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November 11, 1958 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-11

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

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Mystery Illness
Hits 201 in Dorm
Food Poisoning Suspected is Cause
Of South Quad Weekend Sickness
Two hundred and one South Quadrangle residents were stricken
this weekend with an unknown illness believed to be food poisoning.
"There is a good possibility this outbreak is a form of food in-
fection," Dr. Morley Beckett, director of Health Service said. "We will
not know for certain until the results of the tests we have taken are
compiled." He said the reports are expected to be completed by this
Fist Cases Saturday
"The first cases came into Health Service early Saturday morn-
Ing," Dr. Beckett said, and no new cases have been reported since'
early. yesterday, Symptoms of the

The President of Sarah Law-
rence College yesterday assailed
parents and teachers who have
helped to create an "unillusioned
Harold Taylor, delivering a Hay-
wood Keniston lecture on "Liber-
alism and the Llb'ral Arts," asked
that teachers do away with their
"eternal explanations" of class
material and let ideas generate
their own response from students.
He described the present gen-
eration has one which accepts the
world as it finds It, since it -has
been taught to do so by "under-
standing" parents.
Students 'Uniliusloned'
In the absence of strong par-
ental authority, he said the child
has little to rebel against, and
may stifle in a world of "kindly
over-all approval"
Taylor described the present
group of students as "unillusioned"
rather than "dlsIllusloned "Nao
one risks the larger emotions of
joy, anger, dramatic action," he
argued. Instead, "they prefer the
gentler pleasures of approval and
Having been given their free-
dom by "understanding parents,"
he observed, the present genera-
tion finds it works well but "is a
bore to administer." Therefore, he
said, in many colleges, the ma-
chinery of -student government has
run down simply because many re-
so nsile students do not wish to
run for office. They would prefer
,an orderly arrangement of student
life by the administration, he ex-
Taylor crticized teachers for
seeming less ready than in former
years to "challenge openly the
values of their own society." He
declared the primary aim of
American education should be to
raise "the level of human ideals
and' the level of human achieve-
Need 'First-Rate' Teachers
However, he said, emphasis on
the personal advantages of a col-
lege education has distracted
many people from thinking of te
"true values of higher learning
and the real mission of the stu-
If first-rate education is to ex-
ist in the United States, he de-
clared, "we must seek first-rate
Taylor warned leaders of the
academic world against becoming
too engrossed in the practical
problems of education. "We have
become lobbyists for the intellect,
full of promotional devices for
advertising the virtues of the hu-
manities, the sciences, or freign
"Eve in our teaching we have
b pre ng for attention to cul-
tural and aesthetic values rather
than allowing the values to be
seen, enjoyed and savored by our-
selves and students."
;fi LaPuente
Will, Conduct
Luis Herrera de La Puente will
conduct the National Orchestra of
Mexico when they appear at 8:30
p.m. tonight in Hill Auditorium.
Founded by Carlos Chavez as
the Symphony Orchestra of Mex-

illness are nausea, headache, se-
vere diarrhea, and vomiting, Dr.
Beckett explained.
There are now 18 South Quad
residents in Health Service, he
said. Most afflicted students are
being cared for in the quadrangle,
Mark 0. Noffsinger, resident di-
rector of South Quadrangle ex-
Sanitarian Checks Food
Health Service sent a sanitarian
to check the food and take samples
of food served Friday noon
through Saturday night. However,
the coconut cream pie served Fri-
day was completely devoured, he
The following are the menus
for the meals at South Quad
Egg Salad Sandwich
Ham Salad Sandwich
Clam Chowder Soup
Beef Rice Soup
Pineapple and Spiced
Prune Salad
Peach Short Cake
Roast Veal
Mashed Potatoes and
Beets and Wax Beans
Cabbage and Apple Salad
Relish Plate
Cocoanut Cream Pie'
Apricot Halves
added. Students who are Ill are
Pilling out forms telling what they
Ite on Friday and Saturday, Dr.
Beckett said.
The food is being checked in
Health Service laboratories and
double-checked in the laboratories
of the State Health Department
n Lansing, Dr. Beckett explained.
"The pattern of illnesses seems
to show food poisoning was prob-
ably the cause of the outbreak of
illness, Jack M. Hale, senior resi-
dent director of men's residence
halls, said.
See POISON, page 2

King Says
UAR Jets
Give Chase
Makes No Mention
Of Any Shots Fired
AMMAN, Jordan (M) - Young
King Hussein charged yesterday
two MIG jet fighters attempted to
force down his unarmed royal
plane in a flight over Syria and
then chased him back across the
Jordan border.
He made no mention of any
shots being fired.
Hussein, in a dramatic broad-
cast to the nation, explained his
unexpected return home less than
two hours after taking off amid
cheers to celebrate his 24th birth-
day Nov. 14 with members of his
family in Switzerland. He declared
this trip has now been canceled.
Hussein spoke in solemn but
firm tones that gave no indication
he had been unnerved. He was
unharmed; the royal plane un-
damaged. The king was riding as
Plane Not Cleared
A spokesman of the United
Arab Republic First Army based
in Syria was quoted as saying a
"Jordanian military plane" tried
to- fly over Syria without getting
official clearance.
There was no direct mention of
King Hussein.
"Damascus Airport contacted
the plane to inquire about its mis-
sion and destination," the spokes-
man said. "Commander of plane
refused to give explanation."
The U.A.R. spokesman said that
the commander of the plane was
ordered to land in Damascus "to
get the necessary permit so that
his plane could resume its flight."
UAR Explains Action
"Pilot refused," the statement
said, "and informedhairport that
he was returning to Jordan . ...
"Our planes could have forced
it to land in Damascus Airport or
to shoot it down in case it re-
fused to land.
"But the truth is our planes
escorted it without interference to
it until it left Syrian airspace."
The statement said a week ago
the U.A.R. granted permission to
the Royal Jordanian Air Force to
fly over and "several flights took
place without interference."
King Hussein made his broad-
cast after a long emergency meet-
ing with 'his cabinet. Jordan's
parliamient was called into session
today. A national holiday was de-
clared tomorrow, too, "to celebrate
the King's safe return"
The incident dealt a serious
blow to efforts to promote better
relations between Jordan and
President Gamal Abdel Nasser's
U.A.R.-of which Syria is a part.
Hussein charged that two Soviet
made Syrian MIGs rose to chal-
lenge his twin-eingined De Havil-
land Dove over Syria and made
six passes at the royal plane.

Low S





to Discuss


Council Will Consider
Possible Solutions
Student Government Council
will hear two solutions to the Sig-
ma Kappa issue tonight at a spe-
cial meeting.
Both assume the sorority re-
mains in violation of University
rules and that SGC has the right
to withdraw recognition.
The majority suggestion from
the committee set up after the
Oct. 1 meeting at which Sigma
Kappa was found still in viola-
tion is that SGC withdraw rec-
ognition from the group, effect-
lve June 15, 1959.
Recommends Withdrawal
The other would recommend
that the administration withdraw
recognition as of next June.
"This recommendation," the
committee report explains, "ac-
cepts the administrative interpre-
tation of the Student Government
Council plan (i.e., this interpreta-
tion by the administration calls
for concurrent jurisdiction which
means that the administration has
ultimate authority) ."
The report acknowledges the ex-
istence as alternates of referring
the Sigma Kappa case as it stands
to the administration and putting
Sigma Kappa on probation, but it
declares both "unsuitable"
The committee consisted of
Leagues President Bobbie Maier,
'59, chairman, SGC President
Maynard Goldman, '59, Panhel-
lenic President Mary Tower, '59,
Scott Chrysler, '59BAd, and Daily
Editor Richard Taub, '59.
Submit Report
They are submitting a five-page
report to the Council, detailing
reasoning and assumptions which
led to the two alternatives.
First, according to the report,
"the violation has been deter-
mined" at the Oct. 1 session in
the Union Ball Room. .
Second, that the administra-
tion "has claimed that they have
an ultimate jurisdiction in the
matter." -
Eliminate Discrimination
And third, the report continues,
that University regulations are in-
tended to eliminate racial dis-
The recommendations were
made, the committee says, in ac-
cordance with the 1956 SGC Board
in Review decision that the Coun-
cil had the right to find the soror-
ity in violation.
Use Reference
Also used as a frame of refer-
ence for the committee's recom-
mendations was the February,
1957 Council vote giving Sigma
Kappa until this Fall to resolve
the violation or "University rec-
ognition will be withdrawn."
In drawing up the recommenda-
tions, the committee explained, it
did not feel bound by the 1957
action but did assume it was with-
in administrative and regental
policy since the Board in Review
did not reverse it. .

VOTE TODAY-Polls on the Diag, the Slab, at the entrance to the Undergraduate Library, at the
Engine Arch and at the Natural Science Museum open at 8 a.m. today. A double check system
of poll workers who sign in and out and poll supervisors who keep a master list has been instituted
to avoid a repeat of last Spring's election, in which many ballots were voided. Elections Director
Richard Erbe reminds students to bring their IDeards when they come to vote.
Quadrants Ask Write-In for Goldman





An eleventh hour write-in cam-
paign may throw another candi-
date into the Student Government
Council elections,
Led by a group from West Quad-
rangle, a campaigrr-to re - elect
Maynard Goldman, '58, SGC pres-
ident, reached its peak last night
with the distribution of over 4,000
stickers designating Goldman as
first place choice on the ballot.
West Quadrangle's honor so-
ciety, Quadrants, met with the
presidents of the houses and of-
ficially threw their support to the
Send Letters
Through the West and South
Quad Quadrants, letters were put
in the Quadrangles' mail boxes,
Bus Company
Drops Routes-
At the City Council meeting last'
night permission was given to the
Ann Arbor Transit Company to
drop two of its routes because of
financial reasons.
Before its passage, John Rae,
coordinator of the company, stated
that unless these routes were drop-
ped it would be possible that they
would have to discontinue service
to the whole city next summer.
Aspects of the out-street parking
were brought up but referred to
the chief of the Ann Arbor Fire
Department for study.
In other business the City Coun-
cil approved a request from the
University Men's Glee Club to
string a banner across State
Street, and Kappa Delta sorority's
request for rezoning for expansion
was denied.

urging the men to "have enough
guts to keep SGC alive."
These letters were signed by the
house presidents and placed in the
respective house mailboxes. The
letters caused much discussion and
dissension among the members of
the quadrangles. When asked
about the opposition, one member
of the group commented, "this is
exactly what was intended. It has
arroused concern about student
According to one member of the
West Quad honor society, a large
number of write-in votes would
act as a vote of confidence in SGC.
"I think that more than enough
students are willing to cast a
write-in ballot for what Maynard
stands for-co-operation with the
administration, but not subordina-
tion to it."
Goldman's only comment on
this campaign was, "No one could
ever get elected to any office in
the University by a write-in vote."
Supports Goldman
Almost at the same moment
Goldman was making this state-
ment, Assembly Association Presi-
dent Patricia Marthenke, '59,
turned her gavel over to the vice-
president to address Assembly on
this issue.
Miss Marthenke pointed out
that she was speaking only as an
individual, not as president of
Assemebly. She then told the body
that she felt Goldman represented
the best student leader available.
Urging the representatives to
use their own discretion in ad-
dressing the women in the resi-
dence halls, she said she felt that
Goldman withdrew from the SGC
elections because he thought no-'
body on campus cared whether he
ran or not, or if SGC survived.

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.-Russia said yesterday the United States
can go right ahead and put through another restlution for free elec-
tions to reunify Korea "but that won't change anything."
Soviet delegate Valerian Zorin said the only way South Korea
and the North Korean communists can get a single government is for
them to sit down at the same table and negotiate,
MOSCOW-Nikita Khrushchev demanded an end to four-power
occupation of Berlin yesterday.
He hinted the Soviet Union is ready to free itself of treaty obliga-
tions to the West on freedom of transport.
The Soviet leader told a Polish-Soviet friendship meeting at Lenin
Stadium "the time has evidently come for the powers which signed the
Potsdam Agreement to give up the
remnants of the occupation regime STED
in Berlin ...-D BLAZE TAR

Members of the group leading
this movement said that fra-
ternities and sororities were con-
tacted last evening to solicit aid
in their campaign. They said that
a "very large" number of the
affiliated groups were "quite re-
"We have high hopes for achiv-
ing this goal," he said. "Those
groups which have supported May-
nard in the past have told us that
they will support him in this elec-
tion. These votes, plus those we
hope to get from those who
normally would never vote in an
SGC election should be enough to
get the number of Votes we want."
It is reported by members of
SGC and other student leaders
that Goldman would accept a post
on the Council if the write-in cam-
paign were to succeed.
Goldman announced that he
would not seek re-election this
semester at an SGC meeting last
Wednesday. It was reported that
the Council was stunned into si-
lence for several seconds after
the unexpected statement.
To Consider
Late Action
The Council of College Presi-
dents will give further considera-
tion to their recent proposal for
joint budget requests from the
nine state tax-supported education
institutions at their next meeting,
Nov. 17, at. Eastern Michigan Col-
lege, Vice-President and Dean of
Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss said
How the proposal will affect the
University's 1959-60 capital o'utlay
budget requests now filed in Lans-
ing is still uncertain, Vice-Presi-
dent in charge of Business and
Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont said.
If a capital outlay request should
emerge, it will be another presen-
tation of the already fmed 1959-60
capital outlay requests of the nine
institutions, Pierpont added. j
He indicated it would not be an
extremely new request. A jointr
request for this year would empha-
size the urgent needs of the
schools which should be fulfilled!
by the legislature as-soon at pos-
sible, he said. Future joint requests
will require study to decide
whether there should be five-year
programs or longer, he continued,
but the joint requests will not be
the sum total of the yearly capital
outlay budgets of the individual

Erbe Sees
No Decrease
From Spring
Predicts Turnout
Of 6,000 Voters
Today, Tomorrow
Elections Director Richard Ebe-
'61, forecast a vote of 6,000 for the
two-day Student Governmen
Council election which begins to-
Erbe said he is confident of
meeting last April's 6,172 tote1
despite lowering the number 4
polls from 19 to five. Students ma
vote any time today during a bet-
ter than fourteen-hour period,
from 8 a.m. to 10:15 p.m., com-
pared to eight hours last time,
All five polling places open a
8 a.m. today, according to Srbe
with the centrally-located ones or
the Diag and at the Undergradu-
ate Library entrance staying opn
straight through until 4 p.m. and
10:15 p.m. respectively.
The "peripheral" polls at the
Natural Science Museum, at thE
Engine Arch and on the "* ab
will be open during the "rust
hours," Erbe continued.
The station at the' Natural
Science Museum is scheduled t
open at 8 and close at 9:30 a ji,
open again at 11:30 and close a
1:30, open at 4 and close at 5 p.m
The polling place on the "slab,
the concrete area south of Angel
Hall, will be open from 8 to a:S(
a.m., 11:30 am. to 1:30 pnm., and
3:30 to 4:30 p:...
The poll at the Engine Arcif
varies from. the other pelphera2
polls only in being open from 2
4:30 p.m.
The same hours will prevail to'
morrow, Erbe said, except that al
polls close at 4:30.
Erbe's predicted vote, if achieved
would be far below the record SOC
total. That was set in Novemberol
1955, when 7,120 students went t
the polls.
Relates Talk
With Premier
(Editor's Note: This is the first in a
series of tour articles by the New York
Herald - Tribune columnist Water
Lippmann. These articles are the re-
suit of a trip to Russia taken by
Lippmann and his wife.
This first aricle Uesribes an In-
terview with Russian premier NIktW
Khrushchev and takes pla p in
Khrushchev's office in the Kre in.)
After the preliminary courtese
Mr. K. waved his hand at meand
said he was ready to answer m
questions. 1. began by saying tha
relations between our two cou
tries had deteriorated since th4
summit meeting at Geneva I*
1955, and would the Chairmar
comment on this.
Relations, he said, have not be'
come worse. They were bad In
1955, They are bad now, and them
have not become any better The
question, he added, is whether ou
relations are to be frozen where
they are now or are to become et.
ter or worse.
I reminded him that at t
time of the Geneva meeting i"
had been hopes of much bte
Yes, he said, but in the Wesi
these hopes were based on a falsi
premise. Dulles and Churchill-4o
as he put it "that old wolf Churl

chill"-had hoped that after Stal-
in's death there would be a change
in the internal policy of the U.S..
S.R., and that the country would
turn away from the strengthen-
ing of its "socialistic achieve.
ments." When they saw that the
successors of Stalin were not go-
ing to liquidate the Communis
system but that these successors
did want to relax the tension on
the basis of the status quo, the
WPaf r-vr.r- o a fartir off h



TAipEI--The Chinese Nation-
alists said the Communists an-
nounced yesterday they would
resume full-scale shelling of the
Quemoys every day.
States is negotiating a defense
agreement with Iran and will sign
it - despite Russians warnings -
when informal talks in Tehran are
State Department officials in'
reporting this yesterday said they
did not see any reason for Moscow
to be either surprised or alarmed.
The United States, they said,
had pledged at the London Con- '
ference of Baghdad Pact nations
Int. J vt., rne .ra a .. frnfh

Four Survive, Three Perish in Fire

The three sons of Dr. Aaron Edwards, of the Medical Center,
were released from University Hospital yesterday afternoon.
Dr. Edwards and his two daughters perished in the blaze.
Kathlyn Edwards, his wife, is expected to be released today.
Dr. Edwards died attempting to rescue his daughters, Karon, 12
years old and Lucinda, six years old.
Blaze Started in Den
The blaze began in the basement of their home in a den where
embers from a fireplace ignited a rug which in turn set fire to the
whole building.
It started about 11 p.m. Sunday, fire department officials said,
That night there had been a birthday party for Lucinda.
Four engines and 25 men fought the blaze with the help of some
E stude "nnts."Students are alwav verv henfi1 " Cantain Wink nf the

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