(1*r Lid{t igzt BaI Sixty-Ninth Year EDITI D AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY Or MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, fICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "If Only There Was Soine Way We Could Stamp THEIR Stuff 'Secret' " AT LYDIA MElNDELSSQHN: 'Brand New State! hen Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prev&U" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. YT DECEMBER 5, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS TURNER rWn w wrniAM -_ 'U' Women Deserve Adult Treatment THERE will be a change in the University regulations concerning the women students -an extension of hours - but it is certainly not the only change needed. The changing of upperclass women's week- day hours from 10:30 p.m. to midnight was a long time coming but it may be a sign that the University is finally beginning to recognize the fact that its women students are capable of exercising adult judgement. That the women themselves recognize this fact is obvious from the overwhelming vote in favor of the hours change. One of the aims of the University, aside from its primary pur- pose of providing an education, should be to prepare its students to take their places in an adult world. This cannot be done by making blanket decisions for all the undergraduate women. The University should not attempt to take the place of mother and father in taking care of the students. It cannot prepare them to face the world by protecting them from the problems involved In living in it. IT IS ALL very well and good for the Uni- versity to provide housing for women, but 'it should be only for those who desire such housing. As a matter of policy, supervised hous- ing has been provided for University women, but is there any reason why this policy, like others which become dated and outmoded, should not be changed? Under the, present policy, some seniors and a very few juniors are granted permission to live in apartments where the financial situa- tion is such that it is impossible for them to live in the residence halls. Written parental permission is required and emotional and so- cial maturity and academic standing are also considered. Permission is granted only after a personal interview by the Dean of Women's office. But such permission should be the normal prerogative of any woman who does not wish to live in the residence halls and would prefer to live independently in an apartment. "I would like to live in an apartment so I could save money for a trip to Europe" is not evi- dence of financial need, but it may be a very important point to the student. CERTAINLY not all women would desire to live in apartments and cope with their own cleaning, meal preparation, garbage disposal and the hundred and one other details of apartment life. Residence halls would certain- ly not be emptied in a rush if apartment per- mission were open to all women. The Quad- rangles are not devoid of upperclassmen be- cause men are allowed to live elsewhere if they so wish and the Hill will not become a miniature ghost town because the University decides to treat its women students as adults. If extra space were left in the halls, it could doubtless be at least partially filled by grader' ate women who would rather not do their own cooking and cleaning. It is high time the University begins treat- ing its women students as adults, and allow- ing them to make adult decisions. If the wo- men are ;incapable of so doing, they have no business being at a university. --JANE MCCARTHY ~us. ,/TILL I1$N 4V (99-B'-P t i* ? T A Musket's orchestra fired a heavy' charge into the cast of "Okla-I homa !" last night, but aside from a few casualties in the chorus, no one was seriously injured. The old Union Opera of the past. with its sorry collection of dancing transvestites, has been supplanted by Musket, (Ko-eds too), which seems to be in the business of bringing famous Broadway shows to this campus. The success of Musket's produc- tion is assured. but this success is not only a traditional inheri- tance. "Oklahoma!", one of the most fantastically successful of all musicals, is the product of careful staging, planning, rehear- sing: all of which are clearly apparent in director Clarence Stephenson's product. Vocally, principals all seem suited to their parts. George Mc- Whorter is a robust Curly, his powerful voice a distinct asset, although a Western accent blends oddly with his singing enuncia- tion. McWhorter's voice blends well with the clear, rather high- pitched singing of Diane Franjac, but hers is all too often lost in a sea of orchestra. Margaret Whinery (Ado Annie) and John Klein (Wgill) both have problems of voice projection. The rare moments when they use their full vocal power are among the best in the show. Sinister and menacing is David Newman as moody, evil Jud Fry. What Newman's voice lacks in depth is compensated by his au- thentic mannerisms, make-up, and costume. Christie Heinrich, a Nor- man Rockwell painting of an Aunt Eller is just that. The acting prizes must go to Mike McArdle and Klein. McArdle transform the purported Persian accent of the peddler, Ali Hakim, into a cosmopolitan mixture of Russian, Low Dutch, Yiddish, and Serbo-Croat, His sense of comic timing is matched only by John Klein, and, to a somewhat lesser extent, Miss Whinery. Sure Is Great!' THE CAST AMi Eller ...... Christie Heinrich' Curly .... .. . . .George McWhorter L urey Dfiane Fran jac Will Parker John Klein Jud Fry. . David Newman Ado Annie Cares Margaret Whinery Ali Kakim ........ Mike McArdie Dream LaureyA........Alice Royer Dream Curly ........... Joe Brown Dream Jud ............ Jim Maltby THE MOST SERIOUS criticism which can be made of this produc- tion is that, paradoxically enough, Ed La Mance's orchestra was too good. Except for one bad moment during the "Dream Ballet" in Act One, the orchestra was in fine fettle, nearly overwhelming voices less potent than Mc Vhorter's. Act Two found the orchestra some- what more subdued. As for the "Dream Ballet." it represented the artistic peak of "Oklahoma!", with imaginative lighting, orchestration, and chore- ography combining to create a marvelous effect. The choreogra- phy of Lou Ann Rosengarten is to be commended here, but more particularly the dancing of Alice Royer who seems to be about the most graceful thing on two (some- times one) feet.. Stagine wasquite sound, as the British say, even functional. Open- ing of scene 2, Act I, in Jud Fry's smokehouse was a stark contrast to the hitherto "wide-open spaces." Blue lights on Fry and yellow on Curly (or so it seemed) set the stage for the beautiful chorale "Poor Jud is Daid." The male singing 'chorus (a Union Opera holdover?) over- shadowed the girls who had difi- culty singing past the orchestra. On blatant prop-miscue was the unexpected appearance of an English saddle in the midst of scene two. An authentic Okla- homan would have flipped. And then the surrey never arrived. Aside from this minor matter, Musket III seems to be destined for a well-deserved local success. --David Kessel *I I i I Meeting in Georgia -'HE NA 'IONAL Interfraternity Conference is holding its annual convention this week Atlanta, Georgia. Due to state and local ws, any Negro delegates attending the con- ntion will be unable to stay at the same ho- 4 as the other delegates. As a result the NIC had to send letters to e schools planning to send representatives to e convention informing them that while egro delegates would be permitted to attend ie convention, they could not stay as guests f the hotel, would not be allowed to loiter in e halls, use the dining facilities at the hotel, and about in the lobby or use the toilet fa- lities. The National Interfraternity Conference has Oid Miami was considered as a possible loca- on for the meeting and that Negroes would ave been welcome at the hotel with which they were in touch. Why then, was Atlanta chosen? IT HAS BEEN suggested that the NIC is an- tagonistic not only toward Negro fraternities (no Negro fraternities are full members of the organization) but also Negroes in predominant- ly white fraternities, and that the Council was afraid that some groups would send Negro delegates to point out the NIC's somewhat biased policy. However, no one connected with the planning of this meeting would make a statement concerning their reasoning in choos- ing this location. The National Interfraternity Conference showed poor taste and little foresight in choos- ing Atlanta as its convention site. It has left it- self open to some very embarrassing questions. - THOMAS KABAKER ;f CAPITAL COMMENTARY: j Thie Gran By WILLI WASHINGTON - A sturdy old been are rarely useful man who has just passed his justification for this 84th birthday has every reason to might throw some ligh say aloud now what he will never rent Allied problems. T in fact say-"I told you so." in a small way pointo The ominous Russian pressure wishful current thinkin on the Western position in Ger- sibly "reasonable" Sov many would not exist today had about Germany is a m Sir Winston Churchill not been kind of thinking. overborne 15 years ago at the The days of 1943 ar wartimerTeheran Conference by lived now in other n Franklin D. Roosevelt and Josef Churchill's. Vainly he t Stalin. vince Mr. Roosevelt t This conference produced a Big one thing to welcomeF Three decision, with Churchill's against Hitler and qu reluctant assent, that the one thing to suppose thatv supreme Allied operation of 1944 business with the Kre was to be a cross-channel invasion the war. of Hitler Germany. For months the These were both grea Prime Minister, whose long view Mr. Roosevelt persisted of history was not matched on confidence in the So the Western side, had wanted to which the wiser partne cqnduct action in the Balkans as knew to be as unsoun well, attractive. And these * * gay men. But Mr. Roos HE WISHED to make certain ety was truly that; A thereby that American -British hill's gayety overlay at military power would be stand- sophic skepticism. And ing there at war's end to prevent his martial gusto he ha a Soviet absorption of Southern in Allied war councilsc and Central Europe. Churchill's off grandiose ideas, ift plan would have altered the post- laggard minds. war world immeasurably. As things * * * were allowed to develop, Russian BECAUSE OF THIS, troops reached Berlin simultane- was unashamedly a To ously with the Allies. The terribly cause he behaved in ag exposed western salient in Berlin ner that seemed to tak today-a salient lying a hundred count of the cost, hisa miles back of the Iron Curtain-is when given in mortal one of the results. was sometimes discou Another is that all Europe from wrong time., Berlin eastward and most of it His personal acts ten southward through the Danube to foster the notiont basin is in Soviet or satellite ston" was as erratic hands. brilliant. Both the Am Reviews of what might have British high comman J. The only is that it t upon cur- oo, it might out that all ng of a pos- iet attitude ost perilous e being re- minds than ried to con- hat it was Russian aid ite another we could do uemlinafter at men. But in a sunny viet Union r, Churchill, d as it was were both sevelt's gay- Mr. Churc- deep philo- I because of ad the habit of throwing only to stir , because he ry and be- grand man. ke little ac- advice, even seriousness, fted at the ded further that "Win- as he was nerican and ds were in d 'Old Man' [AM S. WRITE terror on and after D-Day in Normandy that "The Old Man" would come over and insist on tak- ing personal charge. There was an amiable conspiracy "to keep the P. M. at home." For a little while, he submitted. But a few weeks after the invasion beachheads had been driven in, he could stand it no longer. One day, in August of 1944, this correspondent happened to be at a British fighter base in Nor- mandy. Word spread across that part of the 'front: "Churchill is coming over!" Soon, ais we all anxiously watched the skies, a, captured German observation plane, a Storka, began a wobbly descent. OUT STEPPED the pudgy figure in his square black hat-and with something in his pocket, which may have been a bottle of brandy. The Prime Minister's pilot was an air vice-marshal, who did not suc- ceed in his earnest efforts not to look disapproving at this adven- ture. After all, to fly over an active British front in a German aircraft was, so to speak, a little dangerous. But Churchill himself was in high good humor. He announced he had come to brief the troops on the attempt that hadrbeen made on Hitler's life in Germany in July. "They missed the old bahstard," he said with a grin to the airmen sitting in a semi-circle around him. "But," he added, with a great wave of his cigar, "there's time yet." (Copyright 1958, by United Feature syndicate, Inc.) AT THE MICHIGAN: 'Home Before Dark' WARNER BROTHERS' pre- Christmas present to the Michigan Theater is a post- Thanksgiving Day turkey. Be- cause "Home Before Dark" is slot an ordinary soap opera but one of superior quality, this is'a tturkey with all the trimmings; the trim- mings being in this case a bril- liant performance by Jean Sim- mons, a fine company of profes- sional actors and slick direction by Mervyn Le Roy. But unfortunately beneath all this is the bird itself and a whop- pingly big bird it is indeed as the film runs some two and a quarter hours - equal to ten episodes of Helen Trent without a break for commercials. Thus while the trim- mings may be diverting for an hour or so, they certainly are not able to keep afloat its heavy hack- neyed scenario. * C INDEED it is Miss Simmons' film all the way and she effective- ly uses Eileen and Robert Bas- sing's screenplay as a vehicle to demonstrate her enormous ability on the screen. Cast in the role of a woman recently released from a mental hospitua and returned' to the same environment which was responsible for her first mental collapse, Miss Simmons does a re- markable job in running the full Realities Mold Universities RC0BERT F. GOHEEN, Princeton's president, has attacked college "panaceas" such as more self-learning or fuller use of the college plant as plans trying "to equate educational with industrial efficiency." Heading a private university where tuition and endowments are high and popular pressure for increased n- rollments means little. Goheen can well es- pouse the ideal situation and follow it through. His beliefs, however, are in some respects faulty and, as far as a state university is con- cerned, generally invalid. His attack on more student self-learning seems to ignore the suc- cess this approach has had in most European countries. He said there is little in American experience to indicate "the Utopian theory" of substituting more independent study for facul- ty guidance will work. He termed education a "'tailor-made, creative process" that can never be cheap financially and distinguished it from mere training. This view is in direct opposi- tion to the European approach that faculty help is there if it Is needed, but that much of value to the student can be obtained by his partly educating himself. The hand-to-mouth knowledge feeding so typical of American uni- versities may be the American dream but is hardly a legitimate educational end. EXTEINDED use of college plant and person- nel is not ideal, but it may be the one an- swer to increasing enrollment without allow- ing state universities to become unwieldy levia- thans. Goheen was giving an annual report on his own university; yet ruling out such an idea as not offering a solution to higher education problems in general is dogmatic. State univer- sities have problems not . in common with Princeton, and wider use of facilities is a ten- tative, if not final, answer to one of these problems. Goheen expressed his philosophy that stu- dents should not be expected to pay the full cost of their education, a view expressed many times by University president Harlan Hatcher and it is a tenet of state universities every- where. He said no student should ever be de- nied higher education because, of financial need, a view which seems to fit with the rest of his somewhat Idealized outlook of Ameri- can education. Goheen is speaking for the traditional Amer- Ican dream of college for all, a concept indi- genous to North America. Idealism, in the case of A private and rich college, can compete well with reality. But state universities are subject to the practicalities of state legislatures, bulg- Ing enrollments and semi-autonomous control. Goheen's views must be modified here to handle these realities. -ROBERT JUNKER SGC IN REVIEW: Council in Dark First Time, Debates A ppeal range of emotions without ever appearing unnatural or forced. Principally wrong with this Warner offering is that the film manages to avoid sustaining an adequate suspense. As a result the audience maintains a passive at- titude to the whole affair. Cer- tainly the Bassings knew they had the material for an emotional hurricane. Unfortunately all they were able to come up with was a mild shower. Oh well, the trimmings were good. -Marc Alan Zagoren DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is a official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1958 VOL. LXIX, NO. 65 General Notices Inter-American Cultural Convention Competition deadline has been extend- to Jan. 15, 1959. for study in Latin America during the academic year 1959- 60. The awards cover travel, tuition and fees, full maintenance and books. Countries for which awards are avail-. able are: Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay. Uruguay, and Venezuela.' Interested students who hold an A.B. degree or who will receive such a degree by June, 1959, and who are presently enrolled in the University, should re- quest application forms' for a Buenos Aires Convention award at the Office of the Graduate School. coffee-Discussion Hour: Theme, "The Origin and Meaning of Hanukkah." Traditional Hanukkah latkas and tea will be served. Lane Hall Library, Fri., Dec. 5, 4:15 p.m. Sponsored by the Of- f ice of Religious Affairs. Board Meeting: Michigan Alumni Fund of Development Council, Sat., Dec. 6, 1:30 p.m., Third Floor Conf. Rm., Mich. Union. All Choral Union and Extra Berie- Concert ushers are urgently reminded that one performance of the Messiah is included in each series and it is most important that you be there, as an absence will count against you at May Festival time. A few extra ushers will be needed for each performance of the Messiah and if you can help us please contact Mr. Warner at NO 8-8597. Summary: Action taken at meeting of Student Government Council held Dec. 3, 1958, Approved minutes of meeting of Nov. 19 Appointed Dan Belin as second stu- dent representative on the Board in Review,. Appointed Roger Seasonwein to In- terviewing and Nominating Committee. Heard report on International Week, from Robert Arnove, Chairman, Inter- INTERPRETING THE NEWS: SDiversionar Action By THOMAS TURNER Daily Staff Writer STUDENT Government Council sat quietly for two and one- half hours Wednesday night, hear- ing assorted committee reports, a prospectus from President May- nard Goldman, and a slide-lecture by return exchange student Bob Krohn. Goldman's prospectus, which enumerated 23 Council projects which need further work or any sort of work and called both ex- officio and elected members to task for not fulfilling their duties as Goldman sees them, ellicited no great response, Ttis is the first time in SGC history the lights have gone off, Goldman remarked as Krohn be- gan to show slides. Krohn's talk, on the discontinued Free University of Berlin ex- change, drew questions only of a factual nature, such as "How much money did you receive?" and "How many of the Free Univer- sity's professors came from the East Zone?" Answers to both of these questions, incidentally, have been at the disposal of the Coun- cvil for some time in printed material in their files. * * crimination, to be presented to the Council by Christmas vacation. Scott Chrysler asked Bassey if there were any particular reason for wanting a statement from the administration now. "Obviously the Sigma Kappa dispute brought this on," Bassey replied, "but this is not intended to be a rehash." Administration opinion was not being asked solely because Council jurisdiction has been challenged by the administration, Bassey in- dicated, and faculty opinion would be sought also. Then Al Haber said it might be very interesting to hear adminis- tration policy on discrimination, but that he would first like to know what the Executive Com- mittee was planning in the way of an appeal of the Board in Re- view's reversal of the Sigma Kap- pa decision. GOLDMAN replied that he "'would be hard put" to outline plans or procedures now, since some of the opinions he had been hearing from administrators, re- gents and faculty members, as to the advisability of appealing and how this should be done, were con- fidential. criminate. It was the basis of SGC's finding Sigma Kappa in violation. Taub's motion was altered to read that SGC "seek advice" on reconsidering the 1949 ruling, after several members had ex- pressed fear that the former word- ing recognized administration jur- isdiction over withdrawal of rec- ognition. His motion was separate from the jurisdictional dispute, Taub explained, being a question of "Is the 1949 regulation a good one?" After several Council members had expressed differing opinions as to whether the two processes could indeed be separated, substi- tution of Taub's motion for Bas- sey's was approved. THEN A QUESTION was raised: did Taub mean that all 18 SGC members should work on recon- sidering the rule, or that the Ex- ecutive Committee should, or that a committee should be set up? When Taub indicated that either of the latter alternatives was with- in the scope of his motion, Chrys- ler protested that he had voted for the substitute motion on the understanding that all the Council would participate. Kessel's motion represented a "lack of confidence" in the Execu- tive Committee, she declared. C* * EXECUTIVE Vice-President Mort Wise pointed out that the 'question of when an appeal would be most effective must be con- sidered. Taub moved to table Kes- sel's motion, also "until a date deemed appropriate by the Execu- tive Committee," but this was de- feated. Chrysler tried to amend Kessel's motion to call for appeal to Uni- versity President Harlan Hatcher, saying that "To jump a whole ad- ministrative level like that is not proper." "We don't even know what we're doing," Union President Barry Shapiro objected, calling for de- feat of both Chrysler's amend- ment and Kessel's motion. * C C BOTH WERE defeated, but the differences of opinion expressed during debate on these and earlier motion continued into member's time afterwards. Kessel said that in calling for appeal now he was trying to take upon himself and the other mem- bers of the Council responsibility which had been going to the Exec- By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press Foreign News Analyst 'HE BERLIN CRISIS looks more and more like a great Khrushchev diversion. One man ho seems to have it pegged that way is Tito Yugoslavia. Berlin may be the prelude to other diversions, ich as Soviet pressure on Turkey or Iran in ie Middle East, aimed at holding world at- ntion while Nikita Khrushchev does his final >itical housecleaning and establishes him- If as the new Stalin. YUGOSLAVIA seems an important key in pondering reasons why the Russians manu- level in Moscow, a diversion Is created which offers some chance of success, so the horse folks may be dazzled. Khrushchev likely would grab what he could in Germany if the Allies prove weak and disunited. The increasingly bitter propaganda barrage from Moscow and Peiping against Tito's Com- munist party may serve as an added diversion for the Communist world. BUT REVISIONISM and relaxations are dan- gerous. They undermine total authority at the top. They are all the more dangerous fo regimes about to embark upon new economic experiments which indicate consumers must