s, 1958 " MTCHIGAn DAILY 9~ 1R58 ThU WICHIGAW DAILY TODAY'S PROJECT DEVELOPS INTO MILLIONS: Glaser Invents First Bubble Chamber (Continued from Page1) nuclear events and feed it into one of the University's electronic computers. The machine then cal- culates the velocities, masses and energies of particles involved. An instrument like the bubble chamber, Prof. Glaser said, has been the dream of physicists all over the world since the early days; of the study of high energy atomic particles. Needed Support The bubble chamber was In- vented to provide a method by which rare high-velocity collisions could actually be seen and in large numbers so that the laws govern- ing them could be discovered. Al- though everyone realized the use- fulness of such a device, none of the governmental agencies that sponsor nuclear research was will- ing to support this apparently far- fetched approach in which tiny bubbles were supposed to mark the trails of atomic particles. Receives Grant In spite of an atmosphere of disbelief, Prof. Glaser decided to start on the project. He had a $750 grant from the Rackham fund for cosmic ray research which he planned to use for this project and later obtained a grant of $1,500 from the Phoenix Project. Using liquid propane, he built an improved chamber and tested it at the three-billion-volt cosmotron at the Brookhaven National Lab- oratory, where in the first ten minutes of operation he photo- graphed nuclear events seldom seen in their entirety by the older methods. Eight of hfs first 22 photographs, for example, pictured the creation in nuclear collisions of particles called -pi mesons, their slowdown and decay into mu mesons and the transition of mu mesons into elec- trons, one of the basic building blocks of atoms. The cloud chamber and photo- graphic emulsions have been used for this kind of study for decades, but each has its own limitations. The first is a box filled with a moisture-laden vapor in which slim "fog trails" mark the paths f' t a f " E I x !' t G 4 k t Diggigs Pro Based on Old By BRUCE COLE Archaeological excavations have proven that the Book of Genesis is based on authentic old tradi- tions. Prof. Ephraim A. Speiser of the oriental studies department of the University of Pennsylvania said yesterday at the second an- nual Zwerdling lecture. Speaking on "The Biblical Pre- History-Genesis I-XI: and the Primeval History and Babylonian Culture," he said "through exca- vations, proof has been collected which show the first part of Gene- sis to be both authentic and in- spirational. The authenticity comes from cuneiform writings found in the the Mesopotamian area. "Many of the stories of the creation paral- lel the Epic of Gilgenish, and this in turn has been found to record events which happened in Meso- potamia," Prof. Speiser said. Natural Events Changed Howtver, although natural events are behind Genesis, the author in rearranging the order of events and creating new ideas gave the book its spiritual significance. "The first eleven chapters are not history in the true sense of the Organization Notices ye Genesis I Traditions word, but an introduction to a story of people searching out the universal principles of life," he noted. g As an example is the story of DESI N the flood. Writings have confirmed the existence of several flood'T ON E stories in the Mesopotamian dis-T trict. The author of Genesis took both YOUR stories and adapted them to his purposes. He told about the giants Sjand the horror of the episode. The he brought in the story of A M S the flood to depict the moral in- ' dignation of God and the necessity of punishing all the evil in the world. \ \ Therefore, the significance is in 'warm, wonderful and, of the departure of the actual report. Another thing archaeology has r course, infinitely flattering cleared up is the matter of geog- .our glamour hoods raphy. Several claims , had been made of the unauthenticity of the - - and scarfs - angoras -- Bible because it was inconceivable wools - plaids - orlons that the area could have been so - wool jersey - in spread out from Babylon to Egypt, particularly in the case of the multitude of colors and Garden of Eden. fabrics . . . perfect foi Mentions Four Rivers that extra gift! Genesis mentions four rivers in Eden which was thought to be in Priced from Africa. Two were in Babylon and two in Africa. This seemed prepos- terous until diggings revealed a$200 small area called Eden in Meso- potamia with four rivers running through it." The question of why the first Pr eft ty finger t o as t ers, part of the book was written at all was shown by Prof. Speiser toa3ts follow an old world custom. In all o es ill gay colors --- works of this period, it was cus- while - grey - brown tomary to introduce a prologue black - sone i ih giving the history of the world. ahe s There is a great possibility that leather-alms. the first eleven chapters were rom $2.0 written after the Bible was fin- ished, since the rest of the work is a contemporary record of life. Puts Plan into Focus "This preface puts the larger ON FOREST CAMPUS plan of the Bible into focus and it ofTO no doubt furnishes the final thrust off South U. TOGS which puts the work into an opposite' + )Il South U eternal orbit," Prof. Speiser said.C sM Although the Bible is shown to Cmpusk be a work not dreamed up but Theatre from Main Shop adapted from other writings, a main point in this preface which differs exclusively from Babylon- ian culture is the concept of a single omnipotent deity. '3sc ~ a ar .s~eccrz~ccr~ : e~a~~crx: s :mc ,~ea~rx~~c~~ xr BUBBLE, BUBBLE-Prof. Glaser of the physics department works on his now-famous bubble chamber. This is a device for observing the paths of high speed atomic particles. With It, physicists are able to observe In routine fashion collisions and reactions produced in man made nuclear accelerators. Among the United States exhibit at the World's Fair and the 1958 Atoms for Peace conference In Geneva were illustrations explaining the development and use of the bubble chambers. pane-filled 'bubble chamber the 'it should be easy-you can see equivalent of a 260-foot cloud' chamber, Prof. Glaser observes. Principle Is Simple The principle behind the bubble chamber is simple, Prof. Glaser explained. A diaphragm actuated by compressed air increases. and releases the pressure periodically, which a heating element raises the temperature of the fluid above its boiling point. When the pressure drops, the liquid needs only a point at which to start boiling, normal occurrence of this being at the chamber walls. However, high speed atomic par- ticles impart tiny electric charges to atoms in the liquid as they brush past. Microscopic bubbles- the start of boiling-quickly gather around these charged atoms, form- ng distinct bubble trails for a few thousandths of a second. These tracks can be recorded by means of ultra-high-speed photography. Story Called Unromantic Reminiscing on how he got the Idea, Prof. Glaser said, "Unfortu- nately it is not a very romantic story. I had been trying for some time to think of a way to make a dense solid of liquid sensitive to the tiny disturbance created by a high-velocity atomic particle. I decided to try a liquid heated far above its boiling point mainly be- cause I was able to make a theory which determined the necessary experimental conditions. "This being a rather wild idea, I was the target of a lot of good- natured teasing. One of these jibes got into newspapers recently be- cause it was quoted in Congres- sional testimony in hearings on the support of scientific research. "One evening several years ago, after attending a physics colloquim a number of us were sitting around a pitcher of beer at one of the local gathering places on Liberty Street discussing the great diffi-I culty of doing experiments in mod- ern high-energy physics. We agreed that the main trouble is that we are trying to investigate things we can not see or even imagine in terms of our usual ex- perience of the world. One of the physicists, looking dreamily at the streamers rising from the bottom of the beer pitcher, wise-cracked, EUROPE Dublin to Iron Curtain; Africa to Sweden. You're accompanied-not herded. College age only, Also short trips. EUROPE SUMMER TOURS 255 Sequoia (Box 4)-Pasadena, Cal. tracks practically anywhere.' "This was a sarcastic reference to the fact that I had actually smuggled six bottles of beer into the physics laboratory a few days before, just to make tests to be sure that we had not been missing the obvious. We hadn't. Shortly Prof. Levin Too Lecture Tomorrow Prof. Harry Levin of Harvard University will lecture on "Liter- ature and Exile" at 4:10 p.m. to- i morrow in Aud. A, Angell Hall. A well-known .critic of contem- porary literature, Prof. Levin has written many books on such varied subjects as James Joyce, Christopher Marlowe and roman- tic hellenism. His latest works are "Contexts of Criticism" and "The Power of Blackness." after this I began more serious experiments, following the indica- tions of my theory." The first successful chamber used liquid ether, the ordinary anes- thetic, as its sensitive fluid. In may 1956, Prof. Glaser and his collegaues scored a "major breakthrough" in man's campaign to learn more about the basic composition matter, with the an- nouncement of a new chamber called the xenon chamber. Filled with Xenon Gas The new device is called an xenon chamber because it is filled with liquified xenon gas, a sub- stance very difficult to produce. The only source of xenon is the atmosphere where it is present in one part for every 10 million parts of air. He tested first a small chamber filled with liquified xenon and then planned one 12 inches in di- ameter. To equal it, a propane filled bubble chamber would have; to be five feet long and a cloud chamber - famous forerunner of the bubble chamber -- 1500 feet long. The free world's entire known supply of xenon was used to fill this chamber. Ballet Club, baliet and jazz lesso given, Dec. 9, 7:15-5:30 p.m., Barbou Gym. *, * 4, Congregational and Disciples Guil coffee break, Dec. 9, 4:30-6 p.m., Gui House. Co-Rec. Badminton Club, organiz tional meeting, Dec. 9, 7 p.m., Barbou IGym. Deutscher verein. Weihnachtsfes Dec. 10, 8 p.m., League, Mich. Rr Speaker: Dr. W. F. Puchwein (Uni of Graz), "Austrian Christmas Cu toins." Christmas film and refresh ments. * * * Graduate Student Coffee Hour, De 10, 4-5:30 pin., Rackham Bldg., 2n( Floor, W. Lounge. All graduate stu dents invited, * * * Italian Club, coffee hour, Dec. 9, 3 p.m., 3050 FB. All students intereste in things Italian are invited. La Sociedad Hispanica, Terutlia, De 10, 3-5 p.m., 3050 FB. Coffee and con versation. La Sociedad Hispanica, meeting, De 10, 8 p.m., 3050 FB. Concurso de Poesi Mich. Crib - Society for Pre-Lai Students, open meeting -- all interest. ed are invited, Dec. 9, 7 p.m., Union Rmn. 3B. SGC Public Relations Comm., Com- mittee meeting, Dec. 9, 4 p.m., 154 SAB. Interested students welcome. * * *, Tau Beta Pi, election of officer meeting, Dec. 9, 7:30 p.m., Union. * * Women's Rifle Club, practice, Dec. 9 7 and 8 p.m., WAB. All members pleas attend. Young Democratic Club, executiv board meeting, Dec. 9, 7:15 p.m., SAB ns ld id a- ur V. 5- - d c. n- e. , BUBBLE CHAMBER ... very early version of particles, while emulsions are strips of film that record the paths as a maze of fine crisscross lines, Chambers are Bulky The film can not effectively be used with magnetic fields to swerve' the particles and make them reveal their masses and velocities. Cloud chambers utilize magnetic fields and electronic devices that "an- nounce" the arrival of particles and trigger a camera to take their pictures, but the chambers are bulky and atoms of the gas loosely packed so that interesting events are caught rarely. Because the liquid in the bubble' chamber is a thousand times more dense than the vapor in a cloud chamber, there is far greater like- lihood of "direct hits" and other interactions in the new device. This makes a twelve-inch pro- 08da SPRING WEEKEND UNION BALLROOM w GIFTS GALOF A s COL We have that for roommate friends and fc SLIPPERS.. DUSTERS ..*LOUNGE OUTFI 1- e BLOUSES CARCOATS . . SLACKS. .SKIR BE. NJ B . i " t e - .' I ,I L L F O L D S E T S . . . H A N D B A G S . ,J E W E L R Y .. / " / Y i 1 t i _, < ' ' < ?), h v { ,; 1 , .., . :. 1 ,+ REAT... LINS 'Special' Gift S, pinmates, omi [y0. ). S ti ITS . GOWNS - P.J.'s . SWEATERS TS . 4 , -. . " * HANDKERCHIEFS MAIN FLOOR AND SPORT SHOP I.Cower ,Cle El01