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December 02, 1958 - Image 18

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-12-02

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irst Christmas Card Raised Furor SPECIAL 4
By PETER DAWSO3N Men's l00% o
He sponsored yearly contests In the "Twenties," cards became Us All," but many said "Here's reindeer, and it says "A Merry
e first Christmas card, printed with prizes up to $5,000 to get the more sleek, sophisticated, and ir- How." One card from the late Christmas." On opening to the D R ESS TR
46, set off a blast from the best possible designs for his cards. reverent. Reindeer became fawns Twenties has two postbelliedean- cond age, one is surprised to "
)rance societies. One of his cards features five eeet enerbcm an wnishstop led n-find a bovine animal and the line
Henry Cole had ordered J. C. gr i c rds singig a aimlessly leaping about. gels, caricatures of a man and his 'And the same old bull-a Happy
ryC hdrdedJ -girlsim choir robes singing andsngng"Hark the Brownson
n a card to send to his gether. This scene is bordered by C ms
ds. It had three panels bor- daisies and an angel appearing to Cards became more specialized.
I with vines. The left-hand a shepherdP eoplerbegan sending cards To My iFree andcuffi
showed the feeding of the Ntal er ,eros Mother, To My Pal, To A Passing * Iyndeu
the right, the clothing of the Not all cards were that serious. Friend, and From Our House t Assorted cobo
th ihtecohn fteIn the 1884's, more comic cards'Y "rHouse
d. ~~came in. But this humor differsYorHue
the middle were three gen- from ours One British number has Californians sent cards with S A M'S S
ons of family members drink- a mamma elephant giving her pictures of sunshine and orange OS
e after a meal.a elephant doll blossoms. Fraternities, clubs, and 122 E. ashing
inperancesoiteobced the Lions and Kiwanians started
the institution of the Christ- In the background, posters pro- ting oucards bearte
claim: "Mammoth Menagerie _______________________________
card was off and running. emblems.
CrsGiPpuaiy Morning Performance .Christmas 'm ..3y, ,. i
Cards Gar Popularity Day. Free Admission." Scotchmen were Characteristic
iristmas cards didn't become Subjects multiplied. In vogue The depression produced some
aar iri England until the 1860's came sunsets, fairies in the moon- characteristic cards. Scotchmen
i printer Charles Goodall en- light, kittens, bucolic pigs, and, at became common. Cards were
I the business. Then ornamen- one time, green beetles. Some printed on newspaper or wrapping
--cards turned for subjects to sea- ' bpaper. One of them reads: "Now
side swimming or the game of dinna think me wastefu', mon/ '
AM"f cricket. Many used elaborate dis- $Nor for the puir house bound. Be
plays of flowers. 3}calm and keep your kilties on/
,ONDON (A- - Santa Claus Subjects Diversified This card is one I found."MY
aplained today that some Others used indistinct drawings One more cynical card from the t
ty little kid picked his of warships, portraits of Fauntle- depression has a pair of eyes star-
ket and got away with his roys or pictures of young men ROUND LITTLE MEN ing out through holes in the front GIRL PLAYING Bonus is Re
let' playing clarinets. One card of 1894 ... typify early style page. Antlers make it look like a ,... from the 1880's
'. T. Fisher-Brent wrote a shows cherubs flitting about an
i4on newspaper giving the enormous rose bush. In front is an OLD-FAS HO YULE A.
ita slant on Christmas trou- elegantly-draped young lady cares-
. He said he found out about sing one cherub sitting on a mar- with the purcbas
ue troubles when he took a ble pedestal. C
as a department store Santa Some manufacturers grew dis- S e salo TO C A 9d
t ear mn ssae t isfedwth mre picturs. ThseyalGoodies AdP u d :e
A particularly precocious added grass, seaweed, dried flow-
ngster croaked in my ear his ers, and imitations of keys and By JEAN HATWIGa
Ital of wants," Fisher-Brent cigar butts. against the ceiling as a symbol of tangular shaped springere cookie
ted. Often they used puns. Often, To usher in another holiday sea- thanksgiving, which is baked very hard with axChoose from such Famou
le soon slipped away with a too, they used quotations from son and another 10 lbs. of holiday Breaks Christmas Wafers picture stamped on each.omh
smile on his face and my Shakespeare, Dickens, or the New flab, there's nothing like good, old- As the sacred candle is lighted, Spanish Sweet Made of Sugar
let in his pocket." Testament. Sometimes they wrote "Dulces de almendra, " the fa-
utti aeke ews' rsaet oeie hywoefashioned Christmas goodies. the father breaks Christmas wafers m~ lSa leda h a WORST ED-T EX
at this Santa said he wasn't verse, like this one:ahoe hrsmsgoie, tefterbek hismswfr ous Spanish sweet made of > ~*:
By dscoragd. H sad h is Priheereceve hisTraditional breads, cakes, blessed by the priest and kisses sugar, flour, egg-white and al-
ny discouraged. e said de is "Prit eceircooies and pastrieshelp make each member of the family as monds, is also served in Portugal DON RI CHARDS
es he sees the young lad Prithee believe it carries every yuletide meal a true gour- he distributes them, and Itual
Ln this year. my regard." mt's delight and add to the genes In England,Iran ad&o- A uusacipbtleaty
The spirit of Oscar Wilde and eral gaiety of the season. land a circular cake with caraway made of white flour and eaten
tationers took It up rapidly, the fin de siecle shows in two The custom of baking special se ise d e k member with syrup or honey is a featured
within the decade cards were cards. One says - "With the quite Christmas bread has its roots in of the household. Bad luck issup- Christmas dish of central and
mneral use, .too precious compliments of the pre-Christian days when the win- predks befatl anon whsa South America, The national
urcb authorities didn't ap- season." Another wishes "A most ter solstice was celebrated for 10 ras en r s eaen ngCrt Christmas pastry of Venezuela,
e of Christmas cards at first, consummate Christmas and an to 12 days in December with rituals describes it, "Night ofae hallaca, consists of chopped meat
cards spread quickly anyway. tterly utter New Year." to show reverence for the gift of ' wrapped in a crust of corn pastry.
ens' stories were adding Begin Personalizing Cards bread rid to win the favor of the Adorn Religious Cakes The French on the continent
rith and new meaning to Toward the end of the 19th field gods for another year of Religious cakes adorned with the and in French Canada take special
stmas. Prince Albert intro- century personalized cards also planting and reaping. figure of the holy child made of delight in spicy doughnuts, fruit
d the Christmas tree into came in. These were made to order Custom Honors Ancestors sugar are baked in Germany and cake, white cream-fudge, and a
n Victoria's palace, and with name and design. Later on IFrance, while a cross decorates the cake made of whole wheat, brown
stmas was taking on a new came stock designs on which card- top of the traditional Greek cake sugar ad dates.
t. sellers would imprint the name. family brings home a sheaf of top of teftona reeke ugared datesr
e example Csee cut) has four Soon after, the poinsettia came to wheat from the barn on Chris the Holy Night in hopes that Lithuanians prefer little balls
ev adstns tupigtinaChth illHoly eigtanhest that Ltuananspreer itterbll
men using a crescent moon symbolize Christmas. eve and stands it upright n aC
boat In a starry sky, Another We first hear of distinct fads corner of the room. This is called Chist Cwiscome ad equartered plainwater. ypsr ofedi
s a violin, one a fife, and two in the 1910's. In 1912,, the tad forefather" in honor of the an- The Christmas loaf is atere The "King'sCake,"adelightful
horns. The horns blow "A was smiling Dutch children. Also cestors who first tilled the land. first quarter is given to a poor custom in England and France, is
'y Christmas" and "A Happy in 1912 there were cards with Hay is then spread over the' person in southern France. Butterbked on Epiphany day, Jan. 6, in
Year." verses set to music. In 1913 six. room, even on the table where two wheat flour, sugar, almonds and honor of the Magi. A coin Is baked
ntroduced In U.S. In 1870's inch records came out, singing loaves of fragrant white bread are raisins are the ingredients of a in the dough and the person who
ristmas cards came to the greeting to the tune of "Auld Lang placed, one on top of the other special loaf of central and east finds it in his piece is declared the
ed States in a rush in the Syne." with Christmas candles stuck in king. In French Canada the cake
's when Louis Prang, a Boston Patriotism appears in Christmas the top loaf. This is served with a Germany. contains a bean and a pea and
serveda withrt cntin banan paan
grapher, entered the business. greetings in World War I We find special dish of boiled wheat Fruit Dread a FavorIte the finders are called king and
ting in 1874, his cards stormed cards for the boys at' the front, sprinkled with honey and poppy- Fruit bread and fruit cake are queen respectively, 4or
and and the United States cards for their mothers and cards seed, a spoonful of which the head the favorite dishes 'of central The traditional custom of mince" can ex ectva ue t
* for .families of wounded men, of the family blesses and throws Europe, while large batches of pie originated in Englan-d with the
small, round loaves of bread are introduction of ciental spices by
baked in France and French Can- the returning crusaders. A typical
ada. early mincemeat pie consisted of
Christmas pastry in Germany, such delicacies as beef tongues,
takes on various forms of shape chopped chicken, , eggs, raisins,
and composition. A favorite deli- orange and lemon peels, sugar and
cacy is Christmas tree pastry, various spices.
white dough cut in the shape of Plum Pudding Traditional lix CLOTIERS
Stars, angels, flowers and animals ,Another traditional En glish ......a"
and hung on the tree until eaten Christmas dessert is the famous "Where The Good Clothes Come From'
by the children when they are plum pudding. Bound in cloth and
taken down, boiled on Christmas morning, the 119 S. MAIN ST.
Honey pastry made of flour, dish is often saturated with alcohol SoeHus o.9t :0 us huSt
honey, ginger and other spices and carried flaming into the din-
is a favorite all over Germany .in ing room at the end of the holiday
addition to the traditional re- feast.
Beautifu~~~~~~W finished and indi- ':: :~ :~ :.

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