RTTPMAV VinVFMRrR M Ifl-.%R T CM GAN DAILY i Ad 9IM.'. %s* UWIV~ r11LChus3F M: 1 0Jo TU MCUGA D IL Indian Students Celebrate Feast of Lights Bright swirling colors, the high,, reedy music of the East, and rich savory foods marked the Indian Students' Association Diwali Day (Feast of Lights) program Friday night. The almost 200 Indian students on campus invited some three hundred friends to the Union ball-' room to celebrate a holiday which welcomes the Indian new year and has many of the festive aspects of Christmas. Until this year, the students cooked all their special dishes for the festivities. This year the Union undertook the job. Indian women descended on the Union kitchens and worked with the cooks, ex- plaining just how each dish was to be made. And according to one Indian student, the dishes came out "pretty authentic." There were curried chicken, pillaw ta highly- seasoned rice concoction), Sambar, Raita, Lemon Pickle and Carrot Halva. Music for the program ran from classical, religious songs played on instruments which were first created thousands of years ago, to popular Indian melodies played on the harmonica and guitar. The dancing ran from a classical tableau to an excited folk dance with swirling saris, which roughly corresponded to the Virginia Reel, and another which had some re- semblance to Russian folk dances. The ancient stringed instru- ments used were the sitar and tamburi. Both look like banjos' with melon halves for music boxes, although the sitar is longer and sounds like an Eastern Zither, while the tamburi sounds strangely like an unobtrusive metallic bag- pipe. SC: Candidates Address .Studetsu (Continued from Page 1) house, Gerald Manning. '60, main- tained that the recent members of SGC "have not been doing what they should have been doing." "They should come into closer contact with the students by at- tending the meetings of other student organ izations and through serious inquiries into the opinils of the students," he explained. Markley women heard Elmer Prueske, '60, present his ideas for improved public relations, which he indicated might help the Coun- cil "more accurately reflect student opinion." He suggested that "each elected member hold a meeting once each month which will be open to all students so that they may ask the members questions." Ronald Bassey, '61, asked Panhel open house attenders, "How many of you have heard an SGC member speak?" He declared that the Council Speakers Bureau could send out letters asking if groups would like to hear members speak, but that it can only be really effective if the members themselves take ini- tiative. "Council members should not exist as an exclusive clique," Roger Mahey, '61, said in his pre-election campaign. He indicated that stu- dent response to the Council de- pends on whether or not the Coun- cil makes any kind of effort to bring itself closer to the student body. Former Student Faces Cha Boyd Shutzer.23 year old resi- . dent of Ann Arbor and former mitted. He declared this had aided University student, has been in his identification. charged with 16 counts of felony, Lt. Hill said the series of rob- including 14 cases of breaking and beries followed a definite pattern. entering. Each occurred getween 2:30 and The arrest came after 10 weeks 5 a.m. and the scene was always of investigation by the Ann Arbor either a fraternity or sorority police force. Lt. Richard Hill said house. Shutzer 'himself is a mem- Shutzer wms not caught in the ber of the Psi Upsilon fraternity. act but had been seen several The man had access to and used times in fraternity houses where his robberies were usually com- B yEA SPECIAL rges I W- TEAM'W --Daily-William Kimball FOLK DANCE-Indian students dance in circle, beating out the rhythm with sticks. The dance Is popular In the country and although more stylized, approximates in spirit and routine the American Virginia Reel. -Daily-William Kimball CLASSICAL DANCE ... garlands for the shrine qp7} r . ..::r.-r f ."S7 "..; _.. , , .y.-yam-_ 7Y7ilLf 4C"u.i .u..:iuvr:" r.i iv:>~a ..iawi.[.. . .:. iu.lx._v, e. ...'_vl ....;:u ..:i'::vi:::' _ ._.... ::_i .. _.i . . ... . {/ ..':{ .'..._ ..>...J .... _._.........Y v... ...... ..__... .v.. r:.l .i.' .:b ......... ...... .... ..r._..._'.{._......... ....v_.a ....v...,...._...... - YOU CAN JOIN THE TEAM of students who stock up early on comp books, binders, filler paper, and other writing supplies. You can become a B.S. (Better Student) by selec- ting from among the larg- est and finest assortment of school supplies we've ever had ... come in and see. FO LLETT'S State St. at North U. I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN t ": ..... ...., -X X -TIMM"KM The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The 'Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1958 VOL. LXIX, NO. 47 General Notices Attention Students interested in Business Education: You are invited to an informal reception for Dr. Ham- dem Forkner, Prof. of Educ,, Teachers' College, Columbia University, Univ. School Cafeteria, 4-5 p.m., Mon., Nov. 10. Informal coffee session with re- marks by Dr. Forkner pertaining to the field of business education. Everyone welcome! Lectures Lecture: Tues., Nov. 11, 8:00 p.m. Univ. Hosp, Amphitheater. Dr. R. W, Brauer, U. S. Naval Radiological De- fense Laboratory, will speak on "Liver Circulation and Liver Function." Open to all no charge. Sigma Xi and the Museum of Pa- leontology announce the Ermine Cowles Case Memorial Lecture to be presented by Alexander Wetmore, Research As- sociate, former Secretary of the Smith- sonian Institution, Washington, D.C. on "Birds of the Pleistocene in North America," at 8:00 p.m., Rackham Am- phitheater, Wed., Nov. 12. Public in- Vited. Refreshments served. Hayward Keniston Lecture: "Liber- alism and the Liberal Arts." Harold Taylor, President, Sarah Lawrence Col- lege. 4:15 p.m., Mon., Nov. 10, Rack- harn Lecture Hall. Lecture, sponsored by the Dept. of Near Eastern Studies. George R., Hughes, Field Director, Univ. of Chi- cago Expedition at Luxor. Egypt, "Tomb and Temple in Egyptian Thebes" with colored slides. Tues., Nov. 11, 4:10 p.m., Aud. C, Angell Hall. Concerts Faculty Recital. Marilyn Mason Brown, organist, will present a con- cert in Hill Aud. on Sun,, Nov. 9, 4:15 p.m. Mrs. Brown has included on her program compositions by Edmund Haines, Johann Walther, Giambattista Martini, J.S. Bach. Jean Roger-Ducasse, Maurice Durufle, Ross Lee Finney, and Florian Mueller. The compositions by Haines, Finney and Mueller were ded- icated to Mrs. Brown, and the latter two are being played for the first time in Ann Arbor. Open to the general public without charge. academic Notices Engineering Mechanics Seminar, Mon., Nov. 10, 4:00 p.m. ,Rm. 218 W. Eng. Bldg. Prof. Ernest F. Masur will continue his speech: "An Introduction ORGANIZATION NOTICES to Nonlinear Elasticity." Coffee will be served at 3:30 p.m. in the Faculty Lounge, W. Eng. Bldg. All interested persons are invited to attend. Instrumentation Engineering Seminar on Mon., Nov. 10, 4 p.m., Rm. 1508 E. Eng. Bldg. Kiyohiro Tajima of the Dept. of Mech. Eng., Waseda Univer- sity, Tokyo, will speak on "An Inves- tigation of Optimal Switching Func- tions for Generalized Discontinuous Control Systems." Students, College of Engineering: The final day for dropping courses without record will be Fri., Nov. 14. A course may be dropped only with the permis- sion of the classifier after conference with the instructor. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for removal of incompletes will be Fri, Nov. 14. Petitions for ex- tension of time must be on file in the Secretary's Office on or before Fri., Nov. 14. Doctoral Examination for William Coe Orthwein, Engineering Mechanics; thesis: "Viscoelastic Shallow Spherical Shells Under Time-Dependent Loads," Mon., Nov. 10, E. Council Rm., Rack- ham Bldg., 3:00 p.m. Chairman, P. M. Naghdi. Doctoral Examination for Lyle D. Brundage, History; thesis: "The Organ- ization, Administration, and Training of the United States Ordinary and Volunteer Militia, 1792-1861 ," Tues,, Nov. 11, 3609 Haven Hall,,10:00 a n Chairman, D. L. Dumond. Placement Notices Th following schools have 11 teaching vacancies with the Buz of Appointments for the current a or second semesters. They will not here to interview at this time. Bad Axe, Mich. - H English/Sp1 (Jan.). Baraga, Mich. - Women's Phy: Education (Jan.), Fenton, Mich. -- Fourth grade; Math (Feb.). Grand Rapids, Mich. -- Worn Physical Education (elem.); HS brarian; Elementary; Speech Cor tion; Jr. Coll. Chemistry; Jr. Coll. I teriology. (All for Feb.). Juneau, Alaska --- JHS Langi Arts/Social Studies/Science. Marlette, Mich. -- Elementary V Music (Dec. or Feb.). Onekama, Mich. - Math (not ne sarily a major-Feb.). Rochester, Mich. - JHS Math (D Romulus, Mich. -- Elementary ( or Dec.). Saginaw, Mich. -- Biology/Plane ometrv; English/History; (or Biol English, or Plane Geometry/Engli Elementary (Feb.). Three Rivers, Mich. - Physics/Ch istry (or Chem./Math.). (Feb.). Wayne, Mich. -- Elementary V Music (now); Elementary Vocal; strumental Music (Jan.). For any additional information c tact the Bureau of Appointments, Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489 Congregational and Disciples Guild, Nov. 9. 9:30 a.m., Guild House. Sem- inar: "History of Christian Thought" by Rev. Edwards. Congregational and Disciples Guild, "Social Movements in Folk Music. Grey Austin, Nov. 9, 7 p.m., Congregational Church. * ,*w Graduate Outing Club, hiking, Nov. 9, 2 p.m. Meet in back of Rackham Bldg. (N.W. entrance). * * * Michigan Christian Fellowship, Nov. 9, 4,.p.m., Lane Hall. Speaker: Dr. Gor- don Van Wylen, "The Possibility of Peace." * , s Newman Club,. Communion Break- fast, Nov. 9, after 9:30 and 11:00 Mass, 331 Thompson St. Italian Club, weekly coffee hour, Nov. 11, 3-5 p.m., 3050 PB., Romance Lang. Dept. Lounge. Students interest- ed In things Italian are invited to at- tend. Lutheran Student Assoc., supper --- 6 p.m., Movie "Grapes of Wrath" - 7 p.m., Nov. 9, Lutheran Student Cen- ter, Forest and Hill. * * . Mich, Pre-Law Crib, organizational meeting, Nov. 11, 8 p.m., Rm. 3C, Union. Newman Club, married group meet- ing, Nov. 9, 7:30 p.m., 331 Thompson St. Speaker: Don Thorman (Editor Acta Maria). * * * SGC Public Relations Comm., meet- ing, Nov. 11, 4 p.m., 1548 SAB. Inter- ested students welcome, wommosammmod Daily Classifieds Bring Results - I- r- * * S Unitarian Student Group, meeting, Nov. 9, 7 p.m., Unitarian Church, Speaker: Dr. Albert Marckwardt, "Lib- eral Arts Approach to Education." Rides provided at 6:45 p.m. from S., E., and W. Quads, Alice Lloyd, Markley, Stockwell and Victor Vaughan. Gamma Delta - Luthern Student Club, supper and prograir: Internation- al Students' Night; Illustrated talk on "European Church Life" by William Eifrig, Nov. 9, 6 p.m., 1511 Washtenaw, i t I r- 11 ''"Yi::',,y :} ''$i $ ,+$'i : ''°v.'^"r:^v.;}.;:;.?d^7:""':!'i{ ."..!..j.."1. ; 1 1 : ! . ' ''ti"S.LF.^ ^; ""'T 'L'ti:\':{,,};.;'".'k,;:' "1". ':'::ti J 4;;.f .;.Y.1 M. .".ptS,:;t { .!"^}:i.«: Sh ,Y}.'1'y."L1} } }:,i:, L1}'fyir1YR' b111ii. Yd w1'.^.1 5141 1 11 5 '' 3Y.Nw41 }.S1V ti.' .'.1'}..Y.Y.li4'u.S LRS}.'."Y kX".r4.4M1 0"SY.' "15+1351'1:1'J.S1ih11a.LV."iA4'12s'S'SU'114:5.?. ""«.1. II V i I i l 51m Van 8 NICKELS ARCADE re NO 2-2914 even in extra large, this is i a I i i 1 i Enchanting whenever it ap- pears. This simple wool Em- pire sheats which will never languish in the closet in Emerald and Sapphire blue at 22.95 . . . Sizes 7-15. 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