TUE MICHIGAN DAILY Prof. Rudolph Discusses Architecture Functionalism Speech Playbill To Open Tomorrow The tragedy of modern archi- tecture, Prof. Paul R. Rudolph said. is that many people believej functionalism to be all-important. Prof. Rudolph, chairman of the' architecture department at Yale "University,discussed "Design De- terminants of Architectural Form" in the architecture auditorium yes- terday.- He explained that sometimes the most admirable buildings are the least functional and since func- tionalism has been so widely stud- ied, he would speak on other im- portant things which influence the form of a building. Relationship Important One of these determinants is the relationship of the building to its environment, particularly the other buildings that surround it. This is often ignored because people build isolated "gems." - I He commented that this is true V on most college campuses through- out the country. Architects should also consider the regional aspects of the build- ing's location. When buildings are constructed the same way in Hong Kong as they are in San Francisco, local climates, traditions, and thinking of the people are not considered. Prof. Rudolph recognized this as an important factor to be con- sidered. Psychology Necessary Psychological implications must be taken into account, he said, and a place of worship should be constructed differently from an apartment house. The professor suggested there should be a hier- archy with important buildings serving as anchors in a city. The spirit of the times should be determined. Prof. Rudolph, de- signer of the American Embassy at Amman, Jordan, claimed this has to be left up to the few architects who are experts in their field.«" Structure of a building is re- M lated to the other factors. He ex- T plained that forms which look well done with steel framing would Tn not be suitable with concrete. T Automobiles Cause Problems pt Automobiles have caused many Di problems for the architect, Prof. th Rudolph commented. A large area surrounding the stadium at Rice Institute in Texas is filled with; cars six afternoons a year. r The rest of the time the area is an ugly barren desert. He sug- gested perhaps some one will find 'a way to make this sort of thing appealing when no cars are pres- E. ent. Prof. Rudolph illustrated his lec- Rus ture with colored slides. He showed gan an architect's concept of what first would happen if Americans took aski over the Champs l'Elysees in Paris. ques Trees along- the side would be niqu removed to make room for stores US and gaudy neon signs. Parked cars T would line the middle of the road Stat in front of the Arc de Triumphe tent with a large electric wire pole in mat the center. dart BUTLER HONORED: a DC V1b .t P"Q -Daily-Michael Rontal TnE MATCHMAKER"-A sneeze amazes three members of the cast of Thornton Wilder's "The atchmaker" which will be presented at 8 p.m. tomorrow, Friday and Saturday at Lydia Mendelssohn 'heatre by the speech department. Nancy Enggass as Irene Malloy, Sally Rosenheimer as Dolly Levi nd Don Ewing as Horace Vandergelder are the surprised trio, while Terry Theuer, who plays Barnaby ucker, continues in his restful position. The second Playbill production of the current season, the ay is directed by Prof. William P. Halstead of the speech department. Sets are designed by Ralph wckwall of the speech department. Tickets for tomorrow's performance only may be obtained at he theatre box office. COLLEGE ROUNDUP 11 By RUTHANN RECHT AST LANSING, Mich. - Nine sian educators toured Michi- State's campus recently in the t hours of their four-day visit, ng and answering a barrage of stions about schooling tech- ues in the United States and SR school systems. 'hey have found that United tes high schools pay less at- ion to the exact sciences and hematics than Russian secon- y schools. They said that I Ann Arbor's proposed off-street' U sF ss6s I U I JU.tLL I, parking ordinance is more liberal! toward fraternities and sororities Prg al'r Dn' eg in Stand than existing rules, City Adminis-'? .WtWdE/ ~__ tr'ator Guy C. Larcom said yester- day s er By BARTON HUTHWAITE 1 Tye inpsd riace hc the party by southern Demo- dhe proposed ordinance, which Six college Young Democrats crats, Torre Bissell, '60, chairman would require fraternities, sorori- Clubs across the nation have of the Young Democrats club ties and dormitories to furnish one passed a joint resolution support- aere, said recently. parking spot for each six beds, ing Democratic National Commit- Urges Broad Program would not be retroactive, Larcom tee Chairman Paul M. Butler for "If necessary, I hope the Demo- pointed out. his "liberal stand on desegrega- cratic Party will give the Dixie- One or two-family homes would tion." crats their walking papers in the have to provide one space for each The vote of confidence was 1960 convention if they attempt family unit, multiple family dwell- filed with the National Committee to block a comprehensive civil ings, one and one-third for each 'on Dec. 7. rights platform, Bissell continued. family unit. We passed the resolution to Young Democrat clubs from Parking lots (five or more joined demonstrate that Young Demo- Harvard University, the Univer- spaces) would have to be paved, crats support Butler in the face sity of Southern California, the but paving is required now, Lar- of growing opposition from with- University of Texas, the Univer- comn said. Uesity of Teasan the Univer- With the ordinance retroactive, sity of Wisconsin and the Univer- according to the City Administra-aI sity of Oklahoma joined with the tor, it would apply only when a nrganization club'here in passing the resolu- new building was built or an old tsion. one was altered (or its purpose I V tC' The local Young Democrats club changed) so that a different num- _ also filed a 16-point resolution ber of parking spaces is required. urging "more vigorous liberal leg- Larcom said the reason why the Chess Club, regular meetIng, Dec. 10, islation" with the National Coi- current ordinance is being changed 7:30 p.m., Union, 3rd loor. mittee. is that it contains contradictions Deutscher verein, Weihnachtsfest. Nation "Tired" and complexities which make it Dec. 10, 8 p.m.. League, Mich. Room. In a firm statement issued here unenforceable Speaker: Dr. W. F. Puchwein (Univ. of yesterday, the Democrats said, Graz), 'Austrian Christmas Customs.""the eocrare sid Christm of being told that the art of get- Graduate student Council, Steering ting ahead is to look as if you are Committee Meeting, Dec. 10, 5 p.m standing still." Rackham Bldg., 2nd Floor, W. Lounge. Highlights of the resolution in- /# /La Sociedad Hispanica, Tertulia, Dec. cluded repeal of the McCarran- 10, 3-5 p.m., 3050 F. B. Coffee and con- Walter Immigration Act, amend-; versation. , , s ment of the Formosa Resolution La Sociedad Hispanica, meeting, Dec. to include assurances that this mathematics is essential for any Russian student, whereas in the United States students can grad- uate from high school without solid geometry or trigonometry, The Russians said that litera- ture and good books are not con- sidered school work, but are read for enjoyment. Michigan State University plans to invite A. I. Markushevich, as- sistant Soviet minister of educa- tton, and A. A. Smirnov, specialist in child psychology, to return for a term or two as visiting lecturers or exchange professors. * * *, SEATILE, Wash. - The presi- dent of Delta Gamma sorority at the University of Washington re- cently denied the fact that the house practices discrimination by refusing to hire a Nigerian student as their house boy. She said the charge was a result of misunder- standing and lack of communica- tion. The problem was dissolved when. Delta Gamma hired the Ni- gerian student, the president not- ed. SYRACUSE, N. Y. - The chair- man of Joint Student Legislature committee on local and national affairs at Syracuse University said that the Student Government will never accept the confiscation of student's registration and li- cense plates as a possible penalty for parking offenses. * * * ITHACA, N. Y. -- A strong cen- tral student government, with the power of review over groups such as the IFC, Cornell Panhellenic and Women's Student Govern- ment Association, is being pro- posed by the Committee on Re- organization of Student Govern- ment at Cornell University. The Student Government Or- ganization will have, according to the reorganization group's pro- posed delegation of powers, au- thority to delegate jurisdiction to student groups and to review their decisions. CHAMPAIGN, Ill.-In an oyer- whelming majority vote last Mon- day ,the Men's Independent As- sociation of the University of Il- linois approved the Student Sen- ate anti-discrimination bill. The Student Senate bill would amend the Code on Student Af- fairs to withhold approval fron new student organizations which limit membership on the basis of race, religion or national origin unless approved by the Senate. * * , MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. -- The coordinator of student religious activities at the University of Min- nesota recommended last week that a course in comparative re- ligions be required for graduation from the University. "Our foreign relations are hinged on understanding. Often an individual's only knowledge of other. religions is gained from Sunday school. This is usually a biased viewpoint." r c I NOW TH ROUGH SATURDAY DIAL NO 8-6416 ONE SHOW TONIGHT ot 7:10 First Feature Starts at 7:20 ,4 o he'RETCHM r CARY. G RA NT: IFRANK CAPRA'S ANDS RAYMON JAC A CR I4 MASSEY O.CARSON * LORRa D A NNY. LAFF H11"T -th iN- I 10, 8 p.m., 3050 F. B. Concurso de Poesia. India Student Assoc., Symposium, Dec 11, 8 p.m., Mich. Union, 3rd Floor Conf. Rm. Delegates: Louis Greiss (United Arab Republic), Flomon Q u a y o u r (Ghana), Pacifico Albano Castro (Phil- ippines), Ahmed Belkhodja (Tunisia), Beverley Pooley (England), Roger A. Needham (U.S.A.), Shiv Dayal (India), "India's Foreign Policy." Prof. R. Crane (Hist. Dept.) moderator. Newman Club, Dec. 10, 8 p.m., 331 Thompson. Speaker: Prof. Harrison, "Introduction to Scripture." * * * Sigma Alpha Eta, meeting, Dec. 11, 7:30 p.m., Speech Clinic, Rn. 108. * * * Ullr Ski Club, meeting, Dec. 10, 7:30 p.m., Union, Rm. 3S. Movie and re- freshments. * . University Christian Federation, all- campus weekly mid-week worship, Dec. 10, 4:15 p.m. Douglas Memorial Chapel, State and William. Sponsored by 11 de- nominations. country will not go to war over Quemoy and Matsu, statehood for Hawaii, repeal of the 22nd Amendment and establishment of a program to combat rising in- flation. Ask Reform "We believe the people . . . ex- pressed a desire to get off dead- center . . . to put an end to that period when controversies and conflicts were smoothed over in the interests of party unity,. when everything positive was ac- complished in terms of negatives," the resolution continued. Also included in the list of legis- lative proposals was an appeal for unilateral cessation of nuclear bomb testing, with continuing ef- forts to reach an agreement with1 Russia and other powers for com- plete stoppage of testing. DIAL NO 2-251% ENDING Last Show TONIGHT at 8:55 JEAN SIMMONS IBE BeFoPe *AN RHONDA EFREM OWRLIHY 9EMING MBALiUij IMRVYN LEROY om. s ia o s nc owebyMU" r as Thursday "CAMP ON BLOOD ISLAND" "SNORKEL" A 4" th b t-y t i la.' r e D t i .t raat , .r IQ a t. ................ ''>: «:>; :. - i q: , i , I Ec rFlr/.... k' t I 1 « ill 0 l yr1{ a c41 N O W qua is, a, J DIAL NO 2-3136 Nrot really just a I A