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November 25, 1958 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-25

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~1w ifidgaut EaiLg
Tuthb Wil Prevai" STUDENT PUBI CATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MiCIs. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Dail) express the inditidnal opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Soiet Action Forces
Get ToughAPoliey

"We're Not Doing So Well In Geneva But We're
Getting Disarmament Over Here, Anyhow"

f " r """" ,7


N, IL Mom



Comic Arias, Spirituals
Highlight Hinles' Concert-
J EROME HINES' recital last night was a revealing e perince setting
forth his strengths and weaknesses as an arfist. But this recital ws
more than a display of artistry, it was an insight into the man himsclf.
Hines' approach to the concert stage is one of complete relaxation with
as much informality as possible. Foremost at a Hines' recital is the idea
of entertainment and an enjoyable evening of music. The prominence
of buffa arias and songs of a religious nature show both Hines' personal
bend toward comic characterizations and his deep religious convictions.
The two Mozart arias. "All You Lovely Women" from Cosi Fan Tutte
and "Non Piu Andrai" from The Marriage of Figaro, Rossini's "La
Calumnia" from The Barber of Seville and Thomas' "Le Tambour-

FOR ALMOST 13 years a continual struggle
of ideologies, conflicts between East and
West have prevented any substantial advance-
ments toward peaceful relations between Com-
munist and Democratic factions.
Over the years, the struggle has erupted in
various parts fo the world - the Middle East,
the Far East and in an almost day-to-day re-
lationship, Western Europe. Germany, strained
by division between East and West, has been
the nerve center of this conflict.
Nine years ago, when the actual division be-
tween the two opposing camps took place, Ger-
mans manifested the desire to reunite and
speak as one. Their efforts, unfortunately, have
been characterized by dismal failure. Lacking
a basis on which to begin conciliatory discus-
sions, the two sectors have existed, functioned
and progressed toward the realization of al-
most diametrically opposite ends.
WHILE WEST GERMANY has moved closer
toward the NATO bloc of nations, their
countrymen across the Iron Curtain have
stepped very easily into the Soviet satellite
line. Two Germanys' a strain on the national-
istic desires of this once-totalitarian state, have
served as the jumping-off point for another
phase of the East-West struggle.
On November 10, this struggle, which has
continued in a relatively status-quo manner,
turned into a crisis when the Soviet Union c -
clared that they planned to move out of Ber-
lin. Along with this announcement came their
demand that the Western powers cease their
control over the divided city.
What the ostensible rationale behind the
Russian announcements are matters little. The
reasons that Pravda and the rest of the Soviet
propaganda organs give bely the real purpose
of any move in this sector. Placing control of
the city in the hands of a facade type demo-
cratic government would do nothing to relieve
the already tight control emanating from the
Ten years ago, the Russians made a similar
move to oust the West from Berlin. Their,
tamed blockade of all rail, road and water

routes failed when combined allied efforts suc-
ceeded in sustaining the key city for over a
year. Last week when airing their proposals
for turning over control to East German pup-
pets, the Russians implied the establishment of
another blockade to pressurize the West into
RUT BEHIND their implications and veiled
threats, is the Soviet realization that they are
in a very favorable strategic position. Holding
the upper hand with their ability to make a
first move, they could force the West to two
probable courses of action.
Pushing the Allied bloc to recognize a gov--
ernment in East Germany that receives regu-
lar policy directives from Moscow is the prime
purpose. While certain tacit agreements on
transportation do exist between the two camps,
the West would gain little advantage in deal-
ing with the East..
The second course offers what is a sound
route to follow to maintain crumbling West-I
ern prestige, to maintain the one Western
showpiece behind the Iron Curtain, to demon-
strate Allied unity to the ever-increasing red-
tinted areas of the world.
IN THE EYES of most observers the second
route is the only one feasible. A "get tough"
policy to the extent of wrecking another block-
ade if it came, to maintaining the WesterA
half of Berlin, to presenting a united front
backed up by overt forceful actions is the im-
perative route to follow.
Somewhere in the back of every German's
mind is the hope that someday- he will live in
a unified country. The present struggle of po-
litical concepts relegates this dream to a sec-
ondary position...
Secondary to the idea that Communist dom-
ination of Germany could be achieved very
easily - but eventual stabilization of a whole
state, free to choose it's own governing manner
is a process which begins by a solidified West-
ern bloc maintaining a strong position in Ger-

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major" from Le Caid all received
excellent treatment from Hines
who had to fight his accompanist
all the way through.
Mr. Alexay had great difficulties
in remembering that he was ac-
companying Mr. Hines rather than
making a solo performance. In
spite of this, each of the four
distinct characters were presented
to the audience in a clear and
amusing manner. Hines obtained
the greatest comic effect possible
on the concert stage in each aria.
In contrast, the more serious
numbers, with the exception of
Faure's "Automne" and Strauss'
"Zueignung," suffered. The smooth-
resonant tone and sensitive phras-
ing demanded in Verdi's "Ella
Giammai M'amo" and Mozart's
"Within These Holy Portals" were
lacking. The sharper quality of
Hines voice, while fine for opera
buffa, leaves something to be de-
sired in these more lyrical arias.
In these arias in particular and
throughout the concert in general
Hines had great difficulty in man-
aging the high notes.
* * *
THE TWO Mephistophelian of-
ferings of "Ecco Il Mondo" from
Boito's Mephistofeles and the sere-
nade from Gdunod's Faust suffered
not only from the previously men-
tioned musical faults but also
from a Frankinsteinish characteri-
zation of the devil. The artist
achieved a wierd effect which can
only be described as unsatanic.
That the closing group of songs
were closer to Hines' spirit was
most evident. There was a deep-
ness of belief ansi a desire to im-
part a spiritual message in the
renderings of "Let Us Break Bread
Together," "He's Got the Whole
World in His Hands" and "Down
to the River."
-Michael Eisman



IN VIEWING the Bardot film at
the Campus, one partakes in the
scenic beauty of Spain, but is
present at little of what could be
:alled "meaningful drama." "The
Night Heaven Fell," is full of
spasmodic emotion arising from
what seems to be lack of motiva-
tion rather than the presence of
The effort to create tension
through petty intrigue seems to
be the sole purpose of sexual por-
trayal, which always occurs in
such inappropriate circumstances
and with such apparent pointless-
ness that it becomes offensive
The warm attractiveness of the
principals, Brigitte Bardot =and
Stephen Boyd, enables one to ig-
nore their lack of significant act-
ing ability.
* * *
AS IS THE rule with Bardot
films produced by Kingsley-Inter-
national, the photography is well
done and the small Spanish vil-
lages and their inhabitants give
the film its only realism; what
remains is merely fake. The scenes
in which an attempt is made to
reveal Brigitte's attractive acces-
sories lacks the needed subtlety to
the point of being insulting to the
sensitivity of the viewer. One
"positive" accomplishment was
the preservation of BB's feminity
through such a variety of endeav-
ors as bull fighting, swimming e
cavern, and traveling across the
Spanish countryside shoeless.
-Thomas Scheffler

Durable Political Monuments

Ann Arbor's Bus Troubles

IN A MORE OR LESS desperate attempt to
cut the losses the local bus company, Ann
Arbor Transit Co., dropped two different runs
in order to save $80 a week. The money saved
will enable the bus line to keep its losses to a
very slight amount or eliminate red ink en-
tirely. It will not, however, enable them to
make any profits - profits needed to counter
depreciation costs.
The bus system is basically in the same
position today it was in two years ago when
the private company headed by local attorney
John Rae took over the franchise dropped by
Great Lakes Greyhound. They left the fran-
chise when they were unable to show a profit
for operating in the city.
At the moment the buses are running but
their future is still dark. If no funds are set
aside in the coming years to replace present
equipment, the buses are doomed to failure,
AT THE PRESENT TIME the buses in use
in Ann Arbor are old -- their useful life
cannot possibly be more than five to ten years.
Money cannot be summarily given to the com-
pany by the city without voters' approval and
two years ago the citizens authorized the city
administration to buy the company but over-
whelmingly voted down an increase in taxa-
tion that would have provided the necessary
funds. With no indication of change of atti-
tude it is evident that the city will be unable to

do more than it already has -- namely sell
the company tax-free gasoline and get them
certain tax benefits.
Thus any more help for the bus =system will
have to come from sources outside official city
circles. The responsibility has been placed by
Rae on the parties most closely involved -
the merchants of Ann Arbor. According to one
survey taken in Detroit, the loss of the buses
will mean that one out of ten shops will go out
of business through lack of customers. Furth-
ermore all of the business in the city will suf-
fer from a drop in sales, the report says.
R AE'S SUGGESTIONS are probably the
simplest and most painless imaginable to all
concerned. If each of 200 merchants were to
contribute 50 cents a week to the bus line,
he estimates, all of their expenses would be
covered. Should the fantastic occur and some
merchants volunteer one dollar every so often,
who knows what added service and equipment
could be provided. A more complicated system
would involve more merchants advertising on
the panels inside the buses. This is getting
value received in return for keeping the buses
Fantastic as they seem either of these
schemes would work to at least some advantage
and would avert the shame and discomfort of
a city without bus service.

WASHINGTON - Four political
monuments in the Anglo-
American world seem happily to
go on forever. They are change-
less in a time of ceaseless change,
rocklike and- immovable as the
tides of elections rise and recede
and all manner of crises come and
pass away.
There is the British crown.
There is the American Constitu-
tion. And there are Sam Rayburn
of Texas and Joseph W. Martin
Jr. of Massachusetts.
Rayburn and Martin are institu-
tions as well as men; together they
embody the House of Representa-
tives of the Congress of the United
States. Indeed, between them, they
are the House. Or, at any rate, be-
tween them they have run it and
its affairs longer than any other
two men in all its history.
* * *
WHEN THE 86th Congress as-
sembles in January they will go
absentmindedly through a long-
accustomed ritual. Rayburn, not to
his immense surprise, will be re-
elected Speaker of the House, the
Democrats having retained control
of Congress. He will then go on
setting records for service in that
high post. Already, he has held it
for 15 years, whereas his closest
rival, a gentleman named Henry
Clay, had held it for 12 years.
And Martin, not to his total
astonishment, will again be chosen
by his colleagues to be Republican
leader of the House. (When the
Republicans are in control he be-
comes the Speaker and Rayburn
steps down onto the floor to be
the Democratic leader. When party

control of the House changes they
change places like in a game of
musical chairs.)
Not in all the world's parlia-
mentary life is there another such
durable-and inevitable-pair as
Rayburn, who is short, blocky
and massively bald, will be 77
years old on January 6, the day
before the new Congress meets.
For 46 years he has been a mem-
ber of the House. And though in
his laconic, grumpy, scowling way
he loves the old place, he never
turns up here from a Congres-
sional recess until the last minute.
He always swears that it is a
tererible trial to tear himself away
fromhis farm-ranch to come back.
Thus he is still down in Texas,
nerving himself to return to this
dreadful capital.
* * *
MARTIN, A MERE 74 years old,
is short, too, but still dark of hair.
He is already on hand here. He
has been in the House only 34
years. Consequently, Rayburn,
when he is very put out, will
sometimes treat his'Colleague with
the trace of a suggestion that he
is dealing patiently with a Johnny-
Rayburn likes books, particularly
old ones. Martin is not hostile to
them, but might be said to be
neutral on the subject. Rayburn,
though the top of these two
bosses, maintains by choice the
smaller of the two personal offices
provided by the House for its party
patriarchs. Markin, perforce, hangs
his hat in the larger one.
Rayburn, though a Southerner,

isbasically a liberal Democrat, a
close and unforgetting friend of
Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry
S. Truman. His descriptions of
Democratic bolters from the party
-any Democratic bolter, any time
- are arrestingly terse and un-
printable. Martin, though a Yan-
kee by geography, is a million hu-
man miles from the aristocratic
wing of the New England Republi-
can party. His view of the Boston
Brahmins is ont of infinite pain.
He does not hate them, exactly,
but one could say fairly that he
does not regard theirs as the
country's finest political minds.
HE IS JUST an unhypenated,
unhesitatingly loyal, indestructible
Republican, who would have been
faithfully Republican equally un-
der William McKinley or Theodore
Roosevelt. Liberal . . . conserva-
tive . . . left-wing . . . right-wing
. . .all such terms are simply
curious words to him.
But these are merely superficial
differences between Rayburn of
Texas and Martin of Massachu-
setts. What is real, what is en-
during, in common between them
is a complex of these things: both
are old bachelors, lonely men
whose true lives are lived and ab-
solutely centered in the stone and
marble of the Capitol. Both are
men whose personal word it would
be unthinkable to question.
They are of a rare breed, they
are lawmakers of . a very old
school; they are Men of Congress.
(Copyright 1958, by United
Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

The Daily Officiai Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.ni. Friday.
General Notices
All students who expect education.
and training allowance under Public
Law 550 (Korea G. I. Bill) or Public Law
634 (Orphans Bill) must get instruc-
tors' signatures Nov. 24, 25, or 26 *on
Dean's Monthly Certification form and
turn the completed form in to -Dean's
office by 5:00 p.m. Wed., Dec. 3.
School of Music Honors Scholar Pro-
gram: Deadline date for receipt of ap-
plications for the Honors Scholar pro-
gram, together with supporting recom-
mendations, is Dec. 1. Explanatory leaf-
lets and appropriate forms are available
in the School of Music office.
Library Hlours During Thanksgiving
Vacation: The General Library and all
divisional libraries will be closed on
Nov. 27, Thanksgiving Day. The General


Library and divisional libraries, with
the exception of the Medical Library,
will be closed Sat., Nov. 29. There will
be no Sunday service on Nov. 30. The
General Library and the Undergrad. Li.
brary will close at 6 p.m. Wed., Nov.
26. Both libraries will be open Pri.
Nov. 28 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. All uniti
within the General Library building
will be open on their regular schedules
Fri., with the exception of the Map
Room which will be closed. Divisional
libraries will also be closed Wed. even-
ing. Most of tl1a divisional libraries will
be open on short schedules Fri., Nov.
28. Schedules will be posted on the
doors of each library. Phone extension
3184 for information.
University Lecture, auspices of the
Dept. of Anthropology. "Early Man and
Environment in Trans-Saharan Africa."
(with movie) Dr. J. Desmond Clark,
Rhodes-Livingstone Museum, Living.
stone , N. Rhodesia. 4:00 p.m., Tues.,
Nov. 25, And. B. Angell Hall,
Lecture, auspices of the Depts. of
Fine Arts and Classical Studies and
the AnnrArbor Society, Archaeological
Institute of America. "Excavations at
Sardis, Capital of Ancient Lydia, 1958."
In color, George M. A. Hanfmann, Prof.
of Fine Arts and Curator of Classical
(Continued on Page 5)

Former SGC Member Expresses Dismay

Democracy's Future

Associated Press News Analyst
T HE FATE of Democracy is occupying a large
part of the attention of the world's political
philosophers as well as of western diplomats
these days.
There has been a rise of military govern-
ments recently in a number of newly independ-
ent countries. Despite the moderate actions of
Gen. Charles de Gaulle, there is still much wor-
ry about the future of France.
British and American publications are full
of explanations as to the reasons - economic
pressures, lack of administrative experience,
political immaturity and the like.
Pakistan, Burma, Sudan, Egypt, Iraq and
Thailand are among those falling under mili-
tary dictatorship in the last few years, man.,
in the last few months. The military is on the
ascendant in Indonesia. The pendulum is al-
ways swinging back and forth in Latin Amer-
YET MUCH of the moaning fails to take sev-
eral factors into consideration. Many of
these countries still are in trial periods follow-
ing feudal or colonial rule. None of the pat-
terns can yet be considered definite. If Latin

Also, to strike a balance, it can be argued
that democracy has earned an overwhelming
victory since World War II.
Its success in India, with the attempt to wipe
out the caste system, is admittedly limited yet
still very great.
The same is true of West Germany and
Japan, where democrataic advances are still
to be tested by time, but where progress shows
signs of being more important than all of
the temporary failures.
There is just beginning in Africa a new ex-
periment led by Guinea and Ghana, the one
newly independent of France and the other
of Britain. They have proclaimed themselves
as the nucleus of a United States of Africa
modeled directly on the experience of the early
American colonies.
There is a vast difference and vast diffi-
culty in this concept.
THE AMERICAN colonies were led by men
with centuries of sound political evolution
behind them. Their federation represented, in
a way, a climax rather than a beginning of
The colonies also had before them for de-

To the Editor:
AS A PAST Student Government
Council member, I was sad
when I resigned my seat on the
Council last June due to other
pressing plans. I regretted having
to leave a group for which I had
such high regards. But this fall,
and principally the last few weeks,
I have realized how lucky I was
to have made that decision. I am
glad that I cannot be considered
as a Council member and that
my only connection with them is
that they are supposedly repre-
senting me and my fellow stu-
I left the Council thinking of
them as fine representatives of
the student body. And now it as-
tonishes me to see how basically
the same group could change so
radically. But then in my mind I
can rationalize and say that it is
not the whole Council but merely
a few of the so-called "leaders"
who are to blame. Never in my
life, and I hope never again, have
I viewed such gross disrespect and
complete selfishness towards our
elders in this case the adminis-
tration). In childhood it is per-
inissable to scream if we don't get
our own way, but as we mature,
we should realize that we cannot
always have our way and perhaps,
sometimes, our convictions are

sa Straits issue or the past govern-
mental elections to warrant such
biased publicity? I believe that
only so much news can be printed
on a single issue before all that
follows is repetition. Or is it repe-
tition that the "senior editors"
want in an effort to inflict on
their readers their point of view?
Perhaps the name of The Daily
could be more appropriately
changed to "The Sigma Kappa
Bulletin" so then at least the'
readers will not be under the false
assumption that they are reading
the newspaper.
-Bert Getz, '59BAd.
UGLI .. .
To the Editor:
THE OTHER day in Livonia, the
public school system, as anoth-
er step towards the New Look in
education, outlawed the wearing
of leather jackets, jeans, and
Presley hairdos. A lesson can be
found here for those who wish to
raise the intellectual level of the
Since football, gambling, ex-
poses, and effigies are here to stay,
we might examine some facet of
undergraduate life that remains
undesecrated but still leaves room
for improvement. The casual eye
roving over the campus ca~vnnt

that the seam-straining, pelvic
protuberances waddling among
the shelves and undulating up and
down stairways are taking men's
eyes from material of far greater
potential. More strange would he
find that UGLI's hours were re-
cently extended so that students
might have a greater opportunity
to use the facilities. Oh? Use them
for what? Does UGLI have to be-
come another Disneyland, com-
plete with a Texasinine rodeo
pant-theism, in order to attract
Coeds seem to be under the im-
biression that the rectilinear achi-

tectonics of Saarinen and Van der
Rohe are enhanced by pouring
themselves into slim-,Jims and
similar Twentieth Century Garbo-
garments. On Sunset Strip, pent-
house pile rugs, and in other mar-
ket areas, the slim-Jim is accepted
bait. In UGLI on the Sabbath,
however, the profusion of bait does
not mean that results can be ex-
pected. Rather, the sepulchritude
of thwarted or imagined endow-
ments, swathed in expensive fibers
and peripatetically seeking hungry
stares, brands UGLI as an intel-
lectual hip-pocrisy.
What is to be done? Two sug-

gestions may be made to alleviate
this UGLI situation, both of which
would satisfy everyone except
those desirous of exhiibiting their
best side. The recent upheavals in
the Middle East have no doubt
flooded the eunuch market. The
University might do well to bring
a few here and give them scholar-
ships to work as inspectors at
UGLI's entrance. The Athletic
Department has successfully em-
ployed the scholarship idea in the
past to get proficient help. An
equally practicable solution would
be to provide a special place in
UGLI for those who maintain that
studying is more comfortable in
slim-Jims. These die-hards would
enter UGLI with skirts over their
advertising, dropping them off
upon entering a designated rump-
us room, similar to the nonsmok-
ing rooms.
With either method, an unslack-
ened flow of skirted Sabbatarians
replacing the present coed liber.
tines would put UGLI in its Sun-
day best.
-Wells Gray
Similary ...
To the Editor:
I SEE A great similarity between
Sigma Kappa national and the

--j~<>~ -~

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