21. 1958 THE MICHIGAN DATLY 21._ . 1 5 TH M_..,...AIL To Hold Monte Carlo Dance Tonight in Union Ballroom MUSKET Cast Rehearses Tonight the International Stu- dents Association will present the annual Monte Carlo Ball in the Union Ballroom. Starting at 9 p.m., the semi- formal affair will continue until midnight, with music provided by Harris Jackson's band. Campus-Wide Event Marilyn Nathan, '59, chairman of the dance, remarked that "this is the big social event of Inter- national Week - and it's an all- campus affair." Theme of the Ball will be "A Cruise on the Riviera," Miss Nathan said. Decorations will be in keeping with this theme, she said, and the decorations commit- tee is erecting a gangplank at the entrance to the door, to get the atmosphere of a cruiser right at the beginning. Decorations will also include portholes flanking the gangplank, a large smokestack behind the band with smoke-letters spelling out "Monte Carlo Ball," and in the center of the ballroom, a huge eight-foot anchor will be suspend- ed, she commented. A wooden anchor, which was to be used as a decoration for the dance was stolen yesterday from the basement workshop of the Student Activities Building, Miss Nathan said last night. She urged that it be returned, because it was to be a central element in the dance decorations. To Play Games One ballroom will be set off for "games in the Monte Carlo tradition," Miss Nathan remarked, and the members of the Univer- sity hockey team will run the games. The terrace will be set up like a night club, and refreshments will be served there, she said. "There's a piano on the side, and I'm hop- ing people will play it spontane- ously." she added. At the dance will be a floor show, she said, which will start at about 10 p.m. Master of cere- monies for the entertainment will be Sergio Scarabello, Grad., of Italy. The entertainment will include an Iraqi drum act, a Hawaiian hula dance, Philippine bamboo dancers ,and Israeli folk dancers, Miss Nathan said. "The Monte Carlo Ball is really carrying out the idea of Inter- national Week," she commented. "On the planning committee we have students from Japan, Ha- waii, the Dutch West Indies, Egypt and America." Merchants Donate Several local merchants have donated merchandise which will be used at the Ball, she said. Tickets for the dance are on sale at Rm. 18 of the Internation- al Center, on the Diag, and at the dance tonight. "The Monte Carlo Ball has a long tradition behind it," Nathan concluded. "We many students will come." Miss hope Honorary Taps Know all ye citizens that all true knights must through squireship go by starlight Know all ye citizens that many squires train by starlight to become sires Know all ye citizens your obligations for these men train to lead our nation Know all ye citizens by the Five Stars of SCABBARD AND BLADE Squires these men are: Roderick, Pletcher, Bronson, Sargent, Prues- ke, Bently R. G., Brown H. P., Post, Hurchik, Harder J. M., Du- mond, Wood W. A., White R. A, Urquhart, C., Christopherson F., Chen W., Lull D., Hutchinson T., Reppard R., Sussmat, Langer. THE FIVE STARS HAVE SHONE. -Daily-Peter Anderson MUSKET REHEARSAL-Some of the cast of MUSKET (Michigan Union Show, Ko-Eds Too) rehearse for their performance of "Oklahoma" on Dec. 4, 5 and 6. Officials of the show say the rehearsals are coming along "excellently." Tickets for the show may be obtained at the main desk of the Union or in the'MUSKET office in the student wing of the union. INTERNATIONAL WEEK: World's Fair To Exhibit Cultures Of Various Countries Tomorrow I I "Baofoot Bay #ih Cheek.) I ANYONE FOR FOOTBALL? When Pancho Sigafoos, sophomore, pale and sensitive, first saw Willa Ludowie, freshman, lithe as a hazel wand and rosy as the dawn, he hemmed not; neither did he haw. "I adore you," he said without preliminary. "Thanks, hey," said Willa, flinging her apron over her fwce modestly. "What position do you play?" "Position?" said Pancho, looking at her askance. (The askance is a ligament just behind the ear.) "On the football team," said Willa. "Football!" sneered Pancho, his young lip curling. "Football is violence, and violence is the death of the mind. I am not a football player. I am a poet!" "So long, buster," said Willa "Wait!" cried Pancho, clutching her damask forearm. She placed a foot on his pelvis and wrenched herself free. "I only go with football players," she said, and walked, shimmer- ing, into the gathering dusk. By SELMA SAWAYA Tomorrow will mark the biggest event, in terms of numbers of people participating, of Interna- tional Week - the World's Fair, Maurice Zilber, '60, Union execu- tive councilman, said.; Starting at 1 p.m., the fair will be open continuously until 1 a.m., he said. Admission to the Fair will be charged this year, as well as to the variety show which will be held during the evening. Zilber pointed out that all the proceeds of the Fair will go to two special projects-the International Students Emergency Loan Fund,' and the International Handbook. To Publish Book The International Handbook is similar to the "M" Handbook which is published for incoming freshmen to the University, he said, but will describe general customs of American life for the international students, as well as customs of University life. Theme of the Fair this year is "Brussels in Ann Arbor," Zilber commented. An Atomium, a repli- ca of the one which was the symbol of the recently held Brus- sels World's Fair, will be in the Union during the Fair. Posters Donated The United States government and the Belgian government have donated posters from the Fair, and they will be given out during the Fair. The State Department has also donated pictures of the American exhibit at the Brussels Fair, and these will be on display on the first floor of the Union, he said. The International Center has compiled a booklet of international recipes and donated them to the Fair, where they will be given out during the day, Zilber added. Events Scheduled During the afternoon, there will be two special events in the ball- room, alternating during the af- ternoon, he said. One will be an exhibit on the "Art of Self-De- fense," a display of skill in judo. Alternating with it will be sev- eral movie shorts, one compiled by a national broadcasting net- work about the Brussels Fair, and other shorts depicting the Arab, Venezuelan and Indonesian gov- ernments, among others. To Present Show During the evening, starting at 7 p.m., the Fair will present an international variety show, he said. Master of ceremonies for the program will be Gunay Aktay, Grad. "This program will present the best of international talent on campus," Zilber said. Included In the show will be 11 acts from 11 different countries, including two of the acts which appeared in the half-time show during the Indi- ana-Michigan football game-the Israeli and the Ukrainian folk dancers. 'Have Talent' The title of the variety show will be, "Have Talent, Have Travelled," Zilber said. Also at the show, the League will announce the winners of the display contest which was held in the housing units during the week. The Fair is organized by the Union in conjunction with the nationality clubs of the Interna- tional Students Association, Zilber said. This is the second annual "World's Fair" presented on this campus. Admission to the Fair will be 25 cents during the afternoon and 50 cents during the evening. There will also be a 50 cent admission charge to the variety show, Zilber added. UM S G presents HENRY STEELE COMMAGER Friday, November 21 . . . 4 o'Clock RACKHAM AUDITORIUM i Friday and SALESOnly Saturday Pancho went to his room and lit a cigarette and pondered his dread dilemma. What kind of cigarette did Pancho light? Why, Philip Morris, of corris! Philip Morris is always welcome, but never more than when you are sore beset. When a fellow needs a friend, when the heart is dull and the blood runs like sorghum, then, then above all, is the time for the mildness, the serenity, that only Philip Morris can supply. Pancho Sigafoos, his broken psyche welded, his fevered brow cooled, his synapses restored, after smoking a fine Philip Morris, came to a decision. Though he was a bit small for football (an even four feet) and somewhat overweight (427 pounds), he tried out for the team-and tried out with such grit and gumption that he made it. Pancho's college opened the season against the Manhattan School of Mines, always a mettlesome foe, but strengthened this year by four exchange students from Gibraltar who had been suckled by she-apes. By the middle of the second quarter the Miners had wrought such havoc upon Pancho's team that there was nobody left on the bench but Pancho. And when the quarterback was sent to the infirmary with his head driven straight down into his esophagus, the coach had no choice but to put Pancho in. Pancho's teammates were not conspicuously cheered as the little fellow took his place in the huddle. "Gentleman," said Pancho, "some of you may regard poetry as sissy stuff, but now in our most trying hour, let us hark to these words from Paradise Lost: 'All is not lost; the uncon- querable will and study of revenge, immortal hate, and courage never to submit or yield':' " So stirred was Pancho's team by this fiery exhortation that they threw themselves into the fra, wth uttin. hnA-a A n / HANDSEWN MOCS REGULARLY 6.95 $590 TT lar on our loafers, ale. $7.00. in black or ce 4.10. 1 Save a dol hand-sewn during this two-day sc Regularly Availablei hbawn. siz ...: