T GAN DAIIN TUESDAY. \O THE MICItIGAN DAILY TUESDAY NO _ Lippmann Describes Talk with Khrushchev Ann Arbor Doctor, Two Children Perish As Wife, Three Sons Escape. Sunday Fire (Continued from Page 1) contest of his military assumption that the Soviet Union has now mastered the intermediate range1 missiles. Dangers of War Americans, he began, seemed not to realize the danger which their present policy of rearming Germany may well bring down up- on them. What is this danger. I asked? It is, he said, that if a new meant 'what h had said, perhaps war is unleashed-we shall come because he had not fully under later to his conception of how a stoodwhat a Westerner would new war might be unleashed- mean when he talks about free ne- Germany might once again turn gotiations between the two Ger- to the East against the West. manys. So I asked him whetlger he Why? Because if Western Ger- really meant that the occupying many engaged in a war against! powers would accept uncondition- the East, the U.S.S.R. could quick- ally the result of negotiations be- ly destroy Western Germany-with tween the two German govern- its missiles. But if the Soviet Un- ments. To this he replied that the ion encouraged Germany to turn occupying powers would, . "of against the West, the Germans course," abide by the Potsdam alone will be much stronger than Agreement which states, he said, England, France and Spain com- that Germany should never again bined. be in a position to disturb the This led him on to say that the peace. -He left me with the rea- situation was much like that on sonable certainty that if the the eve of World War II. How? Western powers proposed a free Much is said in the West about negotiation by the two Germanys, Munich. But the Western peoples the Soviet Government would not do not understand Munich. They be willing to accept it. think that Czechoslovakia was His mention of the Potsdam sacrificed at Munich in order to Agreement brought him quickly' appease Hitler and keep him from to his complaint that the United going to war. But in fact, said Mr. States is violating the Agreement K. with passionate conviction, by contributing to the remilitari- Munich was arranged by British zation of Germany. This carried and French conservatives who with it the implication that there wanted Hitler to attack Russia. To could be no reunification of the induce him to do that, they gave two Germanys as long as West him Czechoslovakia, which is an Germany was to be once again a arrow aimed at the heart of Rus- t~iliarv nni arsia." Dr. James Wilson, chairman of the Medical Center's pediatrics department. said "the death of Dr. Edwards came as a great shock to us as it did to the rest of the community." "He exemplified the highest standards of practice and ethics in our profession," he continued. Seven of the firemen were over- come by smoke during the 90- minute struggle. One, Neil Rowe, has been treated for smoke inhala- tion at University Hospital. The members of the family were treated for shock, mild burns and smoke inhalation. The boys were released and reported in excellent condition. Mrs. Edwards is re- ported in very good condition. Captain Wink said this was the first triple fatality in the history of the fire department. IFC: Name 'Week' Chairman 11 After Munich, said Mr. K., Sta- lin realized the danger to the U.S.S.R. as a result of the Wes- ern action. The point of Mr. K.'s historical explanation, which he volunteered without being asked questions about it, was that another Ger- man-Soviet pact was at least as possible today as in 1939-indeed more probable since a German at- tack on the Soviet Union had now become "suicidal." r I DIAL NO 8-6416 "An EXTRAORDINARY PICTURE! A very considerable achievement." --Jesse Zunser, Cue Magazine Central Committee were an- nounced today by Interfraternity Council fraternity relations chair- man, Paul Becker, '60. 'General Chairmen are Joyce Bushong, '60, Delta Gamma, and Mike Sklar, '60, Zeta Beta Tau. The Committee chairmen are: Robert Brod, '61, Zeta Beta Tau, financial chairman; Barbara Pin- kerson, '61, Delta Phi Epsilon, secretary; Mike Foley, '60E, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Linda Rain- water, '60, Alpha Delta Pi, IFC Sing; Michael Magee, '61E, Delta Sigma Phi, and Marcia Woodard, '61, Alpha Delta Pi, tickets; Larry May, '61, Zeta Beta Tau, and Gerri Dennis, '61DH, Alpha Delta Pi, booklet; Martin Good- man, '61, Zeta Beta Tau, and Judy Grose, '61, Kappa Alpha Theta, publicity; Reed Jenny, '61, Beta Theta Pi, and Allice Lohrman, '60E, Alpha Chi Omega, special events; Kerry Kilpatrick, '61, Phi Gamma Delta, and Barbara Rosbe, '60Ed., picnic. Greek Week is an annual six- day event' sponsored jointly by IFC and PanHel. Last year it in- cluded a basketball game between the Fraternity All-stars and the Detroit Lions basketball teams. Also included were the annual dance and the Fraternity Presi- dent's Retreat. There was a bridge tournament and a desert given for fraternity and sorority house- mothers. -Photo-Courtesy of Barry Feinberg FIREFIGHTERS-Ann Arbor firemen attack the blaze at the home of Dr. Aaron Edwards from the upper stories of their house at 916 Church. Dr. Edward and his two daughters perished in the blaze. His wife and three sons were released from University Hospital today. Cheers That stronghold of tradition, Harvard University, has suc- cumbed to the even more tradi- tional wiles of woman. Last Friday the Harvard Crimson announced the opening of the schooFs "first annual Kampus Kutie Kontest" to choose eight Radcliffe under- graduates as cheerleaders at home football games. Selected Kuties will compose a Women's Auxiliary Cheering Squad to make its debut for the 1958 season at the Yale game Nov. 22. The squad is a result of a compromise between the Undergraduate Athletic Council (yay) and the present Harvard cheerleaders (nay)- Entrants must be undergrad- uates at Radcliffe College, the Crimson said. The paper sug- gested "that the nominees prac- tice the various Harvard cheers and songs, as decision will be made on the basis of cheerlead- ing talent only." the disc shop presents IN PERSON. JOSH WHITE friday, nov. 21 . , . 8:30 at TheArmory (4th & Ann St.) reserved seats - $2.75 gen. admission - $1.65, available at THE DISC SHOP 1210 S. University (open evenings) and also- LIBERTY MUSIC SHOP State Street Branch Daily Classifieds Bring Results -. Poison Food Possible Cause Of Quad. Ills (Continued from Page 1) A few isolated cases of the ill- ness have appeared in West Quad- rangle. he added. As far as he has been able to determine, these men worked as busboys in South Quad Friday and presumably ate there. Despite South Quad's rule for- bidding special menus, thseo af- fected with illness have been erved "tea, toast and tomato juice" in their rooms, Noffsinger said. Staff assistants obtained ther- mometers from Health Service and took temperatures of those ill. Ex- treme cases , (temperatures over 103 degrees) were sent to Health Service. Some students had to re- turn because of Health Service overcrowding, Noffsinger said, Commenting on the uncertain disease, Dr. Beckett said it could not be flu "because it was confined to South Quad and it happened within too short a time." He also ruled out ptomaine poisoning be- cause of the symptoms. Patients are on a fluid died, moderate medication such as as- pirin and bed-rest, he said. "Most of the food in the quadrangle has' been thrown out for precautionary measures," Dr. Beckett added. Both the milk and water are vir- tually above suspicion as the causes of the illness, he added. All University water comes from the same source, as does all milk served in the residence halls. Both are being checked, however. Gomberg House. - South Quad, posted a tabulating board on the illness. The totals include 106 "still sweating," 53 "sick," 14 "dead," two "recovered" with one relapse. Sunday evening two students dressed in white coat sentered one of the quadrangle's dining rooms and pretended to be food inspec- tors, according to student wit- nesses. They were evicted by staff men, witnesses said. DIALNO2-313 ENDING TODAY I Uave a WORIP o/FI Trave/ with $ITA Unbelievable Low Cost Eurove 60 oeD . , ' « $645 43-65 ons~. 9, .- $998 RE ~ fO"M'y'ours incrude college credit. *Also low-cost trips to Mexico $169 up, South America $699 up, Hawaii Study Tour $549 up and Around the World $1798 up. Ask Your Travel Agent 26th VT 332 S. Michigon A"e. Year WOMS TAVEL. mc. Chcago 4, KA 725SI " NEXT9 "BOOT POLISH~ 1111171 I.M.1-1111111 4 V "PATIENCE" orB "BUNTHORNE'S BRIDE" MMM"m U of M Gilbert and Sullivan Society