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September 15, 1958 - Image 64

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-09-15

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uses Offices, Library and Snack Bar


'59 Spring Weekend To Set Holiday Mood for


ntinued from Page 1)
in the spring in which
women compete with



League committee which asks for
The art committee is for all wo-
men who enjoy painting. This
group makes posters; sets -up oc-
casional display and decorates the
bulletin boards in the League.
Tqurs Conducted
The receptionist c o m m i t t e e
greets those who come into the
TUndergraduate Office and gives
information about the building
and League activities. The recep-
tionists also conduct tours through
tle. building. Buro-Cats on this
comnmittee meet many people.
Members of the secretariat com-
mittee dq typing, stenciling and
phoning fors the League officers
and committees in addition to tak-
ing care of all Buro-Cats corres-
The special events committee
undertakes new projects which
the League Council may delegate,
to it. It offers an opportunity to
work on, a variety of profects.
The head of the Buro-Cats is the
secretary of the League. She is as-
sisted, by an advisory board made
up of five Buro-Cats from the past,
year. Each board member is the
chairman of one of the commit-

The Senate which replaced the
Board of Representatives-, in 1953,
is the legislative branch. There is.
one senator for every 60 women on
campus, and each housing unit
chooses its representatives.
The Senate makes decisions on
all proposed women's legislation
and on the League budget. It also
elects the officers of the League.
The third branch of the League
is the Judiciary Council. This
group enforces the legislation
which is passed by the Senate. It
also is a reviewing and co-ordin-
ating group for the individual.
house Judiciary Councils and for
the League House .udiciary Coun-
cil which handles housing 'cases
which do notcome within the sor-
ority and residence hall system.
Emphasizes Leadership
Besides co-ordnating and gov-
erning women students through
its three branches of government,'
the League emphasizes leadership
training in organizational and
service opportunities.
The League itself is a five story.
brick building. It is a meeting
place for the, committees and
groups affiliated with the League.
Most of the co-ordinating comes

ways for new coeds
quainted with the
ough joining Buro-
a volunteer group
'ive c o mm it t e es
can learn about the
participating in an
ir activity. The five.
e: the secretariat,'
ts, art, receptionist
s committee records
)f women which ac-
nbers with the clubs
ions'in which Uni-
n can participate.'
ee also helps any

from the Undergraduate Office
which is on the first floor.,
Here six secretaries devote all
of their time, to seeing that the
League organizations function ef-
ficiently. Notices for Buro-Cats,
Soph Show, and like projects also
are posted in the office.
The second floor is devoted to
rooms where groups can hold their
meetings. The' ballroom is also
here where many of the big cam-
pus dances are held.
On the third floor there are the
listeninig rooms and the library.
Women may study here while lis-
tening to music or in quiet if they
Downstairs there is the snack
bar where students frequently
have coffee breaks between classes
and on the main floor there is a.
"E v e r y t h in g considered, the
League is one of the busiest places
on campus. So much organization-
al work stems from it, that by be-
coming active in League affairs
from' the beginning of school, wo-
men become familiar with the op-
portunities which the University
offers them and form many
friendships, too," Barbara Maler,
'59, League president, said.

Each spring the University is
the scene of a well-planned and
relaxing weekend of fun.
On alternate years the Women's
Athletic Association and the Mich-
igan Union co - sponsor Spring
Weekend and Michigras. Michi-
gras, a carnival complete with
parade and two nights of fun with
games of chance, floor shows and
carnival rides, was presented last
Spring. In 1959 Spring Weekend
Although there was some dis-
cussion last year of making Michi-
gras an annual affair, Spring
Weekend will remain.. "With its
great potential, we feel that Spring
Weekend will fill the bill to the ex-
tent that Michigras would every
year," Barry Shapiro, '59, Union
president said.


iv~eien 15




MATCHMAKER. .. Oct. 2, 3, 4

New Weekend Planned
According to this year's co-
chairmen, Steve Davis, '59BAd.,
and Penny Palmer, '60, students
can expect' an entirely new Spring
Weekend. They will begin formu-
lating definite plans for the affair
sometime early this fall.
All the events of Spring Week-
end in 1957 were based on the
theme, "Cartoonival," symbolized
by a character named Snootrac.
Festivities. began on a Friday
afternoon with a Darby Parade of
33 two-wheeled, decorated carts
drawn by squads of costumed stu-
dents. At the finish line in front
of the League, the carts were
judged and points awarded to the
housing units sponsoring the win-
ning darbys.
Chariot Race Held
Also part of the afternoon's
events was a chariot race in which
many of the darbys took part. It,
too, was held beside the League
and more points went to the win-
ners' sponsors.
Friday night the major event of
Spring Weekend, "Skit Night," was
presented in Hill Auditorium with
cartoonist, Al Capp, serving as
master of ceremonies. Between the
six skits presented by 12 men's
and women's housing units, Capp,
originator of "L'il' Abner,"' enter-
tained the audience by drawing his
famous cartoon characters. The
skits were varied, ranging from the
winning production of a Japanese.
tragedytoa choralreading.
The day' activity came to an
end after "Skit Night" when
Snootrac led the audidnce from
Hill Auditorium to the diagonal
for a "Jazz-Jamboree Mass Sing"
and entertainment by a jazz band,
a quartet and a juggler.,
Throughout the two-day dura-

OBSTACLE COURSE-One of Saturday's featured events is the wheelbarrow relay held outdc
the weather permits.

CAT ON A HOT T IN ROOF ... Oct. 30, 31, Nov.


J UL I US CAESAR (Shakespeare)

r.. .Jan. 8, 9, 10

tion of Spring Weekend, campus
radio station, WCBN, broadcast
from under a tent on the diagonal.
The marathon, 36-hour broadcast
featured commentary on Spring
Weekend by its committee, chair-
men and Al Capp plus the sched-
uled disc jockey show.
A variety of' outdoor events
.scheduled for Saturday had to be
moved into Waterman Gymnasium
due to the well-known Ann Arbor
rain, but a little bit of water was
not enough to dampen the spirits
of the students.
A faculty team played a team of
students in a hilarious game of
baseball-all players rode on 'don-
kesys. Also featured were relays and
obstacle races and a "Sadie Hawk-
ins" bicycle race held at ,Palmer
Field between showers.
Prizes Awarded
Spring Weekend' concluded Sat-
urday night with a concert by the
Michigan Men~'s Glee Club and a,
semi-formal dance,"C omic Cotil-
lion," held in Waterman Gym-
The co-chairmen added up the
total. points woun by each housing
unit and awarded the top men's
and women's biouses hi-fi phono-
graphs as grand prizes:
Whatever e events of this
year's Spring Wbekend, it promises
to be another fun-filled, relaxing,
all-campus event.


March 5,6, 7

Open To Everyone

Civic Theatre Reserves Right of Changes


TICKETS-Thursday $4.50, Friday and Saturday $6.00


to Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
Phone NOrmandy 2-4373

CHARLES ADDAMS WINS AGAIN-Festivities of Spring We
end begin with a Darby Parade. Shown is the winning entry



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