Leaves Set
At Meeting
Four- leaves of absence and a
permission for retirement were
granted by the Board of Regents
Prof. Charles G. Grody of the in-
dustrial engineering department
will retire on Feb. 1. The 65-year-
old professor has been on the fac-
ulty of the University since 1921
and later became the University's
first professor of industrial en-
The title of professor emeritus
of industrial engineering was con-
ferred on Prof. Grody by the Re-
gents. It will become effective on
the retirement date.
Granted Sick Leave
Prof. Theodore H. Hubbell, di-
rector of the Museum of Zoology,
was granted sick leave from Oct.
12 until Saturday.
A leave for the second semester
of the 1958-59 academic year was
given Prof. Lyle E. Craine, of the
natural resources school. Prof.
.Craine will receive no salary from
the University while he uses his
leave to help in the preparation of
a definitive analytical book on
water policy.
Unsalaried Leave Extended
An extension of leave, without
salary, was given Prof. Herbert
Penzl, of the German department
to cover next semester. He was
granted a leave for the first se-
mester to teach at the University
of Kabul, Afghanistan, on a grant
from the United States State De-
The Afghan authorities have re-
quested that Prof. Penzl prolong
his stay.
A leave of absence for illness
until the end of the first semester
was granted Prof. Helen Titus of
the music school.
'Scuse Me
Pvt. David McPherson stopped
two 11-year-old boys in front
of a variety store recently and
asked why they weren't in
Before he finished his inter-
rogation, the manager of the
store interrupted to inform
McPherson that a quantity of
play money had been stolen.
McPherson switched his
questioning of the two boys. It
resulted in their turning over
to him play currency he said
had a "valuation" of three mil-
lion dollars.
Newrly Started'
Budgets fWin
Regents' Nod
The Regents approved budgets
totalling $810,641, initiated since
the meeting of Oct. 24.
Research grants and contracts
accounted for $785,141 of the total.
Fellowships, scholarships and
grant's for students made up
$2,500, and funds for state and
public services added up to $23,-
The sources of funds for the
budgets were: federal government,
$474,641; foundations, $267,024;
industry and individuals, $41,493;
service charges, $23,000; endow-
ment income, $3,483 and state and
local government, $1,000.
Research contracts with the
Atomic Energy Commission re-
ceived the two largest budgets.
The larger of these, for $78,487, is
for continued research on genetic
The other is for $51,092.64 to
continue the project of running
clinical tests on the efficiency of
radioactive cesium as a source of
therapeutic radiation.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
University Convocation - Centennial
of Student Religious Work at the Uni-
versity of Michigan. The Convocation
will be addressed by Dr. Arthur S.
Adams, President of the American
Council on Education, on the subject,
"Religion in Today's University," 11:00
a.m., Wed., Nov. 19. Classes dismissed
at 10:40 a.m, Academic costume will
not be worn.
American Chemical Society and Un-
versity Lectures. Dr. Witkur Kemula,
Prof. of Chemistry, Warsaw University,
will speak on "Application of the Hang-
ing Drop Electrode in Analysis and
Electro-Chemistry," on Wed., Nov. 19,
5:00 pam., Rm. 1200 Chem. Bldg.
University Lecture, auspices of the
Dept. of Psychiatry. "The Psychoanaly-
tic Psychology of Imagination." David
Beres, M.D., psychoanalyst and iinstru-
tor at New York Psychoanalytic Insti-
tute. 8:00 p.m., Tues., Nov. 18, Chl-
dren's Psychiatric Hospital Aud.
Eleanor Roosevelt here Tuesday night.
Mrs. Roosevelt wilt be presented by
the University Platform Attractions
Tuesday, 8:30 p.m. in Hill Aud. as the
opening feature of International Week
on campus. "Is America Facing World
Leadership?" IS the subject of her ad-
dress. Tickets will be on sale tomorrow
10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Tues. 10 a.m.-8:30
p.m. in the Auditorium box office.
Students are offered a special reduced
rate on all tickets.
University Lectures in Journalism:
Leslie Moore, Exec. Editor of the Wor-
eestor (Mass.) Telegram will speak on
Tues., Nov. 18, 3:00 p.m., Rackham Am-
phitheatre. Topic: "The P R Sea
Around Us."
Composers' Forum: To be presented
at 8:30 p.m., Mon., Nov. 17, in Aud. A,
Angell Hall. Compositions on the pro-
gram are the works of students Arnold
Schonberg, Wayne Slawson, Bruce Wise,
Robert Ashley, David Bates, and Henry
Onderdonk. Participating on the pro-
gram will be Elizabeth Grotegut, Wal-
lace Berry, Paul Topper, Enore Cramp-
on, Elizabeth Lichty, Cynthia Kren,
Shirley Zaft, Bruce Wise, Geraldine
Groce, Mary McCoskey, Clarence Byrd,
Douglas Marsh and Sieglinde Onder-
donk. A short discussion will follow
the program which will be open to the
general public without charge.
Student Recital: A piano recital will
be presented by GIeta Dinsmore Sun.,
Nov. 16, 4:15 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Miss Dinsmore, whose recital is pre-
sented in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Bachelor
of Music, is a student of Benning Dex-
ter. She has included on her program
compositions by Beethoven, Schumann,
J. S. Bach, and Seriabine. Open to the
general public.
Academic Notices
Instrumentation Engineering Semi-
nar on Mon., Nov. 17, 4 p.m., Rm. 1508
E. Eng. Bldg. Kiyohiro Tajima of the
Dept. of Mech. Eng. Waseda Univer-
sity, Tokyo, will conclude his seminar
on "An Investigation of Optimal
Switching Functions for Generalized
Discontinuous Control Systems."
Engineering Mechanics Seminar,
Mon., Nov. 17, 4:00 p.m., Rm. 218 W.
Eng. Bldg. There will be an open dis-
cussion on nonlinear elasticity. Coffee
will be served at 3:30 p.m. in the Fac-
ulty Lounge, W. Eng. Bldg. All interest-
ed persons are invited to attend.
School of Music Honors Scholar Pro-
gram: Applications for the Honors
Scholar program of the School of Mu-
sic are now being accepted by the
Honors Council. Applications (and sup-
porting recommendations) must be
filed in the School of Music office no
later than December 1. Explanatory
leaflets and appropriate forms are
available in the School of Music office.
Applications for fellowships and
Scholarships in the Graduate School
for 1959-60 are now available. Applica-
tions for renewal should also be filed
at this time. Competition closes Feb. 1,
1959. Applications and information may
be obtained in the Graduate School
Offices, Rackham Bldg. Only students
who intend to enroll in the Horace H.
Rackham School of Graduate Studies
for 1959-60 may apply.
Placement Notices
The following schools will be at the
Bureau of Appointments to interview
prospective teachers for Feb., 1959.
Thurs., Nov. 20 :
Detroit, Mich. - All fields.
Fri., Nov. 21:
Drayton Plains, Mich. (Pontiac-Wat-
erford Township) - Early and late ele-
mentary; HS Math; Speech Correction;
Mentally Handicapped.
For appointments and any addition-
al information contact the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO
3-1511, Ext. 489.
The following companies will be in-
terviewing at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.:
Mon., Nov. 17:
The Proctor ti Gamble Company,
Overseas Division, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lo-
cation of Work-Cincinnati, Ohio; Bel-
gium; France, Switzerland, Canada;
United Kingdom; Mexico; Peru; Vene-
zuela; Cuba; Philippine Islands. Grad-
uates-Feb., June, Aug. Citizenship and
national origin from France, Belgium,
Switzerland, United Kingdom, Canada,
Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Cuba, and
Philippine Islands. 1. Men from Bel-
gium, Italy, Mexico, Philippines, Puerto
Rico, Switzerland, and Venezuela with
a degree in Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. for
Advertising 2 Men from Mexico, Philip-
pines, Puerto Rico, Venezuela with a
degree in Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. for
Sales. 3 Men from Belgium, Mexico,
Vanezuela, Philippines with a degree
in Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. for Pur-
chasing, 4; Men from Mexico, Philip-
pines, Switzerland, Venezuela, with a
degree in Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. for
Finance. 5. Men from Belgium, Cuba,
France, Mexico, Philippines, Venezuela
with a degree in Engineering or Chem-
istry for Factory Management. 6 Men
from Belgium, France, or Philippines
with a degree in Engineering or Chem-
istry for Technical Staff. Additional
information is available in the office.
Tues., Nov. 18:
International Business Machines, Inc.,
Dearborn, Mich. Location of %ork-
JBranch Sales Offices-Midwest Region.
Graduates-February. Men and Women
with BS, MS. or PHD in Math. for Elec-
tric Computing. Men with a degree in
Liberal Arts or Bus. Admin. for Sales.
Citizenship Required.
The Kroger Company, Livonia, Mich.
Interviewer--Mr. J. A. Surratt, Asst.
Personnel Manager. Location of Work-
Midwest and South. Graduates-Feb.
June. Men with a degree in Liberal
Arts or Bus. Admin. for 1. Advertising
2. Management Training 3. Merchandis-
ing 4. Personnel 5. Retailing 6. Trans-
portation 7. Real Estate. The training
program offers a thorough instruction
in the fundamentals of the food in-
dustry, and a flexible program that
broadens the horizons of the developing
American Hospital Supply Corpora-
ation, Evanston, Ill. Interviewer-Mr. R.
V. Seaman, Jr., Director of Personnel.
Location of Work, Evanston. Ill. forE
training program but eventually relo-,
cation to other areas of the country,
Graduates-Feb. June, Aug. Citizen-
ship required. M n with a degree in
Liberal Arts or Bus. Admin. for 1. Man-
agement. General Management Train-
ees-22 to 28-draft exempt. Training
in Evanston, as well as in locations
of principal division offices. Semi-
formal program. 2 'Men with a degree
in Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. with a mini-
mum of 12 hours in accounting, 22 to
28 draft exempt for Office Management.
Positions require 2-4 years of training
in American's general headquarters and
division operations. Ultimate sassign-
menit will involve high levels of re-
sponsibility. 3 Men with a degree in
Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad., 22-28, draft
exempt, for American Division (Sales
Candidates), Semi-formalized train-
ing program from 6-12 months. 4. Men!
with degree in biological sciences or
chemistry, 22 to 28, draft exempt. for
Scientific Products Division (Sales
Candidates). Training program 6-12r
months. 5 Men with a degree in Phar-
macy, Biological Sciences, or Medical
for Scientific Products Division (Sales
Specialists), draft exempt, 23 to 28.
Brief training program early assign-
ment and further training in the field,
The Proctor & Gamble Company -
Overseas Division-See Monday's list-
WED,, NOV. 19:
day's listing.
Esso Research & Engineering Com-
pany, Linden, N.J. Interviewer-Mr. P.
W. Maloney, Employment Manager. Lo-
cation of Work. Linden N. J. Graduates
Feb. June, Aug. Men with MA or PhD
in Psychology, Industrial Psychology,
Industrial Engineers with Mfaster's de-
gree in Bus. Admin. or Bachelor's de-
gree in the above if exceptional stu-
dent for Employee Relations Work.
Employee Relations has responsibilities
in seven areas, namely, nonprofession-
al employment, professional employ-
ment, salary administration, training,
plans and benefits. safety and se-
curity and in research and special
studies dealing with the effective use
of manpower.
Mutual of New York, Detroit, Mich.
Interviewer-Mir. D. B. Crouch, Per-
sonnel Assistant, Location of Work.
Detroit. Graduates. Feb., June, Aug.
Men with a degree in Liberal Arts or
Bus. Admin.. 21-30 years of age, have
completed their military service or an
obligation of no more tha six months
for Sales Management Training Pro-
Union Carbide Nuclear Co., Oak Ridge,
Tenn. Interviewer. Mr. H. E. Trammell,
Physicist. Location of Work, Oak Ridge,
Tenn., and Paducah, Ken. Graduates,
Feb. Men with MS or PhD -in Mathe-
matics for Mathematicians and Sta-
ticians-Theoretical and Applied, Ac-
tivities--Production of Uranium 235
which includes the production of bar-
rier, barrier materials, fluorine and
uranium hexafluoride, Fundamental
and applied research in the over-all
atomic energy program.
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