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December 09, 1958 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-12-09

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom





Communist Loss
Deters Proposal
GrotewohlSays Elections Unrelated
To Plan for West Berlin Neutrality
BERLIN (')-The East German Communists, stunned by their
crushing defeat in the West Berlin elections, refused yesterday to let
go of the Soviet free city proposal.
Premier Otto Grotewohl feebly echoed Moscow's assertion that
the municipal elections "have nothing to do" with the Soviet bid to
turn West Berlin into a neutral demilitarized city.
Prior to Sunday's elections-in which the Reds again failed to
seat a single candidate in the 133-seat city parliament-the Com-
munists urged West Berliners to support the Soviet proposal with
their votes. Grotewohl, 64 and ailing, told his parliament United
States British and French troops legally were obligated to get out









Leading Race
In Venezuela
CARACAS, Venezuela () -
Romulo Betancourt, a Leftist who
once won Venezuela's presidency
through a coup, appeared headedi
back to the presidency last night
through a free election.
Mounting returns from Sun-
day's voting gave the 50-year-old
leader of the anti-Communist
Democratic Action party 910,328,-
to 846,399 fbr his leading oppon-
ent, Rear Adm. Wolfgang Larra-
zabal, in a three-man race.
With about a fifth of the returns
still awaited in unofficial tabula-
tions, Rafael Caldera of the Chris-
tian Socialist party trailed badly.
He had 324,750 votes.
Offset Larrazabal
The organization of Betan.
court's Democratic Action party,
largest in the nation, seemingly
offset the magnetic personality of
Larrazabal, head of the Junta that
ruled Venezuela after the over-
throw of Dictator Marcos Perez
Jlminez last January,
Betancourt, in politics since his
university days as a law stuednt,
is hated by many, but is followed
loyally by many more. Labor
union votes helped him sweep
Zulia state, Venezuela's principal
oil-producing region.
He served as provisional presi-
-dent for two years after a coup
that ousted President Isaias Me-
dina Angarita in 1945, then hand-
ed over to the democratically
elected President Romulo Gal-
Overthrow Gallegos
Gallegos lasted less than a gar.
He was overthrown Nov. 24, 1948,
by an army coup and, with Betan-
court, went into exile for 10 years.
A few weeks ago people in Cara-
cas were saying the army would
never let Betancourt take office.
Bkperts on Venezuelan politics
310w say, however, that officers
who still are hostile probably lack
the power to block him by anoth-
er coup.
Briefly a member of the Com-
munist party some 30 years ago in
what he later called "a youthful
outbreak of political smallpox,"
Betancourt was the only presi-
dential candidate who assailed
Communists in the campaign.
Communists backed Larrazabal,
candidate of the moderately left-
ist Democratic Republican Union,
though he did not solicit their
Figures on the Communist votes
remained to be computed,
City Council
Sets Hearing
On Parking
City Council last night sched-
uled public hearing on the lat-
est version of the off-street park-
ing ordinance for Dec. 29.
The ordinance, if adopted in its
prsent form, would require fra-
ternities, sororities and dormi-
tories to provide an off-street
parking space for each six beds in
the house.
Parking lots (five or more
spaces together) would be required
to be paved with either concrete
or blacktop, They would have to
be 10 feet from any dwelling and
25 feet from the street, which
would prohibit front-yard parking
in most cases, as City Administra-
for Guy Larcom pointed out.

of West Berlin. But showing little
conviction that the Allies would
comply, Grotewohl added that he
was ready for negotiations on
pending questions affecting the
Western garrisons.
It was a clear invitation for
talks and Western recognition of
his regime when the Soviet six
months ultimatum for acceptance
of the free city proposal runs out.
Adenauer Favors Rejection,
Then the Russians say they will
transfer to the East Germans their
controls over Allied air, rail and
highway lifelines to West Berlin.
West German Chancellor Kon-
rad Adenauer's government ap-
peared determined to press the
Western Big Thiree for an uncom-
promising rejection of the Soviet
The West would be operating
'from the worst position possible,"
he added, if it replied to the Soviet
note with a counter-proposal for
an East-West conference on se-
curity in Germany and central
Hold Talks in Future
East-West talks about Berlin,
Germany and central Europe
should be held in the future, the
informant said, "but not now, not
under the pressure of an ulti-
The West Germans thus seemed
to be adopting a tougher attitude
toward the Russian proposals
than the Western Big Three. The
British-with some American and+
French backing-have been advo-
cating using the Russian note on
Berlin for a counter-proposal that
would set up a high level confer-
ence on divided Germany andI
European security.I
The Bonn Republic and the
Western powers will try to thresh
out their differences when they
meet next week in Paris at the
Atlantic Pact Foreign Ministers1
Berlin V oters
Show Desire
For Free City
United States State Department
said yesterday that the West Ber-
lin elections "offer a clear answer
to the question whether people of1
free Berlin desire any change in
the present status of their city."
State Department press officer1
Lincoln White said the decisive
defeat of the Communists "should
give some ideas as to the amount
of trust people of West Berlin arei
willing to place in Soviet propos-f
als regarding their future."t

UN Debatei
France walked out yesterday on a
United Nations debate on French-
ruled Algeria.nF
Diplomats.said eight African
countries were working on a reso-
lution to have the General Assem-
bly recognize "the right of the
Algerian people to independence."
Five French delegates left the
room when the General Assembly's
political committee took up the
question of what to do about the
four-year-old Algerian rebellion.
France Announces Boycott
France had announced the boy-
cott in advance. She contends that
Algeria is her domestic matter and
notes that the United Nations is
forbidden by its charter from in-
tervening in domestic matters...
Tunisian delegate Mongi Slim,
opening the debate, expressed
"profound regret" that the French
had not stayed to present their
He said the committee should
recommend negotiations between
France and the new Algerian pro-
visional government, which speaks,
for the rebels. He said that gov-
ernment "represents the people of
Algeria and exercises control

rsL 5 ;, AY Ar' _-
I ~~
$r yr
AP eA 4 - k _
50 U TH A M E R A \ A
-Daily-Craig Smith
SECOND-BEST--Pioneer III, the Army's latest venture into outer space, didn't quite reach the
record height of 71,300 miles set by the first Pioneer rocket on Oct. 11. The 13-pound instrument-
laden nose section reached an approximate distance of 66,654 miles before beginning its downward
1 lunge to the earth. The Army labeled the entire shot Juno II. The nose cone was called Pioneer
III, with a Jupiter intermediate-range ballistic missile as the main power plant of the four-stage

k Regents
Pass Resolution
IOnSorority issue
Statement Calls Board's Reversal
Contrary to 'U' Educational Policy
The University's Faculty Senate yesterday passed a reso-
lution urging the Board of Regents "to reaffirm the decision
of the Student Government Council" in its withdrawal of rec-
ognitiorr from Sigma Kappa.
Calling the reversal of this decision by the Board in Re-
view "contrary to the University's educational policy," the
Senate said "it does not serve the best interests of the Uni-
versity." Discussing the background of the case, the resolu-

tion said SGC withdrew rec-
ognition because the sorority's
national "does in practice vi-
olate the principles of non-
discrimination." It continues,
"a Board in Review reversed
the decision . . . presumably
on the grounds that the soror-
ity's written constitution does
Tt vi nlant the principle of





(EDITOR'S NOTE: The follow-
ing is the text of the resolutio.
passed yesterday by the Faculty
On Nov. 11, 1958, the Stu-
dent Government Council voted
to withdraw recognition from
Sigma Kappa sorority, on the

Algerian Ministers Attend
Three ministers of the new re-
gime, formed in Cairo Sept. 19,
occupied distinguished guests'
seats in the committee floor by
special permission of UN Secretary
General Dag Hammarskjold.
They were Mohammed Lamine-
Debbaghine, Foreign Affairs; Ah-
med Francis, Economy and Fi-
nance, and M'hammed Yazid, In-
French Premier Charles de
Gaulle disclosed in October that
he had offered to bring Algerian
leaders to France to negotiate for
an end to hostilities,
They replied that they would
negotiate only in a neutral place
apd on all aspects of a cease fire,
political as well as military.
Criticize de Gaulle
Slim, Tunisia's ambassador to
the UN and Washington, criticized
Premier de Gaulle for asking the
Algerian rebels to "raise the white
flag of parleys," which they said
meant surrender.
He told the 81-nation committee
the logical way to end the war
was through political negotiations.
Some diplomats said the resolu-
tion in preparation in the African
group of eight UN delegations
would call for negotiations.
They said the Algerians' backers
would seek a long general debate
and then put in the resolution as
the subject for further discussion.


U.S. Rocket Expert Calls
'Space Probe Success'

IWorld News
Rv The Assocniated Press

InIoV L vii 4CtAU'.. ,/AAa - -- -
non-discrimination." grounds that the National Of
flee of the sorority does Jr
Passes With 2-to-1 Majority practice violate the principle o
Co-sponsors of the resolution non-discrimination to which
were Profs. Alfred S. Sussman of the University subscribes. Or
the botany department, George Nov. 15, a Board in Review re-
Piranian of the mathematics de- versed the decision of the Stu
partment, and Paul Henle, of the dent Government Council, pre
philosophy department. sumably on the grounds tha
The resolution won passage by the sorority's written constitu-
morethan a two to one majority tion does not violate the p'
of approximately 300 members ciple of non-discrimination.
attending the meeting. It is the opinion of this Sen-
Senate membership at present ate that the action of the Board
totals "about 1,400," according to in Review is contrary to th
Senate Secretary Prof. Ferrell University's educational policy
Heady of the political science de- and that it does not serve the
partment. He said yesterday's best interests of the University


Glaser Develops B

As the Army's gold-plated Pioneer III was disintegrating over esturnout was "above average.'
North Central Africa, a rocket expert here was describing the beyond- MOSCOW-Boris Pasternak, the Members of the Senate include
the-moon probe as a "success." man who won't be there when the the professorial staff, executive
Aeronautical engineering Prof. Richard B. Morrison said yester- Nobel Prizes are passed out tomor- and central administrative officers
day that data gained from the moon shot may provide the key to man's row, is busy-and cheerful. of the University, and deans of
Pasternak said yesterday "just the schools and colleges.
ability to hazard the perils of space travel. to ke bu" h had t th
Prof. Morrison has just returned to the campus after 16 months last month translating into Rus- To Go to Regents
at the Cape Canaveral rocket test site. A rocket expert, he served as sian some 2,000 lines of Polish Prof. Heady said the statement
,field test director for the Air classical poetry, a verse drama. will now be communicated "on
, Force'sfirst lunar probe shot of * * * behalf of the University Senate"
Trial H eld Aug. 7. He also headed the Thor- GENEVA-- The United States, to University President Harlan
Able series as project director and Britain and the SovietUnion Hatcher and the Board of Regents.
was technical test director for the agreed yesterday to cooperate with Butit "has not been presented to
Atlas intercontinental ballistic an International Control System the Regents yet," according to
rmissile.to police a ban on nuclear weapons Regents.
"Since reports indicate the Pio- tests. Pointing out that the Sigma
ATLANTA (A')-Four members of neer III has provided us with a he three epower pre the Kappa issue has "brought a signi-
test- geatdea ofdat coceringthesecond article of a draft treaty for Kapcantsbreasnbcomuni ain-
the State Board of Regentstesti- aeaone the prohibition of atomic and between t tdencomunication
fled in United States District Court Van Allen layer of intense cosmic hdoe h rhbto epn ftss tmcadbtentesuet n h d
radiation circling the earth, the hydrogen weapons tests, ministration," Prof. Arthur H.
yesterday that no racial bars exist Army launching must be con- F-icpnEastman of the English depart-
in admission requirements at sidered a success," he said. ment said the Senate action indi-
Georgia's state-supported colleges it is this cosmic radiation band the Asian-African Economic con- cated "a comparable break be-
and univesties. ed cs scmie ti oncernedferences drew a strong protest. tween the faculty and the admin-
and universities. that has kept scientists concerned The Indonesian, named Soebe- istration"d
The Regents appeared in the about man's ability to venture into han, issued a statement to news- The Senate was right in giving
trial of a suit brought by three space with safety, men declaring his delegation op- SGC ate ofconidenevrof
Negro women seeking admission Prof. Morrison said the Juno II poses Soviet participation in the SC a vote of confidence, Prof.
to all-white Georgia State College project had penetrated far enough 40-nation talks because the Soviet Eastman declared, but he said he
of Business Administration in At- into outer space, an estimated Union is "not an Asian or African would have liked to give James A.
lanta. 66,654 miles. country., Lewis, Vice-President for Student
lant, ~ 6,654counry."Affairs, "a chance to reconsider,"
"Now," he commented, "reconsid-
N:. eration becomes extremely embar-
rassing," for it would appear to be
an action taken under coercion.
in Prof. Eastman said he felt such
ubble Chariber in Six Years abu acaneInrlainswt
_Uh ua mr i Ya1Sreconsideration would help bring
the administration of both stu-
By MAHENDRA PAREKH the 1958 Atoms for Peace confer- the bubble chamber may rank with dents and faculty.
An experiment by a University ence in Geneva were illustrations the invention of the atom smasher It would, he noted, help showk
professor six years ago with equip- explaining the development and in importance. The atom smasher that the administration is "aban-1
ment costing $5 and six bottles of use of bubble chambers. made available beams of high- doning the corporate face - the
beer today has grown into a world-' Recently a million dollar liquid energy projectiles with which to doctrine of infallibility." This is
wide project involving over 25 xenon chamber was built at the bombard targets, and the bubble one of the problems in relations
milliod ollars rin ngresear2ea University. The development lead- chamber has made possible the with the administration, he said.
million dollars in research each ing to this project was supported mass production of photographs EFMrnmC.br D dreyiangpe n s cusrtr
Codutdar.rf.Doad .by the University's Memorial- showing what happens in these school and member of the Board
C lsofutepysics .dprntA Phoenix Project, the Horace H. collisionLs. in Review, said Sigma Kappa
Glaser of the physics depatmenRackham fund, the National Sci- "The bubble chamber is a de- "happened to be the particular is-
In axneamosphed ofth skeps ence Foundation, and the Atomic velopment of great significance in sue involved, but it was only in-
the experiment led to the develop-
ment of the now-famous bubble Energy Commission. nuclear physics, and it has arrived volved indirectly."
chamber, a device for observing This instrument is an improved just in time," Samuel A. Gouds- Resolution 'Constructive Move'
the paths of high-speed atomic version of the bubble chamber. mit, editor of the "Physical Re- The question for the Board to
particles. Whereas the bubble chamber made view" and head of the physics decide was "whether administra-
Observe Reactions possible easy and rapid observation division of Brookhaven National tion policy had been contradicted,"
With it, physicists are able to of the paths of electically charged Laboratories says. The laboratories Moore declared. He said Sigma
observe in routine fashion colli- particles, the new chamber does are the location of a bubble cham- Kappa "has been made the issue
sions and reactions of high-veloc- the same for both charged and ber which has been in use at the by the people who are not fully
ity particles produced in man- neutral ones. cosmotron for over four years, informed."
made nuclear accelerators. University physicists believe that "With the new prticle accnd more he resolution was "a construc-
Today, more than 25 institutions bein lanned Prof. Glaser has tive move," according to James H.
in this cuntr are atnnting it. . . beg planned Prof.GaRobertson. assistant dean o the

The decision of the Faculty Sen-
ate to back Student Government
Council's position on Sigma Kap-
pa "certainly helps the Council's
cause on campus considerably,"
SGC's president, Maynard Gold-
man, '59, said last night.
He expressed hope that the'
Council would see fit to "carry
this (the Sigma Kappa issue) un-
til it is decided once and for all."
Of the Senate, he said they have
clearly supported the feelings of
SGC. It further shows, he con-
tinued, that the faculty has seri,-
ous doubts as to the administra-
tion's stand on Sigma Kappa in
particular; and student govern-
ment in general.
David Kessel, Grad., called the
Senate's action a "very encourag-
ing vote of confidence" but said
that it was a "big mistake" for
SOC not to have appealed the
Board in Review's decision imme-
diately. This way, he explained,
"it seems as if the faculty has
1more confidence in student gov-
ernment than SOC does,"
On the Senate's decision, he
said, "I would like to think that
the people (members of the Sen-
ate) listened to the evidence and
reached this conclusion."
He said, "It's beginning to look
as if the Faculty Senate, rather
than the administration, will be
the instrument of reform."
The statement was "no sur-
prise" to Dan Belin, '59, who said
the decision represents another
body of the University express-
ing its opinion on the issue.
"Whether it will affect the Re-
gents or not, I'm not in a position
to say," he added.

The Senate therefore urges thi
Board of Regents to reaffirn
the decision of the Student
Government Council,
Motion Helps
SGC Position
On Campus

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