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December 13, 1958 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-12-13

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EMBER 13, 1958


'U' Accepts Gifts,
Grants, Requests
Largest Single Sum 90,117
For Michigan Alumni Fund
The Regents approved gifts,'
grants and bequests totalling Life Insurance Company gave
$383,385 at their meeting yester- $2.500.
day. The Regents accepted three
The largest sum was $142,352.94 grants from Parke, Davis and
which represents additions that Company. One'of $4,000 is to es-
were made to funds which have tablish a fund for allergy research
already been established. The big- by Dr. John M. Sheldon, another
gest item in the category was for $1.250. which is the second
$90,717.12 for the Michigan Alum- quarterly installment on a fund
ni Fund. for surgical research, and the last
The Woodrow Wilson National one was for $625 for a fellowship
Fellowship Foundation gave $70,- h pharmcy.
000 for the Woodrow Wilson Sup- The Marie Michelle Memorial
plementary Grant to the School of Scholarship was increased by the
Graduate Studies. This will pro- sum of $3,131.34 from Roy G.
vide for 35 grants of $2,000 each Michell.
for Woodrow Wilson Fellows at the The Forney W. Clement Memor-
University. lal Foundation, Inc. gave a grant
A grant of $67,000 was accepted of $3,000 for use in the support
from the Carnegie Corporation for of the University Hospital School.
a study of scientific performance The General Motors Corporation
in research and development by Research Staff made a grant of
the Institute of Social Research. $3,000 for a General Motors gradu-
The Alfred P. Sloan founda- ate fellowship in metallurgy,
The Jones and Laughlin Steel,
tion gave the University $27,500 to Corporation gave $2,500 for the'
be used to provide assistance for corporation's fellowship.
science teachers and also first year The Regents accepted $1,920
graduate students who are plan- from the Mott Foundation for
ning a high school teaching career the foundation's medical scholar-
in science and mathematics. ship.
The Regents accepted $14,750 The Michigan Heart Association
from Wayne State University to be gave two grants which totaled
used by the Institute of Labor and $1,300 with one of $1,200 for sum-
Industrial Relations. mer fellowships and one of $100
The Industry Program of the for the Dean's Fund.
College of Engineering has re-
ceived two grants of $5,000 each
from the Armour and Co. and theTwo Degrees
Upjohn Company.
The Knights Templar Eye Foun- 'U
daton, Inc,. has given $10,000 for A
the use of the Department of Op- -
thalmology to be used for research, Two new professional degrees
treatment and hospitalization of were approved by the Regents at
diseases of injuries of the eye. their meeting yesterday.
This is the second such grant that The degrees will be given in
bas been made by this foundation. instrumentation engineering and
Three different grants totaling naval architecture. These will be-
$6,660 were accepted for cancer come part of the University's engi-
research. The American Cancer neering program,
Society, Michigan Division, Inc.,
gave $5,000 to the University of
Michigan Cancer Research Insti-
tute, the Clinton County Unit of'
the American Cancer Society has
given $1,500 for research by D. OFFICIAL
Jere M. Bauer. Miscellaneous BULLET
donors gave the remainder.
A total of $6,600 was accepted
by the Regents from 18 life in-
surance companies for the Actu- (Continued from Page 3)
arial Science Program. Armong
these companies the Massachu- or dtadesaching Certificate rsubjects
rgrades youi wish to teach. Preference
setts Mutual Life Insurance Com- is given to those with teaching experi-1
pany gave 1,000 and the New York ence. Higher level positions require ad-
--_ ditional education and experience.


Notice of Review
Of Special Assessment Roll
Council of the City of Ann Arbor,
Michigan, has caused to be pre-
pared a Special Assessment Roll
for the purpose of defraying the
private property's share of the cost
of the following described Trunk
Storm Sewer:
Devonshire Road Storm Sewer
-To serve area East of Wash-
tenaw and South of Geddes
Road, to be known as Devon-
shire Road and Outlet - Bel-
mont Road to Huron River.
THAT a special assessment dis-
trict shall be created consisting of
each and every parcel of land in
the above described area for the
purpose of specially assessing the
cost of said improvement against
the property benefited.
THAT said Special Assessment
Roll is on file in the Office of
the City Clerk and is available for
public examination.
THAT the Council will meet on
December 29, 1958, at 7:30 o'clock
p.m., in the Council Chamber,
City Hall, for the purpose of re-
viewing said Special Assessment
Roll. Any person aggrieved by the
Special Assessment Roll may file
his objection thereto in writing
prior to the close of said hearing.
City Clerk
December 13, 1958
Notice is hereby given that a
public hearing will be held at 7:30
o'clock p.m., Monday, December
29, 1958, in the Council Chamber,
City Hall, for the purpose of hear-
ing all persons interested in the
proposed amendment to Chapter
59 of Title V, of the Code of the
City of Ann Arbor. Said proposed
amendment repeals said Chapter
59 as now constituted and pro-
vides an entire new Chapter, as
to amounts, uses, locations, and
other provisions regarding Off-
Street Parking. Said proposed
amendment is in the form of
Ordinance number 45-58 which
passed first reading before Coun-
cil on December 8, 1958, and print-
ed copies of which are available
for inspection by, and distribution
to the public, at the Office of the
City Clerk.
City Clerk
December 13, 1958
OF SAID CODE, 43-58.

The City of Ann Arbor ordains: til the terms of this Chapter shall
Section 1. That Chapter 60 is have been complied with. If such
hereby added to Title V of the order is not obeyed the said De-
Code of the City of Ann Arbor, partment may apply to any court
which said Chapter shall read as of competent jurisdiction to en-
follows: join and restrain such disobedi-
CHAPTER 60 - ence.
BUILDING SET-BACK LINES Section 2. This ordinance shall
5:250 It shall be unlawful for take effect and be in force on and
any person, firm or corporation to after ten (10) days from legal
erect, or cause to be erected any publication.

I building or structure on or along 1

the following named streets, any
part of which said building or!
structure shall be closer than the
number of feet set forth herein
from the right of way line of such
(1) Both sides of Stadium
Boulevard, Arbordale Drive to
Jackson Avenue. Setback, 17
(2) Both sides of Packard Street
from Iroquois Place to Jewett
Avenue. Setback, 17 feet.
(3) Both sides of Washtenaw
Avenue from Stadium Boulevard
to the east City Limits. Setback,
15 feet.
(4) Both sides of First Street
from Koch Avenue to West Da-
vis Avenue. Setback, 20 feet.
(5) The southwest side of Pack-
ard between Dewey Avenue to
Woodlawn Avenue. Setback, 2.66
(6).Both sides of Packard
Street for asdistance of 145 feet
north of the nort line and to
the City Limits on the south line
of Stadium Boulevard on the
west side of Packard; and 145.53
feet north or the north line of
Stadium Boulevard (excepting
the south 34 feet of the north
60 feet thereof measured along
Packard Street which is estab-
lished at five and one-half (5%'
feet); and at the west side of
Lot No. 111, Frisinger Land
Company and Addition on the
east side of Packard. Setback,
17 feet.
(7) Both sides of Stadium
Boulevard for a distance of
164.98 feet west of the west line
and 90.92 feet east of the east
line of Packard Street on the
north side of Stadium Boule-
vard; and 135 feet west ofsthe
west line and 154.8 feet east of'
the east line of Packard Street
on the south side of Stadium
Boulevard. Setback, 27 feet.
5:21 The erection of any build-
ing or structure in violation of
the terms of this Chapter is here-
by declared a nuisance. The De-
partment of Building and Safety
Engineering shall have the power
to stop the construction of any
building or structure, when be-
ing constructed in violation of
this Chapter, and to order in writ-
ing any and all persons any -way
engaged, to stop and desist from
such construction, and such con-
struction shall not be resumed un-


when the outdoor temperature
AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND is a minus 10 degrees Fahren-
TIONS SHALL BE DESIGNATED 210:8. Infestation. The owner
AS SECTIONS 210:5, 210.6, 210:7 of every dwelling shall be respon-
210:8, 210:9, 210:10, and 210:11 sible for the extermination of all
OF CHAPTER 98, TITLE VIII OF insects, rodents and other pests
AID CODE. 44-58 within a dwelling, provided, how-
ever .that the individual occupant
The City of Ann Arbor ordains: shall be so responsible if his liv-
Section 1. That Sections 210:5, ing unit is the only unit infested.
210:6, 210:7, 210:8. 210:9, 210:10,
and21011 f Caper 8 ae hre (1) Cleanliness-The owner of
and 210:11 of Chapter 98 are here- every dwelling shall be respon-
by added to Title VIII of the Code sible for the general cleanliness
of the City of Ann Arbor which of the dwelling, the premises
said sections shall read as follows: and all other structures on the
210:5. Bathrooms. In e v e r y premises, provided however that
dwelling existing prior to the ef- the individual occupant shall be
fective date of this ordinance, responsible for depositing of
there shall be provided at least garbage and trash in the proper
one water closet, lavatory and containers furnished for the
bathtub or shower for every two cleanliness of his own living
dwelling units (apartment). A unit.
separate bathroom containing a 210:9. Furnishing of Linen. The
water closet, lavatory, bathtub or operator of every rooming house,
shower shall, however, be provid- boarding or lodging house, hotel
ed within every dwelling unit orsialyocgied dell
which has a total floor area of where such service is provided
240 square feet or more, or is shall change the supply of bed
composed of three or more habit- linen and towels therein at least
able rooms.
(1) In all rooming houses, -
boarding or lodging houses,
hotels and similarly occupied f
dwellings there shall be provid- Looking for
ed at least one water closet.
lavatory and bathtub or show-
er for every eight occupants or
fraction thereof.
(2) No required bathroom or
toilet facilities shall be permit-
ted in the cellar of any dwelling.
210:6. Water and Space Heat-
ing Facilities.
(1) In all dwellings, except
owner-occupied single family
dwellings, there shall be provid-
°and properly maintained a ON SAL
waterdheating facilitycapable O S L E
of heating water to a tempera-
ture of at least 110 degrees Fah-Ans
renheit, and all required kitch-
en sinks, lavatories and bath-;___ _
tubs or showers shall be proper- -_~~~-~


Daughter dear-
Dorothy and I are but: ,o pleased
that you used your JewelBase and
JewelSeal so conscientiously-and,
needless to say, that your nails are
getting prettier every day! Now
we're both clucking over you like
mother hens!
I have a confession to make, in-
spired by your gratitude: I always
thought my beautiful nails were
due to my own ingenuity and nat-
ural endowments ... but Dorothy
took me down a peg or two when
she told me she's been using
Juliette Marglen's JewelBasesand
JewelSeal on them for years! No
wonder I keep a manicure lovely
so long in spite of, alas, dishes
every day!
Dorothy showed me another
Juliebte Marglen treasure today--
it's called SilverSeal and Im sure
it was made to order for you! It's
a really magical product that is
exactly the same formula as Jewel-
Seal-but it's silverescent! You wear
it over any colour, to "silver" as well
as "seal" it. Dorothy says it's abso-
lutely delicious mixed with colour
-sort of like a pastel icing-how
you'll love that! But pretty as it is,'+
the main point is that it's marvel-
ous protection for your nails ...
Relax . . I've already sent you
two bottles of SilverSeal (tiro, be-
cause I know you girls will be ex-
perimenting half the night with
It). Have fun, dear. . . I can hardly
wait to see your glamorous new
Juliette Marglen fingertips! Love
frm' us all,

For any additional information and
the name of the person to write, con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528'
Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Summer Placement:
Prairie Trek Expedition, a New Mex-
ico camp, Is interested in a man with'
teaching or counseling experience to be
a group leader. The salary is $1000 for
the summer plus room and board.
Summer Interviews:
The following camps will be inter-
viewing on Tues.. Dec. 16:
Mowglis, a New Hampshfre camp for
boys, needs college students with camp-
ing skills and talents in such fields as
Riflery, Crewing, Photography, Tennis,
Waterfront. This camp also needs a
married couple.
Camp Kehonka, a New Hampshire
camp for girls, needs cabin counselors.
Interest in children is a main consider-
ation. The camp also needs,a cook and
assistant cook.
Theabove camps will be interviewing
on Tues., Dec. 16, in the S.A.B. from
1:0 to 5:00. The Summer Placement
Bureau is open -on Tues. and Thurs.
from 1:00 to 5:00 and Fri., from 8:30
to 12:00. Room D-528 of the S.A.B. ward
D. Peterson, Director of Summer Place-
Personnel Requests:
Operations Research Incorporated,
Silver Spring, Md., has vacancies for
Physical Scientists, Research Engineers,
Mathemataicians, and a Senior Be-
havloral Scientist.
For further information concerning
the above positions. contact the Bureau
of Appointments, Ext. 3371, 3528 Admin.
Graduate Outing Club, winter sports,
Dec. 14, 2 p.m., meet in back of Rack-
ham (N.W. Entrance.)
Mich. Christian Fellowship, Dec. 14,
4 p.m., Lane Hall. Speaker: Eric Fife,
"Way of Life, or Life Itself."
*' * *
Newman Club, Communion Break-
fast, Dec. 14, after 9:30 Mass, 331
Thompson. Speaker: Prof. James O'Neil,
"Contemporary French Lit."
Russian Club, annual Christmas par-
ty-Russian dancers and 2 plays. Dec.
15, 7:30 p.m., Baptist Church Bsmt.,
512 W. Huron.

-make mother a gift of convenience
-a modern gas dryer
What a wonderful idea-making mother a present of
year-long convenience! She'll no longer have to lift
heavy wash baskets or walk outside in rainy or bad
weather. Clothes tumbled under the gas dryer's ultra-
violet sanitizing lamp come out with a sunny fragrance,
ready for folding or ironing. And gas dryers operate at
just one-fifth the cost of other types. So let mother
select hers at Gas Company or dealer showrooms.
Convenient terms available.


Be sure to get a job where there is..
shorte rers . . o
- woi-p s
- -i _
. Famed New Jersey seo
shore resorts .. . trot
4 streams and lakes..
& Swooded hills, parks an

W%, -.


Would You
like to be an
United Air Lines

Come in and see
complete selection
of FabergE ierf'umes

So much more for so much less--
GAS naturallv

One of the most important phases dents of New Jersey. You would
of your future job is the place be wise to consider working for
where you live. .. and New Jersey this progressive company, one of
is famous for good living. The Gar- the largest operating in a dynamic
den State abounds with recreational industry today.
facilities to suit everyone, and it is
closze ctnniic-hi to mtrnnl,1 rdt ~0 06


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