Cl hl Mtriigan aiy Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN , UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PU3LICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH, * Phone NO 2-3241 "Tell You What-We'll Help Some Of You Go On To Overcrowded Colleges" nions Are Fre Will Prevail" orials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers or the editors. Thisrmust be noted in all reprints. AY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL KRAFT The Daily's Obligation- To the University Community ) .. S A CAMPUS newspaper, The Daily could, take any one of a variety of forms. t could be a public relations organ for the iversity, painting life in Ann Arbor as su- emely idyllic, everything the way it should It could be an announcement sheet, re- rting every campus event - sort of an out- ed Daily Official Bulletin. It could be the mpus pep sheet, rooting hard for all the ims. It could be the campus social reporter,' ying J-Hop, I-Hop and K-Hop as the big- st events of the year, and even, as some, her college papers do, reporting on all the innings" of the week. Or it could compete th the regular newspapers, clipping all its ws "hot" from the wires of the Associated ess, adding a few professional columnists to md it out. However, if The Daily did take any of these 'ms, it would not really be a newspaper; and would not adequately serve the needs of a, eat University community. 'HE DAILY has a special task for several reasons. First, it is one of the few major :i1for all the members of the community: a nmunity, it should be noted, with interests diverse as those of the Classical Languages partment and the Michigan Research In- 'tute. And somehow The Daily should be a: ding force for all of these segments. It must lp to serve as the head for all the arms of e giant octopus which is the University. Not only is The Daily a unifying force in diversity life, but it is located in a commu- y which stands for rather high intellectual hievement. This means that the determina- n of what is important must, in some sense, govetned by the standards set by a great' iversity. Thus, the establishment of an inors Council on campus is more important an a brawl in front of the P-Bell: or the oblems in the Middle East are more signi- ant than a rape in Detroit. The Daily is also obligated in its role as a ifying factor on campus to encourage dis- ssion of issues which are or should be of con- rn but not necessarily limited to the campus mnmunity. This does help to bring the di- rse groups on campus more closely togeth- ; but it fulfills another function which is brought to Daily editorials will often not be the best. But the issues are those the staff believes are most important, and the thinking is the best the staff has to offer. There really no other way. The Daily is an idealists' paradise in a good many ways. It may be one of the only news- papers in the world where there neeti not be any compromise with honesty. Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom is something more than a slogan; it is a fact which many staff people and members of the administration and faculty, have fought hard to maintain when- ever that freedom has been threatened. NOT ONLY is The Daily free from adminis- trative pressure, but because it is not a profit-making institution in the strict sense, it also is not forced to cowtow to advertisers. Further, The Daily is not in a competitive situation where it has to use every device pos- sible in order to win circulation. This does not mean The Daily should be uuresponsive to its readership; the contraryIs true to some extent. But it does mean The Daily does not have to compromise with the facts in order to titillate its readers. Of course, with this freedom goes the re- sponsibility that goes with every freedom. Axd it is more than a responsibility not to sland r or report inaccurately; it is a responsibility to be of real service to the community. BUT "REAL SERVICE" to the comiunity, must be defined broadly. It means, first, that the welfare of the community is placed ahead of the welfare of any individual group; especially when the group contributes to mak- ing the campus a poorer place to live and world, The Daily is not concerned with supporting any group per se and it is not concerned with hiding anybody's proverbial dirty linen simply because display of it might prove embarrassing. And "real service" does not mean that The Daily should assiduously avoid criticizing the University or bringing unfavorable publicity to it. Unpleasant news or critical editorials are often more valuable to the institution in the long run than suppression of these. As a news- paper The Daily must hold to the belief that an informed citizenry is not only a worthwhile goal, but a necessary one; that blind, uncritical belonging to an institution will never be to the ipstitution's advantage. The Daily staff has the obligation to help nurture an informed and vigorous cohesive community. It has the privilege of discharging this task according to the highest standards es- tablished by the journalistic profession. And it -must work to fullfil the obligation and main- tain the privilege despite any pressures to the contrary. -RICHARD TAUB Editor ( NUMEROUS PROBLEMS: Campus: Issues' A ffect Students By JOHN WEICHER Daily City Editor ON A CAMPUS as large as that of the University, numerous problems arise which concern stu- dents, faculty and administration --problems ranging from the es- tablishment of a student bookstore to the disestablishment of J-Hop. These diverse matters are lump- ed together under the catch-all heading of "campus issues." They all have one thing in common: some part of the University com- munity is deeply concerned with' any given one of them, and regards the particular issue as being of major importance to it. Naturally, the larger the part of the community concerned with the issue, the greater that particular issue looms. At present a large percentage of the student body has no interest action was "for the good of the sorority as a whole." This brought the national so- rority into conflict with SGC, due to a University regulation stating ,that no group which practices racial or religious discrimination in membership could establish it- self on campus in future. (The regulation was approved by the- Board of Regents in 1949. Sigma Kappa was reactivated on campus in 1955, after the Dean of Women read the sorority's con- stitution to see if it had ,such a clause. It did not.) In December 1956, SGC ruled that national Sigma Kappa was in violation of University regula- tions; two months later it gave the sorority until September of this year to prove it was no longer in violation. The sorority held its national convention this summer. zld be concerned with help- ae University community a ce in which to live and to ild work toward this as a newspaper which will con- e vigor of the institution in issues The Daily staff sees as most im- t both from a news and an editorial oint may not be the most important in bstract absolute sense; the thinking Sigma Kappa in rousing many stu- sive forces. dents from their apathy. For some, When drama proves continually it is even more important. dissatisfying to an audience, the SGC established for women in people, refusing to repeat their 1955 a trial period of spring rush- subjection to boredom or disgust, ing, rather than both fall and do not support further perform- spring, as had been the practice ances. previously. The plan first went Lack of support results in a fi- into effect in the spring of 1957. nancial drain on the acting group Panhellanic Association will con- which, in turn, forces dramatic duct deferred rush again this standards to be lowered still fur- year, because little can be learned ther. The chicken and the egg de- upon a one year trial. The group velop simultaneously. has expressed dissatisfaction with This conclusio nis a valid one; it the spring rush on the grounds forces the responsibility for the that, with such a rush, women effectiveness and inertia of Ann have a chance to determine which Arbor theater to be divided equal- are the so-called "best" houses ly between producers and consum- on campus. Consequently, women set their minds on pledging certain Claims that student apathy, ig- houses, paying no attention to norance, and disinterest, create an others which might be iore suited essentially infertile field where no to them and whose members they drama, however energetic, may might find more congenial. survive are partially true. -As a result, some houses do not "Name" plays - often worthless make their quotas, as happened ones - draw the only substantial last spring, although, it should be crowds, while more worthwhile pointed out that members of productions 'are performed before houses have not made their quotas rows of vacant seats. Elvis Presley before. and Yul Brynner seem to offer Proponents of the spring rush entertainment that is more ap- have argued that the women are pealing to the average undergrad- given a chance to.get their bear- uate than anything the stage can ings before being caught up in the provide. rushing whirlwind. Most women prvie a * C" have had a semester of college when spring rush comes and are THE FAULT, however, is not therefore better able to select the entirely due to the weakminded- houses they want. ness of overgrown adolescents. SGC last year established a Plenty of sensible people around committee to get the opinions of town would be perfectly willing to women actives and. rushees on the, support plays that were reason- spring rush system. Its report will ably well chosen, well acted, and be made this fall, well produced. Unfortunately, they It seems certain that the Coun- are not offered the opportunity. cil will again consider the issue Works picked for box office ap- this year. When it does, many peal alone are often poorly writ- more students than is customary ten and usually unsuited to the will take an active interest in talents available. The few good campus affairs again, plays that manage to reach actual s * e pre s e n t a t i o n level are either A QUESTION affecting the en- watered-down or over-esoteric in tire community is the proposed their appeal. student book store. The Union Poor, business management and Board of Directors has ordered a sparse technical resources do not study of the feasibility of such a make for ready financial success store, even when attendance is high. At present, the Regents are on record that no University enter- THE SITUATION can get very prise may compete with local busi- little worse; it can, on. the other nesses. However, there are note- hand, -get infinitely better. Edu- worthy exceptions such 'as the cation brings several rather Union Grill and South Quad's binding commitments, and it "Club 600." seems possible that a responsibili- One point of importance here is ty to what may be called the arts whether the store will match the is one of them. prices of local merchants or at- A small bit of discrimination on, tempt to effect savings for the the part of both -audience and students by selling books at or producer would do a great deal to near cost. Student-run bookstores improve the general tone of the at some universities (notably theater that still exists, and pos- Michigan State) follow the former sibly pave the way for a minor practice. renaissance of local drama. Why The Daily Signs Editorials: i Promotion of Individual Thought PURPOSE but no policy. An aim but no target. Contradictory, perhaps, but the description many ways characterizes The Daily's editorial ge and its sometimes surprising presentation opposing opinion. For The Daily's traditional ncept of the editorial page includes emphasis t on promotion of a single viewpoint or edi- rial "line" as usually found in newspapers, t rather on discussing a problem from various Les, stimulating thought, and providing inter- etation of world and local events. MEDIUM for this and a unique feature of The Daily is the signed editorial. Presenting individual rather than a staff viewpoint, the Itorials are signed by their author and no forts are made to insure that editorials in The ily conform to a particular policy. Only in the case of very infrequent senior itorials, written and signed by The Daily's nlor editors, will The Daily express a collective inion, usually about an important campus e. The variety of attitudes which mark the itorial page may have its disadvantages, but Atr~i, I the aim of providing the fullest possible dis- cussion of worthwhile issues is considered far more important, especially in a University com- munity_ concerned with the thinking 'and searching processes. For the aim of the editorial page goes beyond the first paragraph of the Code of Ethics for The Michigan Daily which states, "The editorial page of The Daily shall not reflect one point of view to the exclusion of all others." The Daily editorial page attempts In a sense to be an extension of the University itself, adopting the ideals of an environment that strives to ,en- courage, stimulate and promote thought. IMPLIED in this is a certain spirit. In part, it is that of a questioning mind, the asking of "why" behind certain action and the attempt to scrutinize issues and attitudes for their, significance and merit. At times, the editorial examination may be unpleasant, questioning often is, especially when directed towards mem- bers of the University community. At times It admittedly may be insufficient or superficial.' But although the force may occasionally be lacking behind the aim, an editorial page should continually strive to aid the motion of thought' and ideas flowing between men, in an attempt to prevent the solidification of attitudes into a hard rigid pattern.a Acceptance of a set "line," whether editorial or otherwise, often entails a lack of mental, flexibility, and an unwillingness "to regard the alternative approaches to issues. It can lead to - the promotion of a bias, not thought, and of all places, this is least welcome in an academic atmosphere. HOWEVER, the medium of signed editorials is not the only way in which The Daily's editorial page attempts to stimulate and serve intellectual activity. Reviews, local and syndi- cated columns, along with interpretive features on a variety of topics also appear. A recent innovation is the focusing of an entire editorial AROUSED INTEREST-Occasional campus issues, such as spring rushing or the Sigma Kappa violation draw overflow crowds, as, pictured above, to Student Government Council meetings. in any campus issue. For example, the number of persons voting in Student Government Council elec- tions has never topped one-third of the number of students on cam- pus. Requests by committees for' student opinion on various mat- ters have met with a deep silence; often committee meetings to hear the views of students are cancelled when no students show up. THE REASONS for this "stu- dent apathy" (the term is now a cliche) are varied. Many students simply do not think campus issues --at least outside the exclusively academic sphere - are important enough to take time away from their pursuit of knowledge. Praiseworthy though this single- minded quest may be, the students working on this assumption fail to take account that, like it or not, they are not living in a library for. four years. but are part of a com- munity. Such students ignore the world in which they mustlive. There are also those students who may more properly be termed apathetic. They prefer to leave such issues to other people-any other people-to deal with; they: would rather go to the movies three nights a week and play cards the rest of the time. However, they always reserve the right to grum- ble. Foremost among the issues fac- ing the campus this fall (as it has been for the nast twon varg) is Because racial and religious dis- crimination are such important issues on other campuses, the final resolution of the issue may set a precedent for colleges throughout the country to follow. Racial questions are also the center of another campus issue: dormitory integration. Last year a. group of students questioned the role race and religion played in making . roommate assignments. This group felt the members of minority groups were being seg- regated. As a result of a student peti- tion asking for dormitory integra- tion, the Residence Halls Board of Governors launched an investiga- tion of the entire question of room- mate assignment. The results showed that the situation was worse than the administration had claimed and not as bad as it was purported to be by the critics. IN A MORE academic matter, a University Committee on Rising Enrollments has been established by the administration. The com- mittee, requested by SOC in May 1957, will go into operation this Fall. A steering committee last spring charted problems for the group to study, in the general area of the effect of increasing enroll- ment at the University. Another ,committee last spring studied the University calendar, in an attempt to come up with amthini mnr e nvr4 h fr Editorial Staff RICHARD TAUB, Editor 1EL KRAFT JC 'rial Director 3HN WEICHE1 City Editor DAVID TARR Associate Editor 1NTOR....................Personnel Director LLOUGHBY.......Associate Editorial Director ORGENSON ........... Associate City Editor TOMPKINS..,....Assistant Features Editor rH ERSKINE....Associate Personnel Director NES.........................Sports Editor SEMAN...............Associate Sports Editor SAN. ... .......Associate Sports Editor RNOLD ..................Chief Photographer Business Staff STEVEN TOPOL Rus m inessMan a __,. : _ x 1. , " ./'