are de- His discussion will deal with the scribed by Western delegates as in- legal aspects of desegregation. adequate. National Round tp is considering the rival plans. The common market six had offered some proposals designed to reduce the possibility of trade __discrimination against countries not members of the common mar- By The Associated Press ket. Britain and the other non- NEW YORK-The New York newspaper strike continued through member countries found the pro- its sixth day yesterday with the nation's top federal mediator groping posals unacceptable. vainly for a solution. The British threat of reprisal Neither side seemed inclined to budge an inch.'came during a marathon session "There is no factual basis for optimism," Joseph F. Finnegan,of, OEEC ministers. Twice the ses- T here Dirs or f athu d ral ass df r ti mism," Jos h sions w ere recessed to allow the National Director of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, ministers time for study. in his first full day here from . Washington, admitted. He said 'F both sides have "taken a stiff N APANESE LITERATURE: attitude." WASHINGTON - Ten strong supporters of Eisenhower foreign policy, most of whom regard them- selves as liberals, banded together yesterday for a fight to win controlj of the Republican leadership in the Senate, The 10 senators voted unani- mously to offer a full slate of candidates to the Republican cau-I cus which meets in January to elect officers for the new Senate. This was a challenge to Sen. Styles Bridges of New Hampshire, long time chairman of the Senate. GOP Policy Committee, and to Sen. Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois, Sen. Bridges' choice to succeed re- tiring Sen. William F. Knowland of California as Republican floor' leader. Prof. Ota Terms Whitman Influential By FAITH WEINSTEIN In the sixty years since his poetry was introduced in Japan, Walt Whitman has had a definite influence on Japanese literature,1 Prof. Saburo Ota of the Techni- cal Institute of Tokyo, revealed in a lecture yesterday. "The life and work of Walt Whitman was introduced in Japan in 1892," Prof. Ota began in a talk sponsored by the English de- partment. At first he was known only in a very select literary circle as a "poet who truly represented the reuubic ofn America." poetry was like nothing they had ever seen before. His stress on the people in general, on the workings of society, was totally different from the Japanese tradition. At first, Prof. Ota said, Whit- man was regarded as a sort of Darwinist poet. The Darwinian4 ideas of evolution had a great in- fluence on Japan, mainly through the influence of a Japanese schol- ar, Natsume Soseki. Soseki was one of the first Jap- anese literary men to grasp the 4 fundamental idea of Whitman's I Wok Pnf C)rM -a 4i side of Whitman; the physical' side "was neglected, or rather' despised." Shiratori Seigo, who edited a Japanese translation of "Leaves of Grass" was the man who intro- duced Whitman to Japan as a real person, rather than only as a poet, Prof. Ota said. It was ,with Shira- tori that a new movement in Jap- anese poetry, called "Minshu-shi- ha, poets of common people" be- gan. These were poets who wrote for the first time in the idiom of the cnmmnn nnnio emnvinr Ae=.. In dismissing the suit brought The Mid - year commencement by 0. Z. Evers, a Negro resident exercises will be held at 2 p.m., of Memphis, the lower court said Jan. 24, 1959, in Hill Auditorium, there was no actual controversy James P. Gray, '59, Senior Board involved. The court said Evers president said yesterday. boarded a Memphis bus April 26, The exercises will be for Janu- A1956,just to start a lawsuit, ary graduates, Gray added. EvAccordingly, the court held, Orders for caps and gowns will Evers was not "representative of be accepted only until the begin- the class of colored citizens who use ning of the Christmas vacation. the buses in Memphis as a meansAnnouncement orders will be of transportation." taken today and tomorrow from In reinstating Evers' suit, the 1 to 5 p.m. in the basement of the Supreme Court said the fact he Student Activities Building. "may have boarded this particular Auditions for the traditional bus for the purpose of instituting student commencement speaker this litigation is not significant." will he hld .Tan . thrnuh S.