"UW MTVUGAN 1DAILY ~.u ikm ~ m~~ *ftaro .7: as Ancient Boar's Hea Retained Through ( In medieval England each feast during the Christmas season began with a Boar's Head Procession. As a signal to those who wereE about to eat, trumpeters blew a fanfare and the procession began. Following the trumpeters were musicians who provided music for the feast. Then came the master cook carrying the piece de resistance-j a giant boar's head decorated with laurel and rosemary and with a lemon in its mouth. Bringing up1 the rear were the huntsmen with their boar spears and drawn fal- chions and the pages with the mustard. Has Pagan Origins Even though the boar's head custom was practiced in a Chris-' tian land, its origins, like many: other Christmas customs, lie deep in the pagan religion of the pre- Christian era. Before Christianity came to England, the Druids who inhabited the land killed a boar each 'winter a~ d Custom enturies during the solstice which was to be sacrificed to Freya, the goddess of peace and plenty. According to the Druid religion, the goddess was supposed to ride on a boar with golden bristles. The Druids accomplished this by gild- ing the boar with gold prior to the sacrifice. Gilded Boar Remained The custom of gilding the boar was so widespread that it carried over into the English custom with- out change and it was not a bit uncommon for the boar to be gild- ed before the procession. Putting a lemon in the mouth of the boar was also a Druid custom, with the lemon being a symbol of peace and plenty. The English weren't as choosey as the Druids as they very often substituted an apple or an orange if they couldn't find a spare lemon. Unlike many traditions which die out over a period of years, the boar's head custom has sur- vived to this day. During the last century, Queen Victoria made a point of having a boar's head pro- cession during every Christmas season. Still Observe Custom Although it is still the tradition to observe the boar's head custom in many noble English homes, the observance is found mainly in English schools and private schools in this country which are con- nected with the Church of Eng- land. One such school is Howe Mili- tary School where the custom is observed as close to the Christmas holiday as possible. HI HO THE MISTLETOE - A carry-over from pagan days, this ancient custom is still observsd. New, rgu AUTOMATIC SLIDE PROJECTOR This new' 500-watt Argus takes the fussing out of slide shows, puts the fun back in. One focusing lasts for the whole evening because after you focus the first slide, they're all in focus. Each one is pre-conditioned so it shows up sharp and clear. A simple push-pull of the changer lever is all it takes to show a slide, change it and put it back in order in the magizine. What could be easier? Bring some of your slides in soon, and see just howa beautiful they pre with the new Argus Automatic: FEW REMAIN IN FAVOR: ~ " ~There is still 'ti Gift Novelties Comet GoAKEt Christmas gi Certain items have made popu- dental-floss containers. Almost bright, some dark, and some madly lar Christmas gifts almost as longbrgtsoedkadommdl r as gift-giving has been an ac- anything could be obtained with patterned, in almost every girl's cepted Christmas custom. the added touch of mink, fox, or stocking. And visions of hula hoops Yarncra h Other gifts are wildly popular what-have-you., may well dance along side those of for a season, then fade into obliv There'll be many, many pairs of sugar plums in every child's NO 2-0303 10 Nickels ion. Few will remember even the long tights or leotards, some dreams. '- r 1957 "success stories." - - 1 5 "s cessois"Some have long since faded from sight and memory. The Sput- nik launchings flooded the toy market with outer-space articles. The comparatively old-f ashioned1Thinking aboutsfor Christm as space helmet was remodeled to re- semble the s atellites, s prouting twin antennae from the top. Min-Mak-ng a list of wh atyou w ant satellite launchers were found inMf every department store Toyland Other 1957 favorites seem des- tined to be with us for many Christmases to come. ThererwasHead tw ith for example, the tiny new trans- _, istor radio, which was remarkably popular in spite of its awesome price tag. High Fashion Gifts" The radical change in womens sRL IH fashion was just beginning to take hold, putting the sack, the che- mise,, and all their variants high on every girl's "I want" list. The to EU R OPI Hawaiian Muu-Muu had its day, largely disguised as a robe. Fur trimming added a note of gifts. It all began with the rage for raccoon and other longhairs, used everywhere from rugged men's overcoats to frothy feminine hats. Fur Trim Everywhere For more details attend the Mass Meeting at the The decorative value of fur was extended to the most unlikely Union, Wednesday night, December 10-7:30 P.M. household articles, from can open- + ers to screwdrivers to 14-kh. gold d in Legend for brilliant,ifting, irridescent crystal ol of Peace jewelry. . .as bright as sunlight, yet soft as star- light. . .the mark of elegance in gift-giving; blends confined to the kitchen area for with any color. 54" rope, 12.00 - 2-strand ad just- long. It invaded the parlor, spread s to the living roomuntil today dur- a ble necklace, 8.00. the popular expansioin ing the yuletide season, mistletoe appears hanging ip almost every bracelet, 12.00. cluster or shower earrings, 4.00 doorway throughout the house. Mistletoe has never had any significance in France. But it does grow there and it is known that the larger part of the mistletoe sold in England at Christmas time comes from the orchards of Nor- mandy. Holly was employed by the ear- ly Christians in Rome to celebrate the festival of Saturnalia, which occurs at the same season of the 1 year as Christmas. Holly is used as a substitute for mistletoe in the decking of churches. It was once believed that mistletoe in the church prompted young ladies and gentle- men to read the marriage services -just for practice. Holly was used in its place. Mistletoe 'Poisonous' In Scandinavian mythology, the mistletoe figures as the material of the arrow with which Balder, the sun-god, was slain. So the Scandinavians held that the berry was poisonous. For' this reason, too, it was excluded from part of the church's decor to be replaced}; 'by holly.. It Today mistletoe functios not only as a holiday ornament but also as a reminder of the kissing custom with holly still the favor- ite evergreenfdrdecorating. -- - ---R---- --£'lS r-- -- --------- A, t ' { . .. BURNED IN PAGAN RITES: Holly, Mistletoe Celebrate 1As Druid Sacrifice, Synb' Regular Price $69.50 PURCHASE PRICE ......,.. 58375 By BARBARA MORRIS Although currently used only as Christmas decorations, mistle- toe and holly once were centers of legendary and traditional lore and mythology. Botanically speaking, the mistletoe is a parasite which grows on evergeen trees. It has two leaves and a small, yellowish flower which changes into the fruit of little, round, whitish ber- ries. Popularly, a young girl is kissed standing beneath a sprig of mistletoe. Burned by Druid Priests Use of the mistletoe can be traced to the ancient Druids who regarded it with reverence long before the Christian era. In cele- bration of the winter solstice, the Druid priests gathered the mistle- toe and b'urned it on the altar of their god as a sacrifice. Sprigs were also distributed among the people to be hung above door mantels. The plant was regarded as a symbol of fu- ture hope and peace. Enemies Embraced Whenever enemies met under it, they would drop their arms, for- get their enmities and embrace. Back in the 17th century, the English observed a procedure where when a young man kissed a girl under the mistletoe in the kitchen, he plucked a berry, and when the last berry was gone ceased to kiss her. The custom did not remain .A. . .:.:- Ann Arbor's Only Exclusive Camera Shop 1116 S. University NO 5-6101 .'m vv""" "' d V ffiG M~ P!!kitl nte~eti - . w S.iM -r Cue _ ._ _ ' !_ ..11. _. ...C _. . _,t7 S."- SI y"' + '...15 ":, :' ....ff1° f _A *7 "^ .'_ff a -'_A" ""._n^ r _.... .. _ r 4 _ '. x . ' . ,, 9 1 ry S.1 i- sy.1Her slips, petticoats 8-CUP PERCOLATOR . Automatic - Special price . .. . $12.99 :. 3-SPEED H AND MIXER SLIPS Regularly $14.95 This sale only $12.99 petticoats $2.98 PERCALE SHEET SET 3-piece . Give Her" thegift that is always wel-- Reg. $6.98.,, $5.77 come, a Chormode slip! Attractive styles lavishly trimmed in either full length or BATHROOM SCALE petticoats. Sizes 32 to 40. Assorted colors. AccurateT k r,,.- Accurate:f Reg. $6.98.. .$5.88 LOVELY NYLON SATIN SLIPS in sizes 32-40 °./ In white only ... ......,. G Gifts for Comfortable Pilgrim broadcloth Hum" 101 PC SOCKET SET or flannel pajam as Reg. 84.72...49.88 :. YOUR CHOICE Craftsman SPIN-CAST REEL t "of middy or 985 i100yd. line coat styles 22.5OValue ..12.88 -1 Give the gift of easy sleeping! Sonforized cot- SNGLeHOT RIFLE ton broadcloth or flannel. Assorted colors in SINGLE-SHOT RIFLE sizes A to D. 22 Caliber Reg. 14.95. ..12.88 Jusay, "Charge It" on Sears Revolving Charge Take months to pay or us likeis MEN'S SOCKS W r I t i , T { , "e C . f 7 ' )) K e . 1' .j ' a ; t SALE! BLOUSES and TAILORED SHIRTS 4.59D regularly 6.98 ,o 9,,98 12