Ir GAN- DAILY SUNMAY. NOVEMER 9. 1959 TifF MTCflh(~ tN 1) lILY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, I5S Candidates Discuss Major Issues ' '' ; i R _= ....= t_._.._J means that he must go further otof his way to recognize other Ron Basse points of view for the sake of fair- ness rather than that he shouldI 1) The SGC member has two stand up for his own personal view main responsibilities: 1) to recog- and be blind to all others. The nize and express student opinion, whole area necessitates excellent and 2) to use student opinion to communication between SGC and its fullest advantage in furthering the students and in essence more the goals of the University. This effective public relations, such as may necessitate a compromise through the Speakers' Bureau when both do not appear to be which brings SGC members into the same. To accomplish this com- direct contact with student groups promise, the SGC member must . . . and is presently relatively make himself fully aware of all weak. issues, no matter how small, and 2) The responsibility for recog- of all sides of an issue, no matter nition and withdrawal of recogni- how small a segment of campus tion from student organizations represents them. ! should continue to turn gradually, From the student body as a as it is now, toward responsible whole the SGC member must seek student government. The history out and recognize the majority of the Committee on Student Af- opinion, but consciousness and fairs, that of giving the student proper representation dictate that voice, then a vote, then a greater he must be willing to go out of vote, and then finally eliminating his way to be sure he is aware of it in favor of SGC, a body entirely and recognizing properly all mi- made up of students, demonstrates nority points of view, the willingness of the administra- That an SGC member may come tion to recognize student responsi-' from one segment on campus bility. It is only a matter of time when the Board in-Review, will cease to exist and Student Gov- ernment will justly be given com- plete responsibility. 3) Yes, most definitely. Our primary aim in coming to this University is for. an education of the highest quality possible. What more fitting responsibility can SGC have than to concern itself with bettering this education? a) SGC should aid and encour- age the publishing of final exam schedules before registration. b) A stronger role can be taken by SGC toward the lecture com- mittee more actively representing student desires and educational goals in bringing speakers to cam- pus. c) The honor system, although defeated last year for the Literary College has definite merits and should not be dropped altogether. SGC Public Relations chair- d) SGC should look into the man; Publicity Director for SGC possibility of stronger action than; Elections; SGC Education and it has taken toward bettering-the' Student Welfare Committee marking systems, member; Student Course Evalu- e) The Student Course Evalua- ation Booklet committee; Tau tion Booklet is too valuable an Delta Phi social fraternity asset to students to have been alumni secretary, scholarship dropped in the hurried and in- chairman; vice-president of Na- efficient manner in which it was. tional Federation of Temple f) I thoroughly endorse the Youth; Phi Eta Sigma Hon- exam file to be placed in the Un- orary. dergrad library'. OWN SAM SGC Aids Students ITo Services low :* 4 a. {i - . r; @:;. f I 4 Members Voice Student Opinion To Reestablish Library's Hours By JUDITH DONER Although major policy and jurisdictional areas of Student Govern- ment Council have gained most of the headlines this fall, the Council has continuously been working to provide the campus with specific services. SOC's Education and Student Welfare Committee played a part in reestablishing last semester's hours at the Undergraduate Library. It proposed several plans for keeping the library open at more strategic hours than were scheduled. at the same time expressing student- opinion which called for the hours to be completely restored. At its last meeting, the Council passed a resolution which author- I . I ~A7I1L) LI II N - ' -/ £ H 5 I I U POLLING PLACES-Voters may cast their ballots for SGC candidates in any one of five places at varied times on Tuesday and Wednesday. A booth on the Diag will be open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on both days. Students passing by the Undergraduate Library may vote from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Tuesday and from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday. Booths located at the Slab, the Natural Science Museum and the Engine Arch will be open from 8 to 9:30 a.m., from 11 to 1:30 p.m. and from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Irwin Dinn Union officer committee try- out; Union committee projects staff; Anderson House social chairman; Anderson House pres- ident; East Quad Council rep- resentative, treasurer; WCBN disk jockey, news broadcaster; Hillel choir; Men's Weekend chairman; Soph Show Head Usher; Phi Epsilon Pi pledge. 1) It is quite an impossible task for a Council member to consult with so large a group as our own student body. One person could not contact over 22,000 students, even if it were a full time job. Then, too, even if he consulted all of them, it would be an exceed- ingly difficult task to organize and translate their many, varied opin- ions to the Council. It is not only possible, but es- sential that a Council member consult with specific segments of the student body. The word seg- ment is somewhat ambiguous. If it means a particular housing unit, social group, or club, with whom the SGC member comes in con- tact, he can sympathetically anda conscientiously represent their view as a whole to the Council. 2) With regard to the SGC-ad- ministration controversy, SGC's powers concerning recognition of student organizations should be; defined. If the administration wishes to make the decisions con- cerning recognition their own re- sponsibility, then take the power away from SGC. If, however, the administration feels that SGC, our highest student governinga body, can intelligently regulate such matters, let SGC have com- plete authority to do so. 3) Perhaps one of the most im- portant roles of SGC is the de- velopment of new and broader academic programs. SGC haso succeeded in setting up a very fine Health Insurance program, has begun to cope with the bicycle' situation, and has revised the Uni- versity Calendar. SGC has a forum committee which is considering inviting well known, perhaps controversial, fig- ures to speak to the student body. At the same time SGC should concern itself with the mediocrity of the present lecture series. Rather than inviting speakers whoa might be able to say something of understandable insignificance on questionable authority, invite speakers who will be meaningful' to various interest groups. Rather than inviting speakers just to Lloyd House Council; Home- coming publicity committee; Al- pha Signa Phi social fraternity secretary, social chairman; In- terfraternity Council rushing counselor. Elm-er Prueske 1) I believe that a Student Gov- ernment Council member should consult with as many of the stu- dents as possible when matters concerning the whole student body are before the Council. This could be done by consulting with the leaders of student organizations and housing groups and securing their opinions. In matters concerning specific segments of the student body, I think it is very important that a Council member consult with the students and leaders most con- cerned. 2) On the question of the re- sponsibility for recognition and withdrawal of recognition from student organizations, I believe that the administration of the University should have the ulti- mate responsibility; but that the authority to decide what action is to be taken should be delegated to SGC as long as its decisions con- cur with University policy. 3) I believe Student Government Council has done a great deal in the academic area. Such things as the compilation of an exam file to be put in the Undergraduate Library and the Course evaluation study are outstanding examples. I do, however, think that there are other projects in the academic area which SGC could concern it- self with. A most worthy project would be a study of the academic counseling system so that much needed improvements could be made. I believe also that the follow- ing changes and measures should be studied and adopted. a) To make SGC more reflec- tive of student opinion: Change the election system to a plural method instead of the Hare system, because I believe the elected members should represent the majority of voting students; Have a Student Government Council newsletter sent to all housing groups each month in order to better acquaint students with what the Council is doin°e Sue Rockne Maize Team assistant chair- man, Frosh Weekend; Office of Religious Affairs advisory board; Newberry House Judiciary; Pi Beta Phi sorority; Co-chairman, Speakers' Bureau, Student Gov- ernment Council Public Rela- tions Committee; SGC Public Relations Chairman; SGC; De- velopment Council Board of Di- rectors; Student Relations Committee, Development Coun- eil; National Student Associa- tion congress; International Affairs Vice-Chairman, NSA Michigan Region. 1) Each SGC member, by vir- tue of his position, ought to con- sult with the student body as much as possible. The question is, how much consultation is pos- sible? Present communication between SGC members and the student body is far from ideal and should be increased especially in the realm of personal contact. In the end, however, the amount of con- sultation will be largely deter- mined by the time and issues in- volved. The most practical thing to do is to consult - formally or in- formally - with specific seg- ments of the student body who will be directly affected by a giv- en decision. Although it may appear that SGC members do not always take student opinion into account, they usually do, because they are considering all of it - not just a vocal segment. 2) Responsibility for recogni- tion and withdrawal of recogni- tion from student organizations is, with two outstanding excep- tions, held by SOC. If one ac- cepts, as I do, the premise that students are capable of govern- ing their own activities, this re- sponsibility should lie with stu- dent government. SGC was sup- posedly established on this cam- pus and recognized by regents, students, faculty, and adminis- tration on this premise. Now SGC is confronted with a practical reality. Where does their jurisdiction lie in reference to recognition withdrawal of fra- ternities? SGC suddenly finds that this jurisdiction is supposed to be concurrent with that of the administration. Why this is so has never been adequately explained - it may be that SGC is now thought in- capable of making these decisions, which I doubt. If this is the case, however, SGC: must share with other University officials this power until their confidence is restored, If fraternities are not merely "student organizations" the power to deal with them should never have been given to SGC. But if they are, the power to recognize them and to withdraw this recog- nition should be a power of stu- dent government. 3) The academic area, a present concern of SGC, can be greatly developed. The Council could ef- fectively work in at least two areas: Student-faculty relations leave I mih a nn .-. SGC, after consultation with both groups, could provide the means for more student-faculty meetings. University needs deserve at- tention. The decreasing student- faculty ratio and cuts in library hours are only two indications of insufficient state aid. Outside in- terest is needed. Students must realize now their responsibility as future alumni to help maintain, if not raise, University standards. SGC's role in this area is ob- vious., ized the Education and Student the possibility of innovating a Junior Year Abroad plan at the University. The committee will work with the Literary College Steering Committee, which has already begun work in this area. Initiate Insurance Program The student health insurance program was initiated by SGC in 1957 and continued this year. The policy covers hospitalization and treatment costs incurred within a year after an accident, up to a maximum of $3,000. More students took out the pol- icy during the 1958-59 academic year than did a year ago, although the cost of the plan increased. Every semester, the Student Book Exchange provides students a place to sell their used textbooks and buy others cheaply. It is a cooperative service which Student Government Council operates. This year, for the first time since the Council took over the operation of the SBX, a profit was recorded. When books are sold, 10 per cent is deducted from the proceeds to cover advertising, wages and supplies of the Ex- clange. Money from sales and any unsold books must be called for within a specified time or Athey become the property of SBX. Must Terminate Activities Within a 60-day period from the beginning of each semester, the activities of the Student Book Exchange must be terminated. The Summer; Reading Program sponsored by the Council will be carried to its completion next Sun- day when five University professors will discuss "The Pulsebeat of the Twenties." A list of books dealing with the economy, culture, political thought and psychology of the 1920's was passed out to interested students during the last few weeks of the spring semester. The books were to be read over the summer. An examination file, compiled by the Council, will soon be placed in the basement of the Undergrad- uate Library. It will be available for the use of all interested stu- dents. Candidate Questions The following questions were asked each SGC candidate in. preparation for this supplement. The questions were optional; a candidate could allot part or all of his space to a statement of platform. 1) To what extent should an SGC member represent the student body as a whole? Consult with specific p6otions of the student body? 2) Does ultimate jurisdiction over recognition of student organizations rest with SGC or with the administration? 3) Should SGC concern itself more fully with academic areas? If so, what projects would you suggest? Roger Mahey 1) A Council member elected' from the campus at large has many responsibilities to perform which inevitably effect the whole student body. It would seem, then,1 that a member should employr every available opportunity to 1 determine the mandate of the ; student body. Since general student opinion' on issues frequently lacks uni.- formity, it is often necessary to consult with different segments of > the whole campus body. But this should not be done to the exclu- sion or exploitation of other seg-, ments. The purpose of consulting should4 be to get further insight and un-F derstanding into many opinions on issues. The member should not C Student Govern- consult specific segments of the campus body to such an extent ment Council elections commit- that he becomes the instrument of tee; SGC Public Relations a minority group; nor should he Committee; Director, All-cam- 1ignore the opinions of such a pus Elections; Young Republi- group merely because it may re- cans executive board. present a minority. Council members should not ganization other than the all' exist as an exclusive clique. I campus governing body, we can believe that if real effort is made not make effective suggestions. to initiate the mean of briin 1 3) SGC was not designed to be Welfare committee to look into Ronald Gregg SGC Education and Student Welfare Committee chairman; University Lecture Committee; Sigma Alpha Epsilon social fra- ternity. 1) One of the functions of a Student Government Council member is certainly to represent student opinion. This becomes one of his most important duties as this is one function which he is particularly well-equipped to ful- fill. Of course there are many instances when a Council member need not consult the campus as a whole. Such things as calendaring spe- cific activities, administering the council's finances, and making ap- pointments need not be backed by extensive student opinion. On the other hand such func- tions of the council as originating student projects, providing for student discussion of campus prob- lems, and representing student opinion council members should hear the voice of the student body, and further, must encourage the student body to express its opinion. Looking at the situation realis- tically, consultation with a por- tion of the student body is needed in two cases. a) When a project or action directly and only affects that por- tion. b) If a person is quite certain that he has been elected by that portion, and only by that portion. But, in any case, a Council mem- ber should, in my opinion, consult with the Student body as often as he can. 2) Although the direct responsi- bility for recognition and with- drawal of recognition for student organizations rests with Student Government Council, ultimate re- sponsibility has to come from the administration. In the recent ac- tion concerning Sigma Kappa, a lack of definition of responsibilities was evident and as this area, especially when concerning na- tional organizations, is properly within the jurisdiction of both the administration and SOC "a joint decision should have been reached prior to any announcement. This is something which must be remedied for the future. Wher- ever practicable, sole action should rest with student government. However, in the case of national organizations, sole action should be surplanted by a joint action. 3) In the last few semesters, due to the work of a few people, SGC has become more concerned with academic problems. This has been a fine development. By far, the greatest significance that the council can hope to attain will come for representing student opinion in educational matters, We have planned several specific projects and then several larger, overall studies. Such things as in- viting legislators to the campus to arnuaint them with the TTniver. Y I I I