See Page 4
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Sixty-Eight Years of Editoria Freedom
VOL. LXX, No. 57AN RB I iU M iI.p ara +v r.ra.wr..+ _.
USSR Sets Plan
To Unify Berlin
Soviet's Smirnov Tells Adenauer
About Steps for Ending Occupation
BERLIN (A)-The Soviet Union yesterday took the first step to
fold up four-power occupation of this former German capital, thus
defyilng Western determination to hold on in West Berlin.
Soviet Ambassador Andrei Smirnov called on Chancellor Konrad
Adenauer in Bonn and served notice of "steps which the Soviet
government intends to take to realize the liquidation of the occupation
status of Berlin."
West Berlin's Lord Mayor Willy Brandt immediately told his
2,200,000 citizens to stand fast before coming hardships. Brandt
declared the United States, Britain and France had pledged "clearly
Sees Loss
Of Group
Ann Arbor Councilman Richard
Dennard said last night that theI
North Central Property Owners
Association sdoes not at rthe present
time represent as large a ma-"
jority of property owners as it D iscuss
once did, or now claims to do.
U.S. Offers Russia Space Proposal'
Money Lack
Allies Vow
To Maintain
Divided City
WASHINGTON ()-Top officials
yesterday pledged to stand firm
in Berlin in the face of Russia's
initial move to drive the Western
Allies out of the divided city.
Authorities calmly reaffirmed
this determination as American-
British-rench diplomats virtually
completed drafting plans for coun-
tering any Red blockade of the
former German capital.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
reviewed foreign policy problems
with his top National Security
Cuncil a few hours after Russia's
ambassador to West Germany for-
mally disclosed the steps Russia
intends to take
But Berlin's uture outlook was
reported not among the topics
President Eisenhower discussed
with his ranking foreign policy
and defense advisers.
President Eisenhower _demon-
strated he foresaw no immediate
crisis by leaving as scheduled af-
terward on a 10-day golfing vaca-
tion at Augusta, Ga.
The vacationing Secretary of
state John Foster Dulles, who is
resting at his Lake Ontario hide-
away, was reported to have no
plans to return to the capital until
early next week.
The Esenhower-Dulles absence
reflected the administrations' atti-
tude of showing no alarm at the
prospect the Communists might
suddenly clamp a new blockade
around Berlin.
Any sign of jitters, it was felt,
might worry the Germans and
perhaps encourage the Soviets and
their Communist puppets to adopt
an even tougher attitude.
Ry Th, Associated Presa
is closing down the Ground Ob-
server Corps because radar and
high-flying supersonic planes can
outperform the human eyes and
ears of the corps' civilian volun-
Plans to terminate the corps
Jan. 31 were announced yesterday
by Air Force Secretary James
Dougl's. He said the 280,00
civilian volunteers, manning 16,-
000 observation posts and 50 filte
centers during the last nine years
have "served faithfully as an ad-
junct of the air defense system."
9 * * .
WASHINGTON - The chief of
the American Nuclear Powered
Aircraft Project said yesterday h
believes there is an even chanc
that Russia will be first to fly at
atomic plane.
Ma. G(en.Donald J. Keirn, di.
rector of the Defense Depart-
ment's nuclear powered aircraf
program, also said in answer t
newsmen's questions that it a
possible the Soviets can make a
nuclear powered flight before the
end of this year.
well is returning to Michigar
State University as Director o:
Scholarships after his unsuccess
ful run as Republican candidate
for governor.
The Siate Board of Agriculture
MSU governing body, yesterda:
approved the appointment effec
tive Dec. 1.
* W N T
Departmnent disclosed yesterday ii
is taking another look at Unitec
States-Polish relations - includ
and without reservation" to defend
the city.
City Braced
The crisis-tested West Berliners
braced for anything from an acute S
war of nerves to another blockade.
Details of the surprise Smirnov-
Adenauer meeting were secret, but
the Russians already have dis- f
closed how they propose to put the
squeeze on the Americans, British
and French in West Berlin. l
They intend to turn over to thel
East German Communists controlI
of all Western Allies' air, road and1
rail routes from the West to iso-
lated Berlin, 110 miles behind the
iron curtain.
Little Choice
*This means the Allies would
have little choice-barring use ofa
force or an airlift-but to negoti-
ate with an East German regime
they refuse to recognize, in order
to keep supply lines open to their
10,000 troops in West Berlin.
Western officials believe the So-
viet action will provoke the gravest,
FAst-West crisis over Berlin since,
the 1948-49 blockade.
How soon the Soviet move may
come is uncertain. A dispatch
from Moscow said the Big Three's
embassies there had not yet re-
ceived any communication from
the Kremlin on changing the
status of West Berlin.
It was conceded, however, that
the Soviet communications could
be delivered to the three powers
in West Berlin or in the capitals
of Washington, London and Paris.
Death, Takes
'Prof". Badger
After Illness
Walter Lucius Badger, 72 years
old, former University professor,
died Wednesday after an illness of
two months.
The internationally known
chemical engineer came to the
University in 1912 and served as
full professor from 1918 until 1937.
Prof. Badger was noted for de-
! veloping processes for - desalting
sea water. He also designed many
plants and engineering process
equipment for several companies
here and abroad.
He was co-author of three text-
books and wrote about 40 research
papers on evaporator design.
Prof. Badger was manager of
the consulting engineering divi-
sion, with offices in Ann Arbor,
of a chemical company from 1937
to 1944.
Prof. Badger started work as a
consulting engineer in 1917 and
0 at various times he served as con-
sultant to marry chemical and pro-
r cess industries both in this coun-
try and in European countries.
Funeral services will be held at,
2:30 p.m. tomorrow in the First
Congregational Church.
Walter S. Wickliffe, president!
of the property owners association,
reports that they represent 95 per.
cent of the owners of property in
the north central part of Ann Ar-
At first when the property own-
ers association began, Dennard
Continued, they were able to gets
95 per cent of the owners to sign
their petition because they did not
give them the right information
and instead said that the city was
going to take their homes away,
Disagree With Association
But now as I go and talk to the
people in this area which is my
precinct, he added, I find that
most of the people who once sup-
ported the property owners asso-
ciation now disagree with them.
The North Central Property
Owners Association has in the past,
few months opposed the move by
the city to improve its part of Ann
Arbor through the use of federal
funds combined with local money.
"We would not resist the urban
renewal plan if it was wartented,"
Wickliffe said.
The Association was formed in
March of this year to protest the
urban renewal program as was
said at that time, Wickliffe said.
It was then called the Urban Re-
newal Homeowners Association.
Its first action was to petition
against the urban renewal plan
at that time.
Has Representative Committee
The Association has a commit-
tee of 29 members which repre-
sents every block in the north cen-
tral area, he added. Of these, over
half are Negro. All members of the
property owners association must
be owners of land or homes in the
area, Wickliffe continued.
He claimed that at that time
the plan was to move 249 families
and 49 businesses out of the area
and change streets. The plan had
no regards for soundly built homes,
he continued. It was also intended
to destroy traffic moving on the
streets in the area..t
After resistance a new plan was
brought up that was directed more
against the home owners than
businessmen, Wickliffe added.
That the plan was ever directed
against anyone or was meant to
destroy anything has been re-
peatedly denied by members of
the Ann Arbor City Council.
Present Plan Cited
The present plan as set up by
the City Council calls for the re-
moval of all homes that are sub-
standard and constitute conditions
that are not safe health or safety-
wise. Also included are provisions
for resettlement of residents who
are displaced.
The city and the property own-
ers association agree on several
points, Wickliffe reported.
It is generally accepted by the
City Council and the property
owners association that the bad
conditions in this area are not too
completely widespread but exist
only in spots. They differ on the
issue of federal funds.'
The City Council feels what is
needed to improve this area can-
Living Costs
A committee of student leaders
and Ann Arbor merchants to study
the much discussed "high cost of
living" here is now in the forma-
tion stage.
The committee, proposed at the
business-student leaders confer-
ence Nov. 6, will be composed of
equal numbers of merchants and
students, according to William
Mott, manager of the Chamber of
The United States and 19 other
nations offered the Soviet Union
yesterday concessions they hope
will lead to unanimous United Na-
tions agreement on exploration of
outer space for peaceful purposes.
United States Ambassador Henry
Cabot Lodge discussed the con-
cessions with Soviet Deputy For-
eign Minister Valerian Zorin in an
hour-long conference. Zorin for-
warded them to the Kremlin.
The major obstacle to East- of the study group should be left
West agreement appeared to be open to negotiation.
over the makeup of a study group On the question of a permanent
that would draw up recommenda- committee the 20-nation body ac-
tions for a permanent UN com- cepted the exact language of the
mittee on outer space. Soviet proposal
Oppose Soviets Lodge told Zorin of the decision
Then sedSatesfirreached, then met a second time
The United States firmly op- with the 20-nation body to relay
posed Soviet demands for East- Zorin's reaction. b
West parity in the group. The He had no comment on his
United States was described as meting w oth ommrnh
adamant against splitting, the meeting with Zorin.
grdupmintoagtwso powerlocs.g h The United States and its sup-
group into two power blocs, porters want the makeup of the
Zorin toldp aereporterfoheawas
also hopeful that agreement woul study groupleft open for addi-
be reached. He said it was too tiona negoton.
early to comment on whether pro-
gress had been made, and that ,dIR a
the discussion with Lodge was of J"pudgeHnrns
"a preliminary nature."
Lodge met yesterday mnorning I
with representatives of 19 other i e a
nations who have joined the
United States in sponsoring a N
resolution on international co- NEW YORK (P) - A federal
operation in exploration of outer judge yesterday blocked the pro-
space. Cnposed merger of two giants of the
Consider Proposal steel industry, Bethlehem Steel
They considered a new Soviet Corp. and Youngstown Sheet and
T csr a w eTube Co.
By Niehuss
Vice-President Siees
Chance for Funds
From State Soon
"The ultimate goal of the com-
mittee," a report issued by the T0 Lecture
Chamber of Commerce on the con-
ference says, "would be to inform
students and business leaders on Prof. Henry Steele Commager,
both sides of the problems faced. historian and educator, will speak
Development Seen at 4 p.m. today in Rackham Audi-
Dan Belin, '59, a participant of torium on "Nationalism and the
the conference for Student Gov- Great Community of World Cul-
ement Council, said the com- ture," Roger Seasonwein, '61, said.
mittee might ultimately develop
into some sort of board to handle
specific complaints of students
against Ann Arbor merchants.
This would function, Blott elab-
orated, only in the case of a stu-
dent who had "a specific gripe
against some store." The student
would bring his complaint to the
board which would, in turn, in-
vestigate the incident.
"This might be when a student
has a specific item which is being
over-priced," Bott continued. How-
ever, he added the board would act
as much to vindicate the mer-
chant as to condemn him.
People Will Pay
The real reason prices seem
higher in Ann Arbor, Bott said, is-
that people here are evidently will-
ing to pay for higher quality mer-I
chandise which in turn costs more.
One area the committee should
work in, Belin said, is that of
possible rent reductions.
The Board of Directors of the
Chamber of Commerce yesterday
gave Bott authority to appoint
members to the committee. SGC
President Maynard Goldman, '59,
said the Council will not act until
they receive notification from the
"I think there is a definite need
for this committee," he said, "be-
cause of the feeling here that
prices are higher than other places
in the Midwest."
The Chamber of Commerce ex-
pects to have their members ap-
pointed within a few days.
Sallade Asks
For More Aid
A special legislative session to
"meet the mounting problem of,
treating the mentally ill" was pro-
posedalast night by Rep. George
W. Sallade (R-Ann Arbor). g
In suggesting a special session
to "concentrate attention on men-
tal health problems," he also
declared opposition to discussing
pay raises for legislators as pro-
Sposedrecently by a state senator.,
proposal for creation of an 11-
nation study group to lay the
groundwork for a permanent in-
ternational committee for co-
operation in the study of outer
space under UN auspices.
The 20-nation meeting accepted
in principle the creation of a
permanent committee on outer
space, but said the membership
Eners TalKS
WASHINGTON (R) - The long
and bitter dispute between the
United Auto Workers union and
the Kohler Co. in Wisconsin is be-
He thus thwarted the biggest
deal of its kind in the nation's
business history.
United. States District Judge
Edward Weinfeld ruled that the
two and one-half billion dollar
merger - in which Bethlehem
vould take over the smaller firm
-would be in clear violation of
federal antitrust laws and would
invite a rash of similar mergers
in the industry.
He said it would result in an
eventual narrowing of competi-
tion in the industry to three mas-
sive steel producing firms, a "tri-
"To say that the elimination of
itoungstown would not result in
a 'significant reduction in the vig-
or of competition' in the steel in-
dustry is . . . to disregard ex-
ing reopened for the taking of perience . .," Judge Weinfeld
HENRY STEELE COMMAGER more evidence. said.
. .,nationalism and culture The National Labor Relations He claimed that "No financial
Prof. Commager is sponsored by Board announced the reopening stringency, present or threatened,
the Student Government Council yesterday and assigned examiner justifies its absorption by Beth-
as part of the International Week George A. Downing to hold new lehem."
hearings at a time to be set by A court decision of such sweep-
program, Seasonwein said. the NLRB's Chicago office. ing significance to the nation's
"This is an educational pro-
grm,"The comened.tIs prt Downing is familiar with the economy presumably will be ap-
gram," he commented. "It is part case, having held 112 days of pealed, although neither Bethle-'
of the philosophy of SGC to get hearings on it last year. hem nor Youngstown committed
the student to think, question and Both the union and the com- themselves immediately.
decide on major issues: national, pany, a big plumbing manufactur- Initial comment from Bethle-
international and social." _r, had requested further hear- hem was to the effect that Judge
Prof. Commager, at present on ings, on the basis of testimony on Weinfeld's interpretation of the
the faculty of both Columbia Uni- the case last February and March antitrust laws would substantial-
edrsy and AmherstNwCollege,start- to the Senate Rackets Investigat- ly retard the competitive growth'
ed his cre e okUni- g mmte.oAercnndsy.
versity in 1936, as an instructor in ing Committee. of American industry.
In 1939, he moved to Columbia
University, as a professor of his-j MoT anSay S ources .
tory. During World War II he rc
worked for the War Department;
he has served as guest lecturer at B d for ouths To Read
Boston, Cambridge, Oxford and ,t
Uppsala Universities.
As an author, Prof. Commager's By PHILIP SHERMAN
works include "The Growth of the To allow young people to read American history from original
American Republic," "The eri- sources is extremely dangerous, Prof. Edmund S. Morgan of Yale
Mind," "Living Ideas in America," University said last night at the William L. Clements Memorial Library.
"Freedom, Loyalty, Dissent," and Prof. Morgan spoke to an audience of more than 150 at the
"The First Book of American His- seventh annual Randolph G. Adams Memorial Lecture, sponsored by
tory." the Clements Library Associates. Prof. Morgan said libraries such as
# Clements would prove to be "nur-
The University may have ti
borrow funds to meet its Decem
ber payroll and adapt to the
state's "difficult" financial sltua
ion, Vice-President and Dean o
Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss ad
mitted last night.
He indicated the lawmaker
may be,"running the state at te
expense" of the larger universi
It is possible, Niehuss said, tha
the University will follow Michi
gan State University which yes
terday authorized borrowing 1
$900,000 to meet month-end labo
and salary payrolls.
Withholds Funds
The state, which owes mor
money than it has on hand, ha
withheld its last two monthly in
stallments of $2.5 million due th
University, Niehuss said.
If a payment failes to arrive b
Dec. 1 the total owed will be $7.
Niehuss was "optimistic" thu
the state would make its payment
If the University doesn't re
ceive aid by December, he sa
"we'll probably have to seek th
authority to borrow at the ne
Regent's meeting," (Dec. 12).
No October Checks
None of the larger state insĀ°
tutions -- the University, MSI
and Wayne State University -
have received their Octob
checks. With about $7.7 0 i0
cash on hand last week, 1tai
Treasurer Sanford A. Brown re
vealed that about $12 million,
owed to the three universities.
Hopes that the schools woul
get along by dipping into studet
fees have faded.
"We realize the state is sha,
up for funds," Niehuss said, sn
that "we can borrow where the
can't." The University and MS
have constitutional power t bo
row funds without the state's ap
He indicated the state "has di
liberately paid its bills to thl
agencies that can't borrow," su(
as prisons, mental Institution
and state regional colleges.
'Bad for Morale'
But, he declared, the state's a
tion is "bad for the morale"
the larger schools,
At MSU, President John Ht
nah expected that his school's
nancial difficulties would be al
viated when the state makes i
back payments and when stude'
fees for the next term come I
If the present condition hol
another month, the State Bo
of Agriculture, MSU's governil
body, has authorized a borrowi
of $2.5 million.
Wayne Better Off
The situation at Wayne Sta
University is not so distressi
Vice-President for Finance 0l
Thomas said, The school, whi
receives funds from the Detm
Board of Education since it is
yet supported fully by thesta
met its payroll as usual yesterd
"We'll still be able to meet pa
rolls through December," Thox
said. "But if the checks do
come through by January, we
have to resort to uncommitt
capital funds or request the ste
to borrow money," he added,
, R. J. Nelson, R. J. Nelson Have Wires Crossed
I was born, 33 years ago, Robert
series of heresyp as long as they
made available the private corres-
pondences and notebooks of the
many great Americans of the past.
The Clements Library is dedicatedI
to the collection of such valuable
historical manuscripts.
Jefferson's Letters
If the letters Thomas Jefferson
wrote were to be followed by pres-'
ent-day students, Prof. Morgan
declared, they would advocate the
repudiation of the national debt,
Jefferson wrote that one gen-
eration of Americans should not
incur debts that would have to be
paid in the following era. Reading,
the writings of John Turnbull, the
When two men having the same name teach in the same depart- was a very common name," Robert
ment of the same university there is bound to be some confusion. said. Nelson is also a common
This has been the case since Prof. Robert James Nelson joined name.
the staff of the French department this semester. Formerly Roy Jay Seeks Evidence
Nelson was the only man with that name in the department. In order to prove his point, he
Coincidence has also been a factor in this instance. Roy's former pulled out a copy of the Directory
phone extension in the old Romance Language Building was 3388. of American Scholars. There were
Robert now has this extension in his office in the Frieze Building. he was the only Robert. However,
"Another coincidental factor is that both our offices have three of the there were four other men who
same four numbers, in the same order," Robert said. "Mine is 2079 had the same first initial.
while Roy's is 2089," he added.' Robert Nelson compared his last
Confusion about phone calls is from the administration. The name with the two most common
most prominent at their homes. checks were returned and were last names in America today:
Roy receives Robert's calls because finally mailed to the right Nelson Smith and Jones. There were six
he is listed in the Ann Arbor after repeated phone calls to the and one-half columns of Jones
directory while Robert lives in board. and 121,2 columns of Smith. "I7
Dexter. Both feel that the situa- "When I was teaching at Yale, just thought it would be inter-
tion will be resolved when the new the same thing occurred again,": esting to look up the statistics,"
faculty directory is issued. Robert Nelson recalled. "I was Robert said.
NATO Hears
Connecticut patriot, could Mleadv to
a communistic belief in the equal .A ng ry
distribution of property. I
Prof. Morgan added that this About
danger is well worth any risk it
might entail. He asserted that,
through reading documents of PARIS (J) -
Amerida's history, students are erupted in the
able to gain new ideas that will ference of NA
work towards progress. terday on the
Changes to Improve tions of Cypru
Th-,nii., im nr,.-.,fir,., ci ri ... , v rvitain bore
- Angry exch
fourth annual
TO legislators
still unsettled
s and Iceland
ethe brunt c