THE MICHIGAN DAILY ampus Religion Groups Plan rocessional, Dinners, Carols By ANITA FELDMAN From caroling, to filling baskets wih food, to giving Christmas plays and parties, campus religious groups usher in the Yuletide sea- son. The Newman Club., the Univer- sity-recognized religious group for Catholic students on campus. be- gan its Christmas activities with Mass at 5 p-m. Friday. Following Mass a processional commemo- rated the passing of Mary and Joseph from house to house while seeking a room in Bethlehem. Those primarily participating in this processional were Latin Amer- ican students but others joined in. A dinner was then served, followed by a party at which the only pre- requisite for admission was the donation of a can of food. The foodnwi1l be put into baskets and distributed to the poor of Ann Arbor. Clubs To Carol At 8 p.m. Wednesday after devo- tions. the group will go out carol- ing and th-en return to the club for hot chocolate and other re- freshments. The University Christian Feder- ation, commonly called UCF, is a1 federation of ten of the Protestant,. Anglican and Orthodox student groups on the University campus.l In the celebration of Christmas. this large student group presented a World Carol Sing at 8 p.m. Fri-i day in Lane Hall.C WORLD CAROL SING-The University Christian Federation celebrated Christmas this year with a carol sing presented by a group of students at Lane Hall Friday evening. There are ten groups in the 1-CF, most of whom have also planned separate activities for the holiday season. Among these is a Boar's Head Dinner to be given by the Episcopal Student Foundation on Wednesday. As well as entire group singing, groups from different countries presented their own carols. Stu- dents from Latin America, Hun- gary, Germany. Sweden, and the Netherlands were some of those participating in the sing. Most of the ten groups belong- ing to UCF are also planning Christmas activities of their own.1 1 ---. .._ _. __..__ I A Ili . FoR LUXURY . FOR CONVENIENCE . FOR PLEASURE 11 for a perfect VOCQtiOn RENT A NEW CAR SPECIAL DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY and WEEK-END RATES .Avlms RENT- a- CAPQ The Roger Williams Guild is planning a service project for today in which they will go carol- ing at the home of shut-in mem- bers of their Church, the First Baptist Church, and then return to their pastor's home for a part To Hold Boar's Head Feast The Episcopal Student Founda- tion will give their traditional Boar's Head Dinner on Wednes- day in the Parish House at St. Andrews Church. Following he dinner, to which all. are welcome, will be a song-fest, and then the students will proceed to their stu- dent center, Canterbury House, for refreshments. The Congregational and Dis- ciples Guild will be doing some- thing quite original. One of its members has written a morality play based on the theme, "What would happen if Christ was born again?" The play takes' place in South Africa where Christ, reborn, is rejected by everyone, the mili- tary, government, clergy and com- mon man. The author of the play tries to point out that there is need for further searching in order to dis- cover the position of Christ and religious thinking, and the relation between religious thinking and everyday life. The play will be presented at C p.m. today at Douglas Memorial Chapel and will be followed by an open house at the Congregational and Disciples Guild House. Wassail Bowl Sing Set Among the Presbyterian Student Fellowship's Christmas activities will be a carol sing for married studentsaaround the wassail bowl at 3:30 p.m. today. This evening there will be a caroling party for the entire fel- lowship and anyone else who wishes to participate. On Tuesday, the group will have a dinner at 6 p.m. which will be followed by the second Merrill Lecure. The Merrill Lectures include a group of four lectures which are being presented to the students on the topic of religion. This second one will be presented by the Rev. Prof. J. F. Peer of Sydney, Aus- tralia, a member of the faculty at the University of New South Wales. He will speak on "The Lord's Table as it Unites and Di- vides Us." String Quartet To Perform The Lutheran Student Center will hold its Christmas program at 7:30 p.m. today. The Chapel Choir will sing special music, with a string quartet playing, and with Teruya Uyeno, a Japanese gradu- ate student speaking on the Christmas theme. Along withmtheir traditional tree -trimming party, theaWesley Student Fellowship sang carols for shut-ins on Friday before joining the UCF World Carol Sing, The Inter-Varsity Christian Fel- lowship will also be having their own carol sing. It will be held at 7:15 p.m. Tuesday. At 4 p.m. today in Lane Hall the group will hear a lecture on "Way of Life or Life Itself" which will be given by Eric Fife, an Englishman connected with the Fellowship on its national level. Schedule Christmas Supper There are also religious groups on campus which are not a part of UCF and who are working on pre-Christmas activities. One of these, Gamma Delta (a Lutheran student club,), will have a Christmas supper at 6 p.m. today followed by a candlelight Christ- mas vespers. This will feature the Chapel choir, congregational sing- ing and a contemporary Nativity Contata. The Young Friends Fellowship will have a carol sing at 7:15 p.m. today at the Friend's Center. Re- freshments will also be served. HOLIDAY? TodSen Vacations Near 'U' A number of students will be spending their vacations near the campus during the Christmas holidays. Some of these will be foreign students whose native lands are far away, some will be nurses who must spend three or more days working in the hospital and still others will be students who make Ann Arbor their permanent home. Plan Events All will find special Christmas events planned for them. Several families in and near the Ann Arbor area will share their holiday season with foreign students and invitations from families in other Michigan cities have been extended to Interna- tional students. Carol sings have also been planned by several groups before the holiday. A World Christmas Carol Sing, being sponsored by the University Christian Federa- tion, will feature group singing, explanations from students of various countries about their Christmas customs and an inter- pretation of the religious meaning of Christmas. Hold 'Sings' An Ann Arbor Community Sing will also take place and all stu- dents will be invited to take part in the event. The M i c h i g a n League will add to the list of "sings" by sponsoring an All- Campus Carol Sing, Several student organizations are having parties during the holiday. Among them, the New- man Club, the German Club, the Philippine-Michigan Club, and the Chinese Club are planning unique parties to celebrate the Christmas season. League Plans Party For the families of the interna- tional students, a Christmas party is being planned by the League International Committee. Wives and children of foreign students will be special guests of the com- mittee at a party in the League Snack Bar. Decorations and San- ta Claus will be centers of inter- est as the children are enter- tained. Aside from all the activity that is going on in Ann Arbor for the international students, there are also many activities planned which will take the students throughout the world.Several stu- dents will take trips to Puerto Rico and others will see Washing- ton, D.C. and New York. Many will participate in international weekends, to take place in Mich- igan. Students in Ann Arbor will find that special holiday services will be held at all of the Ann Ar- bor churches. Children's pro- grams, special music, pageants and plays will depict special Christmas messages. Midnight services on Christmas Eve will also be held. FOOTWEAR Karen Black Suede The "Soft ToUCh" ... youngest, gayest, pointiest shoes in town! So glove soft and pliable, they actually fold in half. Note the new little heels ... sensational with short, full-blown skirts! From Fiances' new, "Soft Touch" collection in the most delicious colors ... $12.95 Y I P, (Insert names, leathers, colors, sizesl tancees I] 1 I'U Popsy 13 lack Suede or Prown Calf 4 514 East Washington Phone NO 3-4156 OPEN EVERY NIGHT EXCEPT SATURDAY TILL 8;30 1 0 vwwm / I Collins Sho STATE and LIBERTY ACCESSORIES that will beautify ( her CHRISTMAS F gift wardrobe ... Leather billfolds . . . lighters, purses, key and cigarette cases. 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