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December 04, 1958 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-12-04

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Colleges To Use New
Admissions Program
A new program desinned to irm
form high school students of their decision is uncertain and no cor-
-hances of being accepted has mitment can be made at tis
es of bin g accpedai time." "Group C" students will be
)eeny put into formal operation by !f,.,,,-----4- w 1,,

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
tag, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Registration of Christmasand post-
, caroling parties for the week preced-
ing Christmas vacation will be accept-
ed in the Office of Student Affairs,
2011 SAB, through Dec. 12 and will be
announced in the D,.B. on Sunday.
Chaperons may be a qualified single
chaperone or a qualified married
couple. Women students should note
the following exception to the regular
closing hours as announced in Women's
Rules, Women's 4udiciary Council:
"Two week nights preceding the day
Christmas and spring vacation begins
-11:00 p.m." The closing hour for
events 'registered for Dec. 17 and Dec.
18 may be extended accordingly.
International Center Tea: Thurs.,
Dec. 4, 4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Interna-
tional Center.
Student who expect to receive edu-
cation and training allowance under
Public Law 634 (Orphans Bill) must
fill in Monthly Certification for the
Veterans Administration in the Office
of Veterans Affairs, 142 Admin. Bldg.,
between 8:30-11:15 a.m. and 1:15-3:15
p.m. by FrI., Dec. 5.
Inter-American Cultural Convention
Competition deadline has been extend-
to Jan. 15, 1959, for study in Latin
America during the academic year 1959-
60. The awards cover travel, tuition and
fees, full maintenance and books.
Countries for which awards are avail-
able are: Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica,
Ei Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras,
Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay.
Uruguay, and Venezuela.
Interested students who hold an A.B.
degree or who will receive such a degree
by June, 1959, and who are presently
enrolled in the University, should re-
quest application forms for a Buenos
Aires Convention award at the Office
of the raduate School.
The following student-sponsored so-
cial events have been approved for the
coming weekend. Social chairmen are
reminded that requests for approval for
social events are due in the Office ofI
Student Affairs not laterrthan 12
O'clock noon on Tuesday prior to the
Dec. 5: Alpha Phi, Chinese Students'
Club, Delta Chi, Graduate Student
Council, Greene House-Adela Cheever
Hse., Kleinstueck Hs.-Huber Hee., Phi
Delta Phi, Pi Lambda Phi, Sigma Alpha
Mu, Tau Delta Phi, Zeta Tau Alpha.
Dec. 6: (1 o'clock closing hour) Aca-
cia, Adelia Cheever Hse., Anderson Hse,,
Beta Theta P, Betsy Barbour Hse., Chi
Phi, Delta Chi, Delta Kappa Epsilon,
Delta Sigma Delta, Delta Tau . Delta,
Delta Upsilon, Evans Scholars, Helen
Newberry, Kappa Alpha Psi, Lambda
Chi Alpha, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Delta Phi,
Phi Delta Theta, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi
Sigma Delta, P Lambda Phi, Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma
Nu, Sigma Phi, Tau Delta Phi, Theta
Chi, Theta Delta Chi, Theta Xi, Tri-
angle, Zeta Psi,
Dec. 7: Martha Cook Building, Kappa
Delta, Phi Delta Ph.
The second in a series of readings by
members of the Dept. of English will
be given by Prof. Fred G. Walcott on
the afternoon of Thurs., Dec. 4, Aud.
B, 4:10 p.m. All interested persons are
Werner E. Bachmann Memorial Lee-
ture in Chemistry. Prof. John D. Rob-
erts, Calif. Institute of Technology,
will speak on "Benzyne as an Inter-
mediate in Aromatic Nucleophilic Dis-
placement Reactions," on Fri., Dec. 5,
at 4:15 p.m. in Rm. 1400 Chem. Bldg.
Astronomy Department Visitors Night
Fri., Dec. 5, 8:00 p.m., Rm. 2003 Angell
Hall. Dr. Freeman D. Miller will speak
on "The Sun Among the Stars." After
the lecture the Student Observatory on
the fifth floor of Angell Hall will be
open for inspection and for telescopic
observations of Mars, nebula, and
double star. Children welcomed, but
must be accompanied by adults.
Faculty Lecture-Recital: A lecture-
recital on Johann Sebastian Bac'h's
"Well Tempered Clavier" will be given
in Aud. A, Angell Hall on Thurs., Dec.
4, 4:15 p.m. by John Flower, pianist,
Mr. Flower will play Eight Preludes and
Fugues from Book I in this recital,
which is the first In a series of six.
Open to the public.
Academic Notices
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Dr.
David S. Greenstein will continue his
talk, "Application of Orthonomal Sys-
tems to the Solution of Conformal
Mapping and Extremal Problems,"

Thurs., Dec. 4, 4:00 p.m., RnM. 246 W.
Eng. Bldg. Refreshments will be served
at 3:30 p.m. in Rm. 274 W. Eng. Bldg.
Foreign Student Scholarships: Ap-
plication blanks may be obtained at the
International Center. Applications must
be turned in to the appropriate Com-
mittee member by Dec. 17. The For-
eign Student Scholarship Committee
will meet on Dec. 18 to award scholar-
Application blanks for Phoenix Pre-
doctoral Fellowships for 1959-60 are
available in the Graduate School Of-
fice. Applicants should be well ad-
vanced in their graduate studies and
should present plans for research or
graduate study leading to research in
some field dealing with the applica-
tions or implications of atomic ener-
gy. Research projects may be in the
fields of nuclear physics and chemis-.
try, in the use of radiation or fission
products in the medical and biological
sciences or on the effect that atomic
energy developments will have on gov-
ernment, economics, philosophy pnd
culture. Competition will close Feb.
1, 1959.

Studies; English: HS Social Studies;
Math; Science; Home Economics; Me-
chanical Drawing; Elementary; Li-
brarian; Elementary Art Consultant. I
Tues., Dec. 9:I
Grand Rapids, Mich. - Chief Engi-
neer; Jr. Coll. Chemistry; Sociology;
Speech Correction; Elementary.
Mt. Clemens, Mich. - Elementary;
JHS Art.
Wed., Dec. 10:
Garden City, Mich. - Elementary;I
Home Economics (HS).
Van Dyke, Mich. (Fitzgerald Schools)
-Elementary; Art Consultant (Elem.).'
For appointments and any addition-
al Information contact the Bureau of
Appointments. 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO
3-1511, Ext. 489.
Personnel Requests:
NavyDepartment, announces civilian
job opportunities for Professional, Ad-
ministrative and Clerical Personnel.
Nov., 1958.
The City of New York announces the
following positions which are open
until further notice: Assistant Elec-
trical Engineer, Dental Hygienist,
Junior Civil Engineer, Junior Electri-
cal Engineer, Occupational Therapist,

Public Health Nurse, Recreation Lead-
er, Social Investigator, and X-Ray
Civil Service Commission, Chicago, Ill.
announce the following positions for
which Federal Agencies and establish-
ments in Ill., Mich., and Wis. need
qualified people. Mechanical Engineer,
Electronic Engineers, Valuation Engi-
neer, Counseling Psychologist, Assist-
ant Public Buildings Superintendent,
Nurse, Surgeon, Physical Therapist,
Loan Servicing Representative, Civil
Engineer, Highway Engineer. Bridge De-
sign Engineer, Physicist, Chemist. Op-
erations Planning Office. Architectur-
al Engineer, Personnel Officer, Super-
visory Security Specialist (General)',
General Engineers, Operations Research
Officer, Radiobiol.ogist, Highway Engi-
neer, Communications Oficer, Commu-
nications Specialist (Radio Operator),
Digital Computer Programmer, Bio-
chemist, Dental Hygienist, Physical
Science Administrator (Radiological
Defense Officer), Operations Planning
Officers, Civil Defense Officer, and Op-
eratios Planning Officer.
Stanford Research Institute, Menlo
Park, Calif., announces the following
(Continued on Page 6)


3arvard, Princeton and Yale.
Under the program, the colleges
will inform the high schools of the
applicant's chances of being ac-
~epted. High school advisors will
then inform students about their
chances for admission.
The colleges will divide appli-
cants into three categories. Stu-
dents classified as "Group A" are
"assured of admission if they
complete application procedures
unless there is a significant deter-
ioration in their academic or con-
duct records."
"Group B" students are those
"considered to have a reasonable

discouraged from applying by their
high school advisors.
Information will be given to the
- high schools by the universities
which will enable the high schools
to tell the prospective applicant
into which category he would fall.
The grouping of students will be
made after a careful examination
of academic records and interviews
and will be limited to schools
whose standards are well known
to the colleges.
Under the plan the students
will be classified to aid the guid-
ance officers in making recom-
mendations. No advance notice

Christmas Store Hours
j~9:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
Nowmnalwd'7t :0PM


.... ...,. ~_ w. _.., .. .... _...,

chance for admission, but the final will be given to the students.

- -. -- S - - - - - - - - -
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Aeronautical and Astronautical En-
Kineering Dept. Seminar, Fri., Dec. 5,
at 4 p.m., Rm. 1504 E. Eng. Bldg. Dr.
John C. Evvard, Asst. Director, Lewis
Research Center, National Aeronautics
and Space Admin., will speak on "The
Value of Satellites to Mankind."
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., Dec. 5,
4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Mr. Joseph
Morgan of the Willow Run Labora-
tories will speak on "Thermal Mapping
of the Lunar Surface."



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