Student Visitor Contrasts
U.S., Indonesia Journalism
The chairman of the student
council at the Academy of Jour-
nalism and Publicity in Indonesia,
Zainal Abidin Yusuf, visited the,
University over the weekend.
Yusuf is in this country on a
four-month tour sponsored by In-
ternational Exchange Projects
program of the National Social
Welfare Assembly of New York.
He has already been here for
three months and will stay in the
country for one more month.
During his first three weeks in
America, Yusuf attended an ori-
entation program at the Univer-
sity of Kansas. Then he went to
San Diego, California, where he
observed the educational and po-
litical institutions of the nation.
Yusuf said that he was very im-
pressed with American high
standards of living. educational
opportunities, and the democratic
manner in which organizations
He mentioned the fact that in;
Indonesia, one of the major prob-
lems is to teach the people the
democratic principles. "This does
not mean," he said, "that we are
rot a democratic nation, but it
ti 1
Religion, State Schools
Viewed atConference
The attentions of religious authorities and educators were trained
this week on the issue of "Religion and the State University" during
a five-day conference which closes here today.
Symposiums held Monday night and yesterday viewed "Religious
Foundations and Centers" and "The Role of the University Admin-
Rabbi Max Ticktin, director of Hillel Foundation at the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin, said the foundation tries to "concentrate on stu-
dents as individuals and take them out of the herd."
Rev. Fr. George Garrelts, national chaplain of Newman Clubs,
and director of the Newman Foundation at the University of Minne-
sota, explained that "we have tried to develop in our students." he
said, the recognition that intensiveness of knowledge is more im-
portant than extensiveness."
McKinley Foundation De-Emphasizes Sports
James R. Hines of the McKinley Foundation at the University
of Illinois said that sports have been de-emphasized by the Founda-
tion at Illinois.
Instead, he added, more emphasis has been placed on biblical,
theological, and intellectual matters.
Discussing the relation of the religious foundation to the uni-
versity, Father Garrelts noted that most administrations and facul-
ties have a kind of "benevolent tolerance" for the student religious
He added that ultimately, foundations will receive support, en-
couragement, and even "open esteem" from administrations.
Rabbi Ticktin explained that we must "recognize the university
is a neutral area," reflecting the "neutral area of open society.
Viewing "The Role of the University Administrator," John Ash-
ton, vice-president of Indiana University, pointed out "significant"
charyges which have taken place in state universities including a shift
to large, cosmopolitan student bodies and a change from limited
liberal curriculums to more widely diversified ones.
Sees Skepticism Among Students
At the same time, he indicated that a skepticism has become
apparent among the students. There has been, he said, an increase in
vocational interests culminating in the search for more practicality
within the individual's life.
Thus, Ashton continued, the role of the university administrator
has enlarged to a complicated operation requiring sizable staffs to
deal with many arising problems.
The administrator, Ashton said, expects that these religious or-
ganizations will provide religious counseling. "The university cannot
and should not try to be all things to all people."
Academic Freedom Urged
Harry Philpott, vice-president of the University of Florida,
pointed out that it is the obligation of the administration, once a
religious curriculum has developed, to "provide the same academic
freedom as it provides for other curriculums."
Administration or faculty members are concerned with more
than producing specialists and business men,said Dean Ernest Melby
of Michigan State University. The field of human values is "that
area in which we can produce real superiority," he claimed.
Lewis W. Jones, president of the National Conferince of Christians
and Jews, declared "we're not doing a very good job in the area of
human relations."
"Education is lacking in terms of educating the whole person," he
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-Daily-David Arnold
. ..visits campus
takes time to teach people on the
plantations and in the villages
how to use the democratic pro-
Being a journalism student,
Yusuf voiced an interest in Amer-
ican newspapers. He admired the
technical aspects of American
newspapers, but he felt that they,
generally have one fault. They
are too pre-occupied with local
issues to take a thorough look at
international problems.
Yusuf claimed that only two
American newspapers gave thor-
ough coverage to international is-
sues; these papers are The New
York Times and The Christian
Science Monitor. "It is too bad
that more people do not read
these papers as well as their lo-
cal newspapers," he commented.
In comparing American and In-
donesian newspapers, Yusuf ad-
mitted Indonesian newspapers
are not as finished technically.
because Indonesian newsmen are
still learning western newspaper
But he added Indonesian papers
are much less sensational than
American papers.
-DaUy-Allan Winder
THE LESSON-Eugene lonesco's symbolic one-act tragedy, "The
Lesson," striking against French education, will be presented by
the University speech department at 4 p.m. today in the Arena
Theatre in the Frieze Bldg. Here an aged professor threatens one
of his pupils.
Editor Discusses Newspapers,
Public Relations a Seminar
Leslie Moore, executive editor
of The Worcester (Mass.) Tele- e a rise in the wage level in
the newspaper industry, M~oore
gram told a journalism seminar felt that this is not the answer
yesterday that public relations to the problem, because the pub-
definitely has its place in a com- lic relations industry would main-
munity, but that' place is not in tain the present wage differential,
a newspaper city room. The answer to the problem he
Moore explained that the prime said is to more clearly differenti-
objective of a newspaper is ob- ate between the two professions.
jectivity while the function of He disagreed with those who sug-
public relations is to develop a gest that more public relations
"friendly climate for the client." emphasis should be placed in
One trend that Moore said dis- journalism curriculums.
turbed him was the fact that pub- Sigma Delta Chi, the national
lic relations organizataions are journalism honorary, will consider
sending "recruiting sergeants a motion to prohibit further ad-
through American city rooms and mission of public relations men.
editorial chambers" looking for Moore favored this motion and
experienced journalists to hire for suggested that the proper place
public relations work. for public relations courses might
,Although he said he would wel- I be in business curriculums.
Panel Studies 'Pulsebeat of Twenties'
International Variety Show
Union Ballroom
9 P.M. & 10:30 P.M.
Admission 50c
Sudden increase in world power,
an unbalanced economy, and a
conflict between rural and urban
sections of the country were some
of the main factors involved in
establishing the trend of te 1920s,
according to four University pro-
f essors.!
In a panel discussion sponsored
by the Student Government
Council Monday to consider the
historical, political, cultural and
economic significance of the 20s,
Prof. Sidney Fine of the history
department, Prof. George Peek of
the political science department,
Prof. Edwin A. Engel of the Eng-
lish department and Prof. William
B. Palmer of the economics de-
partment discussed "The Pulse-
beat of the Twenties."
Prof. Fine, who moderated the
discussion, said President Wood-
row Wilson's high ideals led to a
reaction during the era because
they were too exacting to be fol-
From Disasters
"Political parties grow out of
one disaster and last ntil the next
disaster," Prof. Peek said, explain-
ing the rise and decline of the Re-
publican party during the period.
Growing out of the Civil War,
the Republican party declined
during the depression in 1932
when the Democrats came into
power - essentially because the
Republicans failed to meet the
crisis of urbanization and of the
Next citing his "pendulum
theory," Prof. Peek said the;
change in administration duringj
the twenties was due largely to a
natural swinging from extreme
conservatism of pre-World War I
to liberalism.
Rural vs. Urban
Prof. Fine added "the tension of
the twenties may basically be due
to urban versus rural segments of
society," citing the close race for
the democratic presidential nom-
ination between Al Smith andj
William McAdoo in 1924. which!
was basically a struggle between
urban and rural forces.
Accumulated inventories caused
a "buy today because pricesawill
be higher tomorrow" feelintg after
World.War I, according to Prof.
Due to excessive speculation in
the late 20s on the stock market,
the "bottom fell out" in 1929 after
a period of fairly "normal" econ-
omic activity.
Economic Situation
The world economic situation
also contributed to the fall of the
United States' economic structure
during the 1920s, Prof. Palmer
continued. A "dangerous balance"C
was caused by American loans to
Germany for payment of their
When the United States stopped
lending funds to Germany, the de-
feated nation was consequently
unable to continue paying Eng-
land and France and they, in
turn; ad a "hard time" buying
from this country, according to
Prof. Palmer.
Discussing literature during the
twenties period, Prof. Engel said
it thrived, making it one of the
best decades for American liter-
ature. Novelists, poets and critics
wrote extensively during the eta,
he said.
Many Authors
"Since the American Renais-
sance, we have not had as great
a number of prominent authors
and there seems to have been no
such great cultural movement
since then," Prof. Engel said, cit-
ing many examples of authors
who wrote during the period.
The attitude that brought about
the label "lost generation" was
caused by disillusionment from
the war and the influence of
Freud's psychological theories
teaching that man is merely a
pawn of his emotions.
In a question and answer ses-
sion after the discussion, Prof.
Fine said that in President Her-
bert Hoover's administration he
began some "New Deal" type
legislation to correct the econom-
ic situation, but "never appreciat-
ed the full depth of the depres-
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