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December 07, 1958 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-12-07

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Books are the Christmas shop-
per's best friend.
No matter how many volumes
the lucky people on your list own,
they inevitably want more. In fact,
books are sort of like peanuts-
the more you have, the more you
The only real difficulty in book-
giving is choosing the right book
for the right reader. Probably the
best authorities to help In this
area are the people who have the
most contact with the written
word-the faculty.
In a survey of six faculty mem-
bers and an administrator, who
each listed the books they would
most like to receive or give this
Christmas, three selections ap-
peared on duplicate lists. One of
these, "The Affluent Society," by
John K. Galbraith received three
votes, and the other two, Boris
Pasternak'a "Doctor Zhivago" and
"The Prospects Are Pleasing" by
Honar Tracy, were each selected
by two faculty members.
Chooses Book
Roberta C. Keniston, under-
graduate librarian, chose Gal-
braith's book on economics be-
cause "he writes well and his books
are intelligible to the layman,
which I definitely am." She also
picked "The Birds" by Oskar and
Katharina Heinroth.
Jack Kerouac's "The Dharma
Bums" was chosen because she
feels she "should know something
about this Beat Generation" and
she listed James A. Michener's
"The Housal Sketchbook," the
work of a 19th century Japanese
The last book on her list, Honor
Tracy's "The Prospects Are Pleas-
ing," was chosen purely for "fun."
Gives Choice
Hurlmann's "Picture Book of
Italy," a collection of photographs,
heads thel Christmas list of Prof.
Edwin K. Engel of the English de-
partment who, although he has no
definite plans to travel abroad,
-would "like to go sometime."
Prof. Engel would also like
Bowra's "The Greek Experience,"
a nonl-fiction book explaining the
essense of Greek culture and a new
book on the lite of George Bernard
Shaw by Archibald Henderson.
"This one costs $12, that's why I
don't have it," he said.
Prof. Sidney ine of the history
department "hopes to get around
to reading 'Doctor Zhivago' soon,."
On his list of good books to give,
he has selected William E. Leuch-
teuberg's "Perils of Prosperity," a
history of the period from 1914 to
Lista History
"'Churchill, Roosevelt and Sta-
fin," Herbert Deis work which is
primarily a diplomatic history,
would also be a good choice for
gift-giving, according to the pro-
fea.r who also picked Galbraith's
work on economy.
Since she is currently working
on the Great Books Club of the
American Association of University
Women, Elsie R. Fuller, assistant
dean of women, would appreciate
the short stories of Henry James
,1 her Christmas stocking.
"We have been reading some of
his shorter works such as 'Daisy
Miller' and 'What Maizie Knew'
already and we are planning to do
more of his short stories and 'Por-
trait of 0 Lady' through the rest
of the year," she said.
Shell Books
As hint to her friends, Mrs. Ful-
ler also said she was planning to
go to Florida later this year and
liked to "walk up and down the
bach picking up shells for exer-

Because she considers books
"very personal" gifts, her gift list
only includes books to build up the
library of her three year old grand-
daughter, who currently is con-
cerned with pictures more than
A symbolic novel about an at-
By appointment,
Manufacturers and
distributors of
Ample stock for

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