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December 09, 1958 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-12-09

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gj~g itrigaut Eztit
Sixty-Ninth Year

"You Suppose Khrushchev Knows More About
The 1960 Race Than We Do?"

Ca Opinions A~ re o
Truth Will Prevail

Editorials Printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Humphrey's Talk
Surprises Few
Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
WASHINGTON-To anyone familiar with the remarkable oratorical
powers of Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.), it was no surprise
that his interview with Nikita Khrushchev lasted eight hours.
"Khrushchev probably made a tactical error." one admiring reporter
said. "He probably began by asking Hubert a question. Eight hours later
he had his answer, complete with historical background, statistics and
some good reasons why he should always support the Democratic Party."
Humphrey came back to town today, to report on his trip to Russia.
And it's interesting that in this city which rarely is at a loss for
words he has firmly established himself as an outspoken man who never

AY, DECEMBER 9, 1958


Bonn 'Get Tough' Policy
May Swing Too Far

RUSSIA'S efforts to assume control of the
entirety of the crucial city of Berlin received
a major setback Sunday.
Since 1949 when the separation into East-
West blocs became a finality, the Communists
have been unable to gain admission to the
West German parliament. The knowledge that
a pseudo-governmental structure existed to the
East motivated the Adenauer supporters to
steer clear of red-tinted candidates.
A Thanksgiving Day note from Soviet Pre-
mier Khrushchev demanded that the Allies
withdraw from Berlin - a preliminary step to
ousting Western elements from the whole of
TO START OFF the chain of events, the
Communists marked the West Berlin parlia-
mentary elections as the place to begin the
removal of all dissenters from the Moscow
They conducted an intense propaganda cam-
paign to "urge West Berliners to support the
Sovet proposal with their votes." The Commu-
nists received a somewhat harsh answer when
not a single one of their candidates won a place
in the 133-seat parliament.
Whatever hopes that they might have en-
tertained about voter strength on the other
side of the Brandenburg Gate, whatever plans
they might have formulated about coercing the
Whoor What
'"STRICTER interpretation" of the Dean
of Women's housing policy resulting from
increased dormitory space next year raises the
question of whether the University is putting
considerations of policy before consideration of
the individual.
A logical assumption about the role of the
Dean of Women's office is that it serves as
one of the few places the individual can go
to solve her individual problem. Housemothers
and the deans themselves often encourage the
student to come to them with any problems.
The emphasis of this office is probably more
on the problems of the individual than on
those of the student body as a whole.
Yet, in announcement that senior women will
be unable to receive apartment permission next
year unless "there is definite financial need"
it seems that the Dean of Women's office has
decided it is more important to fill space in
the dormitory than to consider the individual
needs- and desires.
AFTER spending three years in a dormitory,
it is not unnatural for some senior girls to
desire an apartment for a number of personal
reasons. She may want the privacy of her own
quarters or the experience and responsibility
of planning her own living arrangements. Any
of these reasons may be trivial to those who

West into withdrawal must be completely re-
Yesterday, as a start on that revision, Otto
Grotewohl, the ailing puppet Premier of East
Berlin, re-echoed his assertion that the West-
ern powers are legally obligated to get out.
But he added, in a somewhat milder tone, that
the East Germans will be ready to talk about
the disposition of the Western garrisons.
IT NOW SEEMS clear that Grotewohl is op-
erating from a psychological disadvantage.
A consolidated propaganda attempt failed to
rouse Soviet support, and the consolidation of
the Western bloc have contributed to the in-
creasingly confident attitude of the Bonn gov-
But, perhaps, the new "get tough" policy of
the Bonn government which has been bolstered
by the recent election returns will prevent con-
ciliation, as a process, from achieving any po-
sition of merit. The possibility of a flat "no"
to the Russians looms as dangerous to any
agreements that East and West could make.
The Communist vision of completely con-
trolling the crucial Middle European area is
slowly vanishing. In place of it could appear
the realization of the necessity of rational co-
existence (or unification?); something that
Bonn abruptness could easily destroy.
Comes First?
don't care, but to the individual concerned
they may be very important . .. even to the
point of affecting her. school work.
The reasons for requesting an apartment
fall within the category of individual problems
and as such should be under the concern of
the Dean of Women. Filling rooms in dormi-
tories may also be under this same jurisdiction,
but it isn't necessarily of primary importance.
THE UNIVERSITY expanded women's hous-
ing in order to prepare for increased enroll-
ments. But until this increase reaches its maxi-
mum, it isn't of utmost importance to maxim-
ize the use of extra rooms. If the "loose" policy
Interpretatalon of this year should remain, it
does not mean that there will be a mass exodus
of senior women from the dorms and thus
leave the University with an exceptional num-
ber of vacant rooms. It is more likely that the
proportion of students in each dorm will re-
main about the same. Not all senior women will
want to move out . . . most likely only a very
few will request apartment permission, with
valid reasons other than financial need.
When an office, such as the Dean of Wo-
men's, places general policy considerations be-
fore those of the individual, there should be
adequate reasons. So far these reasons have.
not been revealed,

~ t%

We GOP Warn
WASHINGTON - The profes- demand of managemen
sional leadership of the Re. end up: give the Repu
publican party, largely controlled dubious satisfaction of
by Vice - President Richard M. acceptable to manager
Nixon, has firmly adopted a policy quite unacceptable to
of unexampled audacity in "tell- for another six to eigi
ing .off" business. Accordingly, what
It is as extraordinary as though called a commandc
the Democrats had set out publicly calculated risk has bee
to reprimand labor. Indeed, this is the Republican organiz
news of a kind that is said to re- ership. This is to to
sult when man bites dog. leaders, in the plain
That the Republican pros have way and hazarding al
undertaken this course of danger pleasure, that only t
-and of Spartan courage-is the courses are really open
best possible index of their fears 1) To forget abou
for the future. The more they work, however heady
examine the whys and wherefores tions in theabstract s
of the Democratic Congressional 2) Or that, if busin
election victories of last month the to insist again upon rig
worse things look to them unless it must be prepared 1
businessmen can be made to "see the 1960 Presidential
reason" before the Presidential ecisely the ki
test of 1960. *unprecedented push-i
exertions and in term.
THE CONSIDERED VIEW of -that was put into t
the GOP professionals is this: the reelect Senator Robert
insistence by business of putting 1950.
the so-called right-to-work issue u * *
into the recent campaign must not
be repeated unless business is IN THE TAFT strug
ready to see the country go Demo- business generally t
cratic in 1960-and this for a maintenance of the Sei
mere starter. They point out that as though the Presid
it took the GOP years to live down were at stake. Not six
what was, rightly or wrongly, the election anywhere, ho
anti-labor, anti-4little man" face as a community made
put upon it after the adoption of and so dedicated a pol
the Taft-Hartley Labor Act by a relative to the size of
Republican Congress. of battle.
They suggest that one more Few Republican p
round of right-to-work, under Re- believe that bushess
publican sponsorship and at the take alternative No. 2.

s Businessmen

seems to be spoken out. Hubert
Horatio Humphrey jr. would be
the first to admit it. All his life
he has been a prodigious talker.
In his high school days in Wal-
lact, S. D., Hubert was a star
debater. Now 47, with his dark
hairline retreating rapidly, he still
shows great zest in any oratorical
fray. Often in the senate, he seems
almost bursting to leap into the
* * *
a half smile, like the one you may
spot on a good pitcher the day he
knows he has his stuff.
Incredible as it now seems. Hum-
phrey once appeared destined to
windrup far from politics. His
father was a druggist, and the
son followed these pharmaceutical
footsteps. In 1933 he graduated
from the Denver School of Phar-
But it's difficult to get into a
lively argument with a prescrip-
tion, and soon Humphrey was back
in school, studying political sci-
He taught for a time, 'but in
1945, at the age of 34, he was
elected Mayor of Minneapolis.
During one two-year period, he
made around 2,000 speeches.
By 1948, he was ready to enlarge
his practice of political science.
He traveled 31,000 miles and made
691 speeches in Minnesota's 87
Whether the voters were im-
pressed with the new deal wares
he was selling, or whether they
were simply bowled over by his
unwavering energy, no longer
* * *
HUMPHREY defeated Sen. Jo-
seph Ball by 243,000 votes, and
became the first Democrat ever
elected Senator in Minnesota.
You can get some idea of Hum-
phrey's approach to legislative life
by looking at the index of the Con-
gressional Record for one session.
Between Jan. 3 and July 27, 1956,
we find this:
It takes 14 columns merely to
The Daily Official Bulletln is an'
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXIX, No. 68
General Notices
President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold
open house for students at their home
Wed., Dec. 10 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
TIAA -- College Retirement Equities
Fund: Participants in the Teachers In-
surane and Anuity Association retire-
ment program who wish to change the
(Continued on Page 8)

it, might so
ublicans the
being very
ment - but
the voters,
ht years.
might be
decision of
en taken by
zation lead-
ell business
est possible
1 their dis-
wo rational
t right-to-
its attrac-
ess is going
to put into
n terms of
s of money
he fight to
A. Taft in
gle in Ohio
reated the
nator's seat
dency itself
nce, in any
as business
so massive
itical effort
the terrain
will really

It was in this estimate of the
harsh political reality that Meade
Alcorn, the GOP national chair-
man, recently went to New York
give the bad news straight to the
National Association of Manufac-
turers Whatever anybody wanted
to say about the inherent merit
of right-to-work, Alcorn observed
to these business bigwigs, this was
the bald, bare meaning of the tale:
"A majority of the voters said
emphatically that they don't want
right-to-work, and as a conse-
quence the political careers of
some of the nation's ablest public
servants (Republicans, of course)
were shattered."
THIS WAS only the beginning
of a new GOP leadership effort to
good for business, the Republican
comparable to some unimaginable
change business's view of what is
party, and-the country. And it was
scene which might find Paul But-
ler, the Democratic chairman, an-
nouncing to a convention of the
CIO-AFL that the Democrats had
now heard altogether too much
about things like union security.
For the NAM has been the last,
irreducible redoubt and trench of
the total free enterprisers. The
NAM has always taken its old-
fashioned Republicanism so str
fashioned Republicanism so
stHaight as to make, say, the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce look a bit
like some happy league of young
(Copyright, 1958, by United
Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

list the titles of articles that in-
terested Humphrey so much he
wanted them reprinted; three col-
umns to list the bills and amend-
ments he introduced, and seven
columns to list the times Hum-
phrey felttcalled upon for a Senate
speech or remark.
By contrast, Sen. Carl Hayden
(D-Ariz.), one of the quietest of
the Senators, needed but three col-
umns for all categories.
Oh, yes, a final note of this man
who has a chance of talking him-
self into the Presidency:
Khrushchev should have been
forewarned. In 1957, Humphrey
talked with President Nasser of
Egypt, but neither had much to
say. That interview lasted only
three hours.
With Se
visited the campus a few
weks ago, she was asked why
Shakspeare and the other clas-
sics could not hold the Broadway
boards for more than about fif-
teen weeks and something like
"The Tunnel of Love" could run
for over two years. To all those
who see this movie adaptation, the
answer will be a simple one. Mel-
ancholy Danes are nothing com-
pared to plain old SEX!. It used
to take place on hay stacks out-
side of big red barns, but since
sophistication has arrived on the
contemporary scene, it has moved
through the barn's Dutch doors
into a charming French provincial
The hero and heroine of this
Kinseyian epic are Richard Wid-
mark, a struggling cartoonist, and
his pert wife, Doris Day, who have
moved into the pastoral setting
of Westport, Conn. .because they
are adopting a baby after five
years of trying to have a child of
their own.
* * *
THE AGENCY from whom the
child is to be adopted send their
field investigator, Gia Scala, to
scrutinize them.
When Widmark iS told by his
skirt chasing neighbor Gig Young
that he is inhibited and most
definitely not living modern, his
eye quite naturally roves in the
direction of Miss Scala. And then
the "fun" begins. She becomes
pregnant; a baby boy is adopted
who resembles Widmark; and the
conclusions are quite logically
The picture's dialogue comes to
the just about censorable but it
never quite makes it, and on the
whole the film resembles an ex-
ercise in which you see how close
you can come to the line which
separates good from bad taste.
'-Patrick Chester

The Lost Session

PEARL HARBOR ... . These two words ter-
rorized Americans only 17 years ago, but
this nation has not learned from the disaster.
No country, no matter how strong, can hope to
avoid needless loss of life without an adequate
system of warning and a civil defense that
will allow a means of protection during attack.
Long shielded by two oceans, Americans,
more than any nation, have been oblivious to
war's havoc. The countries of Europe during
the two World Wars have learned the import-
ance of being prepared to withstapd the enemy
attack not only on the battlefield but in the
towns and cities. These countries learned to
heed the wailing warning of sirens, but in this
country the whole concept of civil defense is
considered as some sort of joke.
. On Sunday, Ann Arbor's Civil Defense or-
ganization tested their sirens. The people
walking down the street seemed to fall into
two classes: those who knew beforehand of
the test and those who didn't. The ones who
had not heard previously remained oblivious

to it all. Those who had heard of the exercise
smiled and joked and laughed about it.
CIVIL DEFENSE officials throughout the
country still must face the public tendency
to completely ignore the importance of prepar-
ation against attack.
During the Thanksgiving holiday, great at-
tention and money was spent in trying to
avoid the death of a few hundred lives on the
highways. But comparatively little money is
allottedfor the saving of over 100 millon esti-
mnated casualties that would result from an
atomic attack on the United States. In some
states, the civil defense units are unable to
send out life saving information for only one
reason: lack of money to pay the postage
necessary to send it out.
Unless the citizens realize the need for civil
defese, all the time spent throughout the na-
tion will do no good at all. It may take another
Pearl Harbor to wake the United States up.
But after the next Pearl Harbor possibly 100
million Americans will be dead.

City Parking Fines Stir Student Reaction



West Meets Challenge

Justice .. .
To the Editor:
O NOW we are told that the
purchase of 12 minutes' park-
ing time for some unfortunate
stranger (or friend?) is an "ob-
struction of justice." It would be
interesting to know what twisted
concept of justice and legality lies
behind such a preposterous idea.
It would also be interesting to see
whether this outrageous charge
would stand up in court, or on
appeal if necessary. We, and we
suspect others as well, would be
happy to contribute toward what-
ever expenses Mr. Mitchell incurs'
in contesting the fine that has
been imposed on him for his hu-
manitarian act. Furthermore, we
think we shall make it a point to
have some pennies in our pocket
whenever we walk down the street.
-Edward Upton
-Frank C. Jettner, Jr.
-Benjamin F. Peery
-Edmund K. Lee
--Clyde W. McGuffe
Fines . .
To the Editor:
AS EVERY motorist knows, a
system of fines and penalties
is widely employed to control in-

some 20,000 to 30,000 dollars an-
nually, was a substantial part of
the town's income. The primary
reason for the existence of a speed
trap was quite forgotten.
In some Michigan cities, parking
tickets have become a regular
racket, doing little towards solving
the parking problem, and victimiz-
ing countless motorists who are
unwilling to go to court over a one
to five dollar fine.
I believe there is 4 way to solve
this problem. All money collected
as fines, be it traffic violations or
for parking, should go to the state.
This 'would remove from munici-
palities the financial gain from
flagrant -ticketing, and allow them
to concentrate on actually solving
their problems. At the same time
it would provide a new and much
needed source of state revenue,
while forcing the towns to econo-
-G. R. Fleming, '59E
Library . .
To the Editor:
T HE COLUMN written by David
Tarr in Saturday's Daily is
probably the most sophomoric piece
that I have seen in a long time,
The first half is a singular collec-
tion of the old truisms poorly

six hours when music will be
played make up only 1/17th of
the total time available). 2) Take
the books needed to another fiooy.
3) Get the necessary books at
another library. Even reserve
books can often be obtained at
another branch. Then one doesn't
have to subject oneself to the tor-
ments of Disneyland at all. 4)
Complain to the UGL staff. It was
made very clear in the announce-
ment that this is to be an experi-
ment. J
His wandering off into some sort
of idiocy as to what "this" would
"lead to" simply demonstrates that
it is easy to write garbage if you
really put your mind to it.
The Daily has some decent writ-
Seni moe Says.,

ers, but it might be a rather good
idea to require at least some
thought from, or perhaps some
control over, the rest.
-Charles W. Johnson, Grad.
Leaders .
To the Editor:
THE students of the University
of Michigan take pride in call-
ing themselves the leaders of the
future. We like to think of our-
selves as the "cream of the crop."
But just what are we the leaders
of? The thoughtful student often
ponders this point as he views the
dorms on the Hill at night. The
animalistic exhibitions that go on
in these places during a "normal"

evening are not only shocking but
degrading to the morals of the
I am not adverse to the genuine
affection shown by one individual
for another when the former has
a genuine appreciation for the
other person as an individual. But
when one sees that these girls and
boys carry on this way with all of
their dates, when one listens to the
gory details of these eventful eve-
nings, one begins to wonder what
is becoming of our nation. The
University has had for a long time
a form of "legalized lust." A boy
no longer dhows genuine affection
for the girl herself, but affection
instead for some stereotype. The
same is true of girls. We display
our affections so freely to everyone
that we are rapidly degrading our
own and the country's morals. Are
these qualities which we are now
developing the qualities we desire
for marriage? Are we going to
show such lack of understanding
and selfishness in marriage? Are
these the qualities of leaders in
our nation? And, if so, what are
we leading our nation into, the
footpaths of Rome?
Over toward the Hill we have a
so-called Michigan Tradition-two
lions in front of a museum, We
pride ourselves in telling our lusty
fr eftnn to a - - 7 .flf-nr r .Rif

Associated Press News Analyst
HE NON-COMMUNIST world, in a series
of efforts not directly coordinated but di-
rected at the same objective, is gradually form-
ing its line of battle to meet the Communist
economic challenge.
There is a pattern in which regional organi-
zations will undertake to do for their areas
what American and United Nations aid pro-
grams have been attempting, but without any
reduction in the latter.
Indeed, there is to be an increase in the
United Nations effort.
r'OR INSTANCE. under the plan for a new

standards generally and so lessen the effect
of appeals for radical economic and political
These meetings include the Colombo Plan
at Seattle, the various moves of the European
Economic Community which will come into
being next month, the Inter-American Econ-
omic Conference at Washington last week, the
Commonwealth Finance Ministers at Ottawa,
and the World Bank and International Mone-
tary Fund at Delhi.
SOME INVOLVE reductions of trade barriers.
Most were concerned with means of allow-
ing the soft as well as the hard currencies to
find a morkne i n tr +,.a Aa r- i-ne


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