e Midggan Ball Sixty-Ninth Year EDTED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY. Op BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONs BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. PhOne NO 2-3241 'ben Opininns Are Free Trutb Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted-in all retprints. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: PHILIP MUNCK "What Do I Do Now, George?" (( j W' J ll- ' &~? S.)_ . .. . ..................... ... LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Readers Give Support To SGC President State Schools' Joint Action: A Voluntary Alternative THE CONCEPT of a unified budget for higher education - representing all of Michigan's nine state-supported colleges and universities- is apparently heading toward crystallization after several years in the formative stage. The need for such action has become increas- ingly apparent in recent years. With higher education in Michigan being a rapidly changing enormity, notions of a centralized governing authority have often been tossed back and forth. Had the nine institutions not made the move themselves, the state legislature might have imposed a similar plan on them, but one which they might regard disagreeably. Such a plan was recommended this summer in a report by educator John Dale Russell, who called for creation of a central state agency, separate from the schools themselves. THE NEW SYSTEM arrangement proposed by the schools basically places centralized power with the State Council of College Presi- dents, and is a "voluntary alternative" to Rus- sell's suggestions. The system is good in that it gives educators a chance to analyze their own problems, make their own recommendations, an'd ultimately, to channel their owni future. To oversimplify, it means a "united we stand" front will be thrown up against the legislature's policy of "hold the line." The joint budget request should alleviate two unfortunate situations: 1) the competition be- tween various schools for appropriations, and 2) the bitter struggles between the schools, acting individually, and the lawmakers, which Of To uruamei ONCE UPON A TIME. in a world smaller but just as complicated as our own, a dashing young Prince of Nations determined to enter the World Tournament of Arms, a recent innova- tion then in progress. He did so because his honor was at stake, and the Prince was known far and wide to be a highly moral and upright ruler. He also had the shining hope of making this the last of all tournaments, because he knew they were cruel, wasteful exhibitions, and the Prince was above all kind-hearted. Although he entered toward the end of the competition, the Prince's strength and daring dazzled all the other participants, most of whom were middle-aged anyway, and ran out of breath very quickly. When the Tournament ended, therefore, the Prince had risen to the head of his team, which won handily. Numerous prizes awaited the winners, and of course bickering broke out almost immediately, as was the standard order of things after such tournaments. Each winning State entered into friendly competition with his teammates, in an INTERPRETING: Men Still March By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst FORTY YEARS AGO TODAY there fell a strange silence over Western Europe. From the North Sea to the Alps the guns ceased pounding for the first time in four years. The "War To End Wars"-the war which the United States had so blithely entered "To Make The World Safe for Democracy"-was over, or so the people thought. The Western Allies had won, and that first Armistice Day their peoples celebrated like madmen. In later years the celebration became a tribute to the men who had done the winning. But the "War To End Wars" hadn't worked, and there came other wars, and more winners,. The anniversary was renamed Veterans Day, in honor of them all. The twentieth century, which had been ex- pected to produce a new apex in the advance of civilization, began to be called "The Bloody Twentieth." The roll of honor has grown beyond any pro- portions which could have been imagined by the madly happy people of Nov. 11, 1918. Now there is observance rather than cele- bration. After 40 years the world is still not safe for democracy. In the background there remains the long roll of the drums. fir .1.I have erupted frequently in committee and on the legislative floor. The new program suggests there may be an easing of the normal pressure exerted by the nine schools, who, armed with their briefs and lobbyists, have made the atmosphere more intense than anything else. In the future, the budget for higher education, while reaching a skyscraping 100 million for operations and $25 million for capital outlay, will at least be single and unified, thus simplifying matters in Lans- ing. POSSIBLE DRAWBACKS to the proposal are worth examining. While competition in the Legislature may be reduced, this does not rule out the possibility of heated disputes among the educators themnselves, as they deliberate around their conference table. For certainly the plan implies that each institution sacrifice some of its own sovereignty towards the end of a better quality of education across the state as a whole. Just how much sovereignty? No- body knows. But it is only human to seek the best possible position for the University one represents. Perhaps, in the long run, the state schools are just getting themselves into a new frying pan. However, whatever apprehensions an ob- server might have about the matter, they must be discarded, at least temporarily. The plan, above all, is a necessity. Whether the concept of centralization is appealing or not, it is ex- pedient and comes better voluntarily than by imposition of an alternate-and apparently repelling-solution by Russell. -THOMAS HAYDEN rits and Honor attempt to gain as much of the spoils as pos- sible for himself. But the Prince, as has been mentioned, was very young and very inexperienced. Yet he was unwilling to relinquish his position as Leader of the team, for he was convinced of the, righteousness of his own point of view. Where he had to overrule his teammates, therefore, inevitable disputes arose, PRINCIPAL AMONG these was, of course, Principle, for the Prince's strong moral fibre would not allow him to capitalize on another's defeat. He was shocked and angry, therefore, when his teammates spoke in terms of "Retri- bution," and "Retaliation," or when they ex- pressed their determination to have the losers pay the costs of the Tournament. The Prince had had two slogans affixed to his coat of arms; the first read "Victory Without Malice," while the second, which he had carried into battle with him, referred to "The Tourna- ment To End All Tournaments." And he simply could not understand why, since his teammates professed to accept these slogans, they persisted in acting contrary to them. Didn't they, too, wish to abolish the evil tradition of Tourna- ments immediately? And so they did, but each of them-exactly like the Prince himself-wanted the tradition to end to his own benefit. THE PRINCE could not comprehend this. He, working to his own benefit? m vain, the other States attempted to explain that main- taining the status quo was to the benefit of the Prince alone. After all; they argued, the Prince had hardly received so much as a scratch in the Tourna- ment, and therefore needed no costly recupera- tion. They,'on the other hand, were also in favor of' abolishing Tournaments, but they first wanted to be sure the losing team would help pay for their recovery from the most recent one. Furthermore, they were adamant in their feeling that there must be proper safeguards against the losing team challenging them again when they would be off-guard. They were very much afraid, they said, that while they let their armor rust and the spears become blunt, their opponents would secretly prepare themselves for another challenge. The Prince, who was an Honorable Man, was horrified at this trend of thought. And how- ever much they argued, the other States could not make him agree that his righteousness came from the strength of his own castle, and the width and depth of the moat that sur- rounded it. AND SO, THE PRINCE and his teammates compromised. The losers were forced to pay the costs of the Tournament, but the Prince refused to allow measures to insure their con- tinued cooperation. After all, he maintained, the losers more than any other would want to see Tournaments permanently abolished. THE PRINCE GREW UP, and became a King. In the interim, of course, more Tournaments were held, and he participated in all of them, for he was an Honorable Man, and had a duty to perform in the world. H-is Great .,-m- ho .r .mi at4 n lx - - ~n 3), Ah CAPITAL Sh W ASHINGTON - The national political community is full of forecasts of a coming Nixon- Rockefeller collision for the 1960 Presidential nomination just like the late Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio had in 1952 with Dwight Eisenhower. These predictions are that his- tory will repeat itself with Vice- President Richard M. Nixon as the young pro grappling with a popular amateur, Gov.-elect Nel- son Rockefeller of New York, as old - pro Taft grappled With a similarly popular amater, Mr. Eisenhower. Some see the script for this drama as already written. It is complete with parts not only for the stars, Nixon and Rockefeller, but also for all the supporting players. The "Wall Street" Eastern Republicans are seen marshalling on one side of the stage ready to feed the socko lines to Rockefeller. The Midwestern regular Republi- cans are moving up on the other side of the stage to do their dra- matic bits for Nixon, THERE IS plausibility in this picture, It is indeed probable that there will be another great contest within the Republican party be- tween the Rockefeller "moderns" and all the rest of the Republicans put together. It is unlikely, how- ever, that any really exact repro- duction of 1952 can occur. True, Nixon and his party wing may correspond roughly to Taft DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- toriai responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYEWRITEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 195 VOL. LXIX, NO. 48 General Notices Student Government Council Agenda Nov. 11, Council Room, SAB, 7:30 p.m. Special meeting-Sigma Kappa Extended Hours: Women students who attended the concert at Hill Aud. on wed night, Nov. 5, had extended hours until ii1:30. There will be several vacancies in the Martha Cook Bldg. for the second se- mester, Feb., 1959. Those interested may apply to the Director. For appointment please call NO 2-3225. The next Flu Shot Clinic for stu- dents, staff and employees will be held in Rm. 58 (basement of the Health Service) Thurs., Nov. 13, only. Hours are 8:60-1:45 a.m. and 1:00-4:45 p.m. Proceed directly to basement, fil out forms, pay fee ($1.00) and receive in- jection. It is recommended that each person receive two Injections approximately 2-3 weeks apart. This clinic will be open for both first and second shots. Lectures Lecture: Tues., Nov. 11, 8:00 p.m. Univ. Hosp. Amphitheater. Dr. R. W. Brauer, U. S. Naval Radiological De- fense Laboratory, will speak on "Liver Circulation and Liver Function." Open COMMENTARY: ades of Robert A. Taft By WILLIAM S. WRITE t C, )*.,4 and his party wing, and Rocke- feller and his wing may correspond to Eisenhower and his wing. But there will be significant differ- ences in the plot of 1960 from that of 1952. The Vice-President is both more and less than was Taft. His lead- ership of the regular Republican organization is more sure than was Taft's at the comparable pre-con- vention period of eight years ago. He is an immensely more capable practical "operator" than Taft ever was. Heavy-handed mistakes by lieutenants at state conventions compromised Taft's candidacy for him before the national convention even opened. And it was character- istic of the Senator's awkward but moving grandeur as a man that these mistakes remained unre- kiuked. Nixon lieutenants will make no such mistakes. At the first sign of even potential ineptitude they would be ex-lieutenants Nixon, in a word, now has a harder grip on the regular party mechanism than Taft ever had. Moreover, though no one knows what the case may be two years hence, Nixon as of now certainly is not so vulnerable as was Taft to the old cry: "He can't win." This is so mainly because he is immeasurably less vulnerable on another count. Terribly damaging to Taft was a wide feeling that he was hopeless on foreign policy; that he was some sort of isola- tionist. Nobody could rationally make that accusation against Nix- on. First, his record simply would refute it. Second, he is much more gifted at explaining himself to the people. HE CAN HANDLE the simplici- ties -- and sometimes even the, over-simplicities. But Taft always assumed that "intelligent people" would grasp what'he meant; if not, then so much the worse for them. For the views of the "un- intelligent," he couldn't have cared. less, There is, however, an important other side of the medal. This is a human fact. It is that while the Vice-President's practical skill is far higher than was Taft's, he does not command the almost in- credible loyalty of the regular rank-and-filers that was auto- matically Taft's, When they thought Taft was wrong on an issue these rank-and-filers would only shake their heads and say, "That's old Bob for you." It never cost him an ounce of their sup- port. TAFT WAS a dynastic figure- so much so that they did not flinch even from their own aware- ness that thepublic neverpunder- stood him and quite probably would reject him if ever he were nominated for President. What- ever "Bob" did was all right with them-including those times when he would call them by the wrong names and clearly suggest that they would do well to go some- where else and stop annoying him. Nixon simply cannot count on anything of this sort. The Old Guard might fight briskly for him. But the Old Guard would not stand in its tracks and die hope- lessly for him as it would, any day, for Taft. (Copyright 1958, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) a SGC... To the Editor: ON READING the article in Fri- day's Daily by Thomas Turner the interesting thought occurs as to what purpose, if any, this article serves. One could guess that it is one man's appeal to the rest of the student body to vote intelli- gently for able and capable candi- dates. Unfortunately however the most able andcapable of the candidates will not have his name on the ballot. Maynard Goldman has served SGC faithfully for far long- er than it could be expected that any student should. It would seem further, that the state of student government is not good when the withdrawal of one person-and only one person-could create that chaotic effects that Mr. Turner implies. Far more important than this, however, is the net effect upon stu- dent government in general. It would seem that many of the candidates would not fit into the category of "good people." Candi- dates are romping all over the campus spewing forth such ideas as "taking away power from SGC." These are the people who conceiv- ably could direct the activities of the SGC for the next few months -directing it because the organi- zation lacks any real or effective leadership, the kind of leadership that created the SGC, the kind of leadership that has given Michi- gan students their first all-campus government. To be faced withthe prospects of voting for candidates such as theeone quoted as saying "that the real power should rest with the administration," places all of the student body in the position whereby they seemingly have little choice. If students such as these quoted above were present on the campus when SGC was con- ceived, we would probably find ourselves *ith little more than an agency composed of students to rubber stamp decisions of the Office of Student Affairs. It would seem that the time has come for students on this campus to express some feeling as to how desirable they feel an effective, powerful, and influential student government needs to be. It would seem that the time is ripe for those believing in student government -as student government-to cease their sitting on, the sidelines and use every means within their power to express to the University as a wheole that student government with real and effective power is the only kind of student govern- ment that is desired. -Tom Rathay, '60E Challenge To the Editor: IT SEEMS TO US that Student Government at the University, particularly the future role of SC in student government, will suffer a severe setback by the withdrawal of Maynard Goldman from the forthcoming SGC election. It ap- pears that certain individuals in the Administration and various campus organizations are exerting a type of pressure which can have nothing but ill effects. Student government on this campus must keep the American ideals in mind. However, there are those who would rather plough under our democratic approach merely for their own selfish, bigoted desires. The difficulty stems mainly from the Sigma Kappa issue. Because of Mr. Goldman's role in this controversy he has been criticized for representing the aforemen- tioned approach. SGC and all other government, for that matter, need people who have the courage of their own convictions and have the integrity to stand up for that which is right. We feel that some are using Sigma Kappe as a politi- cal tool with which to attack Mr. Goldman's position. Shall we as-university students so enlightened and liberal as we profess to be, allow certain in- dividuals and groups on campus to bludgeon the free thinkers into submission? Shall we put our in- herited ideals in our back pockets in order that a few may direct SGC in the manner these few choose, even though ithviolates what is basically morally right? What future can SGC have on this campus when it becomes so in- fluenced by minority pressure that there is no longer any opportunity for independent thinking, free speaking, and enlightened acting? The challenge is ours, fellow students, as to vihether or not we will allow SOC tb become a stag- nant tool of the few or a forward looking, progressive voice of all the opinions and ideas of this great university student body. -Elliot Tepper, '62 -Lawrence J. Gusman, '59 -Paul A. Campbell, '61 Reviewf. . To the Editor: RE: A STERN REVIEW. Last night the well -nw trumpet virtuoso and archangeln Gabriel gave a well - balanced, thoughtful program of wide-spread appeal. (He is very fat.) Most trumpet enthusiasts were inter- ested in the Glotzenheimer "Blast in G-Minus" which is the supreme test for a trumpeteer. Mr. Gabriel's weaknesses and strong points were exposed (his socks fell down, re- vealing gnarled ankles), in a per- formance that ranged from the in- spired to the confused, yet was generally solid-man. The incisive chordal statement of the fiendish fugue was clearly articulatedsafter the first entrance (the first en- trance was unsatisfactory because Mr. Gabriel had gotten stuck in the stage door), but certain in- tonation difficulties marred it slightly. (i.e., Mr. Gabriel breathes.) The Pizza sectio,, how- ever, a deceptively apparent move- ment never achieved any direction and gaveone an impression of confusion. (As exemplified by that last sentence.) He then took the Pretzel movement at a brilliant, somewhat uncomfortable pace. (He was standing on his head.) "Night of the Spider," by the 29th century composer, Arachnid, is an example of dyingor dead im- pressionism, (old impressionists never die; they just smell that way), relying the same virtuoso tricks (29th century English) that are apparent in the work by Para- site. Both works were performed with flair, but betrayed some of Gabriel's technical weaknesses. (That breathing again.) I do not mean to detract from Gabriel's genius-everyone knows the kind of reviews he invariably gets in his home surroundings. (But then those reviewers are rather prejudiced.) But, as a highly skilled and experienced hashish-pipe smoker, I cannot help but feel that at times he lacks certain subliminally neo - positive qualities of projective communica- tion. (See Lewis Carroll, et al.) But then-perhaps he is merely over my head. All in all though the performance was like solid- man. --F. S. Dean Reply... To the Editor: THE NOVEMBER 4th issue of The Michigan Daily contained a letter to the editor, headed "Disturbance." The author of this brilliant work, one Wells Gray, seemed quite disturbed by the be- havior of ten students sitting at the rear' of the hall. Since there were only six students in all, Mr. Gray's estimate is as inflated as his prose was turgid. Being part of the six we feel that some reply must be made to Mr. Gray's ac- cusations. It is true that we sat at the back of the hall, but we were merely trying to get our questions answered. Mr. Gray's statement that Mr. Pirincin's logic was weak qualifies as one of the better understate- ments of the year. For an hour we were treated to a muddle of badly worn phrases, circumlocutions, and what might be charitably described as maniacal ravings. After this stimulating talk we felt inclined to ask questions, which we did. To the socialist mind this prob- ably seemed a nasty capitalistic trick, but Mr. Pirincin answered our questions with the same logic which characterized his speech. That is to say he used a torrent of words to say absolutely nothing, This was the only disturbazlcd which we caused. Mr. Grav befnr anain nicking controversy he has been criticized Editorial Staff RICHARD TAUB, Editor DHAEL KRAFT JO Witorial Director )HN WEICHER City Editor 1 DAVID TARR Associate Editor ,LE CANTOR ........... Personnel Director ;AN WILLOUGHBY..... Associate Editorial Director ATA JORGENSON ...,.... Associate City Editor IZABETH ERSKINE... Associate Personnel Director AN JONES -.1 .......Sports Editor RL RISEMAN................Associate Sports Editor