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November 07, 1958 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-07

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"4r fulrhigatt Dai
Sixty-Ninth Year

"How About This-Will You Agree To Admit
Inspectors If They Don't Bring In Any Books?"

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


Promising Season
Begins in 'Wilderness'
A LTHOUGH THE speech department's first production of the 1958-
59 season is set in 1906, there is something more than faintly mod-
ern in "Ah Wilderness."
Eugene O'Neill's sitting room comedy which opened last night
at Lydia Mendelssohn might almost be considered the forerunner of
some of the family comedies offeredafrom time to time on television.
The situation and many ingredients are there, including the "modern"
family concern with the problems, naturally romantic, of teenagers.
But more important in "Ah Wilderness." O'Neill's only comedy
which was written oddly enough during the depression years, are the





Defeat of 'Work' Laws:
An Unfortunate Decision


E _
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[UESDAY, VOTERS turned down right-to-
work laws in five of the six states in which
they were up for judgement by the electorate.
Only in Kansas, a relatively unindustrial state,
did the law succeed. In such states as Ohio,
Washington and California, right-to-work
failed by 3-2 margins, and Republicans who
supported the measures in the campaigns went
down to defeat.
Right-to-work laws ban the union shop, and
are now on the books of 19 states. These laws
say that a man need not join the union after
being hired by a business concern. Organized
labor, of course, objects to this proposition,
primarily because it costs them members.
However, right-to-work laws are not only
desirable but necessary. Labor is no longer
being exploited by big business; some, in fact,
feel the reverse is the case. Unions with large
strike funds can beat any competitive firm with
its investments in equipment and its market
positions to maintain. The only notable excep-
tion to this in recent years has been the effec-
tive strike-breaking action by the Kohler Com-
pany, which is still operating without union
members. Union, if not in the driver's seat, are
at least equal in power to management.
THE QUESTION arises: are unions outdated?
The unions themselves apparently think so,
They fight the right-to-work laws which would
end their monopoly on labor. A man hired in
a state without a right-to-work law must join
the union within a specified time to hold his
Job, according to most contracts., Why, except
for fear of losing many members would the
union fight such laws? If, indeed, union mem-
bership would drop substantially with a right-
Sugga ion R
TONIGHT THERE will be a pep rally at which
it is generally hoped that spirit for the
Illinois game will be built up to a fever pitch.
There will be music by the band, speeches by
men with their trouser legs rolled up to the
knees, a bonfire and possibly a panty raid. On
Saturday, however, the student cheering will
be much the same as it has been, all year--
inferior when compared to some large schools
in the state.
There are a good many reasons for this lack
of coordinated enthusiasm-some of them in-
herent in the nature of the University and some
which could be changed. But still there is much
room for improvement.
First of all, it must be borne in mind that
with 23,000 students on campus there is bound
to be a certain amount of lethargy. On the
other hand the rather obscure set of traditions
are definitely in the path of the spirit sup-
posedly missing on this campus, The areas in
which improvements could be made are cheers,
cheer-leading and the Block-M,
THE CHEERS--traditional though they may
be-are ridiculous and out-modea. Take
the Michigan locomotive cheer; after. spelling
out M-I-C-H-T-G-A-N a number of times the
natural ending of the cheer should be to shout
"Michigan" at least once. Instead of this, the
cheer ends with an absent-minded "yeah"

to-work law perhaps the unions are propagat-
ing themselves unfairly. Preventing manage-
ment from keeping on the job whomever they
wish, regardless of union affiliation, is beneficial
to unions in terms of membership and dues.
But detrimental to management in that they do
not have free choice in hiring, and also to the
rare workman who has moral reservations about
joining a union.
If right-to-work laws would rid the country
of unions which do not have popular support
among workers,' they are serving a Valuable
function. If unions are afraid to continue with-
out guarantees of total membership among
workmen, the situation must be that they are
ngt offering all they should to the working man.
If a drop in membership would be the result of
right-to-work, unions might be forced to make,
necessary reforms to hold their members.
PERHAPS THE CONCEPT of the union itself
is outdated; management has been educated
out of exp.iting the workman, but unions, now
that serious grievances have been settled must
find new outlets for their energies. These take
the form of politics or "sharing" company
profits to which they have no claim.
Voters in five states made a serious mistake
In voting down right-to-work laws. Labor, its
big membership assured, can rest easy for a few
years, avoiding the challenge of modern eco-
nomics and attempting to gain the entire profits
"pie." One day voters, including union mem-
b ers, will wise up, 'or more improbably, unions
will shape up and not fear to meet individuals
in the labor market on equal terms.
S forSii
which always seems to get lost somehow. Michi-
gan does not need a number of intellectually
peculiar cheers, but four or six simple, logical
cheers that everyone knows and understands.
Also, there should be some system to tell the
entire student section when a cheer is about
to begin. Hand megaphones are nice for small
audiences but in a 101,101-capacity stadium
the sound tends to become lost beyond the first
30 rows or so. There seems to be no reason why
a low-power public address system could not be
employed by the cheer leaders.
LASTLY THE BLOCK "M" should perform
more as a cheering section and less as the
rather useless card-flashing group it is now.
With the present seating arrangements the
cards are invisible to the television cameras
as well as the students and has no present value.
At present, Block M receives unusually good
seats for students and in turn they should be
doing something worthwhile, such as providing
a strong nucleus for student cheering.
It is an accepted theory that student cheering
helps team morale. If the students are inter-
ested in seeing the team win they should be
able to give them vocal support. These changes
are so elementary that the change-over could
come in a week and form an effective cheering
section instead of the half-hearted, lethargic
group it now is.


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Council Role, Leadership in Doubt

Daily Staff Writer
STUDENT Government Council
President Maynard Goldman
has withdrawn from next week's
election, the second officer not
seeking re-election.
In so doing he has brought
upon himself much criticism. One
faculty member, for example, is
said to have devoted 10 minutes
of class time yesterday to blast-
ing Goldman's decision.
This criticism can broadly be
divided into two categories: that
directed to Goldman's personal
motives and that concerning the
position in which his withdrawal
leaves the Council.
THE PERSONAL has been by
and large unfair, since it pre-
sumes on the part of the critic
a fuller understanding of those
motives than most outsiders could
Goldman has been subject to
the personaldinvolvement with the
successes and failures of the group
which any organization head feels.
And the prominence of SGC and
his own personality have com-
bined to produce what Goldman
characterized Wednesday night
as "loss of individuality."
Thus his withdrawal need not
be interpreted as meaning that
Goldman felt the jurisdictional
dispute with the administration
had dealt SGC its death blow.
More fair is the view that he
as an individual felt he could no
longer be an effective Council
leader following the recent events.
Goldman's withdrawal differs
largely in time from the decision
of Executive Vice-President Dan
Belin not to run. Both are plan-

ning to enter law school, for ex-
ample, and must consider the ef-
fect of grades on scholarship aid.
Belin's decision two weeks ago
could not be based on definite
knowledge that Goldman would
be around for another semester,
and had their roles been re-
versed, the same results seem
But once Goldman has with-
drawn, SGC is faced with a double
problem: what role should it play
in the future, and who is to lead
it in this role?
It is obvious that regardless of
whether or not it is right for the
administration to say SGC has
"concurrent jurisdiction" when it
had once given the impression the
jurisdiction was complete, the ad-
ministration has spoken. And as a
result, SGC hasn't the power it
thought it had.
, , ,"
COUNCIL members have ob-
viously been giving this a lot, of
thought. At Wednesday night's
members time following the regu-
lar meeting, David Kessel outlined
the choices for the future.
Either the Council must learn-
to sit down with the administra-
tion and work out action with
them, Kessel said, or it must con-
cern itself with representing stu-
dent opinion and thus act as an
"outside pressure group."
As personally "detestable" as
the notion of sitting down for dis-
cussion and cooperation with some
administrators is, Kessel contin-
ued, this seemed to him the proper
course. Since all SGC power must
come from the administration,
unless the Regents specify other-
wise, it would be wise to work

with the administration, earning
its confidence and regaining the
"lost" power.
SGC knows now that the ad-
ministration, for a variety of mo-
tives no doubt, had been letting
them go around for four years
with a B-B gun labeled Browning
Automatic Rifle. Just as the
Council will have to show some
enthusiasm for student govern-
ment in its cooperation with the
administration, the administra-
tion will have to show a little
"good faith" in SGC in these co-
operative dealings, which as the
members will ultimately all agree,
are necessary.
Such is the path SGC will ap-
parently have to take in its come-
back, if there is to be a comeback.
And the second question looms
large: who is to lead the group?
Two members of the executive
committee, President Goldman
and Executive Vice-President
Belin, are not seeking re-election.
* * *'
THUS A President will have to
be selected, once elections are
over, from Administrative Vice-
President Jo Hardee, Treasurer
Mort Wise, members Fred Merrill,
Rger Seasonwein, Scott Chrysler,
Kessel, and Sue Rockne if she is
re-elected, plus any new members
who may be elected Tuesday and
The problem is even more acute
if viewed from long-range, since
Wise, Merrill and Chrysler are
seniors and Kessel is a graduate
So the electorate has a greater
responsibility than ever to elect
good people if student government
is to survive at all.

elements, especially fire-water,
contained in his other, less relaxed
This time, however, it is the
son who gets drunk, and Phil
Smith brings both the necessary
youthful looks andair of wistful-
ness to the role of Richard Miller,
high school senior with a love
problem. "I'm a cynic," Richard
declares early in the play. But
O'Neill often borders on the brink
of sentimentality to show the
contrary and Smith, in his gen-
erally skillful portrayal, keeps his
feet on the ground while he shows
his heart Isn't. Especially effec-
tive are the contrasting scenes,
one in a bar with a B-girl named
Belle, played to the hilt, even to
an obnoxious accent by Estelle
Ginn, and the secret meeting in
the moonlight with his true love
Muriel McComber, a "nice girl"
role nicely handled by Janet
*C « C
BUT PERHAPS some of the
most effective lines in the soft
shoe rather than rapid patter
comedy are handled by Howard
Green. The veteran of numerous
Speech Department productions
again shows his versatility, this
time playing Nat Miller, who as
father, must cope with son Rich-
ard's mild rebellion.
Most of the characterizations,
like the play itself are rather styl-
ized and frothy, but the rest of
the cast all provide solid backing.
Sympathy for young Richard, the
broken-hearted, and more laughs
for the audience come from Uncle
Sid Davis, a good-for-nothing,
played with effective timing by
Donald Ewing. The expected
motherly mushyness is adequate-
ly offered by Elizabeth Robertson
as Mrs. Miller and Ruth Heller
provides the proper innocuousness
to the part of Aunt Lilly, who
broke her engagement to the un-
reformed Sid some 17 years ago.
With the direction of Jack
Bender and settings by Ralph
Duckwall, Jr., "Ah Wilderness"
offers not only good entertain-
ment in itself, but also the prom-
ise of a fine Speech Department
-Michael Kraft
The Daily official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN frm to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday, I
General Notices
Summary of Action taken by Student
Government Council at its meeting
Nov. 5, 1958.
Approved8minutes of previous meet-
Approved activities as follows:
Nov. 5, Muslim Student Association,
program, Angel Mall, Aud. A. (Inter-
im action)
(Continued on Page 8)

to the
Sensitive .. .
To the Editor:
ON BEHALF of the men of
Gomberg House, we should like
to correct some serious misinfor-
mation and slanted implications
found in Wednesday's Daily ar-
ticle, "Final Totals In: Students
Elect to Study" In this, article,
the author, Lane Vanderslce, tries
to show Michigan students as
shamefully occupied with trivia
during a history-making event,
using a Gomberg activity as part
of his "proof."
Mr. Vanderslice wrote, that dur-
ing a national election, "'Raunch
Night' took most of the 170 men
of Gomberg House down to the
basement of South Quadrangle to
shout approval at a parody bur-
lesque show." This statement is
j3ypical of the crude slanting of
the article. The implication given
by Mr. Vanderslice was that Gom-
berg men were wasting their time
in riotous living instead of taking
their duties as citizens seriously.
A further implication was that
their activities were typical of .the
way Michigan students ignored,
something important for trivial
We should like to correct those
Implications with these facts:
1) The Gomberg men assembled
not for "Raunch Night" but for
their annual "Skit Nite." The
parody burlesque show was only
one of five skits presented by the
four wing groups and the staff.
This event, which is only one of
many held by this very active
house, was a stag event, but there
was as much intelligent wit as
2) The Skit Nite only lasted a
little under an hour. It was over
before 10:30 p.m., long before the
election results could be called
3) The election was one of the
biggest discussion topics in Gom-
berg House before .,the Skit Nite,
after it, and at breakfast the next
morning. Many men followed the
returns late into the night, and
most discussions turned to the
The statement about Gomberg's
Skit Nite was only one of a list
of statements intended to show
the political apathy of Michigan
students. Surely this is a serious
charge, and should be made only
after a serious study of the facts,
It seems that instead of basing
his conclusions on a serious study
of sufficient factual evidence, Mr.
Vanderslice carefully chose and
interpreted evidence to support a
conclusion made a priori. As a
group who suffered from this
slanting, we are glad of the op-
portunity to establish the facts,
though we regret the necessity of
doing so.
-Robert Snyder, President
-John Jeandrevin,
Resident Advisor
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Vandersice,
is a former .resident of Gomberg

Ikie Loses Friends, Alienates People

PRESIDENT Dwight D. Eisenhower, like a
small boy who has just been cleaned out
in a game of marbles, has reacted to Tuesday's
Democratic landslide in a characteristically
(soreheaded) fashion that may possibly have
cost him a large measure of Congressional
In a bitter statement at Wednesday's press
conference, the President curiously lashed out
at the voters themselves for "obviously voting
for the people I would class among the spend-
ers." He went on to pledge that "for the next
two years . . . I am going to fight as hard
as I know how against excessive spending."
The peculiar twist that caused him to pledge
himself to oppose the 'obvious" wishes of the
voters apparently went unnoticed. The possi-
bility that the majority of the nation really
wants more government spending, as a pos-
sible aid to halting the recession, just as evi-
dently escaped him.
(71b4r Sirljan .#1

BUT PERHAPS even more damaging, at least
to the President's other policies, is the ef-
feet such a statement will undoubtedly have
on the "spenders" when they next assemble
in Washington.
It is the height of the ridiculous for a Presi-
dent to lash out against his newly-elected Con-
gress even before it has begun to function. It
is even more absurd for President Eisenhower
to do so under c'urrent circumstances.
Perhaps more than any other President,
Eisenhower must rely heavily on the opposi-
tion party's support for his programs. Given a
solidly Democratic Congress, given the hostili-
ty of a large Republican faction, and given
the declining influence of an outgoing Presi.
dent, Eisenhower is faced with the possibility
of complete repudiation of his entire program.
LIFE UNDER the twenty-second amendment
will most likely not be pleasant for Presi-
dent Eisenhower. Yet he must live under it
for the next two years, with less and less con-
trol over his own party as the GOP turns its
back on him to face 1960.rss
Many times before this, President Eisen-
hower has had trouble lining his whole party
up behind him. Often, for one or another por-
tion of his program, he has had to turn to
the Democratic party for added support, evenj
with a Congress containing more Republicans.
Faced now with a decimated party, he will
be literally forced to gain Democratic approv-
al for any legislation he wishes to have passed,
And he has in one short speech managed to
antagonize nearly all of those he needs.
If, during the coming Congressional session,
President Eisenhower happens to blame leis-
lative defeats on Democratic opposition, he
will have to blame them on himself as well.

College Football Enters Political Arena

EDITOR'S NOTE: The University
of Chicago has had a controversial
subject before it these past few
weeks. It seems that Bill Stern,
sportscaster, not only charged that
Chicago and several other schools
wvere "hotbeds of Conmmunism,"
but said that the primary reason
for their being so was that the
schools didn't have football teams.
An article on Stern's October 6
broadcast, and the University of
Chicago's reply to his thesis, ap-
pears below.
Challenge . .
"COMMUNISM has flourished in
American colleges, largely in
certain big Eastern institutions
and at the University of Chicago,"
said Bill Stern, noted sports an-
nouncer in a broadcast on Octo-
ber 6.
"Rather than just another pro-
gram tonight that discusses to-
day's World Series game, I'd like
to talk about something this eve-
ning that everybody else is not
discussing," Stern ventured,
"DO YOU THINK there is any
connection between communism
and college football? Probably not.
I do, I think there's a strong con-
nection between big time college
football and communism.
Eastern universitieg s rh a

college football completely or they
have de-emphasized it to such a
degree that the students no longer
support it?
"Now perhaps this is all a mere
coincidence, but I don't think it is.
"I believe," he added, "that if
you give the students some way
of letting off steam, such as big
time college football games on
Saturday afternoon, they will not
have time to seek other means of
letting off that steam. Youngsters
have a lot of pent-up emotions.
They love to yell, they love to
make a lot of noise. Football gives
them this opportunity. They can
go out to their stadiums and yell
their heads off.
"OR IF YOU take football away
from them, as has happened in
Chicago, CONY, NYU and to a
degree at Harvard, these same
youngsters will then look for an-
other way of making noise,'* Stern
remarked. "In many cases too
many of them have turned to
communism. Here they can rant
and they can rave, working off
the excess emotions that football
would be using up on Saturday.
How mucnh btter t+o sri+the

And Reply
MR. STERN IS not the first
uninformed individual to call
a great center of learning "com-
munist" - although putting the
blame on a "de-emphasized" foot-
ball program is a new one to us.
Indeed a great free university
is not a place where a reasonable
man would expect to find com-
munists because the life of such
a university is freedom of thought
and expression which is just what
Communism cannot practice or
As the late Robert Redfield so
eloquently expressed on the six-
tieth anniversary of the Univer-
sity in a speech entitled "The dan-
gerous duty of the University,"
a reputation for "dangerous radi-
calism" is an evidence that the
University is doing its duty. It
shows that the University is en-
gaged i defending the very liber-
ties which its detractors believe it
to be endangering.
'*'* C
"I WOULD go so far as to say
that if the University were not
from time to time accused of
dangerous thoughts its professors
could not then be doing their duty

act. The unswerving faith that
truth may be approached by the
exchange of idea and the test of
fact. An exaltation of the im-
portance, both as means and an
end in itself, of freedom of thought
and speech. A willingness to listen
to the man with an idea opposed
to one's own. A disposition to
attribute reasonableness to the
other fellow.
"...-These virtues of the mind
are values of the general com-
munity. These goods are part of
'the American way.' . . . Of all
freedoms this University is proud-
est of freedom of the mind. And
it is in the University, above all
places, where this freedom is most
consistently exercised."
* * C -
FREEDOM OF discussion the
appeal to the evidence and the
persuasion of reason, the deliber-
ate effort to listen to unconven-
tional ideas or heterodox theories
-these are the ambient of the
University. 8o it is especially in
th'e University that this important
part of the common values is cul-
tivated and preserved from tyr-
anny, from cowardice and from
iorn fnnnn

believed to be said and thought
there. The fears of people create
that mythical radical with the
mortarboard cap.
So it comes about that in the
very course of defending by its
exercise the freedom of thought
which stands high in the values
of the whole community, the Uni-
versity comes to be regarded by
some part of that community as
a hot-bed of dangerous radical-
ism, a hiding place of pernicious
THE UNIVERSITY is not to be
deterred from speaking out for
freedoms by the fact that it will
be misunderstood and criticised.
Ii the university continues to do
its duty, some people will con-
tinue to regard it as dangerous.
. . . but the reputation of this
university for dangerous radical-
ism is falsely but honorably earn-
ed. It is unfortunate that the Uni-
versity is wrongly suspected. It
would be worse if it were not sus-
pected at all. For if everything
that university people did were
acceptable to all influential seg-
ments of public opinion, the Uni-
versity would be failing its duty.


Editorial Staff
Editorial Director


City Editor

Associate Editor

L CANTOR .. ... Personnel Director
AN WILLOUOGBY . ,,...,Associate Editorial Drector
ATA JORGENSON Associate City Editor
[ZABETH ERSKINE....Associate Personnel Director
AN JONES.A ----.-..... .. Sports Editor
,RL RISEM"AN...,.,,, ,,,..Associate Sports Editor
COLEMANA..........Associate Sports Editor
VID ARNOLD...,.,...... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
STEPHEN TOPOL, Business Manager

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