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November 08, 1958 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-08

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom







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Michigan Hosts Illinois

Today in Game of Prie

-Daily-Wiliam Kimball
BONFIRE ENDS RALLY-The traditional bonfire ended one of
the University's most successful pep rallies last night. Newt Loken,
John Herrnstein, Robert Ptacek and Mel Allen spoke to the crowd,
and a free dance was given afterwards.
Students Cheer for Team
At Spirited 'Wake Up Rally
"This was the best pep rally ever held at Michigan," gymnastics
coach and emcee Newt Loken said last night.
Loken made this statement last night after a Ferry Field crowd
estimated at close to 3,000, which enthusiastically participated in
"Operation Wake Up," designed to raise school spirit on the Michigan
The evening, which started off dismally when the microphones
in front of the Union went dead as honorary football co-captain Gary
Prahst started to speak to the crowd, ended on a high note an hour
later, after numerous speeches, a concert by the marching band, some

U Strives
To Prevent
Poor .Finish
Attempt To Balance
Conference Record
Daily Sports Editor
Michigan hosts Illinois this aft-
ernoon in what could be the key
game of the 1958 Wolverine grid
When the Illini and Wolverines
take the field at 1:30 p.m. today
the attention of all Michigan fans
will turn to the question: how
high can this year's 'M' team fin-
ish in the Big Ten?
Season Record
The Wolverines now have a sea-
sonh record of two wins, three
losses and one tie. In the Confer-
ence they stand at 1-2-1. Last
year Michigan finished with a
3-3-1 record in the Big Ten and
were right in the middle of the
That is the lowest finish for
the Michigan squad since the
early 1940's, and the lowest ever
under Oosterbaan. By all appear-
ances, however, this year will be
Illinois, and Michigan's subse-
quent opponents - Indiana and
Ohio State, all rank better than
Michigan, by comparative scores,
although the Hoosiers are below
the Wolverines in the league
Big Question
Thus, the question is put on the
line today: is this the worst Mich-
igan team under Oosterbaan's
tutelage, or will they be able tb
salvage the 1958 season record
with the necessary victories to
equal or better last year?
Illinois, with a 2-2 Conference
record, stands Ju~st a step above
Michigan in the ranking. The I-
lini were in the running for the
title, however, until last week's
31-8 lambasting by Purdue.
Now, with both teams in the
second division of the Conference,
today's game appears to be noth-
ing but a fight for pride, and for
a semi-respectable record.
Reds Holding
'U' Alumnus
BERLIN (P)-George S. Milroy,
30-year-old salesman from Ann
Arbor and former University stu-
dent, was arrested in Communist
East Germany Oct. 17.
Last night he was caught in a
diplomatic spat over United States
non-recognition of the Red Re-
The United States has repeatedly
asked Soviet authorites in East
Germany to free Milroy. The Rus-
sians have said the appeals must
go to the East German regime,
which is not recognized by the
United States. The United States
reiterated it will ignore the East
Germans in the dealings.
The East Germans announced
during the day they formally noti-
fied the United States consulate
in Berlin, at Milroy's request, that
he is being held. He has been
accused of photographing military
installations but denies it.














Rio,. LeWIS
Plead Guilty;
Giveni Fines
Three University students, An-
thony Rio, '59, varsity fullback,
Jack Lewis, '59BAd., captain of
the basketball team and Durward
Collins, '59,' pleaded guilty in
Municipal Court yesterday on
charges of sellinr football parley
They were fined $100 plus $6.25
Costs by Municipal Judge Francis
J. O'Brien. The three had stood
mute when arraigned on Oct. 29.
John Dobson, attorney for Rio
and Lewis, said in a prepared
statement that the publicity on
the case was "shockingly out of
proportion" to the nature of the
Status Undecided
"I believed it was best to elimi-
nate further occasion for such
publicity by avoiding a trial on
these minor charges," he said.
Indications were that the status
of the athletes would not be de-
cided for at least two weeks,
making it extremely doubtful
whether Rio would play football
again this year. Rio and Lewis
have been suspended from varsity
athletics pending the disposition
of their cases.
University action will come
through normal channels, Vice-
President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis said last night.
The cases will be referred to
Joint Judiciary Council through
the Dean of Men's office, Lewis
Joint Judic will also hear the
cases of three other University
students who pleaded guilty to
gambling charges, Michael Dodg-
son, '59, John Miller, '61E, and Nc ie ,'0
Nick Mitea, '60.
Joint Judie to Hear Cases
The cases will be heard within
the next two weeks, Stephen Si-
mich, Joint Judie chairman, said
There is enough similarity in
the cases to justify hearing them
all before deciding any, Simich
said. Decisions on the cases may
not 'ome for three weeks,
Les Etter, sports publicity direc-
tor, speaking for H. 0. "Fritz"
Crisler, said yesterday that action !
of the Athletic department in de-
ciding on the eligibility of Rio and "
Lewis would not take place until
after Joint Judic's decision,
TQ A °i ' , _.JA], it

unusually loud cheering, the tradi-
tional bonfire, and a dance in the
Intramural Building.
One of the featured speakers
was Mel Allen, nationally famous
sports announ~cer, who stressed
the importance of spirit in the
student body and its effect on the
Allen was followed on the plat-
form by varsity line coaches Jack
Slott and Bob Hollway, who after
succumbing to the traditional cry
of "roll 'em up," which requires
all speakers to roll their trouser
legs up to their knees, spoke briefly
on the tradition of spirit at Michi-
gan and its importance to the
Injured football Captain John
Herrnstein was called to the plat-
form to light the torch which was
to ignite the bonfire and to say a
few words to the crowd. Hobbling
up the stairs, he received a stand-
ing ovation.
The festivities were concluded
with a few words from Prahst and
the other honorary co-captain,
Bob Ptacek.
At the end of the rally most of
the crowd filtered into the I-M
building where a free dance was
starting. The cry of "To the Hill,"
usually voiced at the end of pep
rallies and the signal for budding
panty raids, was significantly miss-
ing as the rest of the crowd dis-
persed quietly.
Stuart SayS.
'No' Appeal'
Kenneth Stuart, '60, disqualified
as a Student Government Council
candidate, has told Joint Judiciary
Council he will not appeal the case,
according to Joint Judic President
Steve Simich, 159E.
Stuart said yesterday he had
talked to Dean Men Walter B. Ra
and had been advised it ;would be
"generally useless" to appeal.
He reaffirmed his stand, how-
ever, that his violation of election
rules was not serious.
Stuart said he "was not aware"
of election rules until 24 hours
after the violation occurred. SGC
Credentials Committee Chairman
Jo Hardee, '60, pointed out, how-
ever, that elections rules were
stapled on the front of each set
of petitions.
During a rushed three days try-
ng to fill out his petition, Stuart
said, he "negligently" left it over-
night at a sorority house, where
about six" signatures were ob-I
SGC elections rules require that
candidate circulate his petition
n person. Miss Hardee explained

*A *A--*

Views Givens
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond in a series of articles describing
Student Government Council candi-
dates' statements in pre-election
campaigning. Today's article includes
opinions on SGC and the academic
In the past year, Student Gov-
ernment Council has demonstrat-
ed a growing interest in the aca-
demic area, as evidenced both by
services, such as the exam file
going into the Undergraduate Li-
brary, and long-term projects,
such as inviting outstanding
thinkers to campus.
The 14 candidates for SGC in
Tuesday's and Wednesday's elec-
tions have shown varying degrees
of interest in academics, speaking.
at campus open-houses.
Roger Levy, '61, told Lambda
Chi Alpha fraternity that work on,
the student course evaluation
booklet should resume "the sooner
the better," to benefit the stu-
Student Unity Important
Jerry Manning, '60, said at
Stockwell he felt "unity of the
student body" the most important
goal of SGC. Work in all areas
should have this as an objective,
he said.
. He said the programs in which
SGC is now interested such as
the course booklet and improve-
ment of counseling "should be
sufficient to occupy their time
for the present," while SGC is
trying to regain the confidence of
the administration.
Speaking before Panhel, Ron,
Gregg, '60, advocated the program
to invite legislators to the Uni-
versity, which SGC has suggested,
as a step to improving the aca-
demic climate.
Exam File 'Concrete Service'
The examination file which the
Education and Student Welfare
committee has assembled for the
Undergraduate Library is an ex-
ample of the concrete sevrice SGC
gives students but which they
tend to overlook.
Irwin Dinn, '61, told Newberry
he thinks the file in the library
is preferable to a course booklet
because it will be "easily acces-
Paul Lichter, '61, told Alpha Ep-
silon Phi a course evaluation book
is needed; only too low a percent-
age of student opinion prevented
it from being printed over the'
summer by Gregg's committee,
Lichter said.
In the academic area, Ron Bas-
sey, '61, said at the Panhellenic
See SGC, page 2

-Daily-William Kimball
ADDITION PROPOSED-A $9.2 million second unit to the recently completed Medical Science
Building is being sought from the state legislature. The nine- or ten-story wing will be built in
the style of the present structure to the right of the wing in the rear, and will house the basic
medical sciences and the human genetics department.
PropOosed New Medical Building
To Answer Space, Facilities Need

U.S., Britain
Reveal Atom Tests
Begun After Recent
UN Assembly Vote

Consolidation of facilities and
badly needed space for teaching
and research are needs which the
proposed second unit of the Medi-
cal Science Building will satisfy.
The building, for which the
University is seeking $9.2 million
will supplement the first unit,
opened in September. The new
unit, to be nine or 10 stories high,
will house the basic science de-
partments of the mpdical school
and the human genetics depart-
These groups will vacate the
present East Medical Building
and the Heredity Clinic located
west of the Medical Center. The
Heredity Clinic will be razed
when the new building is com-,
pleted, Prof. Lauren A. Woods of
the pharmacology department,
chairman of the planning com-
mittee, said.
No Funds Appropriated Yet
"Only very, preliminary plans"
for the new unit have been drawn
up, Prof. Woods explained, be-
cause the state legislature has not
yet appropriated the necessary
funds for detailed drawings. The
approximately 270,000 square feet
planned for the new unit has been
allocated to departments. This.
unit will contain approximately
the same space as the first unit,
he explained.
The new structure will be built.
in a north-south direction west of
the Medical Science Building and

will be connected to the present
unit. It will contain auditoria for
general use as well as the physi-
ology, bacteriology, anatomy and
human genetics departments.
The East Medical Building is
'very inadequate' in terms of
electric power facilities, Prof.
Woods said, and the departments
need additional space.
Medical Class Increased
In 1950 the medical school in-
creased its entering class from
about 140 to 200 students per
year, without an increase in of-
fice, teaching and research space,
he explained. The new unit, which
houses ..the departments formerly
located in the West Medical
Student :Dies
'Of Aszthlma
A University student died
Thursday morning in University
Theodore J. Eighinger, Grad.,
a graduate student in anthropolo-
gy, was presumed to have died of
asthma, although an autopsy was
ordered to certify the cause of
death, according to Rev. Edward
H. Rednan of the Unitarian
Chiurch in Ann Arbor.,
Results of the autopsy have not
yet been recofded."

Building has "relatively adequate
space" but the rest of the depart-
ments also need new quarters.
The human genetics depart-
ment, "a new development stimu-
lated by the atomic age" studies
the problems of radiation injury
to humans. This department has
never had quarters of its own,
Prof. Woods said, and is currently
scattered in three buildings. The
new unit would provide badly
needed space for this department,
he added.
Provide Television Facilities
"The new building would pro-
vide a television studio ,and other
facilities whicli will then make it
possible to utilize television for
medical teaching," Prof. Wood
said. Both color and black and
white television would be used,
he added.
"More space ajpd better and
larger animal quarters" would be
other benefits of the new 'truc-
ture. Departments would receive
approximately a 30 to 35 per cent
increase in space over their pres-
ent facilities, he explained.
"Consolidation is very much to
be desired," Prof. Woods ex-
plained. The new building would
bring all medical and nursing
classes into the medical center.
State Must Match Funds
Part of the cost of the struc-
ture could be deferred by a gov-
ernment grant, he explained. Ap-
plication to the Public Health
Service for matching funds of
about $575,000is hbeing sought be-
cause part of the new unit will be
devoted to research facilities.
The state must guarantee the
matching funds before the grant
can be given, Prof. Woods ex-I
plained. The medical school has
not yet received formal notifica-
tion on the grant, he added.
The law under which this
money is distributed expires in
1961 and the new unit must reach
the construction stage by that
time to qualify for the grant.

of State John Foster Dulles 8a
yesterday the world will condex
Russia for continuing nucle
weapons tests in the face of
United Nations resolution urgi:
a halt.
Dulles made this comment to
news conference a few hours aft
the United States andBritain di
closed they caught Russia hri
what might have been two snei
The White House said, and Lo
don quickly concurred, that 0
Soviet blasts free them to folk
suit-although they won't for tl
time being, at least.
Not Going to UN
Dulles said the United States h
has no present intention of goi
to the United Nations to seek
formal resolution of condenui
That, he said, might be inte
prat*d as an effort to make polil
cal capital for the United States
But he said he is confident th
condemnation in the minds at
hearts of the people represents
at the United Nations would 1
just as effective as a resolutiom
While Dulles accused Russia 4
disregarding the United Natio
plea to forego nuclear tests,
appeared both new Soviet blas
were set off before adoption;
the United Nations resolution.
Tests Held Last Week
Yesterdays White House a
nouncement said the Soviet tes
were held' Nov. 1 and Nov.'s.
The United Nations General A
sembly adopted its resolution No
4. The resolution urged the Unite
States, Britain and Russia not t
carry out tests during the Genes
It also appealed for every eo
to reach early, agreement a
Geneva on suspension of tes
"under effective international cor
What effect the new Rus is
tests will have on significant tall
at Geneva remains to be seen. Tl-
talks, supposed to seek an Eas
West agreement for a supervise
ban on testing, are not going tc
well anyway.
Pep Rally Ads
Dance Rulin
"Operation Wake-Up" publicit
included some mention of a fre
dance, although Student Govern
ment Council had specified th,
it should not.
SGC calendared the event ,o
the night of the Panhel Ball o
the condition that further publi
city would contain no mention c
the dance in order not to inter
fere with Panhellenic Associa
tion's annual ball.
A large sign appeared on th
Diag Friday which advertise
"Free D a n c e." Green-colore
handbills were circulated on can
pus which also contained men
tion of the free dance, althoug
Ann Arbor city .ordinance forbid
the distributiof of hand bills.
Neither the Wolverine Club no
the Union obtained permission t
hand out the bills from the Dea:
of Men's Office, according to J
Hardee, '60, SoC adminstrativ


Union Bars Coeds frOm Front Door
"I'll be glad when this is all over," Al Thomsen commented as he
moved to keep a group of four co-eds from going through the front
door of the Union yesterday.
As part of the Union's Men's Weekend, the old tradition, now lost,
of forbidding women passing through the front door was being en-
'They complain and say they will write to the president and to
The Daily. Some of them threatened to take their business from the
r Union to the League," Thomsen remarked.
Clause Still in House Rules
Union manager Frank Kunzel explained the house rules still
contain a clause which forbids women to enter through the front
door. "However, time and expediency caused the change." The tradi-
tion was totally destroyed when the addition to the side of the Union
was begun. At that time the only entrance to the Union was through
the front door.

U.S. Prepares
Moon Rocket
Launching Try


Wrce monn rocket annar t h.


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