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December 05, 1958 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-12-05

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See Page 4

Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom


VOL. LXIX, No. 65


g111O gllll II

U.S. Has Evidence
Iraq To Leave Pact
Former Anti-Communist 'Keystone'
May Become Moscow Satellite
WASHINGTON fi) - The United States has evidence that the
revolutionary government of -Iraq intends to pull that country out
of the anti-Communist Baghdad Pact.
State Department authorities are deeply concerned over the pos-
sibility that Iraq, formerly a keystone of anti-Communist defenses
in the Middle East, may be made into a virtual Moscow satellite.
Officials here say there are increasing signs that Moscow is
generating a new political offensive in the Middle East, concentrated
on Iraq but with grave implications for Iran, a staunch United States

The latest piece
Iraq's future came in;

Broadcast Gives Hint
of information to be fitted into the puzzle of
a broadcast in the Baghdad Radio's home serv-
%ce on Tuesday. The broadcast, as
heard by United States monitors,
dealt with a news conference held
in Cairo by Iraq ambassador Faik
The ambassador denounced a
r military assistance agreement
now being negotiated between the
United States and Iran. He said
the agreement was intended to
replace the Baghdad Pact "since
this pact has actually collapsed."
Soviet propagandists also have
/ been bitter in their criticism of
; Ithe United States-Iranian agree-

...late educator
Kenyon Dies
Long Illness
Prof. Emeritus Herbert Alden
Kenyon of the Spanish depart-
ment, died Wednesday, Dec. 3.
after a prolonged illness'
Associated with the faculty of
the University for 47 years, his
special interest was in the entire
field of Spanish. In addition to
conducting his own courses in the
language he counselled younger
teachers in the Romance Lan-
guage Dept., wrote text books and
contributed numerous articles to
language periodicals.
Prof. Kenyon was described by
Prof. C. N. Staubach, chair'man
of the Romance Languages Dept.
as "a person who gave generous-
ly of his friendship and help both
in personal and departmental af-
"He brought quite a variety of
professional talent to the theatre
as director of Sarah Caswell An-
gell Hall from 1929 .to 1933 and
as director of Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre from 1933 to 1953."
Coming to Ann Arbor from
Brown University in 1905, Prof.
Kenyon's career at the University
was continuous except for service
in the Military Intelligence.
Prof. Kenyon was a member of
Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Beta Kap-
pa, Modern Language Association,
and the Associatalon of Teachers
of Spanish.
The Military Committee. Com-
mittee on Student Affairs, Univer-
sity Committee on Theatre Policy
and Practice, and Executive Com-
mittee Dept. of Romance Lan-
guages were also among Prof.
Kenyon's interests.
Group Confers
On Pro ram
or Gifted'
Program changes as pertaining
to the gifted students were dis-
cussed last night by the Board of
Education's Curriculum Commit-
te and certain members of the
faculty before the Parent-Teacher
The two main issues in the pro-
gram are the grouping of those
who are gifted and what kind of
instruction will the school give
Faculty member Wayne Smith
said there are two experimental
math and two unified studies
classes for superior students nowv


"Asked if this agreement would
result in Iraq's official withdraw-
al from the Baghdad Pact," the
radio reported, "the ambassador
answered: 'Yes'."
Withdrawal Not Stressed
News stories from Cairo at the
time of the news conference did
not stress any remarks about
withdrawal by the envoy. Inform-
ants here said the inclusion of this
line in the Baghdad Radio broad-
cast could be quitesignificant.
A State Department official
said the United States has been
trying to find out the attitude of
the regime headed by Premier
Abdel Karim Kassem. So far, he
said, this country has not re-
ceived any response other than
that the regime "is still consider-
ing the nature of Iraq's obliga-
tions under the Pact."
Kassem's policy had been ex-"
pected in Washington to be a
neutralist one, as he himself pro-
claims it to be. The withdrawal of
Iraq from the Baghdad Pact im-
mediately after he seized power in
mid-July would not have been
surprising. However, his reluc-
tance to take such decisive action,
plus early statements about living
up to Iraq's international obliga-
tions, raised uncertainty about
how far Iraq would go in breaking
its Western ties."
Members of the Baghdad Pact,
besides Iraq, are Iran, Turkey,
Pakistan and Great Britain.
Iraq depends heavily on the
considerable oil royalties paid it
out of the Iraq Petroleum Co.'s
earnings. And Iraq lacks the tech-
nicians to run the oil industry it-

'Skip .Meal
A word-of-mouth campaign kept
most of Stockwell Hall's "Five
Side" out of the dining room last
night in quiet but unmistakable
protest against recent dormitory
Less than 20 of the approxi-
mately 200 women living in the
"five" wing ignored the "sit-down
strike" to attend dinner in the
Indications are the "strike" was
fairly spontaneous, that it was
begun by individuals. within the
dorm, probably some time Tues-
day night. N
Menu Criticized
Specific protests referred to a
generally poor menu, both in con-
tent and in preparation. Girls also
complained about "poor planning,"
particularly shortages of certain
foods, including milk.
The main dish on yesterday's
menu was veal cutlet.
Residence Halls Business Man-
ager Leonard B. Schaadt, who con-
ferred with Stockwell's Coordinat-
ing Director, Mrs. Marjorie Mc-
Coy just before dinner time, said
he intends to "look into the mat-
ter" today.
Schaadt said he intends to con-
tact Stockwell's Service Commit-
tee Chairman, as well as the dor-
mitory dietician. In addition, a
meeting with the Service Com-
mittee representing all the dorms
is already planned for early next
week, Schaadt notes.
Calls Meeting Routine
Although he called the meeting
"routine procedure," he said they
will undoubtedly discuss the food
situation at this session.- ,
Suggestions for a boycott were
brought before a dormitory Coun-
cil meeting earlier this week, but
the Council at that time took no
official action.
At a special meeting last night,
however, Council president Lenore
Richards, '59, Issued a statement
saying that "although it (the boy-
cott) was not organized by the
house Council, the Council agrees
with the sentiments expressed."
A Daily photographer attempt-
ing to enter the dining room in
order to determine the actual
number of women students who{
did not ignore the "sit - down
strike," was denied entrance by.

Army May
has moved to stage center on the
lunar shooting gallery at Cape
Canaveral, Fla., and may fire its
first space probe this week, pos-
sibly tomorrow.
The Associated Press reported
Nov. 23 that the Army's initial
shot aimed toward the moon had
been scheduled for Dec. 6 and
would be fired with the basic in-
tent of going beyond and even-
tually orbiting the sun. There
were no indications here today of
any change in plan.
The rocket, Juno II, was seen
being readied for its trip. The
huge rocket sat in the open for a
brief period earlier this week after
the service tower was rolled back
as part of the early countdown for
High School
May Reopen
LITTLE ROCK {A'} -A fire-
safety measure may activate' one
of Little Rock's public high schools,
closed to block integration.
Capt. V. C. Throckmnorton of the
Little Rock Fire. Department said
yesterday his department had or-
dered a Negro eementary school
condemned, and recommended
that the pupils be transferred to
Horace Mann High School, a
Negro institution now closed along
with three white schools.
Throckmorton said the school,
J. E. Bush Elementary, will re-
main closed until a sprinkling
system, or an approved fire alarm
system, is installed. Then the pu-
pils may come back, he said.
"Since the fire in Chicago we
thought we had better act now,"
Throckmorton said, referring to
the blaze that killed 87 children
and three Catholic nuns at Our
Lady of the Angels School Mon-

Fire Moon Rocket Soon
The Air Force, with its three As modified, the 1,725-mile-
unsuccessful lunar probes, had range Jupiter will carry a greater
hoped to orbit the moon and span than staandard fuel supply.

-Daily-David' Arncld
CITIZENS TURN OUT-Some of the many Ann Arborites listen last night to Mayor Samuel
Eldersveld (right, rear) speaks on the urban renewal plan. To the left, charts illustrating areas
to be changed hang for inspection. Many other city residents waited outside to hear the plans discussed.

its far side, sending back data to
be converted to crude photographs.
It therefore had only three days
out of the month when the condi-
tions for such a shot were favor-
able. The Air Force's most success-
ful attempt went about a third of
the distance to the moon.
The Army, hoping to shoot on
by the moon with a simple pay-
load, containing no scanning de-
vice, has a more leisurely sched-
ule. It can take most of next week
for its try, if need be.
The Army team, headed by
Wernher Von Braun and Maj. Gen.
John B. Medaris, will try some-
thing new in launching vehicles.
Theirs is a considerably modified
Jupiter intermediate range ballis-
tic missile topped by three high-
speed upper stages of solid pro-
pellant rockets.
Combination Potent
This combination is consider-
ably more potent than the Jupiter-
C rocket, a combination of a Red-
stone missile with a rocket cluster
of three upper stages with which
the Army launched the Explorer
earth satellites.
Juno II, having no scanning de-
vice and no reverse rockets to send
it into a lunar orbit, is lighter as
well as simpler than the Air Force
Pioneer probes. Its instruments
weigh only about 15 pounds, com-
pared with 25 pounds aboard Pio-
neer I.
The Juno II payload reportedly
will include a tiny photoelectric
cell device for experiments look-
ing toward development of a scan-
ning instrument for satellites.
To Measure Rays
Primarily it will contain equip-
ment to measure both solar and
cosmic radiation, plus powerful
radio telemetry to relay the mea-
surements back to earth - even
from beyond the moon.

In Juno II, there probably will
be no coasting periods between
firings of the stages. The first
stage will burn for about three
minutes, 20 seconds and the upper
stages, firing in immediate suc-
cession, will take a mere 6 %
seconds each.
Acceleration Greatest
This acceleration rate, greater
than any yet attained by a satel-
lite launching, will subject the
rocket to such an extreme amount
of friction heating that a special
melt-away protective covering of
the nose area will be required.
Because of the giant push of
the Juno II rocket, the Army looks
for its probe to span the quarter
million miles to the vicinity of the
moon in about 33 hours and 45
minutes. That compares with more
than 62 hours that would have
been required for the Pioneer
Messiah Set
For Weekend
Three hundred thirty voices
will combine at 8:30 p.m. tomor-
row evening and 2:30 p.m. Sunday
afternoon when the Choral Union
presents its annual performance
of Handel's "Messiah."
Music will be played by the Uni-
versity Musical Society Orchestra.
Lester McCoy will conduct; Mary
McCall Stubbins is the accompan-
Soloists for the Messiah are
Nancy Carr, soprano; Florence
Kopleff, contralto; John McColy
lum, tenor; and Kenneth Smith,
All seats have been sold for both
performances, but there is still
standing room available.


Non-Public Schools Ahead'
In Math, Science Credits
A higher percentage of students earned mathematics and science
credits in non-public state high schools than in public institutions
last spring, a recently released report shows.
The report on "The Status of Mathematics and Science in 514
Michigan High Schools" also shows that mathematics teachers in
public school have more college training in their field than those in
non-public schools.
This survey was conducted for the University's Bureau of School
Services by Fred G. Stevenson, former employee of the Bureau, to
find what , schools were doing to prepare students for "the age
of guided missiles and space'
ship Surveyed Spring MONEY, DEFINIT
This survey covered only the
spring semester and thus the num-
ber of schools offering these E x chair
courses is somewhat understated
the report explained. Many schools
alternate mathematics courses, of-
fering them in different years or
semesters and thus many offerings
do not appear in the survey.
Over 70 per cent of the state's
secondary schools offer biology,
chemistry, general science and
physics, although only five per
cent of the students were taking
physics last semester.
Opportunities for students to ac-
quire four units of science and
mathematics are better in schools
with over 500 student population,
the report states.

zge Program Considered

Both lack of money and lack of agreement on purpose stand
between the University and a new foreign exchange program, according
to Carol Holland, '60, chairman of Student Government Council's
National and International Committee.
SGC member Scott Chrysler, '59BAd, said Wednesday time seemed
ripe for a motion re-establishing the exchange with the Free Univer-
sity of Berlin. Robert Krohn, '60E, had given the Council a slide-
lecture on his study at the PUB under the now-defunct exchange.
SGC currently sponsors the Foreign Student Leadership Project
under which Tunisian student Ahmed Belkhodja, Grad., is on campus,
Miss Holland pointed out.
'Will Have To Choose'
If SGC wishes to re-institute its PUB exchange, Miss Holland de-
clared, it will have to choose between that and the FSLP.
Most American Universities participating in the FSLP give 80

College Math Popular
Student interest in college pre-
paratory mathematics is "con-
siderably greater" than in applied

UTU r~

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