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December 07, 1958 - Image 18

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-12-07

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hristmas Approaches-Bringing Mixed Blessings
MM' 1111'sUIeterson Calls Outlook for Jobs 'Grim'

- _._.


College students will have few
opportunities to bolster their fi-
nances over Christmas vacation as
prospects of temporary student
employment this season are rather
According to Ward D. Peterson,
assistant to the director at the
Bureau of Appointments and Oc-
cupational Information, most stu-
dents will find the employment,
scene "inhospitable" when they'
arrive home.
More high school and college
students than ever are seeking
work, but stores are selling less,
he said. Any part time help that
is needed is secured months in
advance. Fortunate students who
do find jobs must either have con-
nections or have applied for work
some time ago, Peterson noted.
Suggests Some Sources
He suggested that students de-
sirous of work back home should
investigate the following sources
as soon as possible: The Post Of-
fice Department, gift and other
specialty shops, local delivery con-
cerns, door-to-door sales outfits
and department stores. Employers
in these and other establishments
may be hiring students part time
to sell or do clerical and stock
Early application to hold these
jobs is almost imperative. Relying
on the classified section of the

ADS, TOO-Yule brightens even residence hall bricks, as the quads succumb to seasonal cheer.
nces and decorations such as this Christmas tree will mark their flights into the fanciful.

sixty applicants for Christmas
work in our office," he said.
Unable To Hire Students
Although local merchants pre-
fer to hire students part time
rather than anyone else, this year
they have been unable to do so.
Due to economic pressures, some
concerns aren't even maintaining
their complete full time staff.
Many shops that hire students
do so at the beginning of the fall
semester and retain them for the
entire school year. Instead of en-
gaging additional help for this,
shopping season, these employers
have their present student help
put in more hours.
A few merchants are reluctant
to hire students, since most of
them aren't in Ann Arbor for the
vacation. The average studentI
often is not hired by men's and
women's wear shops since he may
not be qualified to sell that variety
of merchandise. Very rarely, an
employer may not be hiring stu-
dents if he's had bad luck with
one before.
No Jobs With 'U'
Students remaining in Ann Ar-
bor over the vacation will not find
employment with the University.
The libraries and other services do
all their hiring before the semester
begins. The Christmas season does
not increase or decrease jobs as
far as the University is concerned,
Farrell said.
Referring to employment charts
of past years, Farrell concluded
that December shows more of a
decline in student employment
than November or January; more-
over, December is the lowest
month for student employment.
Reduction of non-campus student
employment during December
must be due to the economic situa-
tion, he said.
No Extra Help
Several merchants in Ann Arbor
were asked if they were hiring
additional students to work prior
to and during Christmas vacation.
All responded that they weren't
and gave these reasons:
The manager of a men's clothing
shop said he now has a staff of
three students who work a couple
of hours a day. During the rush
season, this help will work extra
shifts. He also said the store's
operations don't warrant any more
part time help.
The manager of a local photo-
graphy center said he had a com-
plete full time staff and the two
students who alternate part time
shifts will put in more time.
Students Shop at Home
The owner of a bookstore re-
marked that a lot of students do
their Christmas shopping at home
and there would not be enough
business in the store to hire any-
one else.
The proprietor of a women's ap-
parel shop said the full time staff
is more than sufficient to meet
the needs.
Vacation Jobs Scarce
It is obvious that student jos
during Christmas vacation are
hard to come by. One reason for
this may lie in the present calen-
dar setup. Vacation officially starts
Saturday, December 20. This leaves
three to four days on which the
student can work before the actual
Merchants who are in the posi-
tion to hire students may be re-
luctant to have them work for
only a four day maximum. Not
enough business is transacted after
the holiday to retain the students.
New Calendar Proposals
The new calendar proposals, if
enacted, would-add several days.to

IYEIh I... 4A
The brilliant new s ttl :
SLANT-O-MATIC n * Who gets the surprise
* What you plan to spend and
what terms suit your pocket
* When you'd like delivery
Here's what we do:
* Show you a complete selec*
-* tion
* Suggest the SINGER that is
right for your budget
* Arrange convenient budget
" s te wrap and deliver per
. SINGER* Portable your instructions"
for Young Komemakersyoinrcn
Two beautiful models fronx a large variety
of machines and cabinet styles..,priced for
every purse and purpose from
114 South Main NO 2-5569 ,.
U.. .


talks of jobs

the beginning of the vacation,
making work more possible. A re-
presentative from the calendaring
committee said many factors in-
fluence the adoption of a new
calendar. An extended vacation
period is one of them. He added
that no definite action has been
taken on the revised calendar pro-
posal and that talks resulting in a
decision have been postponed until
next Spring.

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Ae uance. rrescout ouse is pian-
zing a caroling party, followed by JOHN P. FARRELL
t dance for its members and their ... directs employment
Lates. local newspaper or contacting em-
In keeping with the theme
"hristmas in a Castle, a wall of ployers at the last minute will
oncrete blocks and vigil lights hardly be profitable to most, Pe-
Pill form the entrance way to terson added.
Vest Quad's Holly Hop. The Students Work in Ann Arbor
knights of West Quad will take There are students who wish to
heir dates across a drawbridge, work -in Ann Arbor after they re-
omplete with an artificial moat, turn from Thanksgiving vacation
irst to their open open house and and continue to work till their
hen to the dance. departure at Christmas vacation.
Knights Decorate Floors A few (foreign students included)
Knights in armor, canopies, who remain in Ann Arbor over the
>hields and more vigil lights will Christmas vacation wish to work
lecorate the two floors set for the shere.
lance. Music will be played by The situation for all these stu-
he Dick Collins Trio and the Bob dents is worse than that of those
hEliot Quintet, who return home, according to
The eight houses in the quad John P. Farrell, in charge of part
vill have their own separate par- time student employment at the
ies for the boys to exchange gifts. Personnel Office.
kdams House and, for the first "Only two students so far were
ime this year, Wenley House will placed locally to work during this
nvite orphans to their parties. shopping season; we have had

A new quick point to chic!
Fiancees present a new point of great delicacy and trace! Its rapier toe comes
to a point more crisply, yet looks gentler, more feminine. Even the sole comes
to a sharp point! Dramatically ornamented or simply unadorned, the last
itself is pure elegance... at a price you'd never expect for so much fashion.
Only $13.95 . * . Black Suede or Calf
OPEN Monday & Friday Nights Till 8:30

first in fashion

the Christmas store

many more

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from fischer's ..smam. - ---- -mons mm mm
This Christmas .. Give
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world's best, chocolate, mellowed and smooth.
HARD and CHEWY CENTERS - chewy nougats and
caramels with a few crisp centers, rich and tasty,
FARMER'S DAUGHTER - the world's masterpiece in
candy, all pieces dipped in milk chocolate, no
$1.65 and $3.25
BAVARIAN MINTS -blended rich chocolate with
imported mint flavors.

for a precious Personal gift






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