0 Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNTVERSITY OF NIICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OP BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBuCATIONs STUDENT PUBLICATIONs BLDG. * ANN ARBor, MiCH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "Wnuu p1u11nII-Are Free Truth Wtll Preva.il" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: RALPH LANGER Columbia Raises Standards- Should the University Do the Same? THE NEWS that Columbia College may raise its entrance standards substantially in an effort to both provide a steady flow of top- quality students to the graduate schools and improve high school curricula leads to the con- sideration of the University's entrance stand- ards - should the University, like Columbia, seriously consider raising its entrance stand- ards? Columbia College figures that these increased entrance standards - especially if adopted by other schools - would force high schools, par- ents and students to work together to stiffen the high school program. For two reasons, University entrance re- quirements should not be raised. First, the University has an obligation to the people of the state to accomplish the edu- cational goals that the state gives them. There is no indication that the people of the state, speaking by themselves or through the Legis- lature, have much desire to substantially im- prove the quality of the education offered by the University in relation to other state schools, T HISIS NOT TO SAY, of course, that the University does not play any part in deter- mining its own future, or that it should not speak up for what it believes are its goals, but only that any action the University takes Urban Renewal] THERE'S A SONG that goes "as the days dwindle down to a precious few" and it describes the City's Urban Renewal program at the moment rather well. City Council has only until Dec. 15 to complete and submit their plans to Washington for approval. The' most obvious advantage of the program is that the City will receive nearly a million dollars in matching federal funds for renovation of the area. But the Implications of Urban Renewal and the opposition to it lie much deeper than this mercenary goal. In the main, it is a question of a community's attempt to improve itself and of the selfish interests tying to stop it. The Urban Renewal program, as nationally set up and enforced by federal requirements is such that almost no-one should be discomforted y the start of construction. As few as three of the 270-odd families in that area can stop the program if they are not adequately taken care, of. For an Urban Renewal plan to be approved by the federal authorities, it must first provide for transfer, temporarily or permanently, of all the families, whose houses are beyond repair, to new housing which is adequate and within the means of the family. In other words, no-one can be forced to take sub-standard housing or to live in a home they cannot afford. In addition, the displaced fami- lies will have the first chance to return to their old neighborhoods in the new houses built there and cannot be forced to pay exhorbitant prices for the homes. Yet it would seem that none of the people in the area are aware of this require- ment. [ should have at least the implicit approval of the people. Entrance requirements will go up if the people of the state show an unwillingness to provide the necessary financial support for ad- ditional facilities, but here it is the people's decision and not a unilateral action by the University. THE OTHER REASON is that the University may be able to raise state high school standards by other means.r The University and the high schools of the state have enjoyed close contact with each other for many years through the Bureau of School Service. The University is undoubtedly on much more familiar terms with high schools in the state than Columbia is with high schools in New York, and very possibly may be able to achieve through discussion and suggestion what Columbia would have to achieve by a form of coercion. For example, the Honors Council, in con- junction with the Bureau, recently named Prof. Frank Copley of the classical studies depart- mcnt to assist state high schools in planning college-level and other advanced programs on the high school level. It is this method, if car- ried out energetically, which offers the best answer for the problem of raising state high school requirements. -LANE VANDERSLICE )eserves Support PART OF THE blame lies in the city's han- dling of the situation. Efforts, but insuffi- cient ones, have been made to explain this. What is needed now is a more personal ap- proach to the people in the area. This has been neglected to a certain extent. Also, too many opportunities have been give to groups opposing the program. These groups are composed main- ly of people with merely selfish interests in opposing the plan. THE PROBLEM is that with the area zoned for local industry or local business, as it isI now, it has potential speculative value. There is the possibility that industry and business may turn from the present southerly trend of expansion and turn north towards the urban renewal area. The land then would be very valuable provided it remains zoned for business or -industrial uses. But it is impossible to build a wholesome residential neighborhood in a sector zoned for anything but residential. Who will invest in construction or renovation of a building which may have a dry-cleaning plant built next to it at any time? The sponsors of the urban reneWal plan can no longer hope to get acceptance of the program without more active campaigning on a house to house area. The need is here and the time is now. There is no excuse for Ann Arbor's losing this opportunity to convert a marginal section into a wholesome inviting part of the city. -PHILIP MUNCK "Never Min The Supply Ships -Get This One" m s Cb -- 0 A C E p7 C ,PcSALS FO'1 AT % AMP " .-1 . .. ....- a>,s~s r~ t+," ps-- ' r CAPITAL COMMENTARY: The Senat By WILLI I Rises Again AM S. WHITE IF THE TRUE center of power over American foreign policy is about to move from Foggy Bottom, the site of the State Department, to Capitol Hill. This coming shift is due pri- marily to basic and impersonal political realities. It is not much related to what some presume, rather too melodramatically, will be widespread Democratic bitter- ness over President Eisenhower's unconvincingly "tough" Republi- can talk in the recent Congres- sional campaign. The Democrats who will run the opposition show in the new Con- gress-Senator Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas and his Senate associates and Speaker Sam Rayburn of Texas in the House-will not be crushed at "What Eisenhower said." They will not lose an hour's sleep over the rhetoric of the campaign. And, almost certainly, there will be no reprisals in the field of foreign policy-though on domes- tic matters there will be another story entirely. Domestically, the Democrats will make much medi- cine for the Presidential election of 1960. * * * CONTROL of our world affairs- not in the operational sense but in the strategic sense-will largely and quickly pass from the Presi- dent and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles to Congress for these reasons: 1) The Eisenhower Administra- tion is on the last lap. The Presi- dent's never very strongly exer- cised ability to influence the Sen- ate will amount to little from here on out. 2> Most of Mr. Dulles' points of close contact with the Senate have been lost by circumstances, such as the decision of his closest Congressional friend, Senator H. Alexander Smith of New Jersey, not to seek re-election. The man who will now, in fact though not in form, succeed Sen. Smith as principal GOP spokesman on for- eign policy, Senator Bourke B. Hickenlooper of Iowa, is not not- ably a "Dulles man " 3) Regardless of the outcome of the Congressional elections, the Senate would have moved forward to reclaim its high mission in for- eign policy. If for no other reason it would have done so simply be- cause any weakening in the Execu- tive Department is invariably fol- lowed by a corresponding asser- tion of the historic claims of the Senate as an institution. * * ~ THUS IT MAY BE safely pre- dicted that beginning in January our policies abroad will be more nearly made "on the hill" than at any time since long before World War II. This, however, will not reflect any widened Congressional dislike of Secretary Dulles. Actually, he is more nearly pop- ular now than he was two years ago-again because of external circumstances. Though some Dem- ocrats did not like what he did in the dispatch of troops to the Middle East, they did like the fact that at last there was action in- stead of talk. If Mr. Dulles made them less than happy he also broadened the theretofore danger- ously thin respect in which he had been held. Again, the Dulles policy on For- mosa and the off-shore islands for a time angered many Democrats. Again, however, he so altered' his line at last as to go a long way toward a new China policy, which is not too far away from what AT HILL AUDITORIUM: Stern Presents Solid, the controlling Democrats and liberal Republicans had long hoped for. Ironically, what he did in the summer and fall-in facing -up to events that would not be talked away-strengthened him in the human sense, whether his actions were right or wrong. To say, how- ever, that he is more respected than he used to be is not at all to say he will be as influential as he used to be. * * * ON THE contrary, he will typify the declining power of the Admin- istration. The ascending forces over foreign policy will be ,made up of such as Senator Johnson and Senators J. William Fulbright of Arkansas and Mike Mansfield of Montana. Sen. Johnson, who for years has stayed in the background in this area, will be far more prominent in it now. Sen. Ful- bright, senior Democratic member of the Foreign Relations Com- mittee, will take on marked sta- ture. So will Mansfield, who, apart from membership on that com- mittee, is assistant Democratic leader of the Senate and thus a high member of the Johnson re- gency. All three of these new men of power are moderates, and two of them - Johnson and Fulbright - speak authentically for the South's traditional internationalism. This circumstance is immensely fortu- nate for the Eisenhower Adminis- tration and the Western world. For it means that the transfer of power over foreign policy will be bland and orderly - and expert. With a more partisan Democratic leadership it could have been very much otherwise. (Copyright, 1958, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) Satisfying Program ISAAC STERN'S performance last night was enjoyed by listeners of varying taste and musical sophistication for one basic reason-pro- gramming. Recent presentations of the University Musical Society have often been justly criticized for stodgy, lack-lustre programming, but Mr. Stern's recital, though lacking one outstanding and unusual work, displayed a well-balanced, thoughtful program of wide-spread appeal. The opening work, Beethoven's "Sonata in A major, No. 2, Op. 12" Is an early sonata exhibiting the typical influence of Mozart and Haydn. The cohesiveness displayed by Stern and his accompanist, Zakin, througout the sonata was particularly impressive during the unison andante movement. Most violinists and string fanatics were interested in the Bach "Sonata in G minor, No. 1V' for unaccompanied violin, as Bach consti- tutes the supreme test for the solo violinist. Stern's weaknesses and strong points were exposed in a performance that ranged from the inspired to the confused. yet was generally solid. THE ADAGIO introductory movement was perhaps inspired: the violinist never lost control of the incredibly difficult three- and four- note chords while maintaining and sustaining the long phrases. Stern is at his best in sustained legato passages such as this (even though many violinists do not attempt to sustain the chords of this movement and are content to chop their way through the notes). The incisive chordal statement of the fiendish Fugue was clearly articulated after the first entrance and certain intonation- difficulties only slightly marred it. The Siciliano, however, a deceptively apparent movement never achieved any direction and gave one an impression of confusion. This, however, may be an inherent quality of the movement as I have never heard a violinist solve its problems. Stern took the presto movement at a brilliant, somewhat uncomfortable pace. The highlight of the performance from all respects was certainly the performance of the "Sonata in F minor. Op. 80," by Prokofieff. The sombre tone of the major thematic material is particularly suited to Stern's naturally dark tone. * * * * THE LAST NUMBERS on both halves of the program are similar, despite their appearances. "Notturno et Tartantella" by the Twentieth Century Polish composer, Szymanowski, is an example of dying or dead impressionism, relying the same virtuoso tricks that were apparent in the work by Sarasate, "Caprice Basque," which closed the official program. Both works wer performed with flair, but betrayed some of Stern's technical weaknesses. Bloch's "Nigun" elicted the wish that someone would perform the other two portions of the "Baal Shem Suite" of which it forms the middle. The Kreisler "Siciliano and Rigaudon" is a charming encore. Stern and Zakin rewarded enthusiasts with three encores, concluding with an hilarious "Hora Staccato." -DANIEL WOLTEI To The Eto Because a few students hang an Al r * effigy, he condemns not only the To the Editor: whole student body, but The Daily DIG ... Once upon a time there and the alumni also. Sure, it is was a "Wary Night Watcher,' all The Daily's fault that Michi- (which as you all know is a bird gan has a "bad" football team, that goes about at night in a wary It might interest Mr. Mathes to way watching for unwary ones.) know that Michigan State, where This bird was making his wary athletics are supposed to be played way one night when he thought up, has won the same number of he saw something suspicious. He games as U. of M. He does not thought he saw several "Field seem to realize that the football Mice" put some gravy from the tear had some pretty bad breaks big Dinner into their bowls, (which this year with injuries and sus- wasn't proper) but they were so pended athletes. But according to sly he wasn't sure. So this bird Mr. Mathes because The Daily continued to watch but it was plays down athletics Michigan has very, very, difficult to see any- no spirit. It seems to me that by thing, because they only skimmed the very fact that effigies were off the gravy once every 7 days! hung means someone wants to Now, nobody missed the gravy see Michigan win. This morning I they took (since it probably would saw no effigies, but if this means be thrown away anyhow) but it that the students have adopted was the principle of the thing, an attitude of insouciance I think thought the "Wary Night Watch- I would rather see effigies hang- er," so he enlisted the help of ing from every building on campus some of his friends, who were than think Michigan had no spirit, "Flat-Footed Day Birds," to watch -G. Temurg warily in the daytime, which they did. Finally they did catch the Pen Pal unwary ones, and they were takenToh*ir to the One who knows justice in To the Editor: the Animal Kingdom, the "Be- MAY I INTRODUCE myself? whiskered Blind Bat." He said he was sure they were guilty of some- I am a Scot, (hometown - thing, but that he would have to Edinburgh) now a Civil Servant in look in the Book to find out what London. During the war I was a it was. And the Animal Kingdom radio operator in the British Mer- was shocked, from the "Deep- chant Navy and I visited America Chested Hatcher" to the "Soft- many times. I was always im- Voiced Bennie Bird." And the un- pressed by the kindness and hos- wary ones may be banished from pitality shown to the Britons like the Kingdom. The moral-"It is myself who were thrown up on better to have played and lost, your shores by the war. than never to have played at all." I now have a lot of spare time .. . gone. and so as a hobby, I have started --Larry I. Tate, '601 the Anglo-American Pen Club to enable young people in America and Britain to get to know each Spirit other better, exchange ideas, mag- azines, etc. To the Editor: I already have a long list of WAS READING a letter to the young Britons who are eager to editor in the November 1 Daily make pen friends in America but by one J. C. Mathes. I heartily my difficulty is putting them in disagree with a number of things touch with young Americans of he says. He says, "The Daily ought similar interests. I am, therefore, to take a positive attitude toward taking the liberty of writing to the athletic situation and appeal you in the hope that you will to the students and alumni to con- bring the Club to the attention of tain their disappointment and ex- your readers. press this energy in school spirit." I am sure you will agree that Michigan has spirit and it is only good can come from such a desperately to express this spirit! flow of correspondence across the If Mr. Mathes were sitting in the Atlantic and if any of your read- end-zone at the beginning of the ers are interested would you please third quarter, when Michigan tied advise them to write to: Iowa's score, he would have seen -MR. H. HENRY, spirit. The students did not just 38, Crawford Street, say, "Now isn't that jolly." LONDON. W.1. [DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 1 4 4 1 x,: JUST INQUIRING . by Michael Kraft The Heart of Organization ~\ R \3 n ALTHOUGH IT WAS after the election, the Detroit hotel room was still smoke filled. One or two cigar smokers quietly talked, their faces showing the professional calm developed during many political campaigns. Around them, it was noisy as only a hotel room can be after an election when filled with supporters of the winning candidate. Television sets blared returns and people shouted hellos while glasses tinkled among the chairs lined against the wall and in three of the room's corners. In the fourth corner stood Philip Hart, quietly talking to well wishers, both in person and on the phone, but still re- fusing to call himself Senator. It was nearly 3 a.m., the margin over Charles Potter had already reached 130,000 and Hart merely quipped that "you can't count the cash until the store closes." FINALLY, DUCKING the noise around him, he slipped into another room of the suite for a quiet chat about the campaign he had just finished. Editorial Staff RICHARD TAUB, Edtor MICHAEL KRAFT JOHN WEICHER Editorial Director City Editor DAVID TARR Associate Editor . . . The recession of course played a major role and was the subject of most of the voter interest, he acknowledged before adding that it was a "combination of events which created some concern that the Republican leadership wasn't as responsive and imaginative as we should have in these dramatic times." But he came back to the realities of the cam- paign when the subject of party organization was brought up. Hart had nothing but praise for Neil Staebler, Democratic State Chairman. "Staebler and the Democratic party organiza- tion did an extraordinary job," Hart said. THERE WAS NO disagreement among the group gathered in the hotel room. For in defeating Potter, the Democrats captured the last major Michigan office held by a Republi- can. Even in the traditional Republican strong- hold called the State Legislature, the GOP gave way, losing their majority in the House. Hart's supporters had special claim to joy. For the Republican organization, as feeble as it was, concentrated its efforts behind Potter. With Williams conceded victory by everyone but Bagwell, the bulk of the GOP campaign money and effort went to Potter. A call from a television station temporarily interrupted the conversation and in the tele- phone interview, Hart neatly dodged a question about Williams' showing. The governor was running behind most of the Democratic ticket and Hart said something to the effect that the sixth term victory will result in the people of America realizing Williams' greatness. LOOKING TOWARD 1960: Williams Restrained in Victory By BARTON HUTHWAITE Daily Staff Writer WHILE jubilant Democratic party workers wildly celebrated across the country early yesterday morning, cheers at the Governor's mansion in Lansing were reduced to reserved smiles. Paul D. Bagwell's bite into Gov. G. Mennen Williams' overwhelm- ing vote count of past years cut "Soapy's" chances for the 1960 Democratic Party presidential nomination. Gov. Williams' supporters had hoped for a demonstrationof the Governor's popularity in Michigan to carry with them to the na- tional convention. State Chairman Neil Staebler had predicted Wil- liams would sweep the state by 300,000 thus topping his 253,000 vote plurality in 1954 and 290,000 in 1956. But contrary to expectations. the Governor polled only 140,000 of his predicted margin. Wayne County, the Democratic fortress, cast 67.4 of its vote for Gov. Wil- liams compared to a high of 67.91 in 1954 and the turnout there was lower than expected. The Governor's popularity drop SEN. KENNEDY swept his east- ern state and won an unprece- dented number of votes. Although the Governor has refrained from committing himself on the 1960 nominations, Tuesday's vote will certainly affect his advisor's deci- sion whether to start the "Williams for President" machine into action. Democratic party leaders had another worry on their minds when the final vote counts from outstate began to pour in. Bagwell's relatively strong show- ing in Wayne County combined w ith the revival of Republican strength in the outstate precincts cast doubts about the Democratic Party's strength in the 1960 guber- natorial race. The ex-Michigan State Univer- sity professor's charges of an "anti-business" attitude in the Lansing capital have apparently not fallen on deaf ears. If Gov. Williams decides to shun a 'Togetheriess' STATE DEMOCRATIC Chairman Neil Staebler described yes- terday's Michigan election as "per- possible presidential nomination, Democratic party leaders are con- cerned about his chances for an unheard-of seventh term. Gov. Williams' ten years in the capital had probably lost some votes from citizens who fear there may be truth in GOP charges of a semi-dictatorship. The Republi- can "Time for a Change" slogan used in the state gubernatorial campaign also may have had an effect on the Governor's predicted sweep. If Gov. Williams fails to receive the Democratic presidential nomi- nation and decides once more to make gubernatorial history in the state, the GOP camp with Paul Bagwell in front will probably wage one of Michigan's fiercest battles to regain the Governor's chair. The Daily Official Bulletin is as official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should notifying them of appointments for this morning to confer with counsellors from their former schools are request- ed to be punctual to the appointments. man mens