See Page 2
Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol . LInt.No. 52
Plans India Trip
Regents Approve Stirton's Mission
To Aid Technical School Founding
University Vice-President and Director of the Dearborn Center
William E. Stirton will travel to India as part of a team of engineering
educators studying the establishment of an Institute of Technology
Scheduled to depart Nov. 25, Stirton was granted the leave by the
Board of Regents yesterday after the request for his participation came
from the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE).
The ASEE has signed a contract with the International Coopera-
tion Administration to study the possibilities of establishing an
Five Seek
SGC Posts
As Officers
Student Government Council
seated the five members elected in
this week's voting, then heard an-
nouncements of candidacy from
five members who wish to be offi-
cer for the next semester at yes-
terday's meeting.
Ron Bassey, '61, David Carpen-
ter, '61, Maynard Goldman, 59,
-Ron Gregg, '0, and Al Haber, '60,
are the members just elected.'
Scott Chrysler '59BAd, n-
nounced his intention to seek the
Council presidency. Goldman, now
president, has not announced his
Three in Running
David Kessel, Grad., SC Treas-
urer Mort Wise, 59, and Haber
Board Called
The Board In Review of Stu-
Aent Government Council will
meet at 9 am. today on the
th440 r of the Student Ac-
tivities Building.
The Board will consider the
Council's withdrawal of recog-
nition from Sigma Kappa so-
Dean of Women Deborah Ba-
eon called a Board meeting on
behalf of Sigma Kappa to de-
termine if SGC's action is a
violation of regental policy.
The Board was also called by
Dean Bacon and Dean of Men
Walter B. Rea for the adminis-
All members or the Board In
Review are expected to be pres-
ent at today's meeting which is
open to the public.
said they will run for the Execu-
tive Vice - President post being
vacated by Dan Belin, '59.
Pred Merrill, '59, announced his
candidacy for Administrative Vice-
President. Jo Hardee, '60, who now
holds the post, did not announce
her intentions.
The only major business trans-
acted before the new candidates
Joined the Council was the report
of the Student Activities Commit-
tee on the "alleged publicity viola-
tion" concerning Operation Wake-
up a week ago
Approves Recommendation
The Council approved a recom-
mendation from the committee
that the case be referred to Joint
Judiciary Council. The Union and
Wolverine Club, sponsors of the
dance, were not directly named.
Operation Wakeup coincided
with the Panhellenic Ball. It was
approved by SOC with the under-
standing that publicity prepared
after that time would stress the
pep-rally half and would avoid
mention of the dance afterwards.
The Student Activities Commit-
tee reported the publicity had
violated this, agreement, and had
come out before approval and in-
cluded handbills, both against
University rules
Spe akin for the action, Inter
House Council President Bob Ash-
ton, '59, sad the Council must put
teeth into its calendaring pro-
cedures somehow and this seemed
like a good way.
SOC turned down a second mo-
tion from the SAC, which would
have required groups seeking ap-
proval of an event less than two
weeks ahead to forfeit 10 per cent
of the sum of profits and expendi-
Vocal Grouns
advanced engineering institute at
Kanpur, India.
The group will remain in India
for a period of six weeks to two
months, with headquarters in New
The establishment of the insti-
tute is part of an agreement made
by the United States and other
nations with India to aid in im-
proving its 67 engineering colleges,
Stirton said.
Other nations have already be-
gun setting up institutes, creating
an "emergency" situation in which
the United States must act, he
Will Not Interfere
The Indian government re-
quested that one member of the
team of six be a president or vice-
president of a university having a
college of engineering. Stirton will
administratively lead the group.
Other participants will include
deans and professors of engineer-
ing schools in the nation.
Stirton said the timing of the
trip should not interfere with his
activities at the University, be-
cause legislative action on both
the' University budget and on
funds for the Dearborn Center are
not likely to begin before he re-
He cited the split of 55 Repub-
'licans and 55 Democrats in the
House as the reason for the delay.
The report of the study group,
is due on Jan. 1.
An Editorial...
STUDENT Government Council Board in Review i
meeting this morning.
Ostensibly, the meeting is set to determine the fat(
of Sigma Kappa sorority. Actually it will go a long wa
toward determining the status of SGC.
In fact, according to the Council Plan, the Boar
cannot legally consider whether or not recognitior
should be withdrawn from Sigma Kappa. It can only re
verse the Council decision, if the decision is in conflic
with regental, Joint Judiciary, or administrative policy
or practice.
And this is where the problem lies.
The administration has insisted until now tha
its policy on this issue is "Sigma Kappa sorority is no
in violation of University regulations." We have sai
before, if this is a representation of policy,. studen
government never had any power in this area at all. I
SGC only had power as long as it agreed with the ad-
ministration, it is difficult to see why the Council wa
ever given any, even on paper.
And policy usually means a broad general outlook
which provides the framework for judging specific cases
However, the administration is reversing the process
and if it continues op its present course, the first fouo
years of administrative faith in student governmeni
will be shown to be merely pretense.
The new era of student responsibility, represented
by a showplace building for student leaders will have
suddenly ended. SGC will be a great experiment tha
failed;- failed because it lacked the necessary elemen
of real administrative faith in students' ability to think
and act for themselves.
Today the Board in Review meets, We hope that the
Board will show that all those grand promises were mor
than just words.
M Eleven
To Combat
Hoosier Foe,
Y Third Straight Win
Sought by Indiana
n - Bennie Oosterbaan will coach
- hislast home game this afternoon
t when Michigan meets Indiana in
the Stadium at 1:30 p.m.
Y The Wolverines, swept under by
the most devastating wave of'
losses since 1936, should have
t their hands full with the surpris-
ting Hoosiers.
t For the first time since 1946
d Indiana has won two Big Ten
t contests in a single season, and
for the first time since 1936 Mich-
igan is having a losing Big Ten
- record. OFFICIAL D
S Losing Season that Bump El
The Wolverines stand at 1-3-1 from present f
k and the Hoosiers at 2-3 in the of this year. B
. Big Ten, while Michigan is 2-4-1 Hoosiers invad
in overall action. Their last los-
ing season was 192, when they O o te
r ended up at 4-5, but were 4-3 in tfOrste
One has to go back to 1936 to
d find a truly bad season, when the A ro s
e Wolverines had. a 1-7 record and coc Hry ik ws frd
ecoach Harry Klpke was fired.
t Indiana, on the other hand, has B
t been on the losing end of both
k Conference and overall records Campus rea
since their 1945 Big Ten cham- of duties Thursd
pionship. In fact, up until this John Herrn
season the Hoosiers had earned member of the
e the title of Big Ten "doormat.","surprised" at t
Rebounding Hoosiers Herrnstein h
However, the boys from Bloom- when he was to
ington have rebounded in their learned o( the o
last four contests - beating-West
Virginia. Miami of Ohio, Minne- see Bennie's ca
sota and finally Michigan State. end," he said. "I
Thus, the Indiana team stands lows feel the sa
ahead of Michigan in the stand- a tremendous as
.ings at present. Ieity.
Both of the teams are crippled Has Ben
by injuries to top backfield stars. "As for his s
Indiana's leading ground-gainer, the world of Bu
in Tom Campbell, won't be able to terrific personali
sity play, while Michigan's top half- nie's assets. I h
r of back, Darrell Harper, is a doubt- someday play i
tend ful starter, man of their qu
d. The fact that Reid Bushong, Michigan alu
Harper's understudy at left half- mon, '41, comm
back, is also hurt and won't play Oosterbaan's dec
at all has called for another back- coaching positio
field shift. for Bump. Evash
Baeck at Tailback ball coach Fores
Brad Myers, who started the me he thought B
season at left halfback, and was young coach in
moved to right when Harper im- Evy's word is goo
for proved at mid-season, is back at A slightly disse
for left half for this game. Whether voiced byhLouis
for he or Harper will start the game said he thought
ear-' remains to be seen this afternoon, around long en
Re- Michigan's other injuries are good a time as
simply the hobbling type, and will leave"
tive keep no one from action, although Pressure R
rter perhaps peak capacity cannot be Pavloff also s
ster expected from all. Tackles Don Bennie "probabl
at Deskins and George Genyk are pressure." Ralph
r is bothered by an injured knee and baseball captain,
the pinched neck nerve respectively, on the "informa
Michigan's backfield will be led which reached it
the by quarterback Bob Ptacek, start- "I think Ben
y- ing his-last home game, and will Michigan coach
tra- be filled out by either Harper or man of the Mi
Myers, Fred Julian at right half, and he's leaving
esi- and Gene Sisinyak at fullback, for a younger n
ents Sisinyak is also a senior in his type," he added.
ing last home appearance. Peter Hamme
at Other Michigan starters who that since Ooster
See SEEK, page 4 so long. "he des
-xDaily-Peter Anderson
ECISION-The Regents yesterday made it official
iott (right) will take over the head coaching reins
ootball mentor Bennie Oosterbaan (left) at the end
oth will be working today to defeat Indiana as the
de Michigan Stadium at 1 p.m.
rbaan Resignation
es Campus Regret
ction to Bennie Oosterbaan's request for reassignment
ay was almost unanimously regretful.
stein, '59, injured captain of the football team and
Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics, was
he early announcement of the decision.
ad voluntarily left the Board meeting Thursday night
aid that coaching personnel would be discussed. He
fficial announcement yesterday afternoon. "I hate to
Deposit To Be Asked of New Students
An enrollment fee of $50, to be
applied as a pre-payment on the
first semester"tuition, will be re-
quired of all first-year students
at the University next year.
The concept of the deposit was
adopted by the University Board
IFCF inI A e
ATO $100
The Executive Committee of the
Interfraternity Council voted
Thursday to fine Alpha Tau Ome-
ga fraternity $100 with $50 sus-
pended for allowing women to
assist in their rushing program.
According to John Gerber, '59,
president of IFC, a sorority had
serenaded the fraternity while
rushees were in the house.l
"Serenading between the two
houses is traditional," Murray
Milne, '59, the fraternity's presi-
dent said. "No one ever asked the1
sorority to come over that night."
Since the sorority was not aware
that serenading was in violation
of rushing procedure, the Com-
mittee felt that a $100 fine with
$50 suspended was sufficient.
of Regents at their meeting yes-
terday, with the administrative de-
tails of the program to be worked
out by the Board of Admissions,
'Firm Up' Policy
The purpose of the enrollment
deposit is to "firm up" at an
earlier date, those accepted stu-
dents who really plan to attend
the University, Vice-President for
Student Affairs James A. Lewis
All freshmen and first-year un-
dergraduate transfer students, ex-
cept those sponsored students or
foreign students, will be required
to pay the fee, he added.
Whether the fee will be re-
fundable or not hasn't been de-
termined, Lewis said, but the
Board of Admissions may decide
that special conditions, such as
being drafted into the armed
forces or illness within the ap-
plicant's family, will warrant' a
Policy Will Help
The plan was initially accepted
by the Deans' Conference in Sep-
tember and then turned over to a
subcommittee of deans and Clyde
Vroman, director of admissions,
for further work.
Previous to Regents' acceptance
of the plan, Vroman said the de-
posit would "help materially'
admitting students. The Univer
can now estimate the number
students who will actually att
the school in the fall, he adde
Tuition Set
At LPearbori
Fees per quarter of $85
Michigan residents and $200
non-residents were established
students at the University's DE
born Center by the Board of;
gents yesterday.
The fees, to become effec
Jan. 1, are based on the qua
system rather than the seme
plan used in Ann Arbor and
the Flint branch. The quarte
equivalent to two-thirds of
The same fee will apply to
Center's three areas of stud
liberal arts, business administ
tion and engineering.
Fees of $40 for Michigan r
dents and $100 for non-reside
will be required on students dur
their work-experience quarters
the Center.
reer come to an
think all the fel-
me way. He's been
set to the Univer-
nie's Assets
uccessor, I think
mp, too. He has a
ty and all of Ben-
ope my son may
football under a
mnus Tom Har-
nented, "I regret
ision to leave the
n, but I am happy
evski (Iowa foot-
t Evashevski) told
ump was the best
the country-and
d enough for me."
nting opinion was
Pavloff, '62. He
"Bennie has been
ough; now is as
any for him to
eWches Peak
aid he felt that
y succumbed to
Hutchings, '60,
also commented
d, subtle pressure
s peak this year.
nie is a typical
and a fine gentle-
chigan tradition,
g to make room
man of the same
rton, '62E, said
rbaan has been in
serves a change."
Two Receive
Appontment of two assistant
deans, in the architecture school
and engineering college, was in-
cluded in University Regents ac-
tion yesterday.
Prof. Herbert Johe, 54 years old,
currently assistant to the dean of
the architecture school, was ele-
vated to the post of assistant dean.
Arlen R. Hellwarth was appointed'
to the corresponding post in the
engineering college.
Previous Faculty Member
Prof. Johe, a faculty member
since 1947, served previously as an
instructor in architecture at North
Dakota Agricultural College. He
received his master's degree in
architecture from Carnegie Insti-
tute of Technology in 1940.
Hellwarth, 55 years old, was at
the same time named associate
professor of engineering and col-
lege secretary. He will replace
Dean Walter Emmons, who is re-
tiring June 30, 1959.
Worked in Detroit
Hellwarth, who received his
bachelor's and master's degrees
here, has been associated with a
Detroit firm for the past ten years.
The Regents also appointed
Charles W. Cares, 40 years old;
associate professor of landscape
architecture. Prof. Cares has been
on the Cornell University faculty
since 1951, where is is presently
a member of the department of
floriculture and ornamental horti-
He was also responsible for the
'planting and site plans for the
freshman dormitory group at Cor-
U' Regents
Name Eliot
Head Coach
Mentor Completes
Home CreerTo
With Indiana Gaml
afy S,.rt Editor
The Regents offiglally appoi
Chalmers "Bump" Elliott to rep
Bennie Oosterbaan as Mlchig
head football coach yesterday
In their monthly meetin
Regents approved Oostrbaan'
quest to retire from the posi
and approved the resolution of
Board in Control of fntercolleg
Athletics naming Elliott aIs
successor, both effective Jan
1, 1959.
At that time Oosterbaan
step into a new position with
Athletic Department as an asi
ant to the Athletic Director.
Old tAumr
This chain of action, hic
been rumored since Elliott ea
here as backfield coach two y
ago, finally came to a head
day night when it was repot
that the Board had pased
In an official announcen
after the Regents meeting yes
day, University President Hai
Hatcher said that it was wlt
"deepest regret" that the Reg
approved Oosterbaan's request
He pointed out that action°
taken only after it was cer'
that Oosterbaan wished to r
Decided in Spring
6osterbaan said yesterday V
he had made the decision
spring, at which time the 11
in Control offered hin -
position in the department, He
decided to withhold the deci
until the end of the season,
However, in view of tle '
curring rumors" he finally meci
to make the statement oficial
In bringing forth the pro"i
at the meeting yesterday Presid
Hatcher said that "in accord *
the desires of Bennie and
action of the Board in Conti
this would be placed before
'Regretful Move'
Regent Leland Doan "regretf
moved" that the action be tal
and it was "regretfully second
by RegenthCharles Kennedy
All of the Regents expressed
highest respect for Oosterbaani
the best wishes for him in his
position and Elliott in his.
See BENNIE, page #
World News
B The Assocated Frs
MOSCOW. - Premier
Khrushchev has Promised C
S6viet people a better life in
seven-year drive to outstrip c
talism in industrial production,
Khrutshchev, in the next e
years, proposed to boost natlv
income by from 62 to 65 per ce
BERLIN -- Western Big Tb
officials conferred inWest BO
yesterday on how to cope W
Soviet Premier Nikita Khru
chev's move to oust Allied tro
from this divided city.
United States, British
rench groi naofficialsn ft
Allied garrisons met in an atmu
phere somewhat less tense tI
when Khrushchev called for
end to the four-power status
Berlin Monday.
* , ,
States hastily offered assura
to the NATO allies yesterday ti
it stands by its promise to sup
them with medium range nucl
missiles for defense against Sov
ImiL yht_
r ...+,.. ......p t k.v ua.axf
Magidoff, Dunham Cite Pasternak's View
"Pasternak now lies in the loneliness of undefeated truth--his eyes
still alive to the wonder of life and of a blade of grass," Robert
Magidoff of the Slavic languages department said yesterday.
Speaking with Prof. Vera Dunham, of the Wayne State University
Russian literature department, on "An Evening with Pasternak,"
Magidoff described the influence that Pasternak has in Russia even
Prof. Dunham said his desire to stay in the Soviet Union is not
unusual considering that he once wrote, "I am linked to Russia by
birth, life and my work .. , departure is equivalent to death for me."
Pasternak's heresy, she and Magi
doff said, comes from his criticism There is not, Magidoffsaid,
of the Soviet denial/of individual been "a single great work in Rus-
life. Quoting from his Nobel Prize- sia from rfw vear afters thI
because then they could call him
t rir e lo Q vn T - -
a Lraiw to the 6ovIet uniandinell.
a deserter. But Pasternak, like
Sergei Prokofieff, feels unable to
write anywhere but Russia. He
once wrote, "A writer without his
homeland is of little value."
Popular in Russia. 70 egA
Proof of Pasternak's popularity
in Russia, Magidoff said, can best Results of the tests for the food
be shown by a reading he once infection at South Quadrangle are;
gave in 1946. expected to be released Monday
Little if any of Pasternak's writ- or Tuesday after' confirmation4
ing had been published since 1930.h
The poet begantoreadfromnotesnfrom the State Health Department
Thepoe bean o eadfro noesin Lansing, Dr. Morley Beckett.
I to n aurdienncofsrlf hrnzan,_-..A