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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

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VOlL~ . IX.No. 69




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Charge Goldfine
With Contempt
Refusal To Answer 22 Questions
In Congress Causes Indictment
WASHINGTON (-) - Bernard Goldfine, the supposed friend
of Sherman Adams, was indicted yesterday on a charge of contempt
of Congress.
Goldfine, who protested he was being smeared when the charge
first was raised in the House, had no immediate public reaction to the
Arraignment on Friday
He is to be arraigned in federal court here next Friday morning.
The 18-count indictment was based on Goldfine's refusal to answer

Elect Leader
Of Assembly
In France
PARIS (MP) - Jacques Chaban-
Delmas, one of Premier Charles de
Gaulle's earliest political support-
ers, yesterday became president of
the first National Assembly of the
Infant Fifth French Republic.
The 43-year-old mayor of Bor-
deaux was elected on the second
ballot as a representative of the
dominant Gaullist Union for a
New Republic.
A general in World War II and
later Minister of Defense, he
polled 355 votes against 132 for
Socialist Max LeJeune and 16 for
Communist Fernand Grenter.
Reynaud Withdraws
'Former premier Paul Reynaud
of the Independents, who trailed
in the inconclusive first round,
withdrew to give Chaban-Delmas
the five-year post.
Chaban-Delmas holds de
Gaulle's coveted order of "The
Companions of the Liberation" -
the same which Winston Church-
ill received last month.
He was a leader of the French
underground during the German
He was one of 'the first adher-
ents to de Gaulle's political party,
the Rally of the French people,
when it was formed.
Elect Officers
While the 546-man assembly
was electing its officers in the
ancient gold and rose Palats Bour-
bon, the senate named Gaston
Monnerville, a Radical, to his 16th
errn, as its president.
De Gaulle is expected 'to be
elected president Dec. 21 by the
French electoral college. A new
premier likely will be named from
the rightist ranks of the Union
for a New Republic.
Created Assembly
De Gaulle was a silent witness
to the baptism of the assembly
which he had helped create in the
past six months.
Sitting quietly on the govern-
ment bench, he remained through
the opening speech by the assem-
bly's dean, 82-year-old Canon Fe-
lix Kir who called for world peace
and an end to the Algerian war.
Then he withdrew from the As-
sembly before the deputies began
electing their officers.
Tension Eases
In Venezuela
CARACAS, Venezuela tAP)-Ten-
sion eased late today after an out-
burst of rioting against president-
elect Romulo Betancourt,
The ruling Junta warned it would
stand with the voters' choice in
Sunday's elections and threatened
to suspend constitutional rights if
A few brief flurries were reported
this afternoon. A band of youths
attacked the neighborhood head-
quarters of Betancourt's Demo-
cratic Action Party in the La
Pastora section of Caracas.
Two persons were reported in-
A few cars carrying shouting
teen-agers raced through down-
town streets,
Police announced 17 young people
were arrested in the rioting which
brought out thous nds of anti-
Betancourt demonstrators.
The rioters, supporters f lcsing
presidential candidate Rear Adm.
Wolfgang Larrazabal, tore up cam-
paign signs and smashed store

'22 questions put to him last July
in a sensation-filled House inves-
This inquiry turned up, among
other things, evidence that he
paid $3,096.56 in hotel bills and
did other favors for Adams.
Adams, then serving President
Eisenhower as his number one
aide, and Goldfine, Boston mil-
lionaire who was born in poverty
in Russia 67 years ago, were
friends of long standing.
Adams acknowledged putting in
some queries to federal agencies
with which Goldfine was having
difficulties, but he denied apply-
ing pressure.
Ike Backs Adams
President Eisenhower backed up
Adams, while remarking that he
hadn't been exactly prudent. Pub-
lic agitation continued, however,
and last September Adams re-
signed his White House Job and
later went back to New Hamp-
shire, where he had once been
At his home In Lincoln, N. H.,
yesterday Adams declined to com-
ment on the indictment.
The special House committee on
legislative oversight ran into
trouble with Goldfine when the
n o r m a 11 y t a 1 k a t i v e witness
clammed up on the financial af-
fairs of one of his firms, the Bos-
ton Port Development Company.
Refuses to Talk
On the advice of counsel, Gold-
fine refused to talk about this
He said the committee was in-
quiring into something that had
no connection with its assignment
-to check cn federal regulatory
In putting questions, commit-
tee counsel Robert Lishman pic-
tured Goldfine as milking the
firm to the detriment of minority
The committee took the stand
tthat it needed the answers to see
whether existing law sufficiently
protects investors.
SGC Groups
To Report
Action on either the Free Uni-
versity of Berlin or the Faculty
Senate's decision in the area of
SGC and Sigma Kappa will not be
taken during the Student Govern-
ment Council meeting at 7:30 p.m.
today, according to Mort Wise, '59,
SGC's executive vice-president.
Among the items on the Coun-
cil's agenda will be reports from
the standing committees and the
Forum Committee. Appointments
to the Evaluation, and the Inter-
viewing and Nominating Commit-
tee appointments.
The report from the Nationala
and Irnternational Committee will
probably deal with student ex-
change programs.

University sports car fans may
soon feel less persecuted when
paying parking fees if a Wash-
ington parking lot operator has
his way.
L. B. Doggett, Jr., has come
up with a daring idea. He has
decided that since smaller cars
use a smaller space they should
pay a smaller parking fee.
"It's Just pure economics,"
Doggett said. "Why should any-
one be expected to pay for an
extra yard of valuable down-
town real estate they never need
for parking their automobile?"
And now 42 of the little fel-
lows are roosting cozily on a
lot where only 20 big cars had
been parking, he said.
It all started, William G. Barr,
executive director of the Na-
tional Parking Assn. said, when
a St. Louis parker took one look
at the sizeof the 1959 Cadillac,
let out a horrified squawk and
said he would have nothing to
do with the car."
Reds Blast
In Moscow
L0NDON (MP-Moscow followed
up the transfer of Gen. Ivan A.
Serov from his job as Russia's top
policeman with a fresh blast yes-
terday at disgraced former leaders
it calls the anti-party group.
Pravda recalled the downfall of
a half-dozen one-time strongmen
chased from power by Premier
Nikita Khrushchev and said th
Communists have consistently
smashed those who "oppose the
measures which had become due,
through the exigencies of life."
The attack by the Soviet Com-
munist newspaper lent color to a
belief growing among diplomats
that Servo, wiry, 53-year-old vet-
eran of party purges, is booked for
relegation to the bleak fringes of
Soviet life-if nothing worse.
The opinion was widespread that
he was being kicked downstairs.
One argument in support of this
was the fact that, as "top cop," he
could go no higher in his chosen
But this opinion was not unani-
A dispatch from Moscow said
varous observers in the Soviet
capital believed the former chief
of state security is perhaps headed
for an even more important job,
though there was nothing in the
announcement to pinpoint it.
The announcement said Serov
was being relieved "in connection
with his transfer to other duties."
Contrary to normal precedure, it
did not name his successor.
Serov has been described in the
west as a "squat, grinning gun-
man" and "odious thug," and
there has been little doubt to
many that he conforms to the
classic mold of the secret police
He has long sought the silent
background, but emerged unwill-
ingly to the view of the public in
1955, when he was sent to south-
east Asia and later in 1956 when
he was sent to Britain.


To Oppose
Total Ban
GENEVA OP) - American and
British diplomats put their heads
together last night trying to gauge
Russian resistance to unhampered
controlof a ban on nuclear weap-
ons tests.
The initial studies convinced the
Westerners the resistance will be
strong. The Soviet Union regards
the secrecy which cloaks its vast
territories as a great national as-
Whether the Russians will aban-
don part of that secrecy to obtain
an end of atomic and hydrogen
weapons tests remains to be seen.
The American and British dele-
gations examined sentence by sen-
tence the long Russian proposals
on controls introduced in the nu-
clear conference by Soviet delegate
Semyon Tsarapkin.
Their study is expected to con-
tinue for several days.
Session Postponed
This afternoon's conference ses-
sion was postponed to give United
States Ambassador James J. Wads-
worth and British Minister of
State David Ormsby-Gore time to
begin their meetings.
The Russians at the same time
went over Western views on the
The Western delegations found
that some aspects of Tsarapkin's
document seemed to parallel their
own views. But on other aspects
the Russian plan - particularly
Russia's desire for a veto on all
operations of the control system-
ran contrary to western views.
The United States and Britain
feel that sweeping, built-in veto
arrangements would make the
whole control concept meaning-
Thus far the United States,
Britain and the Soviet Union have
approved two draft treaty articles.
Disclose Wording
Wording of the articles disclosed
the three powers undertook obliga-
tions to stop tests and to give un-
limited cooperation and assistance
to the planned control organiza-
But the control organization it-
self - its machinery, duties and
powers-still must be worked out.
It is on that portion of the treaty
draft that the hard bargaining will
come, conference sources said.
Tsarapkin himself said in an
interview that an inspection sys-
tem must be based on agreement
among the three powers and made
to work by the pressure of world
public opinion.

3Start Action To Force
Evidence on Negro Vote
By The Associated Press
MONTGOMERY, Ala.-The Federal Civil Rights Commission, with
assent from southern members, started legal action yesterday to com-
pel defiant public officials to produce evidence about Negro voter regis-
tration in Alabama.
In a dramatic announcement which abruptly ended' a two-day
hearing, the commission unanimously asked the justice department
to seek a federal court order,,

against registration officials who
refused to testify or to surrender
voter records.
Shortly afterward, a spokesman
for Attorney General William
Rogers said in Washington the
matter will be handled through
Hartwell Davis, the United States
District Attorney at Montgomery.
The United State District Court in
Alabama will be asked to issue the
Cite Penalty
The spokesman noted that if the
court order is issued and is not
obeyed, a contempt situation will
be presented for handling by the
federal court.
Contempt penalties are fixed at
the discretion of the court in-
Six voter registrars, protesting
what they called an invasion of
their rights as judicial officers,
declined to talk about the func-
tions of their office when called
as witnesses at the outset of the
hearing Monday.
Five of them refused even to
testify under oath.
Judge Doesn't Appear
Another subpoenaed witness,
Circuit Judge George R. Wallace
of Clayton, Ala., didn't even show
up. He had been instructed to pro-
duce voter registration files he has
subpoenaed in two of the six coun-
ties into which the civil rights
agency's first public hearing ex-
Begin Strie
NEW YORK (A) - Newspaper
deliverymen last night rejected a
tentative contract with New
York's nine major daily newspap-
ers and immediately went out on
Picket lines were set up around
the newspaper plants by 11 p.m.
Some early editions of morning
newspapers alreadyhad been de-
livered to newstands, but the late
press runs were bottled up in the
The deliverymen had struck for.
eight hours Monday before the
tentative agreement was ham-
mered out, but that walkout was
too short to greatly affect deliv-
Barney G. Cameron, president
of the Publishers Assn. of New
York, said the newspapers
planned to continue publication as,
long as they could and sell copies
over the counter at the plants.

ev Says

es Atlas
Soviets Top
Air Force's

Cross Sees
Little Ba
At Meeting
The lone Negro delegate to the
Atlanta meeting of the Nation-
al Interfraternity Council was
'warmly received" although Geor-
gia laws barred him from attend-
ing banquets or living with other
delegates in the Biltmore Hotel,
Assistant Dean of Men William
Cross said yesterday.
Dean Cross said the Negro, a
Kappa Alpha Psi from the Uni-
versity of Youngstown, "sat right
down with fthe rest of the dele-
gates," at discussions held during
the three-day conference which
opened Dec. 4.
The NIC took care of the Ne-
ro's meals and lodging at a near-
by motel, he added.
No Animosity
"I was delighted with the fact
that no animosity was shown."
Atlanta and Georgia laws pre-
vent Negroes from lingering in the
calls, eating in the dining rooms,
ar using the hotel's lobbies and
rest rooms.
Dean Cross said there were
some fears of racial incidents be-
fore the annual convention, but
no troubles erupted.
Atlanta newspapers did not dis-
cuss the incident.
Not a Test Case
There were no test case over-
tones in the affair, Dean Cross
continued, although he admitted
he could not recall whether any
Negroes had been at the several
conventions he has attended.
The city of Miami, Fla., where
Negroes would have been allowed
to live with other delegates, had
been mentioned by the NIC as a
possible location for the meeting.
Dean Cross could offer no defi-
nite reason for choosing Atlanta
as a meeting site.
"No Premeditation"
"I didn't ask for any reasons,"
he explained, "but I feel there
was no premeditation."
Prof. Huston T. Karnes of Loui-
siana State University, chairman
of the conference, refused any
comment with regard to the de-
cision to meet in Atlanta
There have been demands that
the convention be moved around
the country instead of being held
in the East each year, Dean Cross


... favors plan
Group -Plans
Adult Study
A "singly-administered" system
of adult education and extension

U.S. May Use Nuclear
Rocket in Five Years
DETROIT UP) - Nuclear-powered rockets, which would mean
more payload for outer space and less dead weight to get the job done,
may be no more than five years away.
That was the opinion expressed last night by R. E. Schreiber,
head of Project Rover which is working at Los Alamos, N. M., on the

courses will be instituted by Mich-
igan's nine state colleges and uni-
versities Jan. 1, their presidents
announced yesterday.
Wayne State University Presi-
dent Clarence B. Hilberry, chair-
man of the State Council of Uni-
versity Presidents, said the coor-
dinated effort will be made "to
avoid any possibility of duplica-
tion" as the program grows in the
coming years.
Single Servicej
The group recommended "a
single integrated extension serv-
ice" to accommodate the state's
estimated 160,000 persons who are
enrolled in credit and non-credit
courses at extension centers. Ap-
proximately 28,000 are enrolled in
University extension courses.
"We hope that through joint ef-
forts and coordination a better
planned adult education program
can be provided for the entire
state," University Dean of State-
wide Education Harold M. Dorr
"It is hoped that the new sys-
tem will be particularly helpful to
those who want to do out-of-
school studying in the more
sparsely populated areas of the
state," Dorr commented.
Continue Courses
Each school will continue to
provide courses in their present
fields of study, he remarked. The
new plan means the several
schools "will take pains" to avoid
duplication of courses.
Referring to the cooperative
programs already underway in
extension teaching, Dorr added,
"the plan will simply accelerate
this program of consolidation."
The University currently cooper-
ates with Wayne, Michigan State
University, and Eastern and
Northern Michigan colleges in of-
fering Joint extension courses in
certain areas of the state.
Won't Divide State
"The program will not divide
the state either geographically or
by function among the several
universities," Dorr commented.
Jointly planned and administered
adult education will prevent one
school from entering a new area
currently being handled by an-
other. Thus, Hilberry said, the
plan will take advantage of
"unique" extension services of-
fered by an institution - the
University's medical courses, for
Petitions Due
ITo orrow

Best Effort
Humphrey Told Red
Weapon Betters U.S.
By 2,000 Miles
WASHINGTON () - Soviet
Premier Nikita Khrushchev was
reported yesterday to have told
Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.)
that Russia has an intercontin..
ental ballistic missile capable of
firing a warhead 8,694 miles.
Achievement of such a range
would surpass the best 'United
States ICBM effort so far - the
Atlas which the Air Force hurled
6,325 miles on Nov. 28. It als
would put almost all the Unitd
States within reach of Soviet
weapons. &n. Humphrey gave
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
an 80-minute oral briefing yes-
terday on his long face-to-face
talk with Soviet Premier Nikita
Remain Secret
The White House said the de-
tails may remain secret if a study
shows they're overloaded with
Russian propaganda. Sen. Humphw'
rey, saying it is up to the admin-
istration to decide whether the
public should be informed, agreed
Khrushchev was doing some
boasting to him,
Senate sources tOld of Khrush-
chev's "secret" message to Sen.
Humphrey. The Minnesota sena-
tor himself declined to give dew
tails of his talk with Khrushchev.
Sen. Humphrey told reporters
he passed on to President Eisen-
hower a confidential message
from the Soviet premier dealing
with Russian nuclear explosions of
a very substantial size.
Cites Development
He also told President Eisen-
howernabout secret Soviet evel-
opments in the missile field, the
Senator said.
The White House said it would
not be released if it contained too
much Soviet propaganda.
White House Press Secretary
James C. Hagerty stuck by that
stand after Senate sources report-
ed what Sen. Humphrey told
President Eisenhower abott mis-
Evaluate Information
Hagerty said the government
would have to evaluate the infor..
mation before deciding.
The Pentagon had no comment
on the report either.
Sen. Humphrey, en route to
Minneapolis, was not available to
confirm or deny the accuracy of
the report.
However, the version frn Sen-
ate sources was similar to that
given a reporter by an official in
a government department.
And it corresponded with a re-
port in the Dec. 15 issue of a pop-
ular magazine published yester-;
Students Riot,
Hang Effigy
After Protest
Students at Monmouth College,
West Long Branch, N. J., saw red
late Monday night over their pres-
ident's plan to beat the Russians
in the field of education.
It seems his idea is to intensify
study and lengthen the school year
and the first thing to go is the
traditional two-week Christmaa
Disregarding the Christmas
spirit of good will, over 500 stu-
dents first stoned an effigy of the
president, then burned it while
serenading the live one with ,
rendition of "Come down, come

down from your ivory tower."
The president, however, was im-
movable. His only comment to the

Very Big Snow Job

'job of putting the atom to work
in space travel.
"The time it takes will depend
on the national will - how much
we want to hurry it up," he said.
"With a pretty ambitious program,
maybe we could do it in four or
five years."
Schreiber is here attending the
winter meeting of the American
Nuclear Society.
May Harness Power
A major step in harnessing nu-
clear power for rockets will be
taken next month when Project
Rover scientists begin testing the
Kiwi-A, a nuclear reactor.
Like a namesake, a flightless
New Zealand bird, the Kiwi-A
never will go any higher than the
platform it stands on.C
But Schreiber hopes the gadget-
covered six-foot-by-six box willj
tell scientists how to solve theirI

j World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.-The Soviet Union cast the veto twice'
yesterday to bar South Korea and South Viet Nam from UN member-
ship but agreed to admit independent Guinea,
The West African Negro nation voted itself out of the French
overseas community in September and will become the 82nd United
Nations member.
' ,* , , ,
POINT MUGU, Calif.-Launching of a Regulus II guided missile
from a ship in the Pacific missile range was postponed for 24 hours
yesterday because a part of the missile's recovery system failed in the
final minutes of the countdown.
TAIPEI-Chinese Communists yesterday let go with their heaviest
bombardment of Quemoy in a month and the defenders struck back
shell for shell, the Defense Ministry said.
The duel was regarded here. however, as a flurry in the fitful





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