I 6 Sxty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED DB STUDENTS OF THE UNIYFRSITY OF MZICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PCBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, Mai. * Phone No 2-3241 "And What Do We Do About These Darn Eisenhower Republicans?" ben Opinions Are Free Truth WU Preva.U" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex-press the indivIidual opinions of stag riters or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. AY, NOVEMBER 19, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS TURNER c i f } l r t Q /oQ0 ~@x~ @a~ i STANLEY QUARTET: Kirchner Interesting But Unsuccessful THE STANLEY QUARTET played its second concert of the Fall Semester in Rackham Auditorium last evening. Featured were the Quartet Opus 18. No. 2 of Beethoven. the Quartet No. 2 (1958) of Leon Kirchner (commissioned by the University of Michigan). and the Quartet in F of Ravel. The charming Beethoven Quartet opened the concert. It suffered slightly from uneven playing, imprecise attacks and problematic intona- 3R 40 'U' Moves in Right Direction With Required Deposits i .,""""." ;j . ... -- A STEP toward concrete planning was taken by the University last week when it adopted the policy of requiring enrollment deposits from all accepted applicants to the school. The $50 deposit toward first semester tuition fees, which will be asked of all first year stu- dents at the University, will stabilize both the number of freshmen and transfers entering the school at a much earlier date. The previous policy of the University was to accept applicants as soon as possible, but to set no particular date for notification of their actual enrollment intentions. The only time the applicant committed him- self at all was when he sent in a $20 deposit on his room. At best, this sum was often just enough to make the student think twice about withdrawing his application. CONSEQUENTLY, the University was unable to accurately predict the size of the fresh- man class or to definitely plan its housing un- til late in the summer. Last year the 'U' ac- cepted 4,500 applicants, of which only 3,000 finally enrolled. The new policy will force the applicant to make his choice of college definite by the end of the spring and will enable the University to start work on housing arrangements at an earlier date. MORE SIGNIFICANTLY, the University will have a more concrete idea of the number of enrollees to expect and will thus be able to use this figure in their legislative bargaining. Vice-President William Stirton and his staff, which works on the U's request in Lansing, will be able to say to the legislators, 'We have x number of students coming and thus, we need the funds for x number of students.' If the request is presented in this more conrete manner, it is less likely that the legislators can reduce the funds which are absolutely needed . . as they have done in the past. The University is to be commended for be- ing the first Michigan tax-supported school to adopt the deposit plan policy . , . this step toward concrete planning is a step in the right direction. --JOAN KAATZ COt" =- ., : , , ^ h -a s-e g .. SGf4c'it4?OS r tion. On the other hand, it was Stanley Quartet, even among the full-time professional ensembles, can achieve. The Kirchner quartet was the most interesting and least suc- cessful wvork on the program, in- teresting only because it has been heard less often than the Beetho- ven or Ravel. Kirchner is one of the few younger American composers who has received significant public recognition. However, despite magazine statements, his Second Quartet is neither properly com- plicated nor intellectually well conceived. It is only an excessively thick sound-texture. The first movement (Allegro) is introduced with a five note theme which promises to lead us through some interesting development. but fails. The thick sound-texture only obscures the theme's less attrac- tive and completely unimaginative restatements, The second movement (Adagio) is slight improvement. Here Kirch- ner has used some good string harmonics and real contrasts of volume and range. But the writing is still very thick. IN THE THIRD movement (Al- legro) we are again promised something exciting. The thematic ideas are not really distinguished but the rhythmic gestures gener- ate energy and a feeling that the movement might drive forward. Although this did not happen, it was possibly the fault of the per- formers. Kirchner. carefully speci- fies a wider dynamic range than was played. In the middle section of the movement he uses clusters of repeated notes marked to be played "slow to fast" in an im- provisatory manner. Had the re- peated clusters been correctly played the tight accumulated sounds of this last movement would have achieved a much broader dramatic scale. To close the program, the Stan- ley Quartet gave an unusually warm performance of the Ravel Quartet. Not since the days of the old Paganini Quartet has an en- semble achieved the delicate con- trasts and subtle shifting of in- strumental colors. Very fine. --Gordon Mumma spirited in conception as only the AT THE STATE: 'Torpedo Fizzles T IS DIFFICULT to conceive what foolish notion prompted the production chiefs at Metro to film "Torpedo Run" after they had examined the cliche-ridden sce- nario of Richard Sale and William Wiston Haines. Evidently, since they invested over a million dollars in the venture, they thought "Tor- pedo Run" had great possibilities, and the marquee at the State is shining testimony of its existence. Unfortunately the film does not glisten at all, and the wveary movie goer can only chalk this motion picture up as another entry in the seemingly endless line of sprawl- ing, colorful, Cinemascope fiascos. BRIEFLY, the film concerns the efforts of a submarine skipper (Glenn Ford) and his executive officer (Ernest Borgnine) to de- stroy the most lethal sub in the Japanese fleet. That Ford and Borgnine will succeed is evident from the beginning. That Ford and Borgnine will clash is equally evident, and that Ford and Borg- nine will settle their differences peaceably-that too is fortunately evident. The only factor which i sn't evident from the outset is the length of time Ford and Borgnine will take. And that brings us to the most admirable quality of the film. The running time is not much over ninety minutes. The weaknesses of "Torpedo Run" are typical of the weaknesses of all the aforementioned Cinema- scope fiascos in that the plot wanders aimlessly, the humor is heavy, and for the most part, the direction lacks inventive spark or Artistic quality. There is a sequence at the end, however, which is done well and deserves comment here. Director Joseph Pevney has shot some effective footage showing the abandonment of a submarine, -Marc Zagoren A Place for Everything _.6 FOR THE FIRST TIME all University classes will be dismissed so that students may attend a religious event, C. Gray Austin, As- sistant Coordinator of Religious Affairs proudly said recently. He was referring to what will happen at 1O:40 a.m. today when classes will be halted so that, presumably, students will go to Hill Auditorium to hear the president of the Ameri- can Council of Education discuss the provoca- tive topics, "Religion in Today's University." Not just one class, but two classes will be disrupted because of this lecture. Twenty min- utes of a fifty minute 10 a.m. class and the whole of the 11 a.m. class. But it goes even further. Student who have a hard time getting up for their eight and nine o'clocks, which includes practically all of them, are going to feel even more inclined to remain in bed, when they know that one or two of their morning classes will not be held in full. APPARENTLY, those who decided that stu- dents would be better off attending this discussion than classes, areunder two false impressions, One is that no student would dare to miss a class to attend a lecture which might particularly appeal to him. And that now that he has no class to attend, he will gallop over to Hill to sit and listen to a lecture, which may or may not be as interesting as the class he just escaped from. And if this did happen, it would be a spec- tacular sight to see more than 20 thousand students, plus faculty and administration jam- med into the University's largest auditorium which holds approximately 4,200 people. How- ever, there should be little worry on this score. Rather, the Union will have many more than its average number of coffee drinkers, the library will be full to overflowing with mid- term cramers and the dorms and fraternity and sorority houses may even schedule an early lunch. To be sure, religion has some place at a state university for many students. For others, it may have no place at all. However, it is completely out of place for classes to be dismissed so that some students can attend a portion of a con- ference on religion. --JUDITH DONER CAPITAL COMMENTARY: SStassen Remains Inscrutable By WILLIAM S. WHITE I OFFEE ...BLACK C A Sha By Richard Taub i bbyA ffair HAROLD E. STASSEN has been in national politics for two decades-and he is the man no- body really knows. He is a large, still-faced total mystery-a char- acter who when repeatedly run over not only refuses to lie down but even denies that the truck ever passed his way at all. It is far easier to assess the sig- nificance of Stassen's latest "dump Nixon" movement-which he pro- claimed after visiting President Eisenhower-than to understand in a human way the author of this movement. The question as to what Stassen has accomplished poses no great riddle. He has dropped a very noisy brick on the steps of the White House-and on the large and sensitive toes of the Republi- can National Committee. At least a majority of that committee's members are neutral - neutral, that is, in favor of Vice-President Richard M. Nixon's nomination for President in 1960. * * * THE HARM DONE to Mr. Nixon, however, is certainly far less severe than that done to the nervous systems of the Republican pros. These are now in a recurring state of astonished exasperation. They can't figure out Stassen any more than anybody else can, and this annoys them no end. If Mr. Nixon's ambitions have been little damaged, it is possible that a tiny jar has been suffered by Governor-elect Nelson Rocke- feller of New York. For Stassen's famous list of the four "possibili- ties" who could win the Presidency for the Republicans was resplen- dently headed by the name Rocke- feller and thunderously silent about the name Nixon. Mr. Stassen - to Mr. Rocke- feller's pained embarrassment, this correspondent is informed - has climbed upon a Rockefeller band- wagon before there is either a wagon or a band. Thus, while everybody understands what Mr. Stassen is trying to do, it is hard to find anybody who understands how he expects to do it. The problem is this: so far as eye and ear can discern, Mr. Stassen's present active supporters could caucus in any telephone booth. His most recent sortie before this had left him wounded on the fields of Pennsylvania - some would have thought mortally wounded considering that he lost by 2 to 1 in his try at the guber- natorial nomination. * * * MOREOVER, even before this disaster-or, rather, what would have been a disaster to anybody but Stassen-he had been allowed to end by resignation his services to the Eisenhower Administration. He had been, somewhat inappro- priately, the President's chief ad- viser on disarmament. And before this setback, Stassen had, of " course, challenged Mr. Nixon's renomination as Vice- President in 1956 and had been left dazed and bleeding by the roadside at the San Francisco convention. All this, however, has not for a moment dashed the spirit of this indestructible, this unsinkable, man. For the most interesting thing about Stassen is more than politically interesting-it is hu- manly interesting. He has repealed some of the natural laws governing the human personality. Defeated, he simply and totally denies the fact of de- feat. Embarrassed, he simply and totally denies the fact of embar- rassment. His inner resources against the slings and arrows are incredible. When President Eisen- hower pulled a very small rug from under his feet at San Francisco, Stassen, without moving a facial muscle, went out to the convention hall and almost prayerfully in- toiied a blessing upon Nixon's renomination. * s * Those who saw him at the time close up tried in vain to discover how Stassen felt at what had happened to him. It was impos- sible; it was as though nothing whatever had happened. In his broad, absolutely opaque face there is not a chemical trace of any emotion-no sadness, no anger, no resentment, no discom- fort. He is armed, surely, as few men are armed by an unshakable sense of inner rightness-over- laying the most profound absence of a sense of humor in American politics. At a cocktail party the wife of one of the correspondents present remarked in a routinely social way: "Governor, you must come to dinner some time." "I should be willing-," Stassen replied solemnly, "so long as it is understood, in advance, that it will all be off the record." (Copyright, 1958, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN IN REVERSING Student Government Coun- cil last Saturday, the Administration won by sheer weight what could not be won by either intellectual or moral honesty. After four years (perhaps longer) of letting SGC think it had the right to control an area (recognition of sororities and fraternities), the administration suddenly reversed itself and rammed its opin- ions down student throats. It was a shabby af- fair. It does not matter here whether or not stu- dents should have the right to recognize sor- orities and fraternities, perhaps they shouldn't, but this kind of decision is not made toward the end of an issue on which students have worked so conscientiously for two years. What makes the matter even more reprehensible is that students were only trying to enforce a University regulation. The whole issue is not a matter of "rights" in one sense. The administration runs the Uni- versity and probably has the "right" to do any- thing it wants. But the administration of a greatdAmerican university ought to be com- mitted to a policy which does not embrace this concept of authority. THE "you have power only when you agree with us" concept is fine for a totalitarian state, but really does not belong to a demo- cratic one. The administration ought to be bound, although it does not think so at this point, by some rules, which fall into the gen- eral category of fair play. This is especially true if it is also committed to producing good citizens, a commitment so frequently enunciat- ed by our administration. This concept should outlaw quite clearly any arbitrary act by the administration and re- quire from them a kind of honesty rarely to be found outside a University. It means that when they say students are given wide re- sponsibility, they show this by more than mere words. It means that they are committed to obeying spirit of any regulations establish Ai by the University. Student minds have little room to grow when they are held down by a crushingly paternal administration. rHE ADMINISTRATION did great violence ! to democratic precepts Saturday morning. It is true that students only have the power to withdraw recognition from sororities when There are also provisions which say that SGC cannot do anything at all which is contrary to regental policy and administrative prac- tice. Students naively thought that this limi- tation did not mean "power only if you agree;" because this in reality is not power at all. Stvt- dents didn't know that they were being led (more properly controlled) by a paternalistic administration which would step on their heads (probably for "their own good") the minute they stepped "out of line." The Board in Review simply stepped in and emasculated SGC. But the losers looked good. They looked good simply because they were being honest. But the winning side couldn't marshal a reasonable argument. Dean Rea pointed out that he felt sorry for National Sigma Kappa (the Board in Review is not to say whether or not it thinks the Council ac- tion is "right.") Dean Moore kept pointing out that the Regents did notrwant SGC to have any power, and that a kind-heartel adminis- tration was responsible for any crumbs SGC did pick up. (Although Vice-President Lewis was requested to give his opinion about this problem, Prof. Lionel Laing, chairman of the committee which wrote the plan, was not avail- able for his interpretation). Dean Bacon talked in circumlocutory metaphors which boiled down to the "only if you agree with us" inter- pretation. It was a "fact" that Sigma Kappa was not breaking the rules, she said, becauc the administration said so. And because SGC did not take this "fact" into consideration, they were wrong. And Dean Lovell just sat. there and didn't say a word. Students coul* not have been too proud of those who claim to be responsible for them. THE FUTURE of SGC at this point is up in the air. The Council will appeal to the Regents, but it is highly unlikely that the Re- gents would ever reverse an administrator be- cause they have a different concept of dele- gative authority. The administration at this point has placed a limitation on the Council which is great. For under this precedent the administration can stop the Council from doing anything the administration doesn't want it to do. Interest- ing concept of student "government." However. there is much SGC can do in non- Controversial areas. This action mayt force the Council into considering academic problems which should be its prime concern anyway. Since the faculty is not administration. it is The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1958, VOL. LXIX, NO, 55 eneral Notices Regents Meeting: Fri., Dec. 12. Com- munications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than Dec. 3. The next Polio Shot Clinic for stu- dents will be held Thurs., Nov. 20, only In Rm. 58 (basement) of the Health Service. Hours are 8:00-11:45 a.m. and 1:00-4:45 p.m. Proceed directly to base- ment, fill out forms, pay fee ($1.00) and receive injection. It should be noted that the 4th (booster) shot should be obtained approximately on* year after the 3rd. A tea for international students will be held, Thurs., Nov. 20, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. at Mosher Hall. Lectures Illustrated Lecture: "The DEW Line (distant early warning liner)" by Mr. Louis A. Dorff, Military Systems Engi- neer, Bell Telephone Laboratories. 4:00 p.m., Wed., Nov. 19, Aud. A, Angell Hall. The English Journal Club will spon- sor a talk by John Hagopian, instruc- tor in the Dept. of Eng. Lang. and Lit. Wed., Nov. 19, 8:00 p.m., Rackham As- sembly Hall. Mr. Hagopian will discuss "Psychology and Literature." Lecture, auspices of the Dept. of Chemistry. "Application of Hanging Mercury Drop Electrode." Prof. Victor Kemula, Warsaw, Poland. Wed., Nov. 19, 5:00 p.m., Rm. 1200, Chem. Bldg. (Continued on Page 5) ON NA TIONAL SCALE: Financial Problems Face Colleges, Students By G. K. Hodenfield Associated Press Education Reporter W ASHINGTON - For years, American college students have been getting a long, free ride toward their education. A student at a state-supported college or university generally pays about one-fifth the actual cost of his education. At more ex- pensive private schools he pays less than half. The average for all students is one-third. The schools, public and private, have been picking up the rest of the tab. But with booming enrollments and higher costs hitting them, the colleges can plainly see this sys- tem can't be continued. HERE IS the grim situation: This country now has more than three and one-half million college students. By 1970, it is ex- pected there will be at least six million, possibly seven. The combined annual budgets of the more than 1,800 colleges and universities now runs about three billion dollars. By 1970, ex- perts figure the total will be at least six billion dollars. A vast outpouring of federal aid is being given quite a ride. but it doesn't appear to be a complete solutions. College officials are swinging to the view that hope lies in a combination of the three partial solutions: ibcreased tui- tion rates, federal aid and in- :reased alumni support and more foundation grants. They feel tuition rates must be raised, and that students and their parents must go deeply in debt if necessary to pay them. They speak now of loans, possibly backed by low-cost life insurance policies, with repayments spread out over a long period. They also feel that stepped-up federal aid in some form or oth- er is necessary if college facili- ties are to be expanded to meet the rush of students. The states, too, they say, must shoulder a big- ger share of the increased costs. Alumni support has long been a good source of revenue, although only an estimated 20 per cent of the graduates do the supporting. Old grads can look for bigger and better fund raising campaigns. Corporation gifts, and grants from foundations, have become increasingly important. However, many experts think there are still :ast pools of financial reserves to be tapped in this area. ** * the private colleges. To charge the student the full cost of his education, Dr. Ludlum said re- cently, would be to break faith with the philanthropists who have endowed these schools with more than three billion dollars and would also mark a basic change in the philosophy which has guid- ed the private schools. Those who feel students and their parents should be willing to go deeply into debt to help ab- sorb the higher costs of education consider this debt a blue chip in- vestment. BUT THERE are cons as well as pros to this argument. For ex- ample, women students aren't go- ing to take kindly to the idea. Coming out of school already saddled with a big debt is going to make husband-hunting a much tougher proposition. And a college education, even with a potential value of $100,000,1 may not look so attractive to par- ents or men students, either, when they consider the years they'll spend paying off the debt. The ones who have really suf- fered over the years have been he college teachers. President Eisenhower's committee on edu- cation beyond the high-school put it bluntly: "The plain fact is that the col- lege teachers of the United States, through their inadequate salaries, are subsidizing the education of the students, and in some cases the luxuries of students' families, by an amount which is more than double the grand total of alumni gifts, corporate gifts and endow- ment income of all colleges and universities combined." The committee figured that col- lege teachers, by working for the low salaries they have long ac- cepted, are contributing more than 800 million dollars a year to the students of their schools - more than $3,500 per teacher. IN INCREASING numbers teachers have been leaving the campus for better-paying jobs in industry. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching says nearly 300,000 college teach- ers will be needed by 1970, but that only 300,000 to 400,000 are likely to be available. The Educational Policies Com- mission of the National Educa- tion Assn. says higher faculty sal- Senimore Says "I