THE MICHIGAN DAILY_______ Latvian Yule Traditions Retain MEDIEVAL DINNERS BEGIN BOAR'S HEAD CUSTOM Great Feasts Mark Christmas Through History uperstitions, Pagan Customs i i i j, C i, paper, and large pepper cookies and are cut in a wide variety of which have a hole in them so they shapes. Nuts are also traditional, can be hung on the tree. hazelnuts in particular. Use Candles, Cotton "There are also many supersti- "Some people do not put any tions which have come to be con- food on the tree, but use only the nected with the Christmas sea- candles and cotton to look like son." Mrs. Vitins said. "If an un- snow," she continued. "Small chil- married girl wishes to know the dren are never allowed to see the first name of her future husband, tree until their parents have dec- she must go outside on Christmas orated it." night and ask the first man she "The candles are burned on meets what his first name is and Christmas Day, just before mid- this will be her answer." night on New Year's Eve and on "On New Year's Eve a big kettle the Three King's Day, Jan. 6, full of dried peas is boiled in salt when they are burned to the very water. These must be eaten before end. When they are done you must midnight, for they are all the take down the tree," Mrs. Vitins tears of the old year,'and if they said. are finished you will not cry in the On Christmas Eve everyone year to come." sings carols, and the children EAT, DRINK-And be merry. Traditional feasts may be out of style, still Christmas remains a holiday symbolized by food. must all either recite a poem or sing a song. After that. gifts are given. The Old Man of Christmas brings the presents, and he can bring a bunch of switches for a naughty child as well as a present. There are many different foods connected with Christmas, such as snukuritis, a pig's head, and pir- agi, or, bacon buns, which are made of yeast dough in the shape of a half-moon and filled with smoked bacon and onions. Pork Traditional There is always fresh white bread and black bread, cold meats and sausages as well as pork, the traditional meat for Christmas. Pepper cookies are made only at Christmas time. They contain all kinds of spices, especially ginger, Santa's Mail Try a Highway Holiday -Three Varieties Offered (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is reprinted from an article in the Uni- versity of Texas Daily Texan.) Tired of school? Try a Holiday Highway vaca- tion. They are most popular dur- ing the Thanksgiving and Christ- mas holidays, and they come in varying lengths: hours, weeks, months, and forever. The longer you drive and the faster you drive, the longer will be your vacation. If you don't try to go too far, or travel too fast, you will probab- ly enjoy the most popular of the three vacations. It lasts only hours and treats you to an unhurried, view of the countryside and the1 tions, though, is that they are difficult to plan. Say, for instance, you're not at all tired of school . . you're making straight "A's" and going with the sweetest thing on forty acres. You set out to take vacation number one and sud- denly, painfully, discover you'll take two, or three. Somebody may surprise you. If you're sure you want Holiday Highway vacation number 1, bet- ter take the advice of Allen R. Hamilton, chief traffic and secur- ity officer for the University. "Think about your driving. In- attention ranks with speed as a ! majioraus of death on the high- Good food has always been as-! sociated with Christmas. scame on the scene after its intro- True to the coming American Fasting and abstinence are the duction from Mexico. enterprising tradition. however, order of the day before Dec. 25 in The pilgrims found Chrismas the new settlers set about de- some countries to honor the re- much more modest and simple in veloping a new strain of bird that ligious significance of the holiday. America than in their homeland. but a great feast is a universal The wild North American turkey, has since become the juicy, tender, feature for Christmas day itself. a ready-made Christmas dinner, golden-brown dish that adorns the In merry old England. glutton- was a dry, tough and rather cheer- traditional American Christmas ous feasts were held in honor of less morsel. dinner table. the Yule with one redeeming fea-_e__ _ ture - the poor were generously treated with huge amounts of meat distributed among them. The medieval Christmas dinner began with the serving of the traditional "Boar's Head," brought in in solemn procession by the chief cook of the castle accom- panied by several waiters, pagesa THE SIREN EL d0K and minstrels singing "The Bear's Head in Hand I Bear." List Courses I OR DRESS -UP OCCASIONS Other courses followed in stun- ning variety.17 a1 The menu for such a dinner in 1560 listed no less than 17 main dishes including roast boar with mustard, boiled capon, boiled haunch beef, roast beef tongue, roast pig, mince pie, roast goose, roast swan, roast turkey, venison, pasty of venison, kid with pudding in the belly, olive pie and custard, Potatoes, conspicuously absents ~ from all early bills of fare, were not introduced into Europe until 1586 and didn't come into general SEa use until 100 years later. The biggest glutton of them all, by far, was a certain baronet of U. London in 1770 who ordered a fabulous pie nine feet in cir- cumference that was so heavy it i had to be wheeled into the dining THE YOUNG POINT OF VIEW IN SHOLS hall on a cart by three men. Modest Dinners Black suede Although sucn sumptuous feasts Brown suede were the fashion among Britishwhvn nobility for centuries, the com- -an mon people usually had goose, capon, chicken or bustard, a large bird formerly native to England. In 1550 the traditional turkey tam hild enIt "s important to have a party look from tain Children, p - * -I-i-tt head to toe when there's an elegant versity Hospital occasion afoot. Another flirtatious first from Life Stride, noted for superb ading yabe disti bwch they styling. Come in today and see our children. An annual food box, a full/ine of party shoes. 95 collection of canned goods andf i p h other foods, will, be donated by them to a needy family in the Ann Arbor area. Collegiate Sorosis members also will donate gifts to hospital children. SRinging for Salvation Army Christmas Buckets, women of Al- pha Epsilon Pi and Alpha Delta Pi will continue their annual Christmas season work. Women of many of the sorori- ties on campus are also donating.~"' South MainNO -03 their time and energy todvarious projects for charities sponsored by the Women's League. d 4 otherholiday travelers. You arrive way."' home, unharried, happy, and At least the Ann Arbor children Holiday Highway vacation No. Sororities Enter who each year write to Santa 2 is longer, but accommodations think there is a Santa Claus, are available in most any town.P ti a TT thanks tothe Ann Arbor Post The rooms are monotonous though Pents tUni Office and residents of Ann Arbor. - - . all white. The beds are white The letters that are written to and the walls are white and the A merry Christmas will be had Santa each year in hopes of re- room service is by ladies in white by many University hospital pa- ceiving gifts at Christmas time, dresses, wearing white caps and tients and children in the Ann Ar- are not placed in the dead letter white shoes. These rooms are ex- bor area through the efforts of sor- box in Ann Arbor, Postmaster Os- pensive, too . . . up to $17 a day, orities on campus, in conjunction wald J. Kock reports. These letters European plan. Guests usually with the Panhellenic Association. are instead given to the many don't give the cost a second Tray favors made by Delta organizations and local residents thought, though. People who have Gamma, Kappa Alpha Theta, Al- who each year call for them at taken this vacation never forget the Post Office. it. Many of them are never the pha Delta Pi and Sigma Kappa After the letters are read, Koch same afterwards. of hospital patients on Christmas continued, they are answered and But it's the third vacation that Day, the wishes granted as much as must make a real impression. It Phi Mu, Chi Omega and Sigma possible. Koch said that many of is called "The Great Adventure," Kappa women will sing carols for the same people take letters year the vacation that lasts forever.-j various hospital groups. after year. It's package plan, 4 by 6, and it Seniors of Phi Mu will have He added that he did not know must be fabulous. Nobody has eve thir annual toy cart, for which how long this practice has been returned from one. tys are collected and repaired going an, but it has been in effect We can't say, therefore, any- by the women. They are then do- ated with the Post Office here thing about the accommodations' nated to children in hospital Some of the letters have already but we understand they vary, de- wards. The sorority is also send- started coming in, but the bulk of pending on the individual. We do ing Christmas cards for the Mus- them will not start coming until know the first stop offers no white cular Dystrophy fund. about ten days before Christmns, walls. They are close and heavy Also donating toys and gifts to Koch said. Most are taken al- , black, blackIchildren are members of Alpha though each year some of the The last two Holiday Highway Zeta Delta, who will give a Christ- several hundred letters aren't an- vacations have certain drawbacks, mas party at Dunbar Center. Al- swered and are sent to the dead but then, what doesn't? But you pha Gamma Delta will donate to letter office. should know that your family and the ward for emotionally disturbed One of the factors which make friends will object to either of children at University Hospital, the whole project even better, he these. They miss your company, and Alpha Omicron Pi women will said, is the lack of any prank worry about you, and sometimes entertain in the hospital wards. letters or of mere curiosity seekers go broke trying to pay the ex- Alpha Delta Pi sorority mem- which could dampen the spirit of penses. bers plan to host a Christmas party the affair. The trouble with these vaca- !at Mercywood, where toys, in- 4 E ~-\ 4 \C; 4 JF/ u Play Santa to your Nurse! Give her Clinics for Christmas I1 from MAST Nurses knoo and prefer Clinics! Genuine Goodyear welt Sizes 3 2 to 11. AAAA t 'S s. oC C { I