THE MICHIGAN DAILY Academic Notices DAILY Applied Mathematics Seminar: Dr. Ro er D. Low will continue his talk on "A mixed boundary value problem OFFICiAL for an infinite elastic cone." Thurs., Nov. 6. 4:00 p.m. in Rm. 246 W. Eng. LLETINBld. Refreshments at 3:30 in Rm. 274 W, Eng. Bldg. School of Business Administration: (Continued from Page 4) Students from other schoolsasnd col- _- _-_leges intending to apply for admission for the spring semester should secure berg House, International Students application forms in Rm. 150 School Assoc., Kelsey House, Nu Sigma Nu!, Phi of Bus. Admin.,. as soon as possible. Alpha Kappa, Phi Delta Phi. Phi Delta Theta, Phi Kappa Psi. Phi Kappa Tau, Junior and Senior Students, College Psi Omega, Sigma Alph Epsilon, Sigma of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Alpha Mu, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Strauss Elections for the Spring Semester are House. Trigon, Van Tyne House, Wen- now being approved. Those students lev House, Zeta Beta Tau. whose hours elected will total 55 or Nov. 9: Martha Cook, Phi Delta Phi, above may make appointments for ap- Prescott House. proval of elections in the Faculty Fathers Weekend: Delta Upsilon, Beta Counselors' Office for Juniors and Theta Pi, Theta Chi, Theta Delta Chi. Seniors, 1213 Angell Hall. Time sched- ules for the spring semester are avail- aable in this office. The counselors will not be available during the examination period. Thse "Playbill '58 '59", presented by the students who do not have their courses Department of Speech opens tonight approved before that time must re- with Eugene O'Neill's comedy, "Ah, port during the half day preceding the Wilderness"' The O'Neill play' will be time thcy are scheduled to register. , presentedlThurs., Fri, and Sat. at 8:00 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre The box office is open daily until 5 p.m. today and until 8:00 p.m. tomor- row. oltclLectures MPoliticalScience Roundtable and Michigan Chapter of the American So- ciety for Public Administration pre- sent a social seminar. "Internationale Aspects of Administration." Dr. Paul Schillings, Director General, Interna- tional Institute of Administrative S- ences. Thurs., Nov. 6, 8:00 p.m., Rack. ham Assembly Hall, Astronomy Dept. Visitors Night. Fri., Nov. 7, 8:00 p.m., R1m. 2003 Angell Hall. Mr. Seth L. Tuttle will speak on "The Planet Mars." After the lecture the Student Observatory on the fifth floorj of Angell Hall will be open for inspec- tion and for telescopic observations of a double star and Mars. Children wel- comed, but must be accompanied by adults. Maynard Goldman, '59LS&A, w ill speak on the topic, "The Mind of the Russian Student," at the coffee-dis-. cussion hour of the Office of Religious Affairs this week. Mr. Goldman spent -ix weeks in Russia during the sum-{ mer as a participant in the first US.- U.S.S.R. student exchange. Lane Hall Library, 4:15 p.m., Fri., Nov. 7, Concerts Carillon Concert, by Sidney F. Giles, Asst. University Carillonneur will be heard on Thurs., Nov. 6, 7:15 p.m. In- cluded on the program will be com- positions for the carillon by Kamiel Lefevere, 4arillonneur of Riverside Drive Church New York, and by Per- -ival Price, University of Michigan Carillonneur, and arrangements of three songs by Stephen Foster. Law School Admission Test: Candi- dates taking the Law School Admission Test on Nov. 8 are requested to report to Rin. 130 Bus. Admin. Bldg. at 8:30 Sat, morning. 'Psychology Colloquium: "Indications of Perception." Dr. Israel Goldiamond, Southern Illinois Univ. Psychology Dept. 4:15p.m. Fri., Nov. 7, Aud. B, Angell Hal Placement Notices The following school systems have listed teaching vacancies with the Bu- reau of Appointments for the current and second semeseter. They will not be here to interview at this time. Battle Creek, Mich. (Pennfield Schools) - H.S. Homemaking; Math. (Jan. 1959). St. Clair Shores, Mich. (Lakeview PS) --Mentally Handicapped (upper ele- mentary): Homebound; Elementary. (Feb., 1959). S uth Orange and Maplewood, N.J.- Up er Elementary (Jan. 1959); 7th. grade Science/Math (Dec., 1959); So- cial Studies (now); Latin/English (now); HS Home Economics (Jan., 1959): Social Studies (Feb., 1959); So- cial Studies English (Feb. 1959). Toledo, Ohio (Lucas County Schools) -Speech and hearing therapist (Jan., 1959). For any additional information con- tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Advxin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. The following companies will be in- terviewing at the puregu of Appoint- ments. Call or make appointments at the Bureau. Phone NO 3-1511, Ext. 3371 or come to 3528 Admin. Bldg. The ap- pointments should be made by 4 p.m. of the day before the interview. Thurs., Nov. 13: Bureau of the Budget, Washington, D.C. Interviewer: Mr. E. Charles Woods, Personnel Officer. Location of work: Another note on hxtracurricutar Co pctence , . " HMOW TO CONVERT KRONER If your Uncle Oswald has left you a large packet of kroner . . . or Swiss francs . . . or pounds, shillings, and pence - or if you're attending tle University of Mi'chigan from another country - you'll need special help in acquiring dollar equivalents. Ann Arbor Bank-- with its complete Foreign Exchange Service - is particularly well-equipped to solve such prob- ems for you. We provide full information and facilities for monetary exchanges with any country quickly and efficiently. We also provide letters of credit, money orders, and Travelers Checks. Whatever your foreign exchange problem, visit either of Ann Arbor Bank's near-campus branches for quick, confi dential service or advice. We'll be delighted to see you. Washington. D.C. Graduates: Feb., June, Aug. Bureau of the Budget's Junctions are: 1) Preparation and ad- ministration of the budget, 2) Improve- ment of government organization and management, 3) Improvement of ac- counting and other phases of financial management, 4) Legislative analysis and review,.5) Coordination and In- provement of federal statistics. Men and women with a degree in Liberal Arts or Business Administration, Law, or Natural Resources for positions in the following divisions: 1 Office of the Directorf2) Office of the Budget Review, 3) Office of Accounting. 4) Office of Legislative Referencq, 5) Of- fice of Management and Organization, 6) Office of Statistical Standards. Mon., Nov. 17: The Procter & Gamble Company, Overseas Division, Cincinnati. Ohio, Interviewer: Mr. L. W. Fay, Area Per- sonnel Manager. Location of work: Cin- cinnati, Ohio; France; Belgium: Swit- zerland; United Kingdom: Canada; Mexico; Peru Venezuela: Cuba; Phil- ippine Islands. Graduates: Feb., June, Aug. Citizenship and national origin from Frace, Belgium. Switzerland, United Kingdom, Canada, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Cuba and Philippine Islands. 1) Men from Belgium, Italy, Mexico, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Switzerland, and Venezuela with a de- gree in Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. for Advertising. 2) Men from Mexico, Phil- ippines, Puerto Rico, Venezuela with a degree in Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. for Sales. 3) Men from Belgiuh, Mex- ico, Venezuela, Philipines with a de- gree in Liberal Arts or Bus.. Ad for Purchasing. 4) Men from Mexico, Phil- ippines, Switzerland, Venezuela, with a degree in Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. for Finance. 5) Men from Belgium, Cuba. France, Mexico, Philippines, Venezuela, with a degree in Engineer- ing or Chemistry for Factory Manage- ment. 6) Men from Belgium. France or Philippines with a degree in Engi- neering or Chemistry for Technical Staff. Additional information is avail- able In the office. Tues., Nov. 18: International Business Machines Inc., Dearborn, Mich. Interviewer: Mr. H. A. Delfs, Dearborn Branch Manager. Location of work: Branch Sales Offices -Midwest Region. Graduates: Feb. Men and women with B.S., M.S., or Ph.D. in Mathematics for Electric Com- puting. Men with a degree in Liberal Arts or Business Administration for Sales. Citizenship required. The Kroger Company, Livonia, Mich. Interviewer: Mr. J. A. Surratt, Asst. Personnel Manager. Location of work: Midwest and South. Graduates: Feb., June. Men with .a degree in Liberal Arts or Business Administration for 1) Advertising; 2) Management Train- ing; 3) Merchandising; 4) Personnel; 5) Retailing; 6) Transportation; 7. Real Estate. The training program offers a thorough instruction in the fundamen- tals of the food industry, and a flexible program that broadens the horizons of the developing executive. American Hospital Supply Corpora- tion, Evanston, 111. Interviewer: Mr. R. V. Seaman, Jr. Director of Personnel. Location of work: Evanston, 111. for training program, but eventually re- location to other areas of the country. Graduates: Feb., June, Aug. Citizen- ship required. Men with degree in Lib- eral Arts or Business Administration for 1) Management. General Management Trainees, 22 to 28, draft exempt. Train- ing in Evanston, as well as in locations of principal division offices. Semi- formal program. 2) Men with a degree in Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. with a minimum of 12 hours in accounting, 22 to 28, draft exempt for Office Man- agemet. Positions require 2-4 yrs. of training in American's general head- quarters and division operations. Ul- timate assignment will involve high levels of responsibility. 3) Men with a degree in Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad., 22- 28, draft exempt, for American Division (Sales Candidaes). Semi-formalized training program from 6-12 months. 4) Men with degree in biological sci- ences or chemistry, 22 to 28, draft exempt, for Scientific Products Di- vision (Sales Candidates). Training program 6-12 months. 5) Men with a degree in Pharmacy, Biological Sci- ences, or Medical for Scientific Prod- ucts Division (Sales Specialists), draft exempt, 23 to 28. Brief training pro- gram, early assignment and further training in the field. TheaProcter & Gamble Company - Overseas Division, See Monday's list- ings Wed., Nov. 19: The Kroger Company - See Tues- day's listing. Esso Research & Engineering Com- pany, Linden, N.J. Interviewer - Mr. P. W. Maloney, Employment Manager. Location of work: Linden, N.J. Grad- uates: Feb., June, Aug. Men with M.A. or Ph.D. in Psychology, Industrial Psy- chology, Industrial Engineers with Mas- ter's degree in Business Administration or Bachelor's degree in the above if exceptional student for Employee Rela- tions work. Employee relations has re- sponsibilities In seven areas, namely, nonprofessional employment, profes- sional employment, salary administra- tion, training, plans and benefits, safety and security, and in research and special studies dealing with the effective use of manpower, Mutual of New York, Detroit, Mich. Interviewer: Mr. D. B. Crouch. Person,_ nel Assistant. Location of work: De- troit. Graduates: Feb., June, Aug. Men with a degree in Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad., 21-30 years of age, have completed their military service or an obligation of no more than six months for Sales Management Training Program. Thurs., Nov. 20: Union Carbide Nuclear Company, Oak Ridge, Tenn. Interviewer: Mr. H.E. Trammel, Physicist. Location of work: Oak Ridge, Tenn., and Paducah, Ky. Graduates: Feb. Men with M.S. or Ph.D. in Mathematics for Mathematicians and Statisticians - Theoretical and Applied. Activities - Production of cranium 235 which includes the pro- duction of barrier, barrier niaterials, fluorine and uranium hexafluoride, Fundamental and applied research In the over-all atomic energy program. SATURDAY' is Psi Omega Dental Frgternity's SQUARE DANCE 1 -- -- -- BUSINESS SERVICES HOT COFFEE made with a new coffee pot pur- chased In our kitchen hardware dept. We also have dish drainers. dish towels, wash clothes and egg beaters. RALPH'S MARKET (formerly Freeman's) 709 Packard NO 2-3175 "Just two doors from the Blue Front" )J83 REWEAVING-Burns, tears,.moth holes rewoven. Let us save your clothes. Weave-Bac Shop. 224 Nickels Arcade. NO 2-4647. )J3 For the finest in PAINTS, BRUSHES, WALLPAPER, SUNDRIES and GLASS PRODUCTS: PAINTS .*. WALLHIDE LATEX SArINHIDE ENAMEL WATERSPAR ENAMEL SUN-PROOF FLORHIDE GLASS. .. TP FURNITURE TOPS PICTURE GLASS WINDOW GLASS MIRRORS PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS COMPANY 337 S. Main Street Phone: NO 3-4117 )J17 PARTIES? Order CIDER AND SPUDNUTS NOWI WE DELIVER University Spudnut Shoppe 1205% S. University NO 2-7727 )J43 CAMPUS OPTICIANS Most frames replaced while you wait. Broken lenses duplicated. FAST service on all repairs. 240 NICKELS ARCADE No 2-9118 NO 8-8019 )J4 SMITH'S Ann Arbor's First Carpet Store Featuring: Karastan Mohawk Needletuft CARPET STORE 207 E. Washington St. -LINOLEUM STORE- 205 N. Main St. )J81 EDDIE'S PAINT STORE White Paint .........$L98 Per Gal. Colors................$2.48 Per Gal. 117 E. Ann NO 8-6966 )J77 PIANO LESSONS Doctoral Student-School of Music Walter Baker NO 2-4747 )J69 FINISHED WORK-Specialize in cot- ton blouses. Ironings separately. Free pickup and delivery. Siamese stud service. Also Siamese cat for sale. NO 2-9020. 1J29 POTATOES-U.S. No. 1 $3.00 - 100 lbs. Also Cabbage $1.00 Bu.-Tomatoes- Apples $2.50 Bu - Onions. Indian Squash. Gourds. Pumpkins forHal- loween. DeMaro Produce. NO 2-7747. IJ24 FOX MOTEL MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 2 3 4 I DAY .80 .96 1.12 3 DAYS 6DAYS 2.00 2.40 2.80 2.96 3.55 4.14 Classified Figure 5 overage words to a line. deadline, 3 P.M. doily. 11 :00 AM. Saturday Phone NO 2-3241 Alterations, Dressmaking Expertly done. Reasonable. NO 3-2389. )Pi JOHN'S TAILOR SHOP "The Clothing Stores' Tailor" Alterations for Men and Women Pressing While You Walt 118, E. Washington NO 2-4617 (above Conlin & Wetherbee Clothing Store) )P6 TIM'S and Christines' Tailor Shop, formerly operated by Hector Philp. Alterations for men, women and chil- dren. New zippers and repairing. Open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. NO 3-6228. 2131 S. Main. Above drug store. )P5 CONVERT your double-breasted suit to a new single-breasted model. $15. Old style wide lapel single-breasted coat into a new style narrow lapel model. $11. Write to Ichaels Tailor- ing Co., 1425 Broadway, Detroit, Michigan, for free details or phone WO 3-5776, )P1 FOR RENT PERSONAL ROOMMATE WANTED to share apart- WOMEN-Are you going to use the ment. Would prefer someone 21 or Union front door? RC3 )F117 over. 512 W. Hoover, NO 3-6629. )C96 ROOMS 203, 204, 207, 2091,. 210, 211. 213 NICE ROOM. Single for working man have come to the aid of 215 to protect or student. NO 8-7'766. )C9' its righlts. }F116 ONE NICE ROOM for working man or THE OLD PHILOSOPHER . , .Love is student. Private home-quiet, large woman's eternal spring, and man's closet space, linen furnished. Phone eternal fall. }3~ NO 2-6540. )C98! CAMPUS CLOSEUP 3 ROOM APARTMENT. $69.20 a month.L Do You Know? Married students only. Kids welcome. Molly Brown.............NO 5-7711 Interracial, interreligious. Brandeis Roger Pascal ............NO 3-7541 Co-oo House, 803 E. Kingsley. NO 3- )F DA A 9137. )C95 LARGE double room. Two male stu- dents. Half block from campus. Cook- ing privileges. 417 E. Liberty. )C94 TWO furnished apartments-reasonable walking distance to campus. Call NO 3-4402. )92 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY There are available for immediate occupancy-Efficiency One and Two Bedroom Apartments at both Uni- versity Terrace and Northwood Apartments. To be eligible you must be a Married Student or full time Faculty Member who is not already assigned to either Univer- sity Terrace or Northwood Apart- ments. For information Please con- tact Mr. Melhuish, 1056 Administra- tion Bldg. or Call NO 3-1511 ext. 3311 or ext. 2914. )C91 ROOM FOR MALE-Large single room. carpeted, new bed, near all sports, across from Wines Field. Linen fur- nished. Room cleaned weekly. To rent immediately at $8.50. 402 Benjamin, NO 2-8372. )C90 BROOKSTDE and Pontiac 3 room apt. in new home. Separate entrance. Rea- sonable rent. Ideal for 1 or 2 grad. students. Girls only. Furnished. Avail- able at once. Call after 5 P.M. NO 8-8254. )C89 CAMPUS-1 BLOCK. Modern furnished apartments, 514 8. Forest. NO 2-1443. )c4 TRAILER SPACE AVAILABLE US-23 15 miles North of Ann Arbor. Large lots, reasonable rates, pleas- ant surroundings. STARLIGHT TRAILER COURT 10175 Bishop Rd. ACademy 7-7199 )C3 TRANSPORTATION Rent A Car 514 E. Washington St. NO 3-4158 Fords And Other Fine Cars Rented by Hour, Day, or Week WEEKEND SPECIAL RATE from Friday 5 P.M. till Monday 9 A.M. $10.00 plus $.08 per mile Gas, 01] and insurance included )I i WANTED RIDE-Mon. thru Fri.; must arrive Mich. Union 7:40 A.M. from North Campus. Call NO 3-3831, Eve. )G2 USED CARS WANTED We pay topdollars for good used cars. GENE'S AUTO SALES 544 Detroit St. NO 3-8141 )N2 1957 VOLVO SEDAN Radio and Heater Real Economy and Performance. Only $1595.00 OVERSEAS AUTO SALES 331 S. 4th Ave. NO 2-2541 )N28 '54 PORSCHE CONVERTIBLE In perfect shape. See and Drive This One. ONLY $1595.00 OVERSEAS AUTO SALES 331 S. 4th Ave . NO 2-2541 )N27 1950 PONTIAC Convertible, standard transmission, good motor. NO 3- 3082. )N26 WE BUY USED FOREIGN CARS We service all make foreign cars MICHIGAN EUROPEAN CAR CORP. 303 Ashley NO 5-5800 )N13 Read Daily Classifieds HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Pinky. Yum Yum Loves You. W112 MICHIGAN COMBO available for Christmas and New Year's parties in Detroit. NO 3-7756. )F1 DENTAL FRESHMEN: How about dat- ing me for the Psi Omega square dance Saturday? Bubbles )F113 WE CAN GET IT FOR YOU at whole- sale prices! Magazine subscriptions at low, low rates. Excellent gifts. Stu- dent Periodical. 2-3061. )F114 RUSSIA-3 week tour next summer. Call NO 3-3883 after 6.: )F56 GERMAN and FRENCH, Experienced European tutor. Special method for Graduate students. Call NO 3-2975. )F109 GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! Francis Lundin is handling the social activities of 100 Male Gradu- ate Students. Phone NO 2-4591. )F410 FOR SALE FOR SALE~-2-way wall speaker and portable 12" speaker. NO 3-6520. )B64 VOLKSWAGEN-Good condition, 1953. Call NO 2-0030 or NO 3-0913. )B63 MG 1952 dark green roadster, owner in service must sell now. Call NO 2-6713 after 6 P.M. )B62 '58 TRIUMPH. Radio and Heater. 11,000 mi. Excellent condition. Call HU 3-5861 after 7 P.M; Must sell before Nov. 15. )B61 1958 CHEVROLET Impala convertible, all white. W-3 engine, 4-barrel car- buerator, straight stick transmission. Call NO 3-5378 after 4 o'clock. )B59 1955 CREE MOBILE HOME on lot 8, Orchard Grove. Completely modern. Twin beds. Aluminum exterior, full awning over patio. Excellent condi- tion; immediate possession. Reason- able. Contact W. A. Earl, 1028 Ad ministration Bldg., U of M, ext. 2834. )B57 PIANOS- ORGANS Best offer Keyboard Service WURLITZER SOHMER 0 KIMBALL Dealer ANN ARBOR PIANO CO. 213 E. Washington, NO 3-3109 )B54 ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords - $7.25; socks 39c; shorts 69c; military sup- plies. Sam's Store. 122 E. Washington. )B2 PERSONNEL TECHNICIANS -- $4800 yearly during training period. To fill future vacancies in Lansing only. Must receive degree not later than March, 1959. Application must be submitted before November 19. Write for application for examination to ;Michigan Civil Service, Lansing 13. )H21 POSITION as Resident House Parents for older Grad. couple who will be in city for 2 or more years. Main- tenance and salary. Time for hus- band's graduate work. Call Mr. Clif- ton. NO 3-5011. )H16 Protect your car!! " Fall Changeover * Antifreeze Complete Tune-up Service Available 601 Packard WHITE'S AUTO PAINT SHOP Bumping and Painting 2007 South State NO 2-3350 )S4 C-TED STANDARD SERVICE Friendly service is our business, Atlas tires, batteries and acces- sories. Waranteed & guaranteed. See us for the best price on new & used tires. Road service -- mechanic on duty. "You expect more from Standard and you get itI" 1220 S. University at Forest NO 8-9168 )Sl JLASSIFI 1 aHOME. Y MOVIES finest family gift 'Of dhem all IA r p wo 10 ~ . ... The Ann Arbor Public Schools Adult Education Department Room Phones Free TV 2805 E. Michigan EU 2-2204 0J8 Enjoyable Series of Color Film-CLecures for 1958-59 Presented on Sunday Afternoons at 3 :00 by the Traveler-Producer IN PERSON am BROWNIE MoiteCAMERA KIT, f/2,3 Genuine Kodak movie kit at this low, low price! Great team for indoor-outdoor movie-making. This handsome- ly packaged outfit includes the deluxe-model Brownie Movie Camera with fast f/2.3 lens and the Brownie 2-Lamp Movie Light, complete with reflector flood lamps. Titler Board for easy home-movie title-making also included. All tar 32" I ONE-DAY SERVICE and COMPLETE SERVICE at SANFORDS ... Shoe Repairing Hiat Cleaning Tailoring Pressing Shone Shining 119 East Ann Street (opposite court house) NO 8-6966 )J32 Dec, 7 -PHIL WALKER, "Hong Kong, Bamboo Curtain Colony" Jan. 18-JULIAN GROMER, "The Mighty Amazon" Feb. 15-JOHN GODIDARD, "Jets, Missiles and Man-Made Moons" Shop for SEAFOOD SPECIALTIES, IMPORTED FOOD ITEMS. AND GOURMET SPECIALTIES Washington Fish Market 208 E. Washington NO 2-2589 )Jo 11 I The lions Club Offers You These Unequaled Services 1. Selection and Delivery of Reserved Seat Tickets at Your Home 2. Free Transportation To and From the Auditorium NOVEMBER 7-8 MEN'S WEEK END 1'd mA a -rr9-n ri~s r Descriptive Folders, Ticket Information I