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December 04, 1958 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-12-04

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Seerage 4

Yl r e

Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom


* Qv

VOL. LXIX, No. 64




Illllllllillilllll Ili Ililllli lllF I

West Receives Six Months
To Resolve Crisis in Berlin
BERLIN (P)-The Russians insisted yesterday that the Western
Allies have just six months to douse the West Berlin powder key by
turning it into an unarmed neutral city.
The Soviet government newspaper Izvestia jeered at Western talk
of a top-level parley aimed at reuniting Germany.
The West has tried many times "by hook or crook to convert the
internal German problem into an international one, to no avail,"
Izvestia said. It contended any further such effort is doomed to failure
since the aim "belongs in the sphere of pure fantasy."
Dictate Their Will
The newspaper claimed the Western powers wanted to use the








Upperc iass


Berlin issue "once more to try to

w Colombians
Under Siege
BOGOTA, Colombia --4~-Pres-
dent Alberto Lleras Camargo de-
:, dared a state of siege yesterday
'nColombia and arrested ex-dic-
tator Gustavo Rojas Pinilla as the
head of a plot to overthrow the
The former dictator recently re-
turned from exile in Spain.
The President's office last night
announced that Rojs and his son,
L~t. Carlos Rojas, are under arrest
somewhere in the country. Troops
were posted in Bogota to maintain
Of ficers Arrested
other sources said Jaime Po-)
Tanis Puyo, a former army general
and father-in-law of Lt. Roj as,
also has been arrested.
The president made a nation-
wide address accusing the ex-
dictator of heading the plot.
Before the presidential office
announcement, there were reports
Rojas Pinilla had been taken to
the. northern Colombian port of
Barenq~ills for possible exile
again. The announcement denied
that either the father or the son
have been deported.
Rojas Pinills was overthrown in
a violent revolution In May 197
and went into exile in Spain, He
ret,. pu~ai 1s~ il Qto-
Gets Support
Lleraa os address was
answered wit numerous pledge
of support. Among "them was one
from ;Crisanto Cardinal Luque,1
Roman Catholic Primate of Co-
Lleras +Camargo was overwhelm-]
ingly elected President last May 4]
and took over from a military
junta that had ruled ater Rojast
Pinillas ouster,
Some civil liberties are suspend-
ed under the state of siege. Radioi
stations and newspapers are sub-
ject to censorship.
To valuate l
LSA Courses
Students will have a chance tor
empress their opinions of literarye
school courses and teaching onl
Dec. 11 and 12, according to Erich
Steiner, chairman of committeez
of 'student opinion of courses and
In an effort to give students anc
opportunity to assess their ownd
educational progress and objec-t
tives, as well as to help evaluateb
the effectiveness of pesent courses
and instruction, students will be
given questionnaires to fill out.
Although the survey is planned
for. Thursday and Friday of next
week, some instructors may give
out the questionnaires earlier in
the week.,
Included in the survey are ques-
tions as to how much Instructors
were able to stimulate Interest in
Tcourse material and to what extent
they learned to think critically in
the subjects covered.
Students will be asked for their
comments on any other aspects of
the courses, instructors and sug-
gestions for improvement of the
Qu~estionnaires will be returned
to the instructors unsigned after
final grades for the courses have
been reported.
U0 ~ tu

Strike Talks
Negotiations between Booth
Newspapers, Inc., and the Interna-
tional Typographical Union will

dictate their will on the German
pople" The Russians oppose the
Western plan for reunifying Ger-
many through free elections and
want the two German govern-
ments to get together themselves
on a conleredation.
Soviet and East German propa-
ganda took a tougher line as it
became apparent that the West
would reject Premier Nikita
Khrushchev's bid to ease out
United States, British and French
garrisons and convert isolated
West Berlin into a free city.
Seek Summit Meeting
As a counter-proposal, Western
diplomats have discussed the pos-
sibility of a summit or foreign
ministers conference that would
seek an all-German settlement,
including one on Berlin.
Izvestia reminded the United
States, Britain and France of the
six-month deadline set by the
Soviet government Nov. 27.
"They have sufficient time-half
a year," the newspaper said.
From the East German Commu-
nist Party organ, Neues Deutsch-
land, came the declaration that
West Berlin is "a time bomb
which must be defused before it's
too late."
The official newspaper charged
that the city is an advance West-
ern military base that could spark
World War II.
City Council
To Hold Talk.
City Council wifl hold a public
hearing to debide the fate of the
Urban Renewal Project at 7:30
p.m. today gn Council chambers.
"The place will probably be
jammed," Ann Arbor's mayor Sam-
uel J. Eldersveld, of the political
science department, commented.'
"We're considering having the'
hearing in two shifts if the crowd
is too large."
The maximum capacity of thea
chamber is about 250. The hearing
must be held there because all
official decisions must be made
there according to the City Char-I
"In the past," Mayor EldersveldI
said, "most of the people presentI
have been protesting against the
Project and we know the opposi-1
tion is making a big drive to get
people out to protest It this time."
The Council will be consideringI
whether to submit an application
for an Urban Renewal Loan to theI
House and Home Financing Ad-f
The application must be filed
within two years after the pre-
liminary application isrsubmitted.
The deadline for Ann Arbor is
Dec. 15.
The Project will re-habilitate
the 75-acre section in the north-
central part of town by tearing
down totally delapidated struc-
tures and re-conditioning others,
uilding parks, rerouting traffic
around the area and rezoning. The
HHFA would pay about two-thirds
f the costs.

Student Government Council
last night defeated a motion to
appeal to the Regents the re-
versal of its withdrawal of recog-
nition from Sigma Kappa soror-
Also turned down was a mo-
tion to request from the Univer-
sity a statement of policy on dis-
crimination and particularly on
the 1949 ruling against admitting
to campus groups which discrim-
inate. ,
Defeat of the appeal motion
does not necessarily mean that
SGC feels it shouldn't appeal, ac-
cording to a statement read into
the minutes by a majority vote.
Moves Statement Request
SGC had just passed better
than an hour watching colored
slides of East and West Berlin and
hearing Robert Krohn, '0E, relate
his experiences under the defunct
Free University of Berlin ex-
change, when Ron Bassey, '60.
moved they request the discrimin-
ation policy statement.
Al Haber, '60, said he felt the
idea of obtaining a policy state-
ment a good one, but that SGC
as a whole should know what the
Executive Committee was plan-
ning, to do about appealing the
Board in Review's reversal of the
Sigma Kappa decision.
Council President M a y n a r d
Goldman, '59, said he could not
at that time tell the Council what
was being planned. Procedure and
timing of an appeal must be con-
sidered as well as the advisability
of appealing, he explained.
1949 Ruling Questioned
Daily Editor Richard Taub, '59,
moved to substitute for Bassey's
motion a motion that the 1949
rule be reconsidered.
Just calling for a policy state-
ment, Taub continued, would be
likely to evoke the equivalent of
Calvin Coolidge's statement on
sin: "I'm agin it."
The Council approved substitu-
tion of Taub's motion for Bas-
sey's then voted to table it "until
such time as the Executive Com-
mittee deems appropriate."
David Kessel, Grad., then fol-
lowed with the motion calling for
appeal to the Regents now.
As part of the extended cov-
erage during the Ann Arbor
News strike, The Michigan Daily
will print civic notices and
meeting announcements of local
interest as a service to the com-
Such announcements should
be sent to The Daily, 420 May-
nard Street.

Opponents Criticize
New Tax Reforms
Special to The Daily
LANSING--Michigan's proposed sweeping tax revision, hailed by
its chief designer as the "best recommendations ever seen," may find
the road to approval a pitted one.
Indications are that the proposals will be coldly regarded by some
members of the Legislature, especially in the Republican-dominated
Senate, which has shown reluctance to support tax increases in the
Meanwhile, two members of the committee which. made the
recommendations issued a dissenting minority report yesterday. It

Tax Report
In 14 Areas
The final report of the 15
month study by the Citizens' Advi-
sory Committee, presented late
Tuesday evening, outlines four-
teen changes in the State's tax
The two primary changes sug-
gested are a graduated personal
income tax and a corporate in-
come tax.
The graduated income tax
would range from three per cent
on incomes over $2,000 to eight
per cent on incomes over $15,000.
Pay $16
Nearly all wage earners whose
income is less than $4000 would
be exempt from the net tax. For
example, a couple with an income
of $4,000 would pay a net tax of'
The estimated yield from this
proposed tax is $220 million dur:-
ing the first year of operation,
which may be 1960.
Along these lines, the grouo rec-
ommended that the "adjusted
gio;s income" he defined for State
purposes as it is by federal law
to mean the total income minus
such things as business and travel
Tax Corporations
Ihe plans 'o tax corporations'
net income at f've y er cent will
reap the state approximately
$11,000,000. T'is particular sec-
tion of the proposal also suggests
retention of the annual corporate
privilege fee or franchise tax at
the new rate of two mills (rather
than four mills) only as a mini-
mum alternative means of com-
puting the corporation's tax lia-
The report says "the effect of
this recommendation would be to
reduce substantially the corpora-
tion's tax liability in years of poor
profits or losses and to increase
it when profits are good or high."
The group further recommended
adoption of a seven per cent net
income tax for banks and other
See CITIZENS', page 2

*criticized steep graduations in the
proposed personal income tax, de-
nied the proposals would give
business men any substantial tax
relief, and claimed the plan of-
fered no solid solution to the
state's financial deficits.
Recommend Alternate Tax
The minority report came from'
Citizens' Advisory Committee
members Tyrone Gillespie, assist-
ant to the president of Dow Chem-
ical Co. in Midland, and E. C.
Hayhow, Hillsdale newpaper pub-
They recommended an alternate
tax reform based on a flat-rate
income tax of two per cent on both
individuals and corporations.
The majority committee report
issued Tuesday night called for a
graduated tax on personal in-
comes, and a flat-rate tax of five
per cent oncorporate incomes.
Brazer Sees Merits
Backers of the majority plan
insisted it merited careful con-
sideration in the Legislature.
The program's architect, Prof.
Harvey E. Brazer of the economics
departmen, who directed research
for the study committee, argued
that if the "urgently required"
plan were adopted in its present
form, Michigan would have a tax
setup "second to none."
The 17' committee members who
favored the proposals have appar-
ently agreed on an all-or-nothing
stand, recommending the balanced
"package" as a whole, although
some of the individual components
have been disputed.
Prof. Brazer said the new taxes,
would, 1) spread the taxpayers'
loads more equitably than at pres-
ent, 2) provide relief to business-
men, and 3) cut off the state's
spiraling deficits.
Says Business Favored
Suggested repeal of taxes on
machinery and factory equipment
will favor the businessman, Prof.
Brazer said.
Leonard Woodcock, Detroit, a
vice-president of the UAW, said
the program was not of the "soak
the rich" variety, but rather, it
would "improve the business cli-
mate, and relieve the burden on
the lower-income families."
Detroit businessman C. G.Bunt-
ing said the proposals have a
"reasonable chance of easing the
economic strain.
"It's good to see labor and
management sitting on the same
side of the conference table," he

May Aid
special to the paly
LANSING - More dollars for
higher education may be in the
offing if Tuesday's suggested tax
revisions are approved by the
Legislature convening in January.
Lawmakers and University offi-
cials saw positive hope for more
funds for the schools, whose oper-
ating budgets have been slashed
as a result of the Legislature's
tight "hold the line" attitude
towards spending, prompted by
state deficits.
. If adopted, the recommenda-
tions of the Citizen's Advisory
Committee would provide some
$140 million in new revenues for
the sjtate by June 1960.
Encouraging Sign
A University spokesman last
night called the possible added
funds an "encouraing sign" for
higher education.
The University requested some
$37 million from the state for the
present fiscal year and received
$30 million. It is again seeking $37
million for the 1959-60 year.
If the committee proposals are
accepted, the possibility of an in-
creased University budget will be
a distinct one, Rep. George Sal-
lade (R-Ann Arbor) noted.
'No Comment'
Rep. Rollo Conlin (R-Tipton),
head of the House Tax Committee
which appointed the study group
15 montps ago, declined to com-
ment on how increased revenues
might be distributed.
"That end of it belongs to the
appropriations committees," Con-
lin said after a two-hour press
conference late Tuesday night.
"I think we've done about
enough," he offered.
Gov. Williams
Sends Gunaca
To Wisconsin
LANSING (IP-Gov. G. Mennen]
Williams yesterday authorized ex-
tradition of John Gunaca to Wis-
consin to stand trial on an assault
charge growing out of the bitter,
four and one-half-year-old strike
by the United Auto Workers Union
against the Kohler Co,.
Gunaca, now a bartender and a+
former organizer for the UAW,
surrendered shortly after the Gov-1
ernor acted. Oakland County Cir-
cuit Judge Frank L. Doty at Pon-
tiac placed Gunaca in custody of
State police to await arrival of1
Police Chief Henry Billman ofi
Sheboygan Falls, Wis. Gunaca
said he no longer would oppose
Williams had refused for four
years to authorize Gunaca's ex-t
tradition on grounds it was doubt-
ful he could get a fair trial inA
tension-torn Sheboygan. Wiscon-(
sin declined to shift the trial else- ,
The Kohler Co., a plumbingware%
manufacturer, is located at Kohler
outside Sheboygan. The long strike(
has been marked by bitterness and
violence. Kohler has continued
operations with returnees and non- i
uion workers.
Gunaca. 35, is accused of as-
sault with intent to do bodily1
harm to William Bersch Sr., a
non-striker, on July 4, 1954.
Bersch died 151/ months later
The death certificate listed a
chronic heart ailment as the cause.a'

Freshman Curfew
Extenided to 11 P.M
Senate Revises Women's Hours;
May Go into Effect im February
The Women's Senate yesterday passed a revision of wome
hours providing for a 12 midnight closing for upperclassmen and
11 p.,m. closing for freshmen Sunday through Thursday.
The new hours may go into effect next semester.
The plan for the revision, devised by Women's Judiciary Cot
cil, approved by the Dean of Women's office and passed by a 68
five vote in the Senate, also makes two other changes in the presm
women's hours. Freshmen will be granted eight Automatic Late Pe
missions per semester and housing units will be closed to visitors
10:55 p.m. Sunday through,

Effective Next Term
If an administrative committee
to be set up immediately, can de
cide the details involved in th
change by February, the new
hours will go into effect next se
mester, Sarah Drasin, '59, Wo
men's Judiciary Council chairman
The committee, composed o1
representatives from Panhellenic
Association, Senate, Assembly As
sociation, Women's Judiciary
Council, the Dean of Women's of-
fice, the house directors, the busi-
ness office and possibly others
will deal with such problems as
penalties for lateness, procedure
for signing out, and determination
of class standing.
A clause in the revision makes
it possible for the individual hous-
ing units, with the concurren o
Women's Judiciary Council, to en-
force an early closing hour for
house meetings whenever neces-
No Irregular Hours
The new plan will eliminate al-
most all the exceptions to the
present set-up of women's hours
There will no longer be irregular
hours during the two days preced-
ing vacations, summer session,
Thanksgiving and intercession
vacations and orientation and
registration week, with the excep-
tion of Thgnksgivlng and the 4th
of July evening when there will
still be the traditional 12:30 a.m.
Automatic Late Permissions for
upperclassmen, special senior
hours and the 45 minute extension
plan for University-sponsored
events will also be abolished.
The number of ALPs for fresh-
men was increased because of
the elimination of 45 minute ex-
tensions, Miss Drasin said. There
would have been more ALPs, but
the Council felt that, since most
of the activities for which the ex-
tensions were used end by 10:30,
they would, not be needed.
Change Original Plan
Originally, a 12 midnight clos-
ing had been planned for all wo-
men, Miss Drasin said. However,
the house directors, the Dean of
Women's office and the girls
themselves felt that an earlier
closing was desirable for fresh.,
men who are being oriented to
the University,
The plan makes no changes in
weekend hours, opening hours or
calling hours. It will still be pos-
sible to obtain Dean's Permissions
for class projects or trips which
will. last beyond the closing hour,
and extensions. from the house
Fund Reaches
Hillion Mark
In November
Contributions to the Michigan
Alumni Fund reached the million
dollar mark last month, national
:hairman Herbert E. Wilson of
[ndianapolis announced recently,
The Alumni Fund, part of the
University Development Council,
received its 49,837th gift from1
Alden B. Dow of Midland to put

-To Enforce
e Strict Seno
CSenior women will not be gater
*apartment permission for next yea
y unless there is a definite financl~
*reason for not living in Unlvereit3
housing, Assistant Dean of Womwr
Elizabeth A. Leslie said yesterday
s This Is .the same policy that hm
abeen followed In past years, Dear
of Women Deborah Bacon said, bu
a policy can be Interpreted eithei
strictly or loosely. For the pat tw
years there has been a loose intr~
Epretation rof~ policy. Next
there will be acloser roterit
t Lon due to the Increased hosn
With new houming psrovdd '6
Markley, many rooms In stockwel
have been turned back into singe
and Barbara Little House In ark.
ley will serve as an upperclas
house only. These factors, in addi
tion to the new hours passedb4
the Women's Senate, will lesse
'the desire to live in an apartment,
she added,
'' Policy
It has always been the policy ol
the University for undergraduate
women to live in supervised hous-
ing, Dean Leslie said, The past two
Sears have been something of sm
Two years ago a certain number
of senior women were given per-
mission to live in apartments,end
last year this was extended td
grant such permission to any sen
for women with a 2.3 grade point
average, a good citizenship recor
in the dormitories and parena
'All this, Deans Leslie said,.wa
done at the discretion of Dean
Bacon. She added housing hasn't
previously been adequate,
ROOM for 1200
"We have had cries for a ongĀ°
time for more eAdquate houszg
'and parents have been compla-
Ing that we are not providing it,"
Dean Leslie said, "We now hav It
with a new residence hall for 120
women and since we have It w
There has been a definite decln
In the quality of apartments near
campus with no decline in pie
Dean Bacon pointed out, whll the
new apartments going up ae ems
tremely expensive, as muoch s$125
unfurnished, These are intended
for young married couples who e
planning to stay for three ye Es
not for single undergraduat*
Aparaent permission has,
the past, been granted togsome
seniors and a very few juniors +c
the basis of financial need, emow
tional and social maturity,an
academic standing with the writ-
ten permission of the wome
parents, she said, and this will td
Rubbish Stat
Chicago bFire
CHICAGO (A)-A topInvester-
Sor last night concluded that

MUSKET's 'Oklahoma' To Open Here Tonight

Cases of girls who "can't say
no" are usually handled in the
Office of the Dean of Women, but
tonight the problem will be han-
dIed by MUSKET in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
At 8 p.m. tonight in the Theatre
MUSKET will present its premiere
performance of "Oklahoma!" Per-
formances will also be given to-
morrow night and Saturday after-
noon and evening.
Bruce McRitchie, '59, co-chair-
man of the show, said that tickets
were "virtually sold out" for to-
morrow and Saturday nights, but
that there were "a few" tickets
left for the premiere and for the
Saturday afternoon matinee,
Work on the sets for the show
bmann mantmhe,. wrs in,.a t

Still on Sale

"The early bird catches the
I worm," the old saying goes.


, . ' K.. .. ....... ____

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