11 SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Y Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom :43 xi1u Spo F*0E *O " r S\ W F L RJU. IL*** " r- ar winv w z-iA lR( T'N'FF 1 795AFIVE CENTS EIGHT PAGES A NN AR . Iii i. 1It IUxtf. I1IJ AII, * ;Z V *L 4, A~yaaJ~ a..a s aw v+rs. a. v $(!L.LXIX, No 71 . . ,. RussiaThreatens Berlin Situation Moscow Says West Avoiding Crisis; Using City for Pawn i Cold War LONDON (P) - Russia yesterday accused the Western powers of avoidingda business-like settlement ofhthe Berlin crisis and threat- ened to end its partial occupation of the divided city unilaterally. "If the governments of the United States, Britain and Prance do not wish to cooperate with the Soviet Union in solving this problem, nothing remains for the Soviet government but to relieve itself of the functions connected with maintaining the occupation regime in Berlin," Moscow Radio said. Mentions Agreement The radio, broadcasting a summary of Tass sttaement on the former German capital, added "a corresponding agreement" would be concluded with the East Ger- man government. Tass - the of- B erlin Rh s ficial Soviet news agency -- the Western powershad shown clno willingness fr"businesslike" N ot Shaken discussion of Russia's proposal N ot ~ a~ en two weeks ago for a demilitarized free city of Berlin. Soviets "The realization is growing ev- erywhere that the dangerous situ- ation cannot last any longer," WASHINGTON (3i--The United Tass declared. States served notice on Russia and It said continued occupation of the world last night that it "will West Berlin by Western troops not be deterred by threats" from was poisoning the atmosphere in defendingeits rights in protecting Europe and keeping the German West Berlin. people in a condition of "constant tension and alarm." The United States attitude wast made known in a state department Warns of Cancer statement commenting on a Mos- Tass warned the "dangerous cow declaration by the official cancer" of an occupied West Ber- Soviet News Agency Tass. lin was threatening peace -- "and The State Department at first not only in Europe." declined formal comment, and It claimed the free city plan officials said privately it appeared had received support from many the Tass statement was designed states since it is clear to every- primarily as propaganda to try to one that its implementation can- make trouble for the Western not~ harm anyone." foreign ministers scheduled to Tass said statements by United meet in Paris Sunday. States and British leaders indi- cated the West had no intention CUBA. Rebels Eye Foreign Approval HAVANA (') - Cuba's rebels indicated yesterday they intend to set up a formal government in the areas they control and push for diplomatic recognition from abroad. The two-year-old rebellion has had no formal government struc- ture. Eye Recognition The rebels under Fidel Castro may hope to achieve diplomatic recognition from some nations, possibly even Latin American countries. Thismight give new energy to the revolt, which has grown steadily in strength in east- ern Cuba the past year. The rebel radio indicated its intentions after announcing the arrival in rebel-held territory of Manuel Urrutia Lleo, who is Cas- tro's appointee as President of the rebellion. Urrutia had been In exile, in New York, Miami and Venezuela, since he was removed from his post as a magistrate in Oriente Province because of his insistence two years ago upon the right of captured rebels to go free. Refuse Mediation The broadcast said the rebels would accept no mediation, even from the Organization of Ameri- can States (OAS), to restore order in Cuba. It complained that the OAS had remained indifferent to Cuban rebel aims all through the two years of fighting. "What the democratic coun- tries can do is break diplomatic and commercial relations (with the government of President Ful- gencio Batista) and recognize the belligerency of the government of the republic in arms, which is to be represented by the President, Dr. Manuel Urrutia Lleo." Plan Meeting With. Schaadt Representatives of the Mosher House Council will meet with Leonard A. Schaadt, residence hall business manager, today to resolve the problems mentioned in yester-; day's protest against administra-; tive policies. "We will deal with their prob- lems immediately," Schaadt com- mented. The survey committee appointed Wednesday by the Resi-i dence Hall's Services Committee' will be used to examine the food problems until they can be worked out, he mentioned. Appraising the protest, Schaadt said that it "was sort of an im- mature method of getting publicity' for Mosher Hall."] Goldman Releases aKappa Brief Appeal. Foyr Sig9m Secretary of State John Foster Dulles is due to leave for the Paris talks today despite an intestinal inflammatiorn for which he entered the hospital last Friday. Last night, after study of the Tass statement, the State Depart- ment issued its reply accusing the Soviets of striking a "note of menace" and emphasizing that the United States for its part "has made no threats." Frustration Grip Talks GENEVA (P) - A nightmaxe of frustration yesterday gripped the 10-nation conference on preven- tion of surprise attack, Rulssian tempers flared after a month's discussion in which East and West have failed to agree even on a plan of work. Soviet delegates angrily accused the West of trying to trick the Communist bloc by Troj vi horse tactics into accepting espionage agents in the role of international inspectors. Across the table, the Westerners denied it. Poker-faced, they re- plied calmly. It was a dramatic illustration of the deadlock that has persist- ed in milder form since the con- ference opened in Geneva's Pal- ace of Nations Wednesday. Day after day the delegates meet privately for an hour or two in the rambling palace. And when they finish they are right back to the basic disagreemnt revealed in their opening session. kFC S ,e Fratermty's Adnittance Interfraternity Council Presi- dent John Gerber, '59, will seek immediate colony status for Alpha Kappa Lambda fraternity at Wednesday's Student Government Council meeting. The decision, announced at last night's Interfraternity Council session is a "Positive step towards eventual recognition" of the group, according to Executive Vice-President Thad Ketchum, '59. Without colony status, the group is not allowed use of Uni- versity facilities and is denied sponsorship of social functions, Ketchum explained. In other business, Gerber re- ported on a letter sent to the of making a sober appraisal of the implications of continued oc- cupation. Attempting Defense "Faced with the necessity of re- acting to the initiative of the So- viet government, they are still at- tempting to come out in defense of the rights of the Western pow- ers to the occupation of West Ber- lin," it said. "These rights long ago ceased to exist." Tass accused the West of using Berlin as a pawn in a game played by cold war adventurers - an ob- jective in the military plans of NATO. Tass assailed British Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd for his declaration that Western troops remain in Berlin by right of con- quest following the unconditional surrender of Germany. "On what basis does the British government hold the opinion that Germany - where two sovereign states have been in existence for nearly a decade -- cannot get by without occupation troops and continues to require their guard- ianship?" Tass asked. U.S. Protests AMILITARY POLICY SHIF'TS: Executive Bra By LANE VANDERSLICE Hunting In Hungary Since World War II, responsi- sity said bility for the "Queer beast" of mili- Speak] tary strategic policy has gradually Graduate UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (P)- shifted to the executive from the however The United States charged yester- legislative branch of the United had rea day the Soviet Union and its States government, Prof. Samuel branch agents in Budapest are keeping Joint C the Hungarian people under aTo National "scourge of terror." I ~ T o These Ambassador Henry Cabot Ladge osponsible told the 81-nation General Assem- sposte bly it must "face the fact now that TRpstrategic their reign of terror, of which the er ission by do perfo salient feature was the killing ofthrests r Imre Nagy, still continues in full tere y force." 1Lto Borrow Key cUrges Condemnation As an He made the statement in calling Bcisms of on the Assembly to condemn the By JAMES SEDER similar t Soviet Union anew for repression The University will request per- gress, fo in Hungary, and to denounce the mission from the Regents to bor- sues are present Hungarian regime for the row funds to meet its expenditures Prof. executions of former Premier Nagy, if the state financial crisis requires criticism Gen. Pal Maleter and "other Hun- it at their 11:30 a.m. meeting to- tions exi garian patriots." day. lack of He said the secret trial and ex- The state, which is short of termed ecution of Nagy and Pal Maleter money, has been withholding op- he char last June constituted "murder in erating funds from the University, tentative juridical disguise." Wayne State University and Mich- sions of Deput Foreign Minister Janos igan State University. The l -Peter of Hungary said in reply ilbn r.Kt i ers tv r evident that the death sentences carried Wilbur K. Pieont, vice-presi- in the N out against Nagy and the others dent in charge of business and State D were imposed for acts of treach- finance, said Wednesday that if ahelead ery, and any other nation permit- check is not received this month,' ting capital punishment would the state will owe the University Lists have done the same. more than $5 million. The tv Charges Nagy Won't Consider Sigma Kappa that ha "Nagy and his collaborators were University President Harlan to the 1r the most treacherous malefactors Hatcher said the resolution of the involvin in the history of Hungary," he Faculty Senate and a petition of ons of t) declared. the Student Government Council structure He said the United States was both concerning the Sigma Kappa With pe pushing the Hungarian issue only issue will not be on the agenda. of the a because its foreign policy was President Hatcher indicated that Congr based on hostility toward the the Regents could discuss this in the s Soviet Union. topic if they wished, "but I assume War II, He claimed that suppression of they will not." in deter the 1956 Hungarian revolt with The motion will be transmitted mitment the help of Soviet armed forces to the Regents "through regular Clare wa saved the peace of Central Europe channels for consideration at the Congr and perhaps avoided World War January meeting," President emerging III Hatcher continued. cular mi Held Emergency Meeting Secretary to the Regents Erich One met The Hungarian revolt prompted Walter explained that topics for by Cong an emergency session of the As- the Regents consideration must be sembly when it flared late in 1956. in the hands of the president about The Soviet Union and the Coin- ten days in advance of the meet- ar munist government in Budapest ing. This is in order that informa- have never complied with any of in( in orderd th sfr- U the resolutions approved at theb. emergency or subsequent sessions. jet and sent to the Regents for There was no expectation here meeting In that Moscow or Budapest would Topics Seldom Added pay any attention to the resolu- tion sponsored by the United Walter explained that topics Prof.1 States and 36 other nations now can be added to the agenda at a the eco before the Assembly.. later date, but this is only done been rel Protests Execution in emergency, situations. City Hos In addition to condemning the The Regents will consider the He w execution of Nagy and his associ- appointments of an associate bruises r ates, the resolution calls for an director for the University Exten- accident appointment of Sir Leslie Munro sion Service. Acting chairmen of monthly of New Zealand as the UN's special both the sociology and antropology meeting "watchdog" over the situation in departments, and directors for the Resource Hungary. He is a former Assembly University Musical Society may driver s president. also be appointed, Lyle Nelson, when he Lodge took the view that under director of University relations re- Shore n the charter the United Nations ported. The p "has the duty to try every avail- After the meeting the Regents day and able peaceful step which may im- will lunch at the Lawyers Club and Sunday prove conditions in Hungary." then tour the Law School. said. ton of Columbia Univer- last night. ng at a Political Science e Roundtable, he said the legislative process ppeared in the executive under the guise of the 'hiefs of Staff, and the ISecurity Council. two agencies, largely re- for setting American military policy, in effect rm a legislative function g different important in- epresented, he said. Issues Compromised aside, he noted that criti- the two groups were even to those leveled at Coip- r example, that "key is- compromised." Huntington leveled two s of the present condi-] sting in these two groups: leadership and what he "incompleteness" which acterized as a feeling of ness about policy deci- the two. ack of leadership is more in the Joint Chiefs than ' 3SC, he said, because the 3epartment has provided ership in the NSC. Tow Decision Types wo main kinds of decisions ve to be made in relation military are the strategic, g the size, use and weap- the armed forces, and the al, which concerns itself rsonnel and organization rmed services, he said. ess has been losing ground trategic area since World he said, as, for example,' mining foreign troop com- s and the power to de- r. ess now seems to be g as a lobbyist for parti- litary programs, he said. hod of lobbying employed ress is to grant additionalr Injutres Professor Lalifornia Kenneth E. Boulding of nomics department has eased from the Redwood, spital in California, as treated for cuts and; eceived in an automobile on his way to attend a r advisory committee of the California Water e Board. A hit-and-run mashed into his sports car was traveling on the Bay 1 reeway.1 rofessor left here Wednes- is expected to return morning, Mrs. Boulding 1 ,1 nch Decides Strategy PROF. SAMUEL HUNTINGTON describes military shift money for military projects it favors. Prof. Huntington saw a tenden- cy for Congress to favor "glamor" weapons and proposals involving the national guard and the re- serve. AirlineS Say Planes Full Transportation for students over the holidays is well booked up, airline and railroad ticket offices report. . The Eastern Airlines strike, still in full effect with no end in sight, is tying up a large portion of air travel. The flight engineers of the air- line, striking over their status on the new jet liners, are expected to remain out through the rush Christmas vacation season. Allegheny Airlines, flying to Pennsylvania, said their flights were not fully filled, and that there is still a good chance for reservations. Allegheny flies from Detroit Metropolitan Airport, along with Northwest and American, while all other airlines fly from Willow Run. Flying east, American, TWA, and United report they are com- pletely full and have long waiting lists. Northwest's waiting list was full two months ago, and they closed the list at that time. Capital reports that some space is still available. Southward, all flights are com- pletely booked, Florida and Texas being the major connection points. Delta still has a few seats available for Indianapolis. To the west, North Central, United, and Northwest are com- pletely full, while a few first class seats are still available on TWA. All reserved space is gone on the New York Central Railroad's trains, the ticket office reports. 'U' Regents To Receive SGC Support Paper Asks Reversal Of Board in Review On Sorority Decision By PHILIP MUNCK Maynard Goldman, '59, Student Government Council president, last night released the Council's "e- cret" brief to the University Re- gents explaining its appeal of the Sigma Kappa case. The Council said it by-passed University President Harlan Hat- cher so the Regents could discuss the appeal at the same time they consider the resolution passed by the Faculty Senate Monday. Specificially the brief calls on the Regents to reverse the Board in Review and lift the stay of action on the Council's withdrawal of University recognition from Sigma Kappa sorority. Asks Review Board Reversal The Faculty Senate's resolution called the Board in Review's deci- sion contrary to the educational interests of the University and called on the Regents to reverse their (the Board's) ruling., It was reported to have passed the Senate meeting by a vote of two to one. The Council brief-adopted in a 3 -hour secret session Wednes- day night-calls the issue a ques- tion of the "nature and purpose of student government" at the Uni- versity. It questions the right of the administration to make "post hoo declarations of policy," and says that as the situation now stands "an administrative declaration that policy is otherwise "can re- verse any council decision. Prior Board Decision Listed The brief points out that in 1956 the Board in Review ruled that "the Council had acted clearly within its jurisdiction and that it had not contravened Regental policy or administrative practice" in finding Sigma Kappa in viola- tion of the discrimination ruling of 1949. The ruling requires all student organizations recognized after that date to have no discriminatory clauses In their constitutions or practices and maintain these two conditions. The Council's brief then ntates that they believe the Regents in- tended that, within its jurisdic- tion, decisions "should be over turned on the basis of declarations by administrators in particular cases." AMight Consider Issue SGC officers and members of the administration expressed opinions yesterday that the brief would not be placed on the Regents agenda although they might consider it during the course of the meeting. The Council directed Wednesday that the brief not be released until it had been placed on the agenda. If action is not taken today by the Regents it will be considered in the January Regents meeting. The Sigma Kappa Issue has been In the headlines since Oct. 1 of this year, when the Council ruled that the sorority was in violation of' University regulations, A stay of action was put on SGC by the Review Board, but was lifted at the request of the Ad- ministration and the Council who met in joint discussion to talk over the problem, Joint Judic Names Dates To Petition Petitioning for five positions on Joint Judiciary Council will be open tomorrow and continue through next week, according to Steve Simich, '59E. the group's Random Survey Shows es for Liberal Arts By BARTON HUTHWAITE More liberal education in the engineering school was described as a "nice" but impractical thought during a random survey of students yesterday. NThe comments came after Murray D. Van Wagoner, '21, ex- governor of Michigan and one of the nation's outstanding civil engi- neers, sharply criticized American universities Wednesday for their f.illt n ln A r lUUL. aWlUrUItn « zanure to produce weir-rounded engineers. Students generally viewed the possibility of extending the engi- neering curriculum to include more liberal arts courses as im- practical. Engineering students are now required to elect only six hours of non-technical szbjects during their 140 hour program. "It really presents a dilemma," Richard Selvala, '59E, said yester- day. "Industry is crying we're not getting enough technical training and other such as Van Wagoner cry we're not prepared for civic responsbility," he continued. In Agreement Walter J. Emmons, associate dean of engineering school and in clbse contact with students, con- firmed Selvala's( attitude. "You can't convince many students they should stay around and take extra courses." Emmons said. Emmons said he favored an op- tional liberal-arts-engineering pro- gram. My theory is that nobody gets anything out of a course if he is pushed into it, Emmons said. Complains of 'Boredom' i _ + . AT UNION DISCUSSION: Panel Lauds India as Symbol of World Peace By RICHARD CONDON A panel representing seven countries professed admiration last night for India's attempt to set an example for both East and West as a symbol of international peace, but the Indian neutrality policy drew sharp criticism from several panel members. The symposium given before a large, interested audience at the Union was moderated by Prof. Robert Crane of the history depart- ment. Pacifico Albano Castro, Grad., of the Philippines pointed to India's geographical location and said because it was close to the Eastern bloc, it cannot afford to remain neutral. He also attacked its professed doctrine of non-interference by mentioning the part India played in the Nepal incident of 1951. Views Apprehensive "India," he said, "has also displayed designs toward Kenya and Tanganyika." Castro views this neutral policy and the attempt to create a third block of international powers apprehensively since India is in no position to defend herself against aggression, he con- tinued. Shiv Dayal, Grad., of India, however, said India must follow a I1