Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICi-uGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATTONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MIcH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Pben Opinitons Are Free Trutb Will Prev&U" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex-tress the indh idual opinions of staff itriters or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. RSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: RALPH LANGER Sigma Kappa Decision Shows Proper Concern "Obviously Not A Presidential Prospect-They Seem To Like Him" 46 v/ V, -r -t -- rTHE STUDENT Government Council decision on Sigma Kappa Tuesday deserves praise. It is, first of all, probably the only course logi- cally left open to SGC, in view of its decision finding the sorority still in violation of Univer- sity regulations. More important, however, it demonstrated the willingness of the Council to stand up and be counted on an issue on which it has found itself in open conflict with the administration. Open conflict with the administration, of course, is not especially a desirable end in itself, and cooperation and consultation with people who have been around the University several times as long as any student has certain obvious advantages. On the particular issue, however, SGC would seem to be right and the adminis- tration wrong: to wit, Sigma Kappa remains in violation, as twelve members of SGC decided Oct. 1. IN VIEW of the Board in Review's unprece- dented call for a Joint discussion, followed by the opinion of three administrators that a letter written by Vice-President Lewis was administrative policy and anyway SGC's juris- diction over the area of withdrawing recogni- tion was only concurrent with the administra- tion's, plus the probability of another Board in Review meeting being called as soon as SGC acted, with the dreaded reversal a distinct To The Editor possibility. the Council needed a high amount of courage-not just bravdo-to act on its convictions and vote to withdraw recognition. SGC, thus standing by its own interpretation of the SGC Plan as well as its belief on the Sigma Kappa issue, very possibly may have its wings clipped for its trouble; a Board reversal would amount to a statement that SGC has no authority to withdraw recognition when the administration thinks it shouldn't, and subse- quent "clarification" of jurisdiction would prob- ably remove the area from any further con- sideration by SGC. But, as several Council members pointed out Tuesday night, SGC had no business considering what the Board in Review might do; its concern could solely be with the issue confronting it, on which it should act as the members thought right. [0cDO THIS, seemingly not regarding the consequences to the Council, is the last thing a group of professional politicians in a similar situation would do, and probably the last thing a University administration would do. But it was the right thing for SGC to do, and each Council member can now face the1 -consequences, whatever they may be, with the knowledge that he can rest easy about the decision in his own mind. -JOHN WEICHER City Editor 6 .~W T~c SI/aJ N1W$ Pear '. A Modest Proposal for Perpetuation TODAY AND TOMORROW: The Red Challenge and How To Meet It THE GREAT POWERS of the world are pres- ently engaged in a long and apparently hopeless effort to ban atomic and hydrogen bomb testing. Since these efforts do not seem likely to succeed, another solution must be found to the problem, a solution which will cause as little harm as possible on this earth. One such solu- tion would be to eliminate the human race. Admittedly this proposition sounds fantastic and absurd-at first, but upon closer examina- tion it is really quite practical. Should an atomic war come about, all life could easily be destroyed on earth, leaving it a barren, deserted planet. The elimination of only the human race would prevent such total destruc- tion and leave the earth still richly populated and vegetated with all other forms of life. These could evolve into some other form of life, with perhaps more sense than man has yet ATradition? APFEW WEEKS AGO at the University's first Hyde Park, one student (among others) complained about the lack of tradition on this almost 150-year-old campus. He asked, and justifiably, what happened to the quaint old custom of the Engine Arch, the seal on the Diag, the Union front door? What has happened to Michigan's links with the past ,-all these things which the ivy-bound schools have had for years and which the University seems to be losing at an alarming rate? But perhaps effigy-hanging is becoming a way of blowing off steam better than panty raids and food riots. In any event, it has all the makings of a full-fledged tradition,,one which students will be "proud" to continue in years to come. --SELMA SAWAWA displayed, to fill the environmental niche va- cated by homo sapiens. AFTER ALL, why should the human race be perpetuated? After a million years of evolution and development man's crowning achievement is to have discovered a way to completely destroy life. Given a chance, man might also manage to discover a means to the destruction of the entire Universe. Before he sets his sights quite so high, would it not be preferable to destroy him? The task of elimination should not really be too complicated. Naturally, it should be per- formed with as little pain or discomfort as possible. Underground gas chambers would possibly be the best solution, as these could serve as both execution chambers and burial vaults. The energy now concentrated upon the development and perfection of weapons could be diverted to the construction of these vaults. It would, no doubt, take some time to complete them, but when this time arrived mankind could simply descend to the vaults, close the doors on the earth and release the gas. MANY WILL DOUBTLESS find this proposi- tion heartless and cold-blooded, but it is really extremely humane. Mankind seems, by all his actions, determined to destroy itself, but this is no excuse for the destruction of all other life on this planet as well. In addition, think of all the human pain and suffering which will be prevented by such an act. No one will die in pain after long heart-rending illness, no one will need to mourn the departure of loved ones since all will depart together. Perhaps the most important point of all is that no one will need to fear that he has died a uselss death. Each and every one will have given his life for a purpose, a high and ideal- istic purpose-the perpetuation of life on earth. -JANE McCARTHY (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third of sour articles written after a recent visit to Moscow) By WALTER LIPPMANN N ALMOST ALL the talks I had in Moscow, not only with Mr. Khrushchev but with other offici- als and with Soviet editors, I was asked what could be done to bring about better relations between our two countries. The question is a hard one to answer. For the basic issue be- tween us arises from the fact that the Soviet Union, and now along- side it Red China, are well on their way to achieving the leadership of Asia and of Africa. At the root of the profound and abiding suspi- cion which each of us has for the other lies this bid for leader- ship and its challenge to the Western position and to Western influence. There is no reason to think that the suspicion which divides us, and makes even modest and partial solutions difficult, can easily be talked out of existence. Although I am one of those who hopes earnestly that the rivalry can be kept below the boiling point, I am, nevertheless, convinced that even this will require a lot more than mutual expressions of good will. The cause of the bad relations is the suspicion, felt on each side of the Iron Curtain, that the other side intends to commit aggression. The suspicion arises from a belief that in the long run neither side can tolerate the other. The Soviet Union is now entering upon the climactic years-the next seven or ten years-in which it means to surpass the United States, not in the material comforts of ordinary life but in productivity per capita. The Communist leaders are certain that as they achieve this goal, the great mass of the poorer and un- developed people will rally to them. No doubt, wherever they can, they will promote this rally by propa- ganda and by infiltration and by subversion. But we delude ourselves if we do not realize that the main power of the Communist states lies not in their clandestine activity but in the force of their examle in the visiblerdemonstration of what the Soviet Union has achieved in forty years, of what Red China has achieved in about ten years. THE INNER moving force of Soviet suspicion is the belief that the United States and the govern- ments of the non-Communist countries will, unless compelled to do so, never allow Russia and China to consummate the revolu- tion which they are leading in Asia and in Africa. In Moccow, and no doubt also in Peiping, they do not believe us when we insist that the rearming of Germany and of Turkey and the mainte- nance of a ring pf air bases are defensive measures against mili- tary aggression on their part. For they are certain in their own minds that they will win the primacy of Asia and Africa not by going to war but by avoiding a war that would ruin their eco- nomic achievements, They are, Union the authority of Lenin, as currently interpreted by the pow- ers that-be, is treated as infallible and more than human. Our policy of military containment with its forward positions on their own borders is in their minds conclu- sive proof that Lenin was right. They suspect us profoundly, and that is why they are stubbornly reluctant to negotiate any conces- sion which would give us even a slight tactical, much less a stra- tegic, advantage in case of war. IN THIS RESISTANCE to agree- ment with us they are helped by many provocative and bellicose things that have been said at one time or another by the talkative brass in the Pentagon. They are hardened also in their convictions, it must be said, by the propensity of Mr. Dulles, and in lesser degree of the President himself, to treat the conflict, not as one of empires and great states but as a religious war in which the contending posi- tions are absolute. For this con- firms their view that we are brac- ing ourselves for an ideological or religious war, that this war will take place unless they make them- selves so powerful that it cannot take place. The corresponding suspicion on our side arises, as we know, from the belief that insofar as the Soviet Union and Red China gain in military power, they are cer- tainly bound to use it as an instru- nent of policy in order to complete their domination of Asia and of Africa. This suspicion is, I have no doubt, well founded and it is a conclusive reason for making sure that we do not lose the race of armaments. Our problem here is not whether we can afford to keep up the race. It is absurd to say that we cannot afford it. Nor does the problem arise from any irreparable tech- nological inferiority on our part. For us, the crucial problem of armaments is political and psy- chological: how to keep the Amer- ican and West European democ- racies ready and willing to support armaments without their becom- ing so obsessed with weapons that they have neither the means nor the understanding nor the will to meet the real Soviet challenge to Asia. The Soviet oligarchy can spend on armaments what it wants, and no questions asked. With us, the necessary appropriations cannot be had, or so our political leaders think, without a great scare cam- paign. But this scare campaign offends and alienates the pacifists and the neutralists who are the overwhelming majority in the rest of the world. * * * NO ONE CAN DOUBT that the Soviet challenge is very formidable indeed. Even to a casual visitor it is evident that the only safe as- sumption is that the Russians have mastered modern technology and that their bureaucracy, di- rected by a powerful government and working on an obedient popu- lation, is capable of achieving what they have set themselves to do. Theirs is a grim and purposeful society. No doubt the vast machine I have come home convinced that the issue is the Russian and Chinese challenge for the leader- ship of Asia and of Africa. If we are to meet it with reasonable success, we must, I am sure, aban- don the notion that the Russian and Chinese revolutions can be reversed or that the spread of Communism in the surrounding countries can be contained by giv- ing armaments to the local mili- tary commanders and by estab- lishing our own bases. Needed is an agonizing reap- praisal of our own habits and no- tions. We must learn to keep our- selves armed without working our- selves up into a frenzy of threats and of fear. This is not easy for a democracy to do, but it is neces- sary and, once the reason for it is understood by the leaders of Amer- ican opinion, it can be done. We must, I have been convinced, reappraise and review the policy of foreign aid. As it is now prac- ticed, it is fair to describe it as a program of subsidies to govern- ments which are threatened with the rise of Communism among their people. Without meaning to say that all or even that some of these subsidies should be discon- tinued, I submit that we shall not meet the Soviet challenge unless we stop looking at the underde- veloped nations as militarydbul- warks and bastions and adopt a new and different objective in the uncommitted world. * * * THE COMMUNISTS are ex- panding in Asia because they are demonstrating a way, at present the only obviously effective way, of raising quickly the power and the standard of living of a backward people. The only convincing an- swer to that must be a demon- stration by the non-Communist nations that there is another and more humane way of overcoming the immemorial poverty and weak- ness of the Asian peoples. This demonstration can best be made in India, and there is little doubt in my mind that if we and our Western partners could under- write and assure the success of Indian development, it would make a world of difference. It might be decisive in turning the tide. It would putnan end to the enervat- ing feeling of fatality and of in- evitability, to the sense that Com- munism is the only wave of the future, that there is only one way of internal salvation, and that the West is impotent and too lazy to do anything but let the future go by default. There are a number of reasons why I think India is the key coun- try. It is, for one thing, a very big country known to all of Asia as a land of deep poverty. To make a showplace of a small island like Formosa or for that matter of Puerto Rico is a good thing to do. But it is not convincing. For the Communists are proving their case in big countries like Russia and China. We shall have to prove our case, that material progress can be had with civil liberty, in a big country. ** * FOR ANOTHER THING, India! has the necessary structure, in- Foul!? To the Editor: AFTER reading Miss Jean Wil- loughby's "survey and evalua- tion" of local drama in last Sun- day's Michigan Daily, I have come to the point where discretion is tossed to the winds and I have to cry "foul!" I don't believe that it is proper to allow her thesis to go undenied, not only for the welfare of the University Drama Season, with which I am connected, but in the interests of all the theater organizations in Ann Arbor that strive to fill the area stages in the face of her scorn. To get down to cases, The Daily article had the following to say about the Drama Season: "There is little excuse for what has hap- pened to Drama Season. The choice of plays is at times good, more often,. bad. Aging prima donnas and don juans play the leading roles with generally in- competent support for their in- competent performances. The whole series seems to be aimed far below the average level of comprehension or intelligent ap- preciation." Now there are several things that disturb me about these charges, the most obvious one be- ing that I don't think they are true. Similar attacks in similar surveys have been repeated with regularity in The Daily, as if the writers were trying to convince themselves that they were espous- ing the true and beautiful by see- ing it in print so often. In addition, the article decided against backing up its one-sided attack with that which might have made it worthy of serious at- tention. Where are the facts? the names? the plays? All I see are a few sentences glaring with gen- eralities. *" * * THE ARTICLE did not men- tion a single example, but I would like to. In choosing their plays and performers, the Drama Sea- son strives to please a variety of tastes - after all, people other than The Michigan Daily critics come to see the spring produc- tions. Since its post-war revival in 1949, the Drama Season has pre- sented the works of Shakespeare, Shaw. O'Neill, Pirandello, Ratti- gan, Anouilh, Fry, Eliot, Barrie, Maugham, Inge, van Druten, Mil- ler, Langston Hughes, Anderson, McCullers, Giraudoux and Schnitzler. Surely plays like "As You Desire Me," "The Tempest," "Tiger at the Gates," "The Chalk Garden," "The Affairs of Anatol," "In the Summer House," "The "Cocktail Party,' and "The Cru- cible" did not find their way on the bill because they are soothing, please-everybody froth. As for the "aging prima donnas and don juans" - who are they? Are they Helen Hayes, Katharine Cornell, Judith Anderson, Eva LeGallienne, Ethel Waters, Sir Cedric Harwicke, Burgess Mere- dith, Edward Everett Horton, E. G. Marshall, Luther Adler and Hurd Hatfield? And the "generally incompetent support" must refer to Kim Stan- ley, Christopher Plummer, Grace Kelly, Arthur Treacher, Margar- et Phillips, John Baragrey, Mil- dred Dunnock, Iggie Wolfington, Tamara Geva, Jerome Kilty, Enid Markey, Hiram Sherman, Lydia St. Clair, Parker Fennelly, Betsy von Furstenberg, Bradford Dill- man, Joan McCracken, Ralph Purdum, Ann Hillary and Ann Shoemaker. Actors like these ap- parently walk right in off the streets. The article said that good the- ater "depends upon the mainten- ance of a finely working inter- relationship between the creative and responsive forces." While slamming the organizations that perform the actual labor of put- ting plays on the stage, it failed to describe the manner in which The Michigan Daily, as one of the responsive forces, should act out its role in this necessary inter- relationship. * , * THE ARTICLE regretted the demise of the Dramatic Arts Cen- ter - one enterprise that bene- fited from Daily support, and still the one enterprise that failed to sustain itself. Is the reason The Daily takes to task organizations where its influence has been nil that it has been proven so inef- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Dally Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Miichigan for which The Michigan Dailv assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room0'a19 Administration Build- ing,,before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, NOVEBR13, 1958 VOL. LXI\. NO. 50 fective in promoting what it con- siders good theater? I should like to esk The Daily critics if in the future they will deal with specifics, if they will demonstrate some knowledge and understanding of the complex problems of producing a play pro- fessionally, if they will consider both the good and bad sides of all issues, and if they will state what they are for with the vehe- mence of that they are against. Until then, I am sick and tired of self-imposed and self-import- ant drama critics and writers " who have not taken the time and ef- fort to prepare themselves for their tasks. The Daily devotes so much of its space to these narrow-minded, similarly slanted discussions opt the Ann Arbor theater scene, each saying precisely the same thing as its predecessor. At the same time it has tended to ignore the all-important posi- tive relationship between the cre- iltive and critical forces. I urge The Daily-to re-examine this area of endeavor so that it may more efectively assist in the promotion of rewarding theater experiences f or all audiences. Finally, as" one individual, might I perhaps suggest that there is not so much wrong with the local theater scene as with the eye of the agitated beholder. Not to say that the Drama Season and other organizations do not have room for improvement. But how can they improve without the benefit of knowledgeable, respon- sible, fair-minded criticism? --Ronald Muchick Big Red... To the Editor: ONCE AGAIN the "Big Red" (i.e., Gomberg House) has reached down into its naughty bag of tricks to win its "B" foot- ball game against Allen-Rumsey. Theecrime as charged by Mr. Rosenthal of West Quad ;in Wednesday's, Daily was loading the "B" team with "A" material. This, says Mr. Rosenthal, was only the culmination of several years of poor sportsmanship on the part of Gomberg House. If Mr. Rosenthal would take some time to add things up, he would find that the "A" cham- pionship is worth 150 all-year intramural points, whereas the "B" championship is worth only 75 points-the same as ping-pon. Therefore, any house which delib- erately stacks its "B" team to the detriment of its "A" team is com- mitting mathematical suicide. Gomberg has not won five of the last six all-year championships by using that sort of arithmetic.,' Perhaps Mr. Rosenthal's lack of understanding of I. M. competi- tion can be excused, but his charge that this is merely another example of the Big Red's "several years of bad sportsmanship" can- not be dismissed so easily. -Martin Adelman G. -Dennis Jablonski, '60 -Hugh Witemeyer, '61 Forgery *. . To the Editor: Re: "Letters" c o lum n of 10/12/58 - No thanks for the given misnomer. Hang someone else. -Richard Rosenthal, '63, A&D (the real one) STATE: S tree tcar' Still Moves A TRULY GREAT motion pic- ture, Tennessee William's "A Streetcar Named Desire," directed by Elia Kazan, is currently being shown at the State. The picture still possesses the emotional wal- lop and impact that earned it five Academy Awards when first re- leased in 1951. The author once stated that his drama's meaning was, "You'd bet- ter watch out or the apes will take over." As the chief ape, Stanly (Marlon Brando) turns in a per- formance that is the very em- bodiment of this quality, grunt for grunt and scratch for scratch. Once before Vivien Liegh played a daughter of the aristrocratic South whose name was a color, Scarlet, but here the comparison ends because the heroine of "Gone With the Wind" overcame her ob- stacles by sheer determination; whereas Blanche Du Bois retreats farther and farther into a world fliled with comforting fancies when she is faced by external adversity. With her tremendously moving performance Miss Leigh has de- monstrated that a classically trained actress can achieve great- ness in an "earthy" story. Perhaps this classical background is the most noteworthy factor of a re- markable characterization because it removes Blanche from her sor- did environment and allows the INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Germany: Pawn in Red Game By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THE INTERNATIONAL Communists, having marched up the hill and then down again through recent crises in the Middle and Far East, are now monkeying with a situation which really could produce a new world war. The posture of Germany in Europe is vital to both sides in the East-West conflict. Both have promised to fight over it if necessary. Any attempt by either side to change the situation in its favor is grimly explosive. As the Communists shift back to Europe in their tactic of keeping a crisis going all the time, the one hopeful aspect is that neither side wants a war now, and that the Reds will carefully avoid the last provocating act, just as they have elsewhere. By threatening to end four-power control of Berlin, remove their troops from East Germany and force the West to deal with the puppet regime there, the Kremlin is pursuing the re- cent Peiping tactic of reminding that it holds the initiative for peace or war. JT IS ALSO an effort to gain greater political recognition for the puppet regime, which has been one of Peiping's objectives at Quemoy. There are many fundamentals in the back- ground' of this latest propaganda crisis. West Germany occupies a major position in the affairs of Western Europe and the world. East Germany operates merely as a province of Russia. All Germans except the self-seeking Com- munist puppets take great pride in West Ger- many's reconquest of the nation's former eco- nomic and political position. East Germany is merely a reminder of defeat and a roadblock on the road to revival. One factor in the whole European situation is that Russia and Eastern Europe sincerely fear this revival. The depth of Allied determination that Ger- many shall not fall into Communism's hands is attested, on the other hand, by the Anglo- French willingness to submerge their own fears of a revived Germany in order to present a common front. East Germany is to have an election soon. The hope of Russian troop withdrawal is calcu- lated to lessen the possibility that an irritated people would use the campaign to demonstrate. THE PUPPETS still tremble in memory of the . revolt of 1953, The Kremlin wants a four- power conference as a propaganda platform. They got one at Geneva by agreeing to talk about reunification of Germany. But the Allies are doubly wary of that bait after the first experience. The pressure is on again, however. Fear of Germany has led Poland to pick up the tld RuWPii,,eavhall of . 1 Mi1iti'c.A 'vj)P .I