(oungsters Set To Blast Off
With Latest in Christmas Toys
Don't panic?
The youth of America are not
preparing for a Russian invasion,
but are actually just playing with
their toy rockets and space satel-
lites. These toys are symbolic of
a current trend-the children of
today yearn to imitate the scien-
tists and spacemen that they hear
their parents talking about. To
sell toys this Christmas, com-
panies must keep up with the
trends and happenings of the
Most toys these days deal in
some way with the "Space Age"
and stores are cluttered with jets,
rockets, radar sets and spacemen.
Living-room Launching
'U'Musicians Present
Christmas Programs
The University television de- T
partment has announced that it Tree" will be led by Frank Muel-
will present two Christmas pro- ler. '59SM.a
grams December 21. The second part of the "Televi-
Two productions will appear on sion Hour" will feature "Sounds
the "Television Hour" series. with fCrsm,"Tsshw ilin
he Tr tryelevisinlude "Silent Night" as played by
the third story to be televised on Prof. Percival Price. University
"Acet" k kcarillonneur, and vocal music by
"The Pickw ick Christmas Story." the Men's Glee Club under the
an adaptation of Dickens' "Christ- dirctin s Grof Clip uey of
mas Carol," concerns the adven- direction of Prof. Philip Duey of
tures of a sexton who, after dig- the music school.
grng a grave on Christmas, fails New musical arrangements by
into the den of a goblin. The stor Prof. James Salmon of the music
io ther den faoelint" The SanY school will highlight the program.
w'ill appear on "Accent" and can Th oto hsloka hita
be seen on WXYZ-TV, Detroit. The host of this look at Christmas
"The Birthday Tree" and will be Prof. Guy Palazzola of the
"Sounds of Christmas" are each architecture college.
'The "Televislion Hour'" series
thirty minute productions which
will be seen on the "Television..will be televised on five Michigan
will, stations. Locally, it can be viewed
"The Birthday Tree" will have on WWJ-TV, Detroit.
The day has finally come when
some lucky junior rocket scien-
tist can awake Christmas morning
and find Cape Canaveral laid out
on his living-room floor.
This layout consists of a head-
quarters building, three missile
launchers, seven missiles, compass
for fine control, a three stage
satellite rocket, sighting device,
antenna, fuel tanks, camera and
22 scientists and engineers.
Another company features a
Vanguard satellite launcher, which
launches a satellite accompanied
by a rocket, and then pretends to
track it on a radar screen.
-Daily-Peter Anderson
COUNT DOWN!-Youngsters across the country are set to have an ultra-modern space-age
Christmas this year. They are aided and abetted in their aims by the latest in modern toys-miniature
ballistic missiles, Atlas and Vanguard rockets, to say nothing of the absolutely vital space helmet.
The latter comes equipped with a cosmic ray protector shield for outer-space voyages.
as host James McConnell of the
psychology department, who will
tell the story of the Christmas
tree. McConnell's guest, C. Grey
Austin, Assistant Coordinator of
Religious Affairs, will explain why
the date of December 25 was,
chosen to be Christ's birthday. The
student singers in "The Birthday
Today's toys offer more than
just pleasure and relaxation. They
also attend to the child's liberal
education. There are games to test
the wit of any young prodigy, to
help him prepare his lessons and
even to help him plan a career.
Through a game a child can
New Seasonal 'Fad'
Captures Japanese
learn the workings of an election;
the geography, history, and sci-
ence of his nation and the world
and even how to win the jackpot
on "$64,000 Question." -
Although the quiz show fervor
has died down with the recent
scandal, the stores still plan to
sell many games imitating the TV!
TV Best Salesman
Television is the best salesman
found for selling to kids, and be-
cause of this each toy is endorsed
by some dashing hero of the TV
screen. No one shoots mere cap
pistols any more, but only authen-
tic "Have Gun Will Travel" or!
"Restless Gun" sixshooters.
You also never see anyone
Groups Plan Vacation Trips
For International Students
Although they may live thous- train transportation, round trip,
ands of miles from home, several ri rnprain on rp
University foreign students 'will at special student rates, Davis
be able to travel outside of Ann said. Bus tours in each city, he
Arbor during the Christmas holi- further explained, will accent the
days. highlights with visits to outstand-
Plans are being made under ing historical points.
h f h I t ti To Hold Conclave
| - - -
for the fibest in everythbng m sical
vMusic for the ChristinaSeason
for performg.solo voice
piano and organ
recordera p
or rlistening: P recordings on all
major labCs
BOOKS for gifts and reading pleasure
A 340 MAYNARDS TREET 9 till 5:30 Weeekdays L1
the auspices of te e nernIaLiu n
Center and the Kellogg Center for
Continuing Education at Michigan
State University.
Christmas, though Christianity
is still not a major religion in Jap-
an, is a new social fad there.
The year 1549 saw Christianity's
first impact on Japan with the
arrival of Saint Francis Xavier.
Until the early 17th century,!
Christianity flourished but its
strength put fear into the hearts
of the rulers.
From that period until the re-
opening of Japan in the 19th cen-
tury- the religion thrived only
underground. Hence, the Christ-
mas traditions which are com-.
mon to the western world 'have
come only as a recent develop-
'One-Day 'Christians'
Ken-ichi Sasaki, a Japanese
student attending the University
on a Journalism Fellowship, com-
mented that "every 'Japanese be-
comes a one-day Christian." The
celebration of Christmas is a so-
cial custom practiced by the whole
population and capitalized upon
by the merchants. In a country'
where only one out of every 170
persons 'is a Christian, thertradi-
tional preparations are nonethe-
less prominent.
The occupation of Japan, which
followed World War .II, brought
With it many Western Christmas
traditions. Professor Joseph Yam-
agiwa, chairman of the far east-
ern studies department, said that
the practice of preparing special
foods and confections has long
been a part of the Japanese cele-
"Gift-giving," he added, "has
always been a tradition, covering
the Christmas period and also
New Years. Recent years have
seen the custom extended, espe-
ci lly where the recipients are
"During the holiday season,"
Ken-ichi said, "they stores are
gaily decorated, through the
streets may be heard such songs'
as 'Jingle Bells' and, true to the
American style, there are Japan-
ese men dressed as Santa Claus."
Like many Westerners, the Jap-
anese Christians have been known
to argue that Christmas is becoin-
ing too commercialized.
Christmas, as in many Euro-
pean countries, is predominantly
a celebration from which the
young people derive a great deal
of enjoyment.
Although Japanese homes do
not have hearths, the children still
hang their stockings, in the most
convenient places, hoping, that
Santa will fill them with presents.
Teenagers attend' Christmas par-
ties and dances. In most cases,
however, they are without re-
ligious significance.
Pine Tree Significant
Christmas trees, gaily decor-
atefi, are prominent in many
homes. According to Prof. Yama-
giwa, the pine tree has a special
It has long been the custom for
these trees to be arected at the
gates of the houses at New Years,
as a symbol of long life. Ken-ichi
added as a reminder, that many
of the decorations and lights com-
monly used on our trees, are im-
ported from his country.
In a nation which predominant-
ly practices Buddhism and Shin-
.toism, the New Year's celebra-
tion is of great importance. It is
an occasion of rejoicing, of fam-
ily parties and a time to call on
friends and neighbors.
Influenced by Americans
Both Prof. Yamagiwa and Ken-
ichi agree that the Americans
have had a deep influence on the
Japanese people. Ken-ichi ex-
'plained that "the young people
wish to imitate Western culture."
The traditions they have estab-
lished with regard to Christmas
constitute only one of the West-
ern importations they have adapt-
ted to their own use.
dressed up as cowboys or soldiers ?Tohldytusav-en
any more: there is only Rusty B theuInternational
Company, Bart Maverick, Wyatt Center for the week after Christ-
Ed . mas, from Dec. 26 to Jan, 3. One
For Future Occupation is a train trip to Washington, D.C.
Practical application toys are and New York, and the other is
also very popular, as Junior may an air trip to Puerto Rico.
apply his interest and talents and "Open to both 'foreign and
perhaps find ideas for a. future American students, the Puerto
occupation. These range from Rico trip offers a unique oppor-
chemistry and physics labs to radio I tunity to visit.a Latin American'
sets and miniature soda fountains, culture without visa problems, to
No mention of toys this year can see a rare combination of Latin
be made without including the and North American characteris-
Hula-Hoop. This amazing toy, tics, to enjoy home hospitality
consisting of no more than a plas- with a different dimension and
tic hoop and resembling the barrel to have a week in the tropics in
rings our parents played with, is the middle of winter," James M.
the complete opposite of the latest Davis, director of the Center, said.
Another opportunity for travel
will be the "Christmas Adventure
in World Understanding," a 10-
day conclave for foreign students
studying in the United States. It
will be held from Dec. 20 to Jan.
1, at the Kellogg Center of Michi-
gan State University in East Lan-
The 100 participating students
will be overnight guests at several
farms in the area. They will visit
a television studio, newspaper
plant and industrial site, and dis-
cuss the United Nations and any
other topics that they might bring
Citing the cost for these trips,
$170, $65 and $115, respectively,
Miss Helen Tjotis, counselor at
the Center, commented, "These
tours are wonderful opportunities
for students to see America and
enjoy themselves, both at a nom-
inal cost."
trend in toys.
Not Endorsed!
This is not a complicated device
with many intricate parts, nor is
it highly endorsed by any TV
stars (quite the opposite, Georgia
Gibbs and Theresa Brewer used it
to sell records for them).
More Hula-Hoops have been sold
this year than any other toy. Al-
though this craze has died down,
mainly because nearly everyone
has already bought a hoop, the
stores will continue to sell them
Guests in Puerto Rico
For three days the group will
be guests in the homes of Puerto
Rican University alumni. For the
irest of the trip, Davis continued,
students will motor throughout
the island, visiting the old city of
yan German, the Inter-American
University, historical sites, agri-
cultural areas and manufacturing.
The trip to Washington, D. C.
and New York includes six nights'
lodging at well-known hotels and
during the
Christmas season.
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