he Sitrigan &ailg Six y-Ninth Year EDiTED AND MANAAD BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVLRSITY Qo MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD iN CONTROL OF STU-DENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATJONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MIc.* Phone NO 2-3241 "When Opinion, Are Pree Truth Wit] Prevail" "It Sure Must Have Been Potent, All Right" 7 CAM....c AT HILL AUDITORIUM: Mexican Symphony: Spirited Program THE FIRST HALF of last night's concert by the National Symphony Orchestra of Mexico was devoted to indigenous compositions. A common characteristic one is primarily aware of is a restless busyness. Never, even during the slower melodic statements is there momentary respite from a background of rhythm-setting rustling or piping. Perhaps this quality derives from the rather apparent dance origins of much of the music. Surely the most interesting of the three Mexican works was "Sen- semaya" by Revueltas. Frantic program notes outlined the curious plot Editorials printed in The ichigan Daily ex-press the Indiidual opinions of staff u riters or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: LANE VANDERSLICE Plan for Joint Budget Requests Deserves Careful Consideration. THE RECENT PROPOSAL of joint budget requests by the state's nine educational institutions may evolve into more expedient and effective legislative action concerning appro- priations . . , but the possibility exists that division of this joint request will result in in- sufficient administration of funds. This proposal will allow the Legislature to quickly dispose of the education appropriation in one move, rather than contend with nine different operating budgets and nine capital outlay requests. However, either before or after the legislators make the one-lump appropria- tion, the school officials will have to responsibly disperse these funds in proportion to individual needs. Although the matter will be dealt with by school administrators, who are aware of the educational needs, at this time it is still hard to envision an efficient proportioning of the appropriation. IN THE PAST, the University, Michigan State University and Wayne State University have asked for large appropriations and conse- quently have received greater attention from the legislators than have smaller schools such as Central Michigan 'College, Eastern Michigan College or Ferris Institute. This greater atten- tion to the larger school budgets seems to have indicated more detailed legislative examination of the larger requests, and quicker surveillance of smaller school budgets, The joint request may lead to a reduction in the attention and response the larger universi- ties receive regarding their individual needs. If the division of funds is now taken out of the hands of legislators who supposedly reflect the popular interests and placed under the jurisdiction of school administrators who essen- tially represent their individual schools, the pressures of each institution will figure more prominently in proportioning of the appropria- tion. In this setting, the bargaining table may turn into sessions of continuing disagreements, de- spite the educators' attempts to be objective. And should the legislature considerably reduce the amount of the joint request, the task of deciding which schools will receive the largest cut in their budget will add excess difficulties. It is a possibility that each year one or more schools will lose a little sovereignty in deciding the use of its funds, and have to bow to needs of other schools . . . leading to a future possi- bility that the school which bows to another's needs one year may be continually suberservient in following years. THESE ARE TENTATIVE concerns which are aroused from the vague form which now envelopes the proposal for joint action. Follow- ing further consideration of the plan for a joint request, there may emerge a means for disposing of this problem. If so, these dangers may be unimportant. However, included in these further consider- ations must be the possibility of inefficient ad- ministration of funds. This is not a question of the ability of the administrators to deal with the problem in an orderly manner, but rather, a question of how the pressures of an individual school's needs will, in practice, react upon those proportioning the funds. The answer is unpredictable, but the possible results must be considered. -JOAN KAATZ LIPPMANN INTERVIEWS KHRUSHCHEV: Reds Still Lack Confidence in U.S. As Harvard Goes.. . TRADITION HAS RECEIVED another blow. Harvard University is going to have women cheerleaders. And no matter whether the deci- sion was a compromise or not, whether the student body is behind it or not, whether the girls chosen will make effective cheerleaders or not, there will be women cheerleaders. This is certainly a matter for the tradition- minded and the tradition-following to put into their meerschaum pipes and smoke. It may not agree with their taste trained to the finest straight tobacco. Occasionally, those oriented toward the Ivy League cult have pointed to this University as the "Harvard of the Middle West." Some Uni- versity people are proud of this fact, perhaps they have even tried to strengthen the re- semblance. Perhaps with this goal subliminally entrenched on their minds, they have cheered a resemblance in fields other than academic. Perhaps this, and undoubtedly a respect for conservative traditions in general, is the reason why the University is without women cheer- leaders despite many pleas from the student body for a change. BUT W^HAT unexcitable fans are going to be aroused by somersaults on a trampoline, particularly when it is much more interesting to focus binoculars on the other schools' girl cheerleaders? Of our four victorious opponents this season, all except Navy, naturally, had girl cheer- leaders. Why not take another leaf from the Ivy and follow Harvard's change? We don't have to initiate a "Kampus Kutie Kontest" or as a Harvard Crimson editorial suggests "select the girls after a Sadie Hawkins Day Race or, fairer yet, after a qualifying essay in the sophomore year"-making sure that "girls of the straight, long-haired variety would be excluded, even as bearded males are tacitly excluded from the present squad." Michigan may not have a Radcliffe, but it may have enough cheerful coeds to make quitting the tradition worthwhile. -NAN MARKEL INTERPRETING THE NEWS: I Reds Apply Pressure in Berlin (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second of four articles written after the columnist's return from Moscow and discussion with the Soviet Premier.) By WALTER LIPPMANN pHE INTERVIEW with Khrush- chev prompts the question of whether he seriously believed that the United States was contem- plating a war against the Soviet Union. For while his attitude towards West Germany and to- wards Turkey was threatening, it was also clear that he was not thinking of attacking them first with his military forces. I could detect no doubt in his mind that the United States would intervene and no doubt at all that he re- gards the United States as a mili- tary power to be treated with the utmost respect. His talk about what he could do to Germany and to Turkey, and indeed to Eng- land, France and Spain as well, was meant, to put it in military terms, as the threat of an offen- sive-defensive in case the Soviet Union was attacked by NATO. What, then, makes him think that the NATO powers might at- tack the Soviet Union? His an- swer, paraphrased, is that if the United States finds that it is going to lose the Cold War, it is likely to resort to a hot war. That is not what he said, but I came to think that it was what he meant after an interesting passage in which he talked about the American fear and hatred of Com- munism. COMMUNISM, he said, is in- deed a great danger to you as an ideology and as a doctrine, but it is not a danger to you as a mili- tary policy of the Soviet Govern- ment. The Communists do not want to shed their blood or the blood of others to extend their frontiers. And each country should defend itself against Communism within its borders, if it sees fit to do so. (This I took to be an echo of the talks he had had with the Egyptian Field Marshal in the preceding days about Nasser's treatment of his local Commu- nists.) But, nevertheless, after these quieting statements he said rather solemnly, "we -the Com- munists - will cause you, the Americans, more "trouble" each year. How? The trouble for the West will come from the continual "mul- tiplication of benefits" received by the people of the Soviet states. At present, he said, the United States is the richest and most pro- ductive country in the world. But it is living "the last years of its greatness." Why? Because shortly the U.S.S.R. will surpass the United States in productivity per capita. He was referring, it was evident, to the coming Seven Year Plan. When that Plan is achieved, the people (of the poor countries) will "be convinced by their sto- machs." That is your danger, he asserted, not our hydrogen bombs. Here lies the answer to the question of why he thinks we might make war against him, It is an article of his faith, which descends from Lenin, that if the Soviet Union forges ahead in HIS CENTRAL THESIS, then, is that the Soviet economy will in the near future surpass ours in productivity per capita, and that this achievement will cause the poor countries of the world to turn to the Soviet Union as an example and for material help. I asked Khrushchev whether he believed that the Soviet system could be made to work in truly backward countries since the system called for a high degree of technological competence and also of adminis- trative efficiency. He replied that 40 years ago Russia was a very backward coun- try, and look what Communism had already achieved. I said., yes, muchhad been achieved, but there had been great Russian scientists before the Revolution and Russia was not a backward country com- pared with many in Africa and with some in Asia. I did not feel that he was willing to face this somewhat speculative question, and he put an end to this discussion by insisting that Indonesia woulddo much better if it adopted the Soviet system, and that India could easily feed itself without limiting its popula- tion if it had the kind of govern- ment and the kind of economy which was capable of enterprises like converting the vast jungles of India into arable land, * * * THIS LED TO China, about which Moscow comments varied between awe and anxiety'at the rapid progress of the Chinese Communists. Several times before I saw Khrushchev, I had been told by Soviet citizens that the Chinese rate of advance towards Communism was more rapid than the Soviet's. I asked him whether with the long Soviet - Chinese frontier, with the expanding popu- lation of the Chinese and the comparative emptiness of Siberia, he was not concerned about the future of Soviet Chinese relations. He indicated that he had heard that question before and he dis- missed it with some impatience, saying that those who took this view did not understand the na- ture of a socialist society. I had East was based on ignorance of the real military situation, espe- cially upon the idea, which he attributed specifically to General Norstad, that NATO could go to the aid of Turkey in the sense of landing forces there in time of war. Once again, he was referring, of course, to the command of the short range missiles, and this led him on to say that all talk about international inspection and con- trol of missiles was "ridiculous." Then he paused to say that the Soviet Union had always believed that it was possible to detect nu- clear explosions, and that it was in principle agreed to work out a rystem of detection. At this point he turned to me and asked, did I have any suggestions as to how Soviet - American relations could be improved? To this I replied that while there could be no solid improvement until and unless solutions were agreed to about Germany, the Middle East and Eastern Asia, a success at the coming conference on surprise at- tack would probably do more than anything else that was possible to relax the tension in America. I reminded him that Pearl Harbor had had a profound and lasting effect on the minds and feelings of Americans. He replied that he understood this. But the psychosis-that was the word used in the translation- is being kept up by American mili- tarists so as to promote the manu- facture of new weapons, and thus to make profits. I might say in parenthesis that in my experience in Moscow the belief is a universal dogma that profits are the com- pelling motive in American arma- ment. Khrushchev added with a slightly mischievous smile that even soap manufacturers like De- fense Secretary McElroy seemed to make profits out of armaments. This American psychosis, he con- tinued, is kept up because Secre- tary of State Dulles and the mili- tarists would not otherwise get their appropriations from Con- gress. Like a snake with a rabbit, the American people are so scared that they give the military all the money they want. * * * AGAINST this background he returned to the question of in- spection and control in relation, not to nuclear explosions but to surprise attack and the reduction of armaments. Why, he asked, do you begin with inspection and con- trols? Why do you not begin by taking seriously our offer of a treaty of friendship and non-ag- gression? I said we wanted some tangible evidence that an agree- ment would be carried out. He replied that the Soviet Union could not agree to inspection and control until confidence, which is now lacking, has been established. You want control first, he said, we want confidence first. Suppose, he argued, that you and another man start to make friends, and the first thing your new friend says to you is: give me the key to your house. You would think it impudent of him, and when the United States asks for the keys to our house, we say "go to the devil." Your demand for the keys of our house is the way you might talk to a weak and of the ballet for which the music is written: a plot involving a witch doctor, a serpent, and a drought; but this need not con- cern us here. Musically the work consists of several parallel sections, each building to a climax. One could perhaps describe it as 'a toccata on several motives. There is a croaking ostinato in the bas- soon, a syncopated drum-beat, a rhythmic trombone figure consist- ing of a repeated note followed by a descending scale, and a moaning melodio line first introduced by the trombone. These are miost amusingly combined THE CONCLUDING work on the program was the Fifth Symphony of Shostakovitch. surely the best composition of the evening. The conductor, Luis Herrera de Ia Fuente, seemed a bit less at ease with this work than with those of his countrymen. He was apparently iinwilling to be individual with the work, giving a quite straight forward perform- ance, though one with many good points. The string phrasing was generally excellent; in unfortunate contrast, the tone was not. The scherzo was taken slowly, but did not suffer from stodginess, was, in fact, quite humorous. The brief solo passage for the concert mas- ter was particularly fine. The last movement was really good: the several climaxes appropriately loud, but always clear and precise. As for the orchestra itself, it would seem to lack musical sophis- tication. This was evidenced in many minor ways: the strings were occasionally a bit imprecise, the woodwinds breathy; the brass sec- tion was on several occasions rather bad. This orchestra is, frankly, not one of the first rank orchestras of the world: Its saving graces perhaps are enthusiasm and humor, which were particularly in evidence after intermission. -J. Phillip Benkard DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1958 VOL. LXIX, NO 49 General Notices The next Flu Shot Clinic for stu- dents, staff and employees will be held in Rm. 58 (basement of the Health Service) Thurs., Nov. 13, only. Hours are 8:00-11:45 a~m. and 1:00-4:45 p.m. Proceed directly to basement, fill out forms, pay fee (41.00) and receive in- jection. It is recommended that each person receive two injections approximately- 2-3 weeks apart. This clinic will be open for both first and second shots. There will be several vacancies In the Martha Cook Bldg. for the second se- mester, Feb., 1959. Those interested may apply to the Director. For appointment please call NO 2-3225. College of Engineering Faculty Meet- ing: Nov. 13 (Thurs.), 4:15 p.m., Rm. 317, Undergrad. Library (Multi-purpose Room). International Center Tea: Thurs., Nov. 13, 4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Inter- national Center L~e ctures Sigma Xi and the Museum of Pa- leontology announce the Ermine Cowles Case Memorial Lecture to be presented by Alexander wetmore, Research As- sociate, former secretary of the Smith- sonian Institution, Washington, D.C., on "Birds of the Pleistocene in North America," at 8:00 p.m., Rackham Am- phitheater, Wed., Nov. 12. Public in- vited. Refreshments served. Ze{udim-Stdn icsin Zen Buddhism -- Student discussion with Alan Watts. exponent of Zen. Open to all students at 7:30 p.m., Wed., (Continued on Page 5) LETTERS to the EDITOR Sportsmanship..; . To the Editor: AT AN INTRAMURAL football game last Monday, I saw an exhibition which thoroughly dis- gusted me. In this "B" football game, one house proved an un- beatable foe. After several years of poor sportsmanship, this 8.Q. house called "Big Red" has sunk to a new low. A strange arrange- ment blesses "Big Red" with a "B" team obviously stronger than their "A" team. This and the general attitude of the team causes one to question the basic philosophy responsible for such tactics. I commend the men of the opposing team, Allen- Rumsey House, for their good sportsmanship and exemplary con- duct under such conditions. They could serve as fine models for "Big Red." -Richard Rosenthal, '62A&D Organization .. . To the Editor: N THURSDAY'S Daily there ap- peared an article stemming from comments by Dick Kimball, cheer- leading captain, to the effect that simultaneous response to the cheerleaders at the games was lacking. This is a problem to be sure, but I have a different idea than Mr. Kimball as to why it exists. Kimball states that one of the main reasons for the lack of response is 'the students are un- familiar with the cheers. This may be true, but how are they to learn them when two of the cheer- leaders are flipping, two jumping, two kicking, and two just stand- ing there clapping their hands? It's like trying to learn French from eight different instructors speaking eight different dialects. All the flips and gymnastics of the squad are great. They add a lot of class, but if they could do them simultaneously, they would have much more effect and the crowd would find them easier to follow. Kimball notes that "The Locomotive Speller Cheer" gets much more response than any of the other cheers. He states that the greater response Is due to the fact that the students are more familiar with that cheer. I think, rather, that it is due to the simul- taneous motions of the cheerlead- ers accompanied by a steady beat from the band. If Mr. Kimball were to organize his squad into a uniform group that the crowds could follow, his problem would be solved. -Don Baker, '62LS&A Et Tu, Brute . . To the Editor: S THERE a definite "pick on" policy against some players on the Wolverine team? From where I sat in the press box I thought I saw a bad pass from center to Brad Myers which set up a turning point in the game, It was an impossible catch. But your two accounts of the play in the Sunday edition read. '...when Brad Myers dropped a low center on a punt play." "A low snap from center , . which Myers dropped . . ." I checked two other accounts of the play. The Chicago Tribune told us: "A bad snapback from center snuffed Myers' hope of kicking . . ." The Chicago Sun- Times reported the play: "A bad pass from center gave Illinois the ball . . ." --Rev. Fred E.oL Crs First Congregational Church By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Associated Press News Analyst WASHINGTON - Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev seems to be setting the stage for a major effort to force the Western powers out of Berlin.' The showdown this effort will produce may be slow in coming, perhaps one to three years. But it will probably carry the greatest danger of all-out war between the Soviet and Western blocs that the world has seen for a long time. Those are the estimates made here yesterday of the future significance of the latest moves in Moscow and Western capitals over the fate of divided Berlin. American officials take seriously Khrushchev's Monday announcement that the Russians intend to turn over administration of East Berlin to the Communist authorities of East Germany. The timing of his declaration may have been determined by interest in fostering soviet ties with Communist Poland. Russian attempts to settle German issues could be construed in Poland as being designed to pave the way for peaceful settlements and a demilitarized zone along the Cold War front in Europe. BUT THE BEST informed authorities here said yesterday they had no doubt that in the long run Khrushchev will undertake the serious attempt to force the Western powers out of Berlin and build up the prestige of the Soviet dominated regime there by making the East German government supreme in the city. The United States, Britain and France have occupied the city jointly with Soviet Russia since the end of World War II, and U.S. and British spokesmen last night turned down Khrushchev's demand for an end to the occu- pation. The State Department reasserted the U.S. policy of fighting if necessary to preserve Western interests in the city which is entirely surrounded by East German territory. Khrushchev's latest maneuver had been foreshadowed by East German propaganda at- tacks on the Western position in Berlin. How- ever, some authorities here see it significantly against a background of failures by the Soviet high command during the past year of "Sput- nik Diplomacy" to make any really important or profitable gains in the drive to expand Red power. While it is true that the Soviets have built up their influence in the Middle East at the expense of Western power since 1955, for ex- ample, it is also true that the most recent crisis centering on the revolt in Iraq and the landing of U.S. and British troops in Lebanon and Jordan did not produce any great net gain for Moscow. THE SAME ASSESSMENT may also be made of the outcome of the latest Formosa crisis as it stands to date. The Chinese Reds, with an involvement of Soviet military aid and prestige, were unable to make the Chinese Nationalists and the United States pull away from Quemoy and Matsu by the use of force. The Chinese Reds also failed to talk the United States into pulling its forces out of South Korea although they claimed they have moved out of North Korea. By contrast with these probings and pres- sures, the East-West front in Europe has been relatively quiet in the last decade. In the view of many top authorities here, the Cold War front in Germany has always been the most dangerous area of East-West conflict heard that answer others in Moscow. asked the others to they meant, they swered dogmatically states will not and war. Khrushchev had before from But when I explain what usually an- that socialist do not go to a different line of argument. It is that in a socialist society there is no eco- nomic limit on productivity-as there is in the case of our farm surpluses, which amused him con- siderably. China, he said, had only begun to explore and to exploit Its natural resources. There were in the north of China vast reserves of virgin land which could sup- port a very much larger popula- tion. Be that as it may, Khrushchev was in no mood to admit that within the Communist world there were any of the conflicts that have haunted the rest of the human race since the beginning of history. Khrushchev has for the most part a pragmatic and earthy tempera- ment, and he is not much given Senimore Says .T . . h' .' . '' -N M ', .. % A4 l r tr it c ri c tiJ j