Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND 'MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNM-ERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD INCONTIROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG," ANN .ARBOR,'MICH. 9 Phone N~o 2-3241 ten Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevai" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Y. DECEMBER 14, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: PHILIP MUNCK Residence Halls Food Protests Show Need for Policy Evaluation NEVER LET IT be said that all women do is talk, for during the past two weeks there nas been action along with the words. Last week the women of Stockwell all staged a quiet food boycott, and Wednesday, Mosher all residents left dinner in protest of the resi- dence halls administrative policies. Residence Halls administrative officials have blamed tensions, the excitement of the holi- days, and last minute papers for the food pro- tests. But this seems to be pure rationalization on their part, for the complaints are legitimate and justified. Rooms are cleaned every two weeks instead of one, meal tickets are issued for a month instead of a week, residents are not allowed to have guests during the week days in the women's dormitories and the qua- lity of the food has been persistently low. Yet, the decline in service has not been ac- companied by a decline in rate. Eight hun- dred dollars is no mere pittance to pay out each year for room and board. Rates at other schools are lower and the service better. Of course, it is true that the women in the residence halls made their own choice; first, that they wanted to come to the University, and second, that they wished to remain inde- pendent women. But the blame should not be put on them, for the University wants and needs students. And once in the residence halls, t is practically impossible for women to move out. CERTAINLY it is unfortunate for the Uni- versity to be in the news again about poor food and demonstrating students. But the situ- ation in the residence halls must be aired. And when the administration says that it is unfair to the University to have this appear in public they are both ignoring and refusing to take their responsibility. The students had tried to do something about the food situation in Stockwell early this fall. Parents wrote and visited with the Business Manager of the Residence Halls, Leonard Schaadt ,and students protested to him about the food. Had something been done early this fall when the unrest began, demon- strations would not be needed. The women who participated in the protests should be com- mended for being remarkably decent about the whole affair. ANOTHER OCCURRENCE of last week re- lates directly to the residence hall situation. Apartment permissions in the future will be more difficult to obtain, the Dean of Women's office announced. It seems that the Adminis- tration is afraid that if apartment permissions were to be handed out to all who desire them, the residence halls would be empty next fall. With the addition of Mary Markley Hall this fall, there has been an excess of space in the dormitories. PERHAPS if all the women in the dormitory system were to request to leave the system in their senior year, the administration would realize that the women in University housing are not happy with their lot. Something should be done to make dormitory living more profit- able and enjoyable. Of course, not all women would want the extra burden of buying food, cleaning house, etc., but many would enjoy being out from under the wings of the ad- ministration at this time. Maybe the Admiinstration should take a lesson from Student Government Council, As- -sembly and the League and sit down to re- evaluate the purposes and administrative poli- cies of the residence halls. A-BEATA JORGENSON Associate City Editor Academics M ove Ahead By LANE VANDERSLICE Daily Staff Writer IN A YEAR marked by changes in many academic fronts, prob- ably the most important develop- ment was the opening of the Un- dergraduate library. Althoughl hooted at by many as another"Disneyland" the Under- graduate library has been re- sponsible for the most heartening changes apparent this year. Book circulation and library use-good indications of intellectual interest at the University-have increased significantly. The excellent selection of books in all departments, the recently opened audio room, and the varied collection of art books put the best of the world's knowledge and cul- ture within the reach of the aver- age student and make the in- creased library circulation and usage all the more important. * * * OTHER developments should not be slighted however. Introduction of an undergradu- ate Asian Studies was important this year, not only because it filled a gap in an increasingly important area, but because it was symbolic of a movement that is also gain- ing in importance: the reintegra- tion of various disciplines in order to better understand a complex area. And the honors program con- tinued to expand, with a summer reading program, special courses for honor students and the an- nouncement that all literary, col- lege departments will have junior and senior honors programs next year. * * * CROW The Year i~n Review Unversity Faces Budget Cut By JOAN KAATZ Daily Staff Writer THE FINANCIAL TROUBLES that swept the nation during the year 1958 did not bypass the University. Legislators cut both the operating and capital outlay requests and forced the "U" to manage on an "aus- terity" budget. In April the legislators cut $7 million from the school's request when they appropriated $30 million for operations. This figure was one million dollars less than the operating budget for the previous year. In May, the state virtually ceased all new construction and cut $13,500,000 from the University's $15,000.008 request for capital outlay. The cut in operations prevented an enrollment increasean increase in the number of classes and caused a reduction of 207 faculty members from the staff. The capital outlay appropriation of $1,500,000 merely allowed the "U" to complete renovations at the hospital, to finish Change Admissions Policy IN-STATE students who desire to attend the University should be required to take an en- trance examination. As it now stands, an entrance examination Is stipulated only when the admissions office Is uncertain about a student's ability to meet the University's requirements. Out of state students however, must take College Entrance Examination Boards. The requirements for Michigan residents are not sufficient. This is indicated each semester by the number of in-state students who are flunked out of the University. One hundred fifty-six of the 193 freshmen who were asked to leave school from the literary college last June were from the state of Michigan. Presently, a grade transcript, high school class ranking, a principal's recommendation and an application form which included a list- ng of the admission candidate's extra-curricu- lar activities are required from all prospective University students. There is no doubt that all the asked-for in- formation is important and all of it gives Uni- versity officials a more complete picture of the student's background and abilities. However, because the entire admissions process is one which, in effect, compares candidate with candidate, precisely the same standard of eval- uation should be available for all students. A CANDIDATE'S academic prowess is the prime factor which determines whether he is accepted to the University. But a better in- dication of comparative intellectual ability than high school grades and class rank is needed. Some high schools are unquestionably bet- ter than others. Standards of what is "A" and "B" work often differ considerably. It is en- tirely possible that an "A" student at one school may be a "B" student at another and vice-versa. The very markging system may vary from school to school. College Board examinations or a similar type of standard test would provide the truest analysis of a candidate's, intellectual abilities. By giving everyone the same examination, there could be little question as to the true apti- tude or achievement of one candidate as com- pared to another. It is hoped that the Admissions Committee which is currently studying the problem will see fit to implement such tests for all can- didates. Because the University has an obli- gation to admit a high percentage of state resi- dents does not mean that the quality standards for those residents should be relaxed. The Uni- versity should hasten to rectify its admission requirements with all deliberate speed. -JUDITH DONER ALL OF THE NEWS in the Uni- versity's academic world did not represent advances. The AAUP censure reminded the University that further meisures must be taken to strengthen academic freedom; slow grindings in the calendar area serve to point out that bigness can often become un- wieldiness. But on the whole, the University had a successful academic year, and next year should be even bet- ter, if the University heeds this year's warnings while continuing this year's standard of academic achievement. THE ECONOMY: Forecast Br1 By BARTON HUTHWAITE Daily Staff Writer RECESSION - conscious Ameri- cans viewed the coming of 1958 with hopeful optimism. The Ad- ministration and high Republican political officials had promised an end to the business relapse that had gripped the United States since August of 1957. But the Administration's words; of encouragement were not real- ized and business continued to spiral downward until it reached bottom in April of this year. Re- covery'since then has been slow but sure. Not until early this month did economists officially call an end to the recession. * * * TWO ASPECTS of the 1957-58 slump reassured economists of .the American economy's flexibility. First, consumers kept on buying even though pay checks were a little thinner and bank accounts a little smaller. Their spending rate at the bottom of the reces- sion was less than one per cent below that of the pre-recession 1957 peak. By February of this year, economists said retail trade was on the upturn, despite the fact that unemployment was over the five million mark and still ris- ing. Second, the economy's built-in stabilizers helped to reduce the hard-hitting effect of the reces- sion. While production was drop- ping some six per cent, the per- sonal income of Americans slipped only one per cent. Business in- dexes show that total income, like] retail sales, was on the rise be- fore business generally stopped going down. * * * DEMANDS for a sweeping taxi cut failed to convince the Ad-] ministration that the recession was that serious. Administrative action came in the form of more military contracts and a step up in existing public works programs. Calls for big public works projectsj were answered by eased credit, hastened tax refunds and liberal- ized home purchase terms. Con- gress pledged a billion dollars to bolster the home mortgage mar-.. ket, provided for an extension of jobless pay and passed tax reliefi bills for small business and econ- omically weak railroads. The Administration's unwill-; partici the Co on the Renewal Issue Continues By PHILIP MUNCK Daily Stat Writer IN ANN ARBOR, the question of Urban Renewal is not a new one nor will it be settled soon, but 1958 will be marked as the hottest year the plan has seen. The real fight over Urban Renewal began early in the summer when the city planning commission presented a some-what farfetched plan. Although a good plan, it went much too far, with an extensive scheme of tearing down the whole area and rebuilding it from scratch. The Council unanimously voted it down. ight F uture _ The consequent creation of the' Plans Standards Committee went boom in the year 1959. Economists a long way in filling the gap be- b tween the Council and planning say there will be high and steadi- commission and the people of the ly rising employment. renewal area. Composed largely of There will probably not be a people in the area who would, measurable cut in unemployment after all, be the most affected by the program, the committee work- until the end of the year. The five ed well and the new plan came out million jobless can expect re- as essentially feasible and prac- hiring to begin sometime during tical. -Daily-David Arnold TDS LISTEN-More than 300 Ann Arbor citizens flocked to pate in a public hearing on Urban Renewal last month. When ouncil chambers were filled to capacity; people were seated floor below and listened to a radio broadcast of the meeting. construction of the Medical Sci- ence building and follow plans through on the mental health re- search building, The reduced appropriation stems, in part, from the state's dire finan- cial condition. Last week Rep. Rol- lo G. Conlin (R-Tipton), head of the House taxation committee, predicted that the state debt will rise to $100 million by the close of the fiscal yea in June. Due to the difficulty the state's nine tax-supported colleges and universities have had in getting funds, the concept of joint requests both for operations and for capital outlay emerged from the Council of College Presidents meetings this fall. Work on a joint capital outlay request has already begun with indications that the total request will be somewhere around $25 mil- lion dollars. A joint operating bud- get will probably not emerge until next fall. THESE JOINT requests along with the proposed change in the State tax structure, as suggested by the Citizen's Advisory Commit- tee earlier this month, may pro- vide the solution to the financial troubles of tht state. However, the ,benefits to the University are still somewhat unclear. A joint budget request from the nine schools would present to the legislators a unified picture of the current needs of higher education in the state . . but theeadminis- tration of a joint appropriation may provide loopholes unfavorable to the University's position. If the Legislature should considerably cut the joint request, then the problem of which school will shoulder the major part of the reduction may cause some animosity among the institutions. If this is the case, then the extent of cooperation aimed at by the joint effort may be considerably reduced. * * * THE ROAD to acceptance of the new tax structure is likely to be harder than that of joint requests. As Prof. Harvey Brazier of the economics department, director of the tax study, has said, the pro- posal must be accepted as a bal- anced program and not in parital form. Each component is an in- tegral part of the overall effective- ness of the program. But several of the proposed changes are meeting opposition from various interest groups . . and acceptance will only come if each of these groups realize that although somie will suffer in vary- ing degrees, general improvements will justify it. Should the proposal be accepted, more money will then be put into the State's General F'und which helps finance the University. But there is no indication as to what percentage of the increased funds will eventually be earmarked for the "U." The picture for the coming year is thus somewhat confused and unsteady. The potpourri of sugges- tions have several definite merits whether these merits will or will not be realized can only be told when the pattern of 1959 re- veals itself. SGC: Definition Of Power, Role Near By THOMAS TURNER Daily Staff Writer IN ITS FOURTH year of exis- tence, Student Government Council has met, far more inter- est than ever before. Most of this interest, however, has been provoked by the many- splendored Sigma Kgppa case, which has by its coiplexity di- verted theaCouncil from other val- uable areas and by its pitfalls ut the whole idea of student gov- ernment in jeopardy. Throughout the spring, SGC went along its often-merry way, concerned as a former member says "largely with propagating it- self." Projects were initiated by the score, however, some to con- tribute to the .campus welfare, others to fall by the wayside, BUT FOR many Council mem- bers, and certainly for their cn- stituency, the big item was the Sigma Kappa case, to come up this fall. And come up it did, far bigger than anyone anticipated. SGC considered the sorority's resolu- tion passed at the summer conven- tion, and during a rather theatri- cal session in the Union ballroom, found the group still in violation. The administration, t h r o u g h SGC's Board in Review, asserted its jurisdiction in the area. SGC complied with Board in Review directives to try and re solve the jurisdictional dipute, then went ahead and withdrew recognition of the sorority which it felt violated University rules by not allowing its local chapters to pledge freely. The Board in Review met again, and reversed the Council decision. SGC HAS NOW filed an appeal to the Regents, following faculty endorsement of its stand, and pre- sumably early 1959 will see a Re- gent hearing of the whole affair, What this means for the future of SOC is not clear, but it does not seem it will be all bad. For the Regents, who may be a more liberal group than those who passed the Student Government Council plan four years ago, will have an opportunity to consider the problems of student govern- ment's power. The cloudy area of SGC-admin- istration jurisdiction split has been exposed and will now have to be re-defined. And SGC itself, has been prompted to consider what its pur- pose is and/or should be, which could be the most valuable result of all. the middle of say. 1959, economists * * * PRODUCERS can probably look for an upswing in sales in the near future if the American consumer continues his present buying trend. The University Survey Re- search' Center cited a marked in- crease in the consumer's purchas- ing confidence. It reported that its latest, October, poll shows more families saying their financial sit- uation has improved. Consumers have hopes for higher income and a better year all around in 1959. Economically, the a v e r a g e American can expect a slightly fattened paycheck and more work for the new year of 1959. THE COUNCIL showed con- siderable fortitude in passing the various resolutions despite the seemingly overwhelming protest of the minority opposition group. Their decision was based partly on the fact that the final decision to have, or have not, Urban Renewal would have to come in the spring. The issue will depend now on the upcoming city election where the main question facing every candidate will be the development project. All things considered, however, it seems probable that by next summer the city will have an Ur- ban Renewal project well under- way. New Methods in New War THE BATTLE was see-sawing back and forth Both generals were battle-scarred veterans, But this was a new type of war and no one knew exactly how the war or even specific battles should be fought: the two generals were less prepared for the war than younger men who, although they had no combat experience, were familiar with the theoretical basis for he struggle. The oligarchical powers behind both generals, however-on one side it was a group of political theorists and on the other a group of industrialists-insisted on old-time vodka-drinking, golf-playing generals, So the war was fought on a mixed basis: new methods could not be denied, but they replaced he old piecemeal and the original framework was retained, And the world prayed that nei- ,her general would become senile and misuse one of the new techniques and blow up the AND THE PEOPLE started to scare. They were scared not only of senility in the gener- als, but also of the increased dangers involved with testing some of these new weapons. So the people, with some support from educated liber- als, raised a great cry and demanded that testing of these weapons must stop; that the weapons then in use should be laid down and the swords be beaten into plowshares so that an era of Peace might dawn. And the people, not only of the warring. nations, but all over the world insisted upon talks so persistently that the generals sent their envoys to talk over the problem. Some of the generals' envoys were enthusiastic about the talks, others were skep- tical; but it did not seem to make much dif- ference either way, because the talks continual- ly failed. Spurred by the people, the generals did not give up. And the talks went on ... and on ... and each "solution" turned out to be a mirage. And the reason for this was that both gen- erals, the oligarchies which backed them and the people of the world would not recognize the basic principle of the new war: the starv- ing masses of the "underdeveloped countries of the world" would not be denied; any solution to the war ultimately rested upon their relief. --JAMES SEDER New Books at the Library Alsop Joseph and Stewart-The Reporter's Trade; Reynal. 1958. Auchincloss, Louis-Venus in Sparta; Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1958. Carrighar, Sally-Moonlight at Midday; N.Y., Alfred A. Knopf, 1958. 'U' AIDS IN WORK: Satellites, IGY Top Science Advances --- -,- fir fairgatt B&tth, By RO9ERT JUNKER Daily Staff Writer MOONS AND MISSILES have topped the science advances of 1958. Sputniks I and II were things of the past on January 1, but the world had entered the space race, and other scientific advances, im- portant as they might be, were relegated to the position of insignificance, at least as far as publicity was concerned. The United States' first satellite, the Army's Explorer I, went into orbit Jan. 31 and marked the first American success in the all-important world struggle for space supremacy. The attempt came four months after Sputnik I, but the prestige of being able to compete, at least partially restored some of the confidence the United States lost during initial Russian success. * s * * THIS FIRST ATTEMPT was followed by a profusion of successful and non-successful moons: Explorers through IV, Vanguard I and a Sputnik III. The satellites were traced by means of United States Mini- track stations, one of which is located at Peach Mountain, '15 miles northwest of Ann Arbor. This student-built station is on the mountain near the University's radio-telescope and is manned by engineering and science students. The Navy-designed unit produces data which is sent to the government for information and correlation with that received from the other Mini- track stations. The International Geophysical Year, the ostensible reason for the extensive space probes around the world, ends Dec. 31 and much of the year's science work wa snnncted in cnnnection with it .vdnev J Editorial Staff RICHARD TAUB, Editor L KRAFT JO al Director OHN WEICHER City Editor DAVID TARR Associate Editor E CANTOR ........ .... Personnel Director N WILLOUGHBY.......Associate Editorial Director N JONES ....... Sports Editor 'rA JORGENSON ......... Associate City Editor ABETH ERSKINE....Associate Personnel Director L RISEAN... ,..... .Associate Sports Editor OLEMAN. ..Associate Sports Editor [D ARNOLD............ Chief Photographer AT W*V T.11 trfy A rrT A ,, A - or - -A-IA * - ., . a .-.- . --l