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November 08, 1958 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-08

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Wolverines Meet Illini Toa in Ke ridiro



'M' Eleven Seeks Victory To Escape
Worst Finish in Oosterbaan Tenure



Crippled Illinois Fights for First Division Finish

(Continued from Page 1)
But pride alone is enough to
make a Michigan-Illinois game a
real tough affair.
Riding the crest of the longest
continuous home-and-home series
in the Big Ten, it is hard to re-
member an Illini-Wolverine con-
test that wasn't either surprising
or exciting, if not both.
This year there will be no sur-
prise, since the teams are ranked
about even, and an upset is ruled'
out. However, the excitement
should be present this afternoon.
Oosterbaan stated yesterday
that his squad is in good shape.;
"Walt Johnson was the only play-
er injured last Saturday," the 'M'
mentor said, "and he will. be ableI

to start. George Genyk and Don
Deskins are nursing slight ail-
ments, but will be in there battling
as usual.
"We know that we will be in
for a tough contest," Oosterbaan
continued. "Illinois has beaten
Michigan State handily, and they
put up a tough battle against Ohio
State. They have a fine line, and
Ray Eliot always comes up with
a fine backfield."
Backfield Troubles
However, this year's Illini edi-
tion apparently does have back-
field problems. A series of in-
juries - finally attacking a Mich-
igan opponent instead of the 'M'
men themselves - has cut down
the first three Illinois right half-

backs, and the starting quarter-
back, Bob Hickey.
L. T. Bonner, the regular at the
Illini right half post, his under-
study Dave McDade, and Hickey
weren't able to make the trip to
Ann Arbor.
Eliot, the perennially pessimis-
tic Illinois coach, is starting De-
justice Coleman at right halfback
and John Easterbrook at quarter-
back. As before every game every
year, Eliot claims that he hasn't
got a chance.
Other Starters
The other Illini backfield start-
ers will be Marshall Starks, a'
sophomore sensation, at left half
and fullbackeBill Brown, who has
proved to be a leading ground-
gainer for the Champaign team.
It is interesting to note that
every year some new Illinois back
hits the headlines against Mich-
igan. Such sensational players as
Buddy Young, J. C. Caroline, Abe
Woodson, Harry Jefferson, Bobby
Mitchell, and last year Bonner,
have made their first splash
against the Wolverines.
Another Star?
Who will it be today? Maybe
no one, but the fact that Michi-
gan is weak defensively and the
backfield is slow points to the
chance for another speedy Illini
to hit stardom.
Of course, if the Illini are as
weakened in the backfield as Eliot
reports, then maybe it will be
Michigan's day. Oosterbaan's
backfield, paced by Bob Ptacek's
passing and Darrell Harper's run-
ning, could be dangerous if the
line can match Illinois.

(dark Durchslag is the Sports
Editor of the Daily Illini, campus
newspaper at Illinois. This article
is sent to The Daily in return for
an article on the Michigan team.)
Illinois will be fighting for its
pride and hopes of finishing in the
first division as Coach Ray Eliot's
crippled charges invade Ann Ar-
bor today.
Last week, preceding Illinois'
crushing 31-8 defeat at the hands
of Purdue, a slight touch of Rose
Bowl fever spread through the
campus and the squad itself after
its three fine Big Ten showings.
The Illini were edged 19-13 by
Ohio State, ripped Minnesota, 20-
8, and blanked Michigan State,
The Awakening
At Lafayette, however, Illinois
recevied a rude awakening. The
Boilermakers crippled the Illini
not only in score, but physically
and mentally as well. Eliot's ma-
jor chore at this week's practice:
To get the team pieced together
and. in a mental state capable of
playing good football.
Line coach Bert Ingwersen, who
scouted the Wolverines in their
last three games, said, "They're
improving every week and really
went after Iowa Saturday. The
Hawkeyes' backfield speed and
Noskin's third quarter fumble on
his own three broke Michigan's
Many Formations
Ingwersen added that Michigan
had used three different attacks
in their last trio of contests. "They
used 14 formations against North-
western, a spread and single wing
against Minnesota and last week

came up with a straight T and providing the latter recovers from makeshift backfield-minus pass-
balanced line. We can expect al- a bruised knee. ing attack-will have trouble.
most anything." The first three right halfbacks Taking Hickey's place is dimin-
Bennie Oosterbaan reputedly are out of the game with injuries. utive John Easterbrook, a 5-8, 150-
feared the dangerous passing L. T. Bonner has a shoulder sep- pound sophomore, backed up by
combination of Bob Hickey to aration, Dick McDaade. a severely Bill Offenbecher and Russ Martin.
Rich Kreitling, the Conference's bruised hip and Doug Wallace a Tough Line
leading and most outstanding bad charley horse, which has kept One scout said that Illinois'
pass receiver. Oosterbaan's fears him immobile for two weeks. : ine was the best in the Big Ten
are over. Hickey injured his pass- Backfield Shift after seeing the Illini blank MSU.
ing hand early in the Purdue game Eliot has shifted number three Illinois' line is definitely a good
and will definitely not play offense left half, Dejustice Coleman to one, bordering on great at times.
this Saturday. number one right half. backed up However, even the coaching staff
No Passer by a couple of junior varsity men. conceded that Purdue's was un-
Without a capable passer in the The first string backfield gained doubtedly superior.
lineup Illinois will have to center only four yards the entire first Illinois' hopes rest on its de-
its offense around fullbacks Bill half against Purdue. While the fense, which until Saturday had
Brown and Capt. Jack Delveaux Boilermaker defense is the Con- allowed an average of nine points
along with left halfbacks Mar- ference's best, Michigan's line is a game, and its offensive line
shall Starks and Joe Krakoski its biggest in history and Illinois' opening up holes for its backs.


...,Illini reserve


'r l

S~AB3 B3At H

W. Johnson


C. Johnson

Iowa Could Gain Title Today

--Daily-Peter Anderson
MICHIGAN QUARTERBACK-Bob Ptacek, the Wolverines' rugged
quarterback, poised to pass against Iowa last week. A Hawkeye
lineman (behind Ptacek ) is set to spill the Michigan signal-caller
for a loss, as often happened in the Iowa contest. Today's Illinois
game may depend on Ptacek's passing arm, and the strength of the
Michigan blocking to protect him.
4 ; C v e
Spirit.... Received
MICHIGAN STUDENTS proved last night that they can have spirit
An estimated crowd of almost 3,000 students ended up at Ferry
Field, where they cheered louder than any group of 'M' students-
including the crowds at games-have cheered in many years. "It was
the finest turnout I have ever seen at such a function here," master
of ceremonies Newt Loken stated."It was really a tremendous crowd."'
The stpdents began to assemble in front of the Michigan Union,
and after the football team appeared on the steps they began to move
toward the athletic plant. The cheerleaders led the group, and the
Marching Band formed the center of the parade down State Street.
All of the groups involved lived up to expectations, and the organiza-
tion of the pep rally obviously spelled the difference between the
success of this attempt, and the former failure of the one before the
-Michigan State game.
This time there was publicity, and there was planning. The people
congregated as expected, and the cheerleaders, the team and the band
were there. At the field there were many speakers-Loken, NBC Tele-
vision broadcaster Mel Allen, football coaches Jack Blott and Bob
Hollway, captain John Herrnstein and acting co - captains Gary
Prahst and Bob Ptacek.
Product of Cooperation ...
THE RALLY WAS obviously the product of cooperation. The cheer-
leaders did a fine job, and a job they feel well payed for. "It was
a great turnout," cheerleading co-captain Jim Hayslett said. "We are
really pleased," stated Dick Kimball, the other co-captain of the squad,
"it was a far bigger crowd than we ever expected. Really a nice turn-
The band also did its part well. They provided the background for
the march to the field, and played a medley of numbers once there.
If there was ever any trace of "misguided" spirit in the group, it
wasn't there last night. At this time I would like to offer my apologies
to band director William D. Revelli and all of the members of the band
who DIDNT take part in any M-E-R-C-Y cheers at the Northwestern
game. It was not the entire group, but only certain members who
participated in such a cheer, and only until Revelli was able to collar
Dr. Revelli points out that the Michigan band has always stood
behind the team and the coaches. "I feel that our group has the best
spirit on campus," he said. This is a fact that is certainly hard to
dispute, since no single body except the cheerleaders themselves adds
more to the general campus spirit.

With a little bit of luck and a
victory over cellar dwelling Min-
nesota today, Iowa's unbeaten and
once-tied Hawkeyes could clinch
their second Big Ten title in the
past three years and win a return
trip to Pasadena.
An added push in the right
direction for the Hawkeyes would
be an Ohio State victory over
Purdue and a Wisconsin win over
This combination of results
Harriers Host
iini Tbeam
Michigan's cross - country team
hosts Illinois in a dual meet at
10:30 a.m. today on the University
Golf Course. '
Slated to run for Michigan are
Dave Martin, Walt Schafer, Don
Truex, Dick Schwartz, Jim
Wyman, Cam Gray, and Fred
Montour. Illinois is led by juniors'
Jim Bowers and Harold Harris.
Bowers ran 4:10 while finishing
second in the Big Ten indoor mile
last year, and also finished second
in the Conference outdoor mile.
This is the first such meet of
the season for the Wolverines'
cross country team. Last year Il-
linois decisively beat the 'M' har-
riers when they covered the long

would give the conference title to At Madison the nation's number
Coach Forest Evashevski's squad one surprise team, Northwestern,
two eeksbefre te ed ofthewill also be battling to remain on
two weeks before the end of the the conference title scene in a
season, an unheard of thing in the game with Wisconsin.
Big Ten where in past years the For the seventh time in seven
championship race has always games this fall, Coach Ara Par-
gone down to the wire. seghian's squad will be entering a
The powerful Hawkeyes ranked game as an underdog; they have
second in the nation should have won all but one of these contests,
little trouble with the hapless losing only to Iowa.
Gophers who have yet to win a The Wildcat offense will be led
game this year. by sophomore phenomena Dick
Led by the signal calling and Thornton and Ron Burton, the
passing of All-America candidate Big Ten's leading scorer.
At Evanston the Indiana Hoosiers
a quartet of fleet halfbacks inthentta fM ga
persons of Ray Jauch, Kevin Fur- State in a game which should be
long, Willie Fleming and Bob a lot closer than it has been in
Jeter, the Iowa offense should be recent years. Indiana, a notch
Joethan enuowovenserhlmabove Michigan State in the Con-
more than-r ddenG o herwhelm ference standings, is given a good
the injury-s chance to beat the previously in-
At Columbus Woody Hayes will vincible Spartans.
tr to get his Buckeves back on }

the victory trail after last week's
loss to Northwestern and the pre-
vious week's tie with Wisconsin.
Ohio State's vaunted offense whicha

Soccer Club

I .

has scored only seven points in 1 aI io . " In"
the past two games will have to
get moving if the Buckeyes hope The Wolverine Soccer Club left
to regain some of their lost pres- Ann Arbor early this morning to
tige. engage Ohio University at Athens,
Facing the Buckeyes will be the Ohio.
Boilermakers of Purdue who will The team, posting an unblem-
be battling to remain in the title ished 3-0 record, will be facing a
picture. The Boilermakers boast well-coached Ohio varsity squad.
the Big Ten's best defensive record Examinations forced many of
and are second in the nation in the Wolverine star booters to for-
this department. i feit the trip.

502 East Huron
Dr. Chester H. Loucks and the Rev. Hugh D.
Pickett, Ministers
Mrs. Gabrielle Bublitz, Assistant Student Coun-,
9:45 A.M. Student Class, studies in the Book
of Romans.
11:00 A.M. Worship - Dr. Chester H. Loucks
will preach on: "What Shall I Render unto
the Lord?"
6:45 P.M. Roger Williams Guild; Mr, Robert
House will speak on the "Hymns of the
Thursday, November 13, 8:00 P.M. Guild Cabinet.
9:00 P.M. Informal Open House and Dis-
(National Lutheran Council)
Hill St. at S. Forest Ave.
Henry 0. Yoder, Pastor.
Sunday-9:00 A.M. Worship Service and Com-
10:00 A.M. Bible Study.
11:00 A.M Worship Service.
6:00 P.M. Supper
7:00 P.M. Film: "Grapes of Wrath."
Wednesday-7:30 P.M. Vespers.
W. Stadium at Englewood
Lester F. Allen, Minister
SUNDAYS: 10:00, 11:00 A.M.; 6:30 P.M.
RADIO: Sundays 5:30 P.M. WXYZ 1270
"Herald of Truth,"
For transportation to services Dial NO 3-8273.
at the First Presbyterian Church
1432 Washtenaw Avenue, NO 2-3580
Miss Patricia Pikett, Acting Director
Robert Baker, Assistant
Worship at 9:00, 10:30 and 12:00.
10:30 A.M. Seminar, "Christian Beliefs."
11 :30 A.M. Coffee Hour.
6:00 P.M. Supper Clubs
7:00 P.M. Luke 11:1 "Lord Teach us to Pray"
Amber Van speaking.
8:00 P.M. Bible Study and Interest Groups.
9:00 P.M. Coffee Hour at Pat Pickett's apart-
ment, 217 5. Observatory. All Welcome!
6:00 P.M. Graduate supper.
8:00 P.M. Square dance.
Corner State and Huron Streets
William C. Bennett, Pastor
8:45 and I1:00 A.M. "Sealed with the Holy
10:00 A.M. Sunday School.
5:45 P.M. Student Guild and Youth Groups.
7:00 P.M. Guest speaker: Rev. Gerald Gregson.
Wednesday 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting.
We Welcome You.
120 S. State St.
Merril R. Abbey, L. Burlin Main,
Eugene A Ransom, Ministers
9:00 and 11:00 A.M. Worship "Marching Over
the Horizon," Dr. Merrill R. Abbey speaking.
9:30 A.M. Discussion Group, "The Jigsaw Puzzle
of Christianity and Vocation."
7:00 P.M. Discussion Group: Speaker: Rev. Celes-
tine Fernando, Topic: "World Unity and
World Understanding."
(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan Streets
Rev. Russell M. Fuller, Minister
10:45 AM. Morning Worship. Sermon Topic:
"First Things . .. First"-Rev. Russell Fuller,
The Student Guild will hear Grey Austin: Office of
Religious Affoirs talk and sing about "Social
Movements in Folk Songs," at 7:00 P.M., at
the Congregational Church.
Tuesday, Nov. 1)1,4:30-6:00 P.M., Coffee Break.

306 North Division Street
8:00 A.M. Holy Communion.
9:00 A.M. Holy Communion and Sermon for
students followed by breakfast and discussion
in Canterbury House by the Reverand Eswrth
E. Koonz, Director of Recruiting, National
Church. Preacher: Reverand Phillip T. Zab-
riskie, Director, Division of College Work.
11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and sermon. Preacher
-Reverand Elsworth E. Koonz, Room 2.
5:30 P.M. Canterbury Buffet supper.
7:00 P.M. Evening prayer and commentary.
1511 Washtenaw Avenue
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Theo. A. Kriefall, Vicar
Sunday at 9:15 and at 10:45: Worship Services,
with sermon by the Vicar, "A Strnge Here-
Heaven Is My Home."
Sunday at 9:1 5 and 10:45: Bible Study Groups.
Sunday at 6:00: Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, Supper and Program. Illustrated talk on
"European Church Life" by William F. Eifrlg.
International students are invited as special
Wednesday at 8:15: Chapel Assembly Meeting.
Friday at 7:30: Meet at Chapel for a Gamm
Delta Bowling Party.
William and Thompson Streets
Rev. John F. Bradley, Chaplain
Rev. Paul V. Matheson, Assistant
Sunday Masses: 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M. and
12:00 noon.
Weekday Masses: 6:30, 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00 A.M.
Novena Devotions: Wednesday everting, 7:30 P.M.
Rosary and Litany: Daily at 5:10 P.M.
Classes each evening in Christian Doctrine, Apolo-
getics, Church History, Scholastic Philosophy,
in the Father Richard Center.
(Sponsored by the Christian Reformed Churches
of Michigan)
Washtenaw at Forest
Rev. Leonard Verduin, Director
Res. Ph. NO 3-0982; Office Ph. NO 8-7421
10:00 A.M. Morning Service.
7:00 P.M. Evening Service.
1131 Church St.
Dr. E. H. Palmer, Minister
9:30 AM. University Bible Class.
10:30 A.M. Morning Worship Service: "The Mo-
tive for Missions."
7:00 P.M. Evening Worship Service: "The Per-
son and Work of Christ. I. Christ and the
United Church of Christ
423 South Fourth Ave.
Rev, Ernest R. Kloudt, Minister
10:45 A.M. Worship Service.
7:00 P.M. Student Guild.
1833.Washtenaw Ave.
9:30 AM. Sunday School.
113:00 AM. "Adam and Fallen Man" is the les-
son sermon.
A free reading room is maintained at 339 South
Main Street. Reading room hours are: Monday
11:00 A.M. to 830 P.M Tuesday through
Friday 1i:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Saturday
9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Sunday 2:30 P.M
to 4:30 P.M.


_.. ._



The Ann Arbor Public Schools Adult Education Department
take pleasure in annOUnCing a truly informative and
Enjoyable Series of Color Film-Ledures For 1958-59
Presented on Sunday Afternoons at 3:00 by the Traveler-Producer IN PERSON
Nov. 16-DENNIS GLEN COOPER, "Vacation in the West"
Dec. 7 -PHIL WALKER, "Hong Kong, Bamboo Curtain Colony"
Jan. 18-JULIAN GROMER, "The Mighty Amazon"
Feb. 15-JOHN GODDARD, "Jets, Missiles and Man-Made Moons"
Mar. 8 -KARL ROBINSON, "A Story of Portugal"
Apr. 1.2-AUBERT LAVASTIDA, "Forbidden Islands"
The Lions (lub Offers You These Unequaled Services
1. Selection and Delivery of Reserved Seat Tickets at Your Home
2. Free Transportation To and From the Auditorium
All Proceeds Going For Aids to The Blind
Descrimtive Folders. Ticket Information


In the Spotlight .
IT IS, THEN, OBVIOUSLY a shame that any shadow is cast upon
such a group. However. the fact remains that a few members of the
band did participate in a cheer that was in bad taste. It is perhaps a
smaller example of the parley card scandal currently in vogue at
Michigan. A small group of students, after getting caught for a small
part in a gambling ring, have blackened the reputation of the institu-
tion on a national level. Thus, a small group of bandsmen take part
in something that hurts the entire group's reputation.
It is obvious that b th of these incidents should be forgotten.
Both groups, the University and the band, continue to function as
highly reputible organizations.
This brings up the question again of the worthwhileness of spirit.
Why should a group like the band be subected to circumstances


F-iends Center, 1416 Hill St
10:00 and 11:30 Meeting for worship.
10:00 Sunday school and college discussion.
11:30 Adult discussion.
7.1 50 PM ,Yn..,inn ;..rirne


it 11


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