"It'll Be Interesting To Find Out What The Other Side Is Like" SiAty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNfI\ERSIIY OF ICltHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 'en Opinons Are Free Truth WW llrevaii' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex-press the indiuidual opifions of staff writers or the editors: This must he noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: JOAN KAATZ Education's Purpose Confronts The University's Conscience "We in the colleges must concern ourselves with the life of the intellect and imagina- tion again and remind ourselves and the public that the purpose of education is to develop people who can think and act for themselves." - Harold Taylor, President of Sarah Lawrence College in the Heyward Keniston Lecture delivered here Monday. t-oA SON ~~a rA JAPC HOW FORGETFUL is the University? Un- conscious mental blocks can keep people and institutions from reminding themselves of certain things. But sometimes the barriers are conscious. Barriers hindering education from develop- ing the individual to think and act for him- self are manifold, and at this University, can be found at three levels. The first barrier, of course, may be in the student himself. One might define the stu- dent's role as to study, gaining knowledge and the ability to understand it solely because of its intrinsic merit. Or, as President Taylor puts it, "a student is a person who is learning to ful- fill his powers and to find ways of using them in the service of mankind." However, motives for attending college vary and unfortunately it is a safe assumption that a high percentage of those who register every fall are neither learning, nor interested in helping mankind but are prompted by reasons more material or social than intellectual. And of those who initially may be seeking a higher education to develop theirthinking ability, /many eventually may decide it's too much work. Additional barriers hindering the thinking and developing processes also can be found at the faculty level. The dogmatism of certain professors, particularly deplorable in the hu- manities, invariably dampens independent thought. Nor is it encouraged by the nature of some examinations, which in effect, encourage a student to develop his ability to memorize and parrot rather than think. The stenograph- er approach to achieving high grades is suc- cessful all too often. BUT THE MOST disturbing barriers can be found at the third, and most powerful level, that of the administration. For the first two leave some room for free will. An individual desirous of learning to think and act for himself can examine and perhaps change his own attitudes. Also, by in- dependent work, it may be possible to develop, despite the professor. But in certain areas of mental activity there appears to be a strong element of pre-deter- minism. No matter what the student does, no matter how carefully he thinks and no matter how cautiously he would move, a higher and stronger authority may be in a position to prevent him from thinking and acting for himself. A Vote of' MAYNARD GOLDMAN'S tremendous write- in victory in the just-past Student Gov- ernment Council elections has a number of possible interpretations and effects. One possibility is that the record total of votes garnered by Goldman is due to the nov- elty of a write-in candidate stirring the apa- thetic electorate to the point of record-break- ing participation. This possibility is undoubted- ly responsible for some of the 1,408 first place votes given to Goldman. Another, and more likely thought, is that the students are concerned over SOC and voted for the type of student government Gold- man represents. Actually Goldman and SGC have received, by virtue of the write-in victory and, perhaps even more importantly, the very fact that there was a write-in campaign, a new strength. The campaign, which developed and spread through a network of student leaders in hous- Ing units and elsewhere, was a definite indica- tion of concern over the leadership vacuum which would have been created if Goldman had left the Council. And the votes cast for Gold- man were a reflection of that concern. THIS CAN be true despite the virtues of his intentions. Intentions were touched upon in the speceh by President Taylor when he raised the ques- tion of what kind of education can be provid- ed "in order to do what always must be done in every age - raise the level of human ideals and the level of human achievement." In further defining a student, President Taylor states "the student at his best has a purity of motive which is the mark of his true function." When viewed in the abstract, few would question the purity of motives in attempts to bring actual practices closer to the ideal state or raise the level of human achievement, just as few in the administration would want to hinder education from fulfilling its purpose. However, it is when theorization moves into actuality, that barriers quickly rise. DISCRIMINATION, it was agreed when the Regents passed a by-law in 1949, is a bad thing. Student Government Council, when fi- nally given approval after a trial period, was cited as an example of how' the University has faith in students and being able to think and act for themselves. This week, President Taylor noted that in some schools the machinery of student govern- ment "has run down" because many respon- sible students do not wish to run for office, that they prefer an orderly arrangement of life which worked fairly and automatically and that they would prefer to have someone other than students do the administration of student affairs. But this week a courageous student govern- ment made a decision that might upset the or- derly arrangement of life and perhaps threaten their entire future efforts to think and act for themselves. Also this week, students gave the largest number of votes in history to an individual who led student efforts to think and act for themselves. And yesterday, a move was made by some who apparently don't think students should think and act for themselves. Tomorrow, the Student Government Coun- cil Board in Review will meet. A decision may be made which will either support or repudiate the theory that students may think and act for themselves. It will be interesting to see if the University will allow itself to be reminded of education's purpose. So far ,they've been too busy erecting barriers. -MICHAEL KRAFT Editorial Director Confidence exponent of strong student government, May- nard Goldman. Goldman represents, to a large segment of students, the type of student leader who will not back down under fire .. . a strong Council leader. Without his leadership many felt the Council would be weakened. But also, the vote was a vote for student government in general. Those who believe in the concept of student government voted for Goldman as the embodiment of the best that student government has to offer. A big question in administrative minds now is whether or not the record vote indicates a backing of the policies personified by the SGC president. Goldman voted that Sigma Kappa is in violation of University regulations. He also Voted to withdraw recognition from the nation- al sorority. Does the vote indicate general sup- port for these policies? With the Board in Review called yesterday to consider the Council's action on Sigma Kap- pa this question cannot be ignored. The fact that the Council president received a record number of votes in a write-in election cannot fail to be significant .. . especially considering the liberal type of student government that Goldman has represented. What better way to indicate confidence in SGC and in their policies than by overwhelm- ingly writing in the leader of those policies? --RALPH LIANGER ditical Th ought content with political debate limited only to the "whys" of the major political issues. Hard-core student supporters of the strug- gling socialist movement promise a revitaliza- tion of debate about the "real issues" facing the United States. The views offered may have the worthwhile effect of jarring the conserva- tive student from his easy chair of apathy. Administering only a mild dose of socialism In his talk here, Himmel described the recent election campaigns as "avoiding the real issues like the plague whenever possible." This is true to a certain extent. The stress'placed on political discussion was far from being really Anything Goes'fits Lydia Mendelssohn SOPH SHOW for 1958 opened last night in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. just off Times Square, with a spirited production of Cole Porter's "Anything Goes;" script by Bolton and Wodehouse with ar- rangements by Fink and Kaplan. An enthusiastic but not quite capacity audience responded vigor- ously to such successful musical numbers as "I Get a Kick Out of You," "You're The Top." and "Anything Goes:" and applauded the efforts of stars Judy Weinberger. Andrea Maydeck, Roger Seasonwein, Morton Meltzer and Jack O'Brien. Because of some last-minute difficulties with the musicians' union, pianists Brenda Fink and Phyllis Kaplan substituted for the orches- tra, but Mr. Petrillo claims some arrangements may be worked out later in the week. "Anything Goes" is all about a flippant young business man (Seasonwein) who stows away on an ocean liner to be near his sweet- heart (Miss Maydeck) who is engaged to a British Foghorn (O'Brien). Complications ensue when the flippant young business man meets public enemy number 13 (Meltzer) and an old girl friend (Miss Wein- berger), but everything is eventually resolved amidst much singing and dancing. ' s UNQUESTIONABLY the best voice in the cast belongs to Miss Weinberger. She sings very well indeed, and is a first rate actress too, with previous experience in Chicago theatre groups. Roger Seasonwein, presentjy district attorney of Essex County. brings to his role a fine sense of timing and a voice which cannot be properly described. Mr. O'Brien is in fine fettle as the stuffy British Lord (doubtless one of Wodehouse's creations), displaying considerable insight into the potentialities of the role; Miss Maydeck is sweet and lovely as the fair lady; Mr. Meltzer is a fine comic. Before proceeding further, mention must be made of the ushers, presumably supplied by the Junior League, who displayed a glittering array of sorority jewelry so placed as to gladden the eyes of even some- what decrepit reviewers. Direction by the well known team of Louise Rose and Robert Brod was well paced and lively. Sets were generally well done but precarious, costuming colorful, make-up slick, lighting adventurous. The singing and dancing choruses were jolly if occasionally sleepy. Especially good was the Sailors' Quartette. For all this, musical co- ordinator Richard Pollinger should be knighted. Co-chairmen Linda Heywood and Bob Vollen, both prominent civic leaders, deserve our congratulations for carefully supervising the entire production. -David Kessel AT HILL AUDITORIUM: The Devil's Advocate AnId Margaret Webster -t+I~cZ3t -cp 4=w TODAY AND TOMORROW: The Fallacy of 'Universality' (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last of four articles written after a re- cent visit to Moscow.) By WALTER LIPPMANN IN YESTERDAY'S article I ar- gued that to make an effective reply to the expansion of Corn - munism in Asia and Africa, it would be necessary to make a demonstration in a large country- preferably in India-that there is another way to overcome mass poverty and national weakness. Unless this demonstration can be made, there is every prospect that the masses of Asia will rally to Communism, either of the Soviet or of the Chinese type. The old industrial countries of Western Europe and of North America do not provide an ex- ample which the great, crowded, submerged masses could imitate. Only in Russia and in China do they find a model of how in back- ward countries great masses of people can raise themselves quick- ly by their own bootstraps. But we must not exaggerate. We must not jump to the conclusion that the Communist movement is destined to expand until it has conquered the whole world. I talked to some Communists in Moscow who said, in effect, that this is one world and that Com- munism is boundkto rule it. And there are, as we know, people on our side of the Iron Curtain who are filled with the deepest anxiety that Western Europe will perish if it can no longer command the natural products of the old col- onial territories. Both of these views are extreme and each is, I believe, derived from the same very human and common fallacy. It is the fallacy of assum- ing that this is one world and that the social order to which one belongs must either perish or be- come the universal order of man- kind. But looking at the history of the globe, the truth, as I see it, is that there has never been one world, that there has never been a universal state or a uni- versal religion. * * * THE FAILURE to recognize this truth that there are many worlds, not merely one, is, I believe, the deepest source of confusion be- tween us, and the most stubborn obstacle to that mutual toleration, which is the very best that is con- ceivable between our two societies. The orthodox Leninist, whether he is a true believer or merely a conformist, thinks that he knows the scheme of history. According to this scheme the capitalistic world is bound to fight the Com- munist revolution unless the Com- munist parties capture the West- ern governments. His opposite number on our side is one who thinks also that he knows the true scheme of history. In his phil- osophy, the line of all human pro- gress is the line that we have taken in the West. The Communist revolution is, therefore, a relapse and a diversion from that true line of progress. All of this is, I feel sure, a mis- reading of the reality of things. The Communist revolution which began in Russia and has spread to China is not a repetition of the English and the French Revolu- tions. It is a new historical phe- nomenon which comes out of a convulsive awakening of the sub- merged masses demanding a better life for themselves. The dictators who lead this massive uprising rule the people despotically. But he would be a rash man, I think, who would say that such great masses of backward people could be per- suaded by democratic methods to accept the discipline and to make the sacrifices which are necessary to the rapid formation of capital in a private economy. To a Westerner the character of this revolution of the submerged masses is a terrible thing to con- template. But the more he sees of it, the more he must feel, so it seemed to me, that while the Com- munist system is acceptable in the backward countries, it is not likely to spread to the more advanced countries except insofar as it is imposed by force. The Soviet sys- tem does not work, and there is no reason to think that it will work, in Eastern Europe. I feel sure that the Soviet domination of Eastern Germany, of Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary is precarious and impermanent. Moreover, I think that the rulers of Russia know this and that, if they could think, which they have not, of any safe way to disengage, they would eventually accept some such settlement. They are drawn towards Asia and away from Eu- rope and the general posture of Moscow, as distinct perhaps from Leningrad, is to be turned towards Asia. Moscow is full of delegations of Asian peoples-many from the outlying parts of the Soviet Union itself, a great many from mainland China, many from South Asia and from the Moslem world. This gives to' Moscow the air of being the capital of a new order of things among the emerging peoples of Asia. FROM the first smilingly con- temptuous gibes of "Caesar and Cleopatra" to the final poetry of Lilith, mankind's mother, the audience was fascinated, manipu- lated, moved and convinced last night as Shaw and Margaret Web- ster knew it would be. Indeed, the performance at Hill Auditorium was fully a monument to what Shaw called "the touching humil- ity of the spectator." And this, of course, was quite in the order of things. Margaret Webster, of the crys- talline voice and theatrically regal manner was to present a gallery of Shavian woman. In lieu of this she offered up a world of ideas, people and poetry, in the garb of readings from Shaw's more popu- lar plays. She began with a man's concept of womankind-John Tanner, ex- uberantly declaiming that "great- est battle of them all . . . artist- man against mother-woman." And Miss Webster tossed her many colored scarf imperiously, for both Shaw and herself understood the inevitable outcome. But not all women, continued Miss Webster, are bent on victory. And so Candida will choose her successful, confident husband over the shy, demoniacal Marchbanks; it is her weak husband who truly needs her. And Mrs. Warren, that poet of common sense, will point with her unpleasant truisms to .the dreadful corruptness of a society without order, honesty and (lest we forget) socialism. Fanny, Shaw's angry young woman will end the program's first half with some "beat" advice to the world's youth-the only way to escape the stifling sin of respectability is to get into lots of trouble. * * * IT HAS BECOME traditional to look upon Shaw with an indulgent eye. Consider: We're all advanced, knowledgeable, modern living men and women, all very, very contem- porary. He had his day, this mixr ture of H. G. Wells and Peter Pan; with Salinger and Dosteov. sky, "he always passes with ado. lescence." So why not the Eliza- bethan who made director Webster famous? Why Shaw? The answer has been half given, the finish comes after the intermission. Barbara (of "Major Barbara"), and Lavinia (of "Androcles and the Lion") can understand, even agree with the passionately prag- matic philosophies of their mas- terful men-world-embracing An- drew Undershaft and Lavinia's "handsome captain." But the two women are together in their in- capacity to alter their wills, to warp their souls. And Shaw, with the marionette strings on his fin- gers and Pygmalion's smile on his lips, looks on. But the greatest women of all, St. Joan and Eve, have the last word. "How long? How longhbefore mankind is ready" asks the im- >assioned Joan. But for the mother 4of mankind the question is typi- cally mortal. "Do not ask 'how long; it is enough that there is a beyond." -Eli Zaretsky LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: South Quad Council Defends Noffsinger THE RECENT vote student governme position than previou sition has been gai evidenced in the 1,40 Cha] SOCTALISM, longb dent apathy, is st fled political force o defunct socialist moy Wednesday night wi cialist Workers Party ert Himmel at the fi "Would You Like to The next few mor cialist student group by the University. T to the conservative of confidence has placed ent in a much stronger isly. A new bargaining po- ned through the strength 8 first place votes for the le ngl Pc hidden in the fog of stu- eadily emerging as a uni- n the campus. The once- vement gained momentum th the appearance of So- y committee member Rob- rst of the Union-sponsored Know" lecture series. nths may even see a so- here granted recognition his may come as a shock majority who have been Misconception . . To the Editor: W EDNESDAY morning the Resi- dent Director of the South Quadrangle was hung in effigy over the Diagonal of ceitral campus. The South Quadrangle Council expresses shock and dismay over this incident. It is evident, how- ever, that a rather flagrant mis- conception must be eliminated. I refer to the quote in The Detroit Free Press, attributed to Mr. Mark G. Noffsinger, that the illness was no more than "mass hysteria." Mr. Noffsinger never made such a statement, and was, in fact, im- mediately cognizant of the legiti- macy of the illness. Further, at no time was he ever contacted by The Detroit Free Press. The South Quadrangle Council can express nothing but admira- tion for the Resident Director. At no time has he even hesitated to release to the residents of South Quadrangle any information rele- vant to the illness; he has been wonderfully cooperative and un- derstanding, and has shared with us our deep concern. -South Quadrangle Council South Quad. If the student who originated this idea had tried to discover the facts, he would have found that the ridiculous quote from a Detroit paper referred to on the effigy was never made by the Resident Director. This ex- hibit represents a new height of ignorance and immaturity in the succession of such "hangings." The men of South Quad. realize that those responsible for the pre- paration of food here have taken every precaution to prevent such outbreaks and are sincerely doing everything in their power to dis- cover the source of this disease. We realize that dormitories are always very susceptible to the rapid spread of disease in spite of these precautions and that there is no evidence whatsoever of any negligence in the kitchens. We would like to express our thanks to the Administration for their honesty in handling this matter and we retain our confidence in the continued high sanitary stand- ards in South Quad. -Jerry Newsom, President Huber House, South Quad. (EDIToR'S NOTE: Lack of space prevents the printing of similar let- ters defending Mr. Noffsinger that Fire Department. As witnesses, however, we feel that the general conduct of a good portion of the student crowd-particularly those at the rear of the building-was not only as disgusting, dangerous and unthinking a mob action as we have seen, but also very clearly demanded some prompt action by those members of the City Police force who stood out in the street as spectators. (We could not in clear conscience question the abil- ity of the police to ticket either moving or parked bicycles.) We refer particularly to those "intelligent" students who jeered and ridiculed the firemen from such an unsafe distance that they were driven out of range by the fire hose. We would further cite those two valiant individuals perched in a tree who persisted in shouting "directions" to the fire- men even after they had been given several hosings by the ob- viously irritated firemen - who at that time were still trying to get into the house. Again, after the tragic nature of the fire had been made clear to the crowd, one student hope- fully observes that, "Maybe they'll campus issues - Sigma Kappa and football gambling. -John Darnton -Jim Flanagan Economics . . . To the Editor: ROBERT JUNKER used some strange reasoning in his edi- torial explanation concerning why the voters were wrong in voting down right-to-work referenda on Tuesday. One compliment must be ex- tended to Mr. Junker. His "objec- tive" treatment of the Right-to- Work Law pays little attention to the "union-reforming" abilities of this legislation. He is advocating this law primarily for its weaken- ing effect on unions. Depending on the author's point of view, the election results show how far union power in politics has succeeded. No doubt politicians who refused to support the Right- to-Work Law (Rockefeller, Knight, and even Nixon) were misguided tools of Reuther. This does indeed show how far the political power of unions has cast its spell over naive politicians. How wrong the time there are enough non-union workers so that a strike becomes a life or death struggle for the union involved. It is interesting to note that Mr. Junker gives only passing note to the States with Right-to-Work Laws. Hesstated the "fact" that labor is no longer exploited by business and has an easy time in winning its disputes. The 19 states that have enacted this law have other statutes effecting labor unions. Alabama, for example, has a law prohibiting more than two pickets stationed at a struck plant. Even these two pickets are re- stricted to "informational activ- ity." Throughout the South the Right-to-Work Law is not used to balance overpowering unions but to add to the arsenal of legal weapons against the formation of unions. Somehow, due to the excess en- ergies released by acquiescent management, Mr. Junker fears that the unions have set their sights on, a program of profit sharing. A brief glance at this country's economic history will show that unions have been op- posed to profit sharing. Indeed, almost all of the profit-sharing in