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November 11, 1958 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-11

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Ir -

Party Chairman Staebler Tells of Inept Campaigning

#This is the most irrational;
campaign 1 have ever participated
in, and this goes nationally."
such was State Democratic
Party Chairman Neil Staebler's
description of the recently-con-
cluded election campaign.1
It was a campaign in which,
Staebler said recently, each party
tried to pin the responsibility for
the recent recession on the other;
-with varying degrees of success.
He noted that the guilt was
largely placed on the 4ncumbent
executive personnel, mayors, gov-
ernors, even the President,
throughout the nation. Legislators,
and legislative bodies were left,
largely unscathed, he noted.
This analysis is borne out by the
fact that many incumbent gov-
ernors of states hard-hit by the
recession-for example, New York,
Rhode Island, Pennsylvania and
Ohio-were unseated, while the
change in the state legislatures.
was less drastic
Comments on Value
Commenting on the value of the
campaign as a whole, Staebler said
that it was generally unsatisfac-
tory. Noting that the major pur-
pose of any campaign is to inform
the electorate about the issues and
candidates, Staebler said that from
the Democratic standpoint it was
very poor.
Ie remarked that all Michigan
state Democratic candidates dis-
tributed press releases every day
during the campaign with the
exeeption of James M. Hare, who
got two releases into the Detroit
papers, coverage of Democratic
Crib To Hold
Meeting Today
Crib, the University's pre - law
club, will hold an organizational
zneeting at 8 p.m. today in Rm.
8C in the Union, according to
Thomas P. Bucy, '60.
Organized in 1948 with the aid
of Dean E. Blythe Stason of the
law school, the club chse its
name from the terminology used
try the barristers of the thirteenth
century. 'Crib' refers to an inclo-
sure in which young apprentice
lawyers of that period sat and
observed the proceedings of the
The purpose of the group is "to
prepare the students for law school
training," a torrier member said.
The Crib invites specialists in
law to speak from time to time,
takes trips to local and Detroit
courts and holds discussions of
various phases of law and law
school information.
The majority of former Crib
members have gone on to the Uni-
versity law school here. At least
two thirds of the members have
entered some law school.
The advisor of the group is Prof.
William R. Leslie of the history
department. All interested stu-
dents are invited to attend.

candidates outside of those for
senator and governor was almost
A further effect of this "news
blackout" was to force the course
of the campaign, especially in
reference to the issues, along a
predetermined route.
Industry Important
This route was reflected by the
prominence given the issue of the
state's industrial climate. From
April 1957, when an article charg-
ing that much industry was mov-
ing away from the state appeared
in the Detroit Free Press, to poll-
ing time, debate surrounding this
charge was the dominant feature
of the Michigan political scene.
Several months before the start
of the campaign both parties made
surveys to determine which issues
they should stress, Staebler noted.
For the Democrats, such a survey
was rendered useless by the con-
tinual publicity given by the Re-
publicans and the Detroit papers
to the industrial-climate "crisis."
For both parties, pre-election
strategy, enforced by the surveys,
called for an attemept to blame
the recession on the opposition
party. Staebler charged that the
Republicans tried to confuse the
undoubted fact of unemployment
caused by the recession with the
claim that industry was leaving
the state because of the anti-
business policies of Governor G.
Mennen Williams. The Democrats,
on the other hand, stressed the
"Republican Recession."
Campaign Irrational
Staebler remarked that the ir-
rationality of the campaign was
increased by the statistical tech-
niques used to back up the claims
of each party.
The Democrats based their
figures on the condition of in-
dustry in 'thestate in 1949, the
first year of Williams' administra-
tion. Between this time and that
Group To Give
String Concert
The Stanley Quartet will present
a concert at 8:30 p.m. today in
Rackham Auditorium.
Composed /of four University
faculty members, Prof.Gilbert
Ross, violin; Gustave Rosseels,
violin; Prof. Robert Courte, viola;
Prof. Oliver Edel, cello, the quar-
tet is celebrating its tenth anni-
Their repertoire of nearly 100
works covers the body of classic,
romantic and modern chamber
music literature. They have per-
formed in festivals of contempor-
ary arts at the University of Ill-
nois and at Cornell University and
have appeared at many other uni-
versities throughout the country.
Tonight's program will include
"Quartet in G major, Op. 18, No.
2" by Beethoven; "Quartet No. 2"
by Leon Kirchner; "Quartet in F
major" by Ravel.
Kirchner's composition, written
this year, was commissioned by the
University and dedicated to the
Stanley Quartet.

Davis Plans
Student Trip
A trip to Puerto Rico over the
Christmas holidays is being plan-
ned for 33 University students by
James A. Davis, director of the
International Center.
Davis recently visited the coun-
try and met a number of Univer-
sity alumni, who invited him to
bring a student group.
The group will leave Ann Arbor
on Dec. 26 and arrive in San
Juan, Puerto Rico. the next morn-
ing, Davis said. During the three
days in San Juan, the students
will be guests in the homes of
University alumni.
On Dec. 30, the students will
travel by car to the southwest
corner of the island, where they
will visit the city of San German.
In San German, the group will
stay in the residence halls of the
Inter-American University. and
will take field trips through the
Davis and the group will return
to Ann Arbor on Jan. 3. The trans-
portation both ways will be by air,
with bus transportation provided
to and from the airport.
Interested students may contact
Davis at the International Center
for further information.
Socialist To Speak
Robert Himmel, state committee
member for the Socialist Workers
Party and former chairman of the
Wayne County Young Socialists,
will be the first speaker of the
"Would You Like to Know" series
of talks sponsored by the Union,
according to John Eisberg, '60,
Union executive council.
The talk will be held at 8 p.m.
tomorrow in the 3rd floor confer-
ence room of the Union. A ques-
tion and answer session will follow
the speech.

NEIL STAEBLER-State Democratic Chairman, is credited by
many Democrats with building the Michigan Democratic Party
into one of the finest and strongest in the nation. With one
election just completed, he is already hard at work planning
strategy for the next.
of the election, industrial concen- Commenting on criticism leveled
tration in the state had gained at Williams during the campaign,
The epublicans. on the other tat

hand, used 1953 as a, basis for
their figures Staebler said. At this
time, employment and industry
concentration in the state were
high because of the Korean War.
After the war, demand slackened,,
and industry-concentration figures
showed a consequent decline.
Confuse Issue
Staebler remarked that the at-
tempt to confuse the state-wide
industry "crisis" with the reces-
sion had little basis in fact. Even
if all Republican claims were ac-
cepted, he said, they would only
have accounted for 10,000 to 15,-
000 jobs lost a year. This amount-
ed to "just a drop in the bucket"
of unemployment caused by the
Staebler commented that the
Republicans used the industry-un-
employment issue quite widely, in
varying degrees and most intensely
where the state governor was a
Democrat. He also admitted that
this tactic had "some effect" in
the campaign, especially in Mich-
igan, Oregon, and Pennsylvania,
states hit hardest by the reces-

that Williams was too closely as-
sociated with labor had little basis
in fact nor effect on the election
Staebler also remarked that
James Hoffa, Teamster Union
boss, suspected of corrupt prac-
tices, was in fact a Republican
appointee to the Wayne County
Board of Supervisors, and was
suspected of heavy contributions
to the Republican campaign.
Votes Balance
Staebler noted that Williams
was running for a sixth term lost
him some Democratic votes, but
gained him about the same num-
ber of Republican and Independ-
ent votes.
Some voters may have felt Wil-
liams had been in office too long,
and that it was "time for a
change." Others may have crossed
party lines, a result of greater
familiarity with Williams' name
and policies.
Turning to the national results,I
Staebler remarked that, on the
whole, "the liberal wing of the
Democratic party did quite well."

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